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  • Le scandale du moment aux #États-Unis: après avoir expliqué que les #réductions_d_impôts de l’ère Bush étaient injustes et nuisaient à l’économie, Obama va les prolonger en ajoutant de nouvelles réductions. Mais cette fois, ça n’est plus injuste et nuisible: ça s’appelle un «stimulus».

    Tax Cut Deal Includes Monstrous Estate Tax, Dividend Concession | FDL News Desk

    “The $5 million, 35% estate tax is a crime. That’s LOWER than the lowest rate under the Bush estate tax, outside of 2010, when the estate tax disappeared. So Republicans get that restored at the lowest rate in history. Even in this weekend’s aborted tax bill in the Senate, Max Baucus included what has become the default Democratic policy, a return to 2009 rates, with a $3.5 million dollar exemption and a 45% rate. (Personally, I favor just returning to Clinton levels.)”

    Dans un billet plus récent:
    “Together, this gets you to close to $300 billion dollars in 2011-2012 stimulus, albeit focused about 80% on the tax side of things. A lot of the measures are anti-contractionary and not necessarily stimulative, as they extend current policy into 2011 (and for some policies, 2012). All of this is unpaid for.”

    Ça va, donc, il ne doit certainement plus y avoir de #déficit aux États-Unis...

    David Dayen pense (logiquement) que les Républicains vont profiter du poids supplémentaire que ces baisses d’impôts font peser sur le déficit pour imposer des coupes dans les dépenses.

    “Now he just made a deal to put another $300 billion on the credit card (actually more than that, as a baseline above current law), and somehow we think that Republicans won’t use the other looming fights – over the debt limit, over funding the government in 2011 – to cut spending and basically undermine this plan significantly?”

    Ce qui évidemment casserait définitivement toute velléité (s’il y en a...) politique de l’administration Obama.