Ebola - und die Suche nach dem Sündenbock


  • ’God Is Angry with Liberia’ | The Liberian Observer

    More than 100 Bishops, Pastors, General Overseers, Prophets, Evangelists and other Ministers of the Gospel, under the auspices of the Liberia Council of Churches (LCC), converged Wednesday at the edifice of the St. Stephen Episcopal Church on 10th Street in Sinkor, Monrovia, to deliberate on the Church’s role in and response to the Ebola epidemic.

    The men of God, meanstream Episcopalians and non-denominational evangelicals alike, unanimously endorsed the following resolution:

    That God is angry with Liberia, and that Ebola is a plague. Liberians have to pray and seek God’s forgiveness over the corruption and immoral acts (such as homosexualism, etc.) that continue to penetrate our society. As Christians, we must repent and seek God’s forgiveness.

    That a three-day indoor fast and prayer across the nation be observed, commencing next Wednesday, August 6th, and concluding Friday, August 8th.

    That an inter-denominational committee be constituted to present said resolution to government.

    That if government is in agreement, the Republic of Liberia be locked up for three days of fast and prayer. All movement should be restricted during those three days. People should stay at home for three days of silence, fasting and prayer.

    Je trouve cette proposition très élégante. Pas besoin de dépenses pour la recherche pharmaceutique, pas besoin de se soucier des règles de l’hygiène, trois journées de jeûne et le tour est joué. On pourrait éventuellement sacrifier l’homo du voisinage, mais les résultats ne sont pas garantis, alors on le laisse tranquille. Demain je commencerai à prier également pour que le ciel me donne du beau temps pendant le reste des vacances :-)

    source : Ebola - und die Suche nach dem Sündenbock http://m.heise.de/tp/artikel/42/42496/1.html

    #afrique #ebola #religion