Mohammed Assaf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


  • Mohammed Assaf pour la finale d’Arab Idol

    La révolution Assaf | La mer blanche - البحر الأبيض

    Il est plus populaire que Mahmoud Abbas et que toute la classe dirigeante palestinienne réunie. Mohammed Assaf, 23, ans est LE phénomène du moment en Palestine. Avec sa gueule d’amour et sa voix d’ange, Mohammed est l’un des finalistes de la version orientale de la Nouvelle Star, Arab Idol. Depuis plusieurs semaines, il enflamme le jury de l’émission (tournée au Liban) et avec lui toute la Palestine. Chaque vendredi, en Cisjordanie et dans la Bande de Gaza, des centaines de personnes se réunissent pour écouter et regarder les prestations du jeune homme.

    • Mohammed Assaf a chanté Ally El-Kofiya

      Raise your Keffiyeh Raise it
      Sing the Ataba and Mijana and enjoy it

      Shake your shoulders tenderly
      Jafra, Ataba and Diheya

      And let guns contribute and make it more fun [interesting double meaning, the song so far has been describing a wedding where people are singing the ataba and mijana and doing dabka, traditionally those were always accompanied by shooting guns in the air]

      Raise the flag in Ramallah and Mountains of fire [Nablus’s nick name]
      your proud head band is a symbol of grit and determination [Keffiyeh as a head dress was traditionally associated with head bands 3qal]
      The first bullet tells the story of the journey
      When the time comes, we make what’s up go down [rearranging an old Palestinian proverb]

      Raise your Keffiyeh Raise it
      Sing the Ataba and Mijana and enjoy it

      We grew figs and olives in the orchard
      We brought the wheat seeds and the lemon trees

      When you call my country .. we will be ready
      Lighting the victory paths in the battle day

      Raise your Keffiyeh Raise it
      Sing the Ataba and Mijana and enjoy it

    • Palestine : la finale de l’émission de télévision Arab Idol par Emilie Baujard

      Ce jeune chanteur s’appelle Mohammed Assaf et il est devenu, en quelques semaines, l’idole de toute une population, d’autant que le jeune homme a faillit ne jamais pouvoir participer à l’émission. Une ferveur qui intéresse tout particulièrement la classe politique.

    • Mohammed Assaf

      He was born in Misrata, Libya to Palestinian parents from Gaza Strip, Palestine. Assaf and his parents returned to the refugee camp at Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip when he was four years old.[2] He is one of seven siblings, three of whom, including Assaf, have been involved in performing live music. Assaf’s mother Intisar, a mathematics teacher, has stated that Assaf began singing at the age of five and “had a voice of someone who was much, much older.”[4] Assaf did not have professional training as a singer, he started his career singing at weddings and other private events.[5] He entered the public view in 2000 during a popular local televison program where he called in and sung a nationalist song to the host’s praise. Afterward, he was frequently offered contracts with local record companies.[4]

      Before his role on the television show he was attending Gaza City’s Palestine University majoring in media.[4]

      via le commentaire de Deïr Yassin sur

  • Israël soutient Assaf [candidat venant de Gaza] dans [l’émission] Arab Idol pour ennuyer le Hamas.
    إسرائيل تدعم عساف في « أراب إيدول » نكاية بحماس

    إسرائيل تدعم عساف في “أراب إيدول” نكاية بحماس

    C’est apparemment une déclaration du porte-parole de l’armée ! La musique adoucirait-elle les moeurs des militaires israéliens ? Pas vraiment en fait, il s’agit d’instrumentaliser la pop culture à des fins politiques pour « faire la nique » aux barbus de Gaza.

    • En même temps, l’histoire qui circule autour d’Assaf (et qui plait bien), c’est qu’il est arrivé en retard à son inscription, à cause des restrictions imposées par les Israéliens.

      Mohammad Assaf travelled from Palestine to Egypt to audition for Arab Idol it took him two days to reach Egypt by car due to complications on the border.[citation needed] He faced difficulties reaching Egypt.[citation needed] At the beginning, he had to bribe the Israeli security at the border crossing to leave Gaza.[citation needed] Once he reached the hotel where the auditions were taking place, the doors were closed in which they did not accept anymore auditions so he jumped over the wall. After he jumped over the wall, the Egyptian police stopped him and he sang for them and they made him go through. Although he couldn’t get a number to audition, he sat hopelessly in the hall where other contestants who were waiting for their turn. He started singing to the contestants, and a Palestinian contestant who was waiting to audition heard him and gave him his number saying, “I know I won’t reach the finals but you will”. This story was told by his parents during an interview on Palestinian TV channel “Zamanpress” (Old Press).

    • Ouais, et la suite de ce joli « narrative », c’est qu’il s’est mis à chanter dans le hall de la TV en question et qu’il a été repéré par sa belle voix et repêché de justesse ! Ca me tire des larmes des yeux !

    • محمد عساف يرفض مديح الناطق باسم الاحتلال ويرد : صفحتكم بغيضة والرائع هو إنهاء الاحتلال
      Le jeune Assaf répond aux louanges du « porte-parole de l’occupation » (israélienne) : « ce qui serait magnfique, ce serait la fin de l’occupation ! »