• Je me demandais s’il allait y avoir confirmation chez nous de la visite d’un officiel de la CIA en Ukraine. Rien hier soir en tout cas, juste le fait qu’il y a des pro-russes, contre des pro-européens, et que les derniers sont honnêtes quand les premiers sont manipulés.

      Bon. Rien de nouveau. N’empêche que des gens très bien chez nous prennent tout cela pour argent comptant, et les discussions avec eux sont difficiles...

      «“We don’t normally comment on the CIA director’s travel but given the extraordinary circumstances in this case and the false claims being leveled by the Russians at the CIA we can confirm that the director was in Kiev as part of a trip to Europe,” White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters. [...] “Senior level visits of intelligence officials are a standard means of fostering mutually beneficial security cooperation including U.S.-Russian intelligence collaboration going back to the beginnings of the post-Cold War era,” Carney said. “U.S. and Russian intelligence officials have met over the years. To imply that U.S. officials meeting with their counterparts is anything other than in the same spirit is absurd,” he said.»

      Le mot (“absurde”) a également arrêté Durden, qui développe trois paragraphes sur l’esprit de la chose. Là aussi, cela vaut citation...

      «You know what’s absurd? Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. Or YouTube clips “proving” an Assad chemical weapons attack... which was organized and executed by NATO member Turkey with the blessing of rht US. Or the same CIA director showing up in a Kiev hotel under a fake name. Or for Interfax to have more credibility than US media outlets.

      »You know what isn’t absurd? Speculation that just like the CIA organized the overthrow of the Yanukovich regime, which has been confirmed courtesy of the Russian secret services leaking Victoria Nuland’s very inconveient recording, so the recent escalation in east Ukraine is indeed the work of the CIA.

      »You know what won’t be absurd? If and when the Russians release another recording, this time of Brennan, proving that all the latest “Russian” propaganda is once again in fact, fact.»