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  • A DIY Data Manifesto | Webmonkey | Wired.com
    A DIY Data Manifesto
    * By Scott Gilbertson

    The word “server” is enough to send all but the hardiest nerds scurrying for cover.

    The word usually conjures images of vast, complex data farms, databases and massive infrastructures. True, servers are all those things — but at a more basic level, they’re just like your desktop PC.

    Running a server is no more difficult than starting Windows on your desktop. That’s the message Dave Winer, forefather of blogging and creator of RSS, is trying to get across with his EC2 for Poets project. The name comes from Amazon’s EC2 service and classes common in liberal arts colleges, like programming for poets or computer science for poets. The theme of such classes is that anyone — even a poet — can learn technology.
    la suite http://www.webmonkey.com/2011/02/take-back-the-tubes

    Winer wants to demystify the server. “Engineers sometimes mystify what they do, as a form of job security,” writes Winer, “I prefer to make light of it… it was easy for me, why shouldn’t it be easy for everyone?”
