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  • Minnesota renewable energy law overturned by North Dakota coal company lawsuit - World Socialist Web Site

    Minnesota renewable energy law overturned by North Dakota coal company lawsuit
    By Gabriel Black
    24 April 2014

    On Friday, a federal judge struck down the essential parts of Minnesota’s 2007 coal law, which effectively barred Minnesota from building new coal plants and importing new sources of coal-based electricity. The lawsuit, brought by a variety of powerful corporate energy groups, demonstrates the colossal power large corporations have over public policy.

    The 2007 Next Generation Energy Act was an attempt at phasing out CO2 emissions in Minnesota. The law allowed new coal plants to be built, but only if all of its emissions were offset in some way (e.g., through “carbon trading”). The law also prevented the state from forging new deals on the purchase of electricity that was generated by coal, threatening nearby coal industries.

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