
    • Sept personnes appartenant à une mission d’information et de prévention contre le virus Ebola ont été tuées dans le village de Womé, dans le sud de la Guinée, a annoncé le gouvernement, jeudi 18 septembre. Elles avaient disparu, mardi, après des heurts survenus lors d’une campagne de sensibilisation au virus qui avait fait 21 blessés.

      La délégation avait été accueillie « à coups de pierres et de bâtons », avait raconté un de ses membres. « Les manifestants soupçonnaient l’équipe d’être venue les tuer parce que, selon eux, Ebola n’est qu’une invention des Blancs pour tuer les Noirs » , a-t-il poursuivi.


      (...) La lutte contre Ebola s’était déjà heurtée à des réactions de déni, parfois violentes, des populations, mais c’est la première fois qu’elles aboutissent à des morts.

    • Throats slit : Ebola health team, journalists brutally killed in Guinea — RT News

      The bodies of eight people – including three journalists – were found in Guinea after an Ebola health team came under attack two days ago, officials said. Meanwhile, the UN plans to deploy a special mission to fight the virus in the worst-hit countries.

      The group, which included three doctors and three journalists, is said to have been attacked near Nzerekore, a city near Guinea’s southern tip. With the Ebola death toll now topping 2,600, the team was sent to the area to help raise awareness about the virus. They had been missing since Tuesday.

      The six were found dead on Thursday. The identities of the other two bodies are currently unknown.

      Government spokesman Damantang Albert Camara told Reuters that the workers and journalists were brutally beaten to death.

      The eight bodies were found in the village latrine. Three of them had their throats slit,” he said.

      Earlier this week, the team members met with locals. A resident named Yves told the Guardian that there were no problems until after that assembly took place.

      The meeting started off well; the traditional chiefs welcomed the delegation with 10 kola nuts as a traditional greeting,” Yves said. “It was afterwards that some youths came out and started stoning them. They dragged some of them away, and damaged their vehicles.

    • Juste au sud, au Libéria, inauguration de centres de quarantaine offerts par Arcelor Mittal.

      Liberia: ArcelorMittal constructs Ebola Holding Center - Africa - News - StarAfrica.com

      World steel giant, Arcelor Mittal has constructed a 22-bed Ebola Holding Center to attend to suspected cases of the disease in Ganta, Nimba County in northeastern Liberia.ArcelorMittal which operates in the county constructed the $45,000 facility upon request by its citizens after a surge in Ebola cases in that part of the country.
      At the same time, ArcelorMittal is also said to be constructing another Ebola Holding Center in Sanniquellie, Nimba County.

      The facility will be managed by the Ministry of Health, UNICEF and WHO, according to media reports.

    • À Ganta, toujours, la tension monte et les moyens sont quasi inexistants.

      Ebola Kills 10 in 48hrs in Ganta | The Liberian Observer

      The Ebola virus has exploded in Ganta again leading to the death of at least 10 persons within 48 hours. This has exacerbated the existing fear already in the Nimba County city, which used to be bustling before the outbreak.
      This wave of death is one of the heaviest in Ganta since the outbreak of Ebola began raging across Liberia.
      Early Wednesday morning some residents gathered at the Ganta City Mayor Office demanding the removal of dead bodies from their community.
      Some of the bodies are yet to be buried owing to the lack of vehicle to remove them. Some of the bodies had spent days in the community, creating anger in the citizens and sparking up their assembly at the city office for a quick response.
      The Ganta Ebola Task Force has repeatedly been accused of responding slowly when it is called. There are reports that Ganta is an epicenter of the fight against the Ebola Virus Disease in Nimba.
      The Ganta Task Force which is coordinating relief effort by reaching out to the sick and those under quarantine is said to have run out of cash and basic supplies, because citizens are no longer donating as it used to be in July to August.
      Rev. Eleazar Gbengar, spokesperson for the Task Force said, “The community preferred reaching out to the sick themselves so they can be known instead of passing through the Task Force, and so we can’t do anything.
      This county has two second handed ambulances and are presently in one garage in Yekapa, how can we respond quickly to pick the sick,”: said a health practitioner who doesn’t want to be named.

    • La Guinée, ça craint depuis un moment, et pas que depuis Ebola. Il faut savoir que le pays est riche en bauxite et est donc très fermement exploité par Américains, Canadiens et Belges, avec la bénédiction d’un gouvernement grassement rémunéré pour cela. Bien sûr, le peuple voit que dalle de la fortune de ses matières premières, comme d’hab’. Les infrastructures sont inexistantes, sauf pour les besoins de exploiteurs du nord. Conakri, mise à part les quartiers des riches, ressemble à un bidonville où l’électricité et la flotte marchent quand elles veulent. Quant à la santé, c’est terrible.
      Mon beau-père y a été toubib quelques années dans l’hôpital ultramoderne pour les expat’ de Kamsar, le coin où l’on exploite la bauxite. L’hôpital, aux normes occidentales, accueillait aussi les malades de la brousse... au tarif occidental.
      Autrement dit, il ne voyait que les cas super graves où le village décidait de se cotiser pour faire soigner la personne : de la médecine de guerre, nous a-t-il raconté. Là-bas, très grosse mortalité périnatale et infantile (indicateurs de système de soin inexistant). Les gens meurent jeunes de maladies très soignables. Et la corruption est tellement installée, la misère tellement endémique, que quand tu tentes d’ouvrir une unité de soin avec des locaux, tu retrouves le matos et les médicaments le lendemain au marché.
      Les gens tentent juste de survivre, alors qu’on extrait de leur pays largement de quoi pourvoir aux besoins de la population.

      Alors bien, sûr, quel terrain de jeu formidable pour Ebola !