Data Science Toolbox

  • Data Science Toolbox

    The Data Science Toolbox is a virtual environment based on Ubuntu Linux that is specifically suited for doing data science. Its purpose is to get you started in a matter of minutes. You can run the Data Science Toolbox either locally (using #virtualbox and Vagrant) or in the cloud (using Amazon Web Services).

    We aim to offer a virtual environment that contains the software that is most commonly used for data science while keeping it as lean as possible. After a fresh install, the Data Science Toolbox contains the following software:

    Python, with the following packages: IPython Notebook, #NumPy, SciPy, #matplotlib, pandas, scikit-learn, and SymPy.

    #R, with the following packages: #ggplot2, plyr, dplyr, lubridate, zoo, forecast, and sqldf.

    dst, a command-line tool for installing (...)