
“You know what I did? I left troops to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil, they’re protecting the oil. I took over the oil.”

  • Tu aimes troller dans les forums de l’internet ? Tu es capable de mentir sans jamais cligner des yeux ? Tu sais faire l’apologie de crimes de guerre en passant pour une victime ? Tu n’as pas peur des arguments racistes ? Envoie-nous ton CV !
    Job (San Francisco) : Write On For Israel Project Manager

    BlueStar is looking for someone who can create deep relationships with both adults and students, who can handle challenging environments and who can adapt to changing assignments.

    If you are someone who understands and enjoys teens and college students, is passionate about experiential education/travel, and can manage logistical/operations work, cares deeply about Israel and empowering the next generation of Israel leaders and advocates, we encourage you to apply.

    You will need the ability to oversee many moving pieces and work collaboratively with other staff, partners and clients. A comprehensive list of job responsibilities appears below: