• 18 months ago, TermKit, a next-generation terminal, was revealed to the world. It got 977 upvotes here and over 3,500 stars on GitHub. Yet the last activity was over a year ago. Is the project dead? Why? : programming

    Pourquoi le développeur de Termkit a arrêté son développement.

    Voir aussi : http://seenthis.net/messages/52219

    Finally, I was not a good enough JavaScript programmer to get it right the first time, and contrary to what I had hoped, not a single person approached me to talk about the code and architecture of what was actually built. Instead there was a lot of speculation and bitching about things TermKit definitely wasn’t, and hype about future development with no clear path to get there. In short, it pretty much destroyed what little faith I had in the power of collaborative open source development, since TermKit became (at the time) the 5th most watched project on GitHub and nothing useful came out of it that I hadn’t already thought of myself.

    That said, I never stopped thinking about it, did rearchitect it in my head, and continued to twiddle with it in my spare time, out of sight of the miserable old gits who call themselves technologists but are clearly just conservative old fucktards who like to crap on other people’s hard work (and/or like to stand by idly waiting for finished products to fall into their laps). I’m pretty sure none of them ever realized just how far this concept could go, and they hated it because they thought it was just an attempt at prettying up the terminal rather than actually melding modern interaction design with the technological underpinnings that can support them. They’re the same people who reduce Apple products to the specs on the side of the box, and never bothered to notice that the reason MacBooks dominate geek conferences is because they have features that actually make life easier

    #open-source #github #software #shell