Professor Uyar : EU leads transition to renewable energy, Turkey lags far behind


  • Professor Uyar: EU leads transition to renewable energy, Turkey lags far behind

    Intéressante interview sur la perception de la transition énergétique par un prof-ingénieur turc. Volonté de mener une révolution technologique basée à 100% sur les ENR (et la question du stockage?), stopper l’exportation volontaire des technologies obsolètes de l’UE en Turquie (curieux !!).

    You have indicated on several occasions that EU countries are trying to export obsolete technologies to Turkey and other countries. Would you elaborate on this idea?

    I believe that the European countries deliberating together and shaping the future of Europe should not export the obsolete technologies, which are not used or marketed any more in Europe, to other countries in or outside Europe. In other words, they should try to handle and decommission such technologies with their own resources. Today we are facing a renewable energy revolution all over the world, the countries that are investing in polluting and obsolete technologies are going to suffer in the future from external costs such as forest and agricultural damage and increases in cancer deaths.

    Could you expand on how can local elections can be used in this regard?

    Each city should have a plan for using 100 percent renewable energy. There are about 300 cities all over the world producing 100 percent of their energy needs from renewable energy. Election candidates should explain their plans for the de-carbonization of their cities. They should plan how to reduce cancer deaths from air pollution in their cities. They should have a plan on how to inform citizens about the EU standards and how to reach these standards as fast as possible.

    #transition énergétique