
“You know what I did? I left troops to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil, they’re protecting the oil. I took over the oil.”

  • Sans limites : les civils palestiniens peuvent-ils « légalement et moralement » prétendre être des civils s’ils se contentent de… s’habiller en civils ?

    Thane Rosenbaum : Hamas’s Civilian Death Strategy (et, oui, ce genre de saloperie est publiée dans le Wall Street Journal)

    The asymmetry is complicated even further by the status of these civilians. Under such maddening circumstances, are the adults, in a legal and moral sense, actual civilians? To qualify as a civilian one has to do more than simply look the part. How you came to find yourself in such a vulnerable state matters. After all, when everyone is wearing casual street clothing, civilian status is shared widely.

    Conclusion : seuls les enfants tués qui avaient fait l’effort de dénoncer leurs parents membres du Hamas méritent notre sympathie.

    Surely there are civilians who have been killed in this conflict who have taken every step to distance themselves from this fast-moving war zone, and children whose parents are not card-carrying Hamas loyalists. These are the true innocents of Gaza. It is they for whom our sympathy should be reserved.

    Comme d’habitude avec ce genre, il y a là quelques arguments imparables. Par exemple :

    With the exception of kaffiyeh scarves, it isn’t possible to distinguish a Hamas militant from a noncombatant pharmacist.
