African Land, Up For Grabs


  • African Land, Up For Grabs | World Policy Institute

    These deals are part of a land grab taking place all across Africa, a transfer of control unprecedented in the post-colonial era. According to a World Bank report released in January, 48 percent of all land deals struck worldwide between October 2008 and August 2009 involved land in sub-Saharan African countries.

    The pace of acquisitions has been stunning. September, a World Bank report revealed that in 2009, some 111 million acres of farmland was acquired globally by foreign investors—nearly 75 percent of it in sub-Saharan Africa. Prior to 2008, foreign investors only acquired an average of 10 million acres per year.


    Large land acquisitions of this kind often depend upon the massive displacement of rural populations. Last year, the Ethiopian government relocated 150,000 inhabitants of the country’s eastern Somali region. Plans calls for the relocation of more than 100,000 households in the next year, including 45,000 in the Gambella region alone, as part of the government’s Villigization Program Action Plan. The government claims those relocated will benefit from access to arable land in areas where schools, roads, and basic infrastructure are to be built.

    Un article de référence, expliquant clairement les tenants et aboutissants des achats de terres agricoles en Afrique. Le grand scandale silencieux du moment.
