EUhackathon 2013 |


  • EUHackathon Challenge 2013 : Visualizing the government surveillance

    EUhackathon winners of the Hack4yourRights challenge on government surveillance receive 5000 Euro at the European Parliament, with the participation of Vice-President Reding
    After 30 hours of intense coding with only a 4-hour break, it was time for our 28 coders of 13 nationalities to hear from the jury who had won the first prize for the challenge they had taken on only one day before, namely creating tools to visualize government surveillance activities and hence increase awareness and transparency. This was done in the European Parliament – prizes being notably handed over by Vice-President Viviane Reding, MEP Sabine Verheyen, and MEP Petru Luhan.

    Les 14 projets sont consultables chez
    Et le gagnant est…
    BigSis : Privacy Ranking, des néerlandais de Frontwise, pour surveiller BigBro, une extension pour Chrome

    Which governments are watching you? This Chrome plugin visualizes your exposure to webservices while you’re browsing the internet. It displays with which governments this data can be shared, and if you need to be worried about it regarding the government reputation on previous requests and human rights.
    Install it in your browser to see how your favorite websites perform and see for yourself which data is shared to governments around the world

    Une vidéo de démo

    (via @reka…)