Leaked Document Shows Massive New Tear Gas Shipment Planned for Bahrain | Bahrain Watch


  • Bahraïn : Un document atteste de nouvelles commandes de gaz lacrymogènes alors que les révoltes sont durement réprimées - Bahraïn Watch

    Leaked Document Shows Massive New Tear Gas Shipment Planned for Bahrain | Bahrain Watch - Blog


    Il y aurait plus d’armes que de citoyens.

    Bahrain’s Ministry of Interior is planning to import 1.6 million tear gas canisters and 90,000 tear gas grenades, according to a leaked document, published today by research and advocacy group Bahrain Watch. The document — apparently a tender issued by the Ministry of Interior’s Purchasing Directorate — shows that Bahrain’s security forces are stockpiling massive amounts of tear gas, despite serious concerns of international NGOs and the United Nations Human Rights Council. These groups have called Bahrain’s use of tear gas “unnecessary and indiscriminate”, and “lethal”. This planned new shipment will supply Bahrain with more tear gas canisters than the entire population of the country.

    Since 2011, tear gas in Bahrain :

    has reportedly caused 39 deaths, according to Physicians for Human Rights, both from direct canister hits, and exposure to the gas. Victims include men, women, children, elderly, and the disabled
    may be responsible for an increase in miscarriages, sickle cell disease deaths, blindness, and serious respiratory illnesses due to its use in enclosed residential areas
    has been used as a form of collective punishment of entire villages through the indiscriminate and unnecessary targeting of the general public in residential areas
    has been fired recklessly into homes, mosques, places of worship, vehicles and even football pitches.

    Pour approfondir le sujet, sur Orient XXI :
    Impasse politique au Bahreïn, par Mansour Al-Jamri
