• 80% des antibiotiques consommés aux Etats-Unis le sont dans des usines à #viande
    What the #USDA Doesn’t Want You to Know About #Antibiotics and Factory Farms | Mother Jones

    le ministère de l’agriculture US #censure un rapport (une revue d’articles) d’une de ses chercheuses, qui montre un lien entre l’usage important des antibiotiques dans l’agriculture et l’#épidémie de staph doré résistant aux antibios… au passage ce chiffre : 80% des antibiotiques consommés aux Etats-Unis le sont dans des usines à #viande !

    Why is the USDA suppressing a review that assembles research from “reputed, scientific, peer-reviewed, and scholarly journals”?

    (...) Altogether, the US meat industry uses 29 million pounds of antibiotics every year. To put that number in perspective, consider that we humans in the United States—in all of our prescription fill-ups and hospital stays combined—use just over 7 million pounds per year. Thus the vast bulk of antibiotics consumed in this country, some 80 percent, goes to factory animal farms.

    For years, scientists have worried that the industry’s reliance on antibiotics was contributing to the growing problem of antibiotic resistance. The European Union took action to curtail routine antibiotic use on farms in 2006 (taking Sweden’s lead, which had banned the practice 20 years before).

    But here in the United States, the regulatory approach has been completely laissez-faire

    #santé #environnement