El amargo sabor de la piña


  • #Costa_Rica: The bitter taste of pineapple | Social Watch

    Costa Rica has an outward image of sustainable country, committed to the environment; but the inner reality is very different.

    The tension between conservation and productive activities cause increasing social unrest because of land use. As an example of (un) fulfillment of the Millennium Development Goals we address the case of agroindustrial production of pineapple, which has been besieging communities and protected areas, and displacing traditional crops of nourishing importance.

    The technological package of agrochemicals used systematically is causing great concern, as it causes contamination of water sources. Between 2003 and 2009 there were more than 120 complaints against pineapple production before the Environmental Administrative Court and the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Telecommunications.

    Source: National Social Watch Report from Costa Rica (in Spanish)

    #agrobusiness #ananas