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  • #Fashion ethics after the #Rana_Plaza factory collapse
    The challenge

    2013 saw the deadliest garment factory accident in history, with 1,299 workers being crushed to death in an 8 story building in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. Benetton, Matalan, Bon Marche and Primark branded clothing were found in the rubble. Dozens of brands quickly signed a binding agreement to improve factory safety in Bangladesh, and a small number offered compensation to the victims and their families. Some fashion commentators see this factory collapse as an important turning-point in the development of ethical fashion.

    By examining this collapse and its aftermaths, this challenge will encourage students to consider what it takes for an industry to become more ‘ethical’, who the stakeholders need to be, how they can and should work together, how their ethics are defined and monitored, how differences can be overcome, and how geographically widespread ethical fashion can become.

    Soon we will announce the line-up of key actors who will be visiting us in June, to tell us about their work, and answer our questions about the future of ethical fashion.


    #mode #habits #vêtements #éthique #textile