• Les sunnites pro-régime continuent leur campagne contre l’ambassade américaine, persuadés que les Américains sont derrière les aspirations démocratiques de l’opposition chiite.

    On April 9, the daily Akhbar Al-Khalij reported: "The foreign minister has answered questions by MP Abdallah al-Dusari about the truth of an invitation extended by the US Embassy to Bahrainis to participate in its newly announced programme on political change, which is part of the Democratic Leaders Programme; about whether the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is aware of this, and whether it was informed by the embassy; about whether this act complies with diplomatic rules and norms; about the ministry’s action to prevent any suspicious attempts; and about whether any ambassador was ever previously warned or prevented from doing any activities other than his diplomatic duty.

    Qu’ils se rassurent dans le cas du Demcoratic Leaders Programme, le gouverneent semble avoir transmis les dossiers d’inscription aux ministères les plus acquis à la cause du régime actuel.

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent out the US Embassy’s memorandum to the Civil Service Bureau, which, in turn, referred it to the parties concerned. The Civil Service Bureau stated that the invitation was extended to the Ministry of State for Human Rights Affairs, Ministry of Social Development, and Bahrain Institute for Political Development.

    Pro-government Akhbar al khaleej