’What I Be’ Project Reveals People’s Darkest Insecurities In Stunning Photos


  • Photographies, label et stéréotypes

    Pour une fois ne pas parler du boulot, tout en restant sur le thème des #stéréotypes

    Deux liens vers des projets où se rencontrent la #photographie et les #mots. Assez émouvants comme résultats, je trouve…

    – ’What I Be’ Project Reveals People’s Darkest Insecurities In Stunning Photos (HuffingtonPost)

    Photographer Steve Rosenfield recently asked subjects far and wide to complete the following statement: “I am not my _” He prompted individuals to fill in the blank with their deepest and darkest insecurities, moving people to bring issues regarding body image, substance abuse, mental illness, race and sexuality to the forefront.
    The results of the social experiment of sorts is a photography series titled the “What I Be Project,” an intimate examination of the anxieties and inhibitions that plague men and women of all ages. Rosenfield posed his volunteers in simple positions, adorning the subjects with bold black phrases of their choosing, written on their arms, chests and faces.

    – Stunning Nude Photos Explore The True Power Of Stereotypes And Labels [NSFW] (HuffingtonPost)

    What defines you? The loving words bestowed upon you by your loved ones — such as strong, kind, or beautiful; mother, inspiration or fighter? Or the slurs cast upon you by strangers or acquaintances — like stupid, fat or annoying; failure, bitch or fuck-up?
    Photographer Lauren Renner explores the many ways we are defined by labels, from the mouths of others as well as ourselves, in a stunning series entitled “In Others’ Words.”
