How a 30-year-old lawyer exposed NSA mass surveillance of Americans—in 1975


  • How a 30-year-old lawyer exposed NSA mass surveillance of Americans—in 1975

    US intelligence agencies have sprung so many leaks over the last few years—black sites, rendition, drone strikes, secret fiber taps, dragnet phone record surveillance, Internet metadata collection, PRISM, etc, etc—that it can be difficult to remember just how truly difficult operations like the NSA have been to penetrate historically. Critics today charge that the US surveillance state has become a self-perpetuating, insular leviathan that essentially makes its own rules under minimal oversight. Back in 1975, however, the situation was likely even worse. The NSA literally “never before had an oversight relationship with the Congress.” Creating that relationship fell to an unlikely man: 30 year old lawyer L. Britt Snider, who knew almost nothing about foreign intelligence.


    • Et moi qui croyait avoir lu dans la presse que la surveillance systématique d’internet pour quiconque en trouvait le moyen technique avait existé de toute éternité.

      Sans même parler d’Echelon, qui remonte quand même à il y a quinze ans de cela, d’où selon vous pouvait provenir le m1X3D cAZe L33t SpE4k des à-coeur ?

      Mais peut-être voulez-vous dire que ceux qui prétendaient aider le peuple à s’émanciper grâce à internet n’étaient pas conscients de les livrer pieds et poings aux chiens de garde du Capital ? Vraiment ?