• CSS :has() Interactive Guide

    On peut faire des trucs sympas avec :has(), exemples :

    With CSS :has(), we can replicate the logical operators like ”&&” and ”||“

    /* OR */
    .shelf:has(.bookPurple, .bookYellow) {
     outline: dashed 2px deeppink;

    /* AND */
    .shelf:has(.bookPurple):has(.bookYellow) {
     outline: dashed 2px deeppink;

    In this example, I want to show an additional visual clue if the page has an alert.

    .main:has(.alert) .header {
       inset 0 2px 0 0 red,
       0 3px 10px 0 rgba(#000, 0.1);
     background-color: #fff4f4;

    Et plein d’autres trucs comme “Quantity queries with CSS :has” , “We can select an element if it’s followed by another.”, “For example, if the user selects “other”, we want to show input to let them fill in more info.” qui pourrait être utile à saisies de #SPIP et son afficher_si, etc.

    • Alors j’aime beucoup :has. Mais j’y vais tout de même mollo : on se retrouve rapidement avec des CSS avec une structure imbitable. Surtout si en plus on utilise des CSS imbriqués (puisque la logique du :has contredit la stricte lecture descendante des CSS imbriqués).

    • Pour l’aspect rapidement illisible, ça vient aussi du fait qu’on utilise :has pour faire des choses qu’on ne peut pas faire autrement. Et par exemple sur un truc que je fais en ce moment, je me retrouve à faire des choses comme ceci :

      #timeline:not(:has(li:nth-child(6))) li:nth-child(1)::before { … }

      Si c’était pour un site Web, dont on sait qu’il faudra le maintenir et le faire évoluer, je pense que j’éviterais. Et même dans ce cas, sur l’ensemble de ce développement, je n’ai que deux utilisations un peu lourdingues de :has, j’essaie de rester plus simple.

  • [Indiedrome] Indiedrome du 26/3/2024

    Andrea Burelli: Fiori Strappati « Sonic Mystics for Poems » (Self-Released)

    Filax_Staël: Radio_edit_6-7m « Traces » (Rev Lab)

    Lukas König: W*rat*h (feat. Elvin Brandhi) « Above Minus Underground » (Ventil)

    Reverse Image: Absent Elegy « The Silence that does not Exist » (Khatulistwa)

    #000000 (Marc Cate): 15 #040505 « >#000000 » (tUMULt)

    #000000 (Marc Cate): 07 #010A0F « >#000000 » (tUMULt)

    Richard Lainhart: Live @ Silent Barn (February 18, 2011) « Modulisme Session 101 » (Modulisme)

    Jos Smolders: Permutation B_CD « Textuur 3 - Register » (Cronica)


  • The Complex But Awesome CSS border-image Property

    #css #border-image

    Did you know border-image property was such a powerful — and flexible — CSS property? Despite the challenge it takes to understand the syntax, there are ways to keep the code clean and simple. Plus, there is often more than one “right” way to get the same result. It’s a complicated and robust CSS feature.

    via la-grange.net

  • Crise climatique : on a épluché les programmes des candidats à la présidentielle pour voir s’ils respectent l’accord de Paris




    Analyse d’après le Shift Project (Jancovici ’n co) des mesures indiquées dans les programmes des candidat·es à la présidence française par rapport aux objectifs climatiques.

    Sans vraiment grande surprise, 2 programmes se distinguent (Les Verts et La France insoumise).


    • Dans Le Monde


      Aucun candidat à l’élection présidentielle ne propose une « stratégie à la hauteur du danger de la crise climatique » et des risques qui pèsent sur nos approvisionnements en énergie.

      C’est la sévère conclusion tirée par le groupe de réflexion The Shift Project, publiée lundi 28 mars, qui estime qu’aucun prétendant à la fonction suprême n’expose une « approche systémique », articulée, précise et chiffrée, nécessaire à la transition écologique et énergétique.

      Le think tank reconnaît toutefois que Yannick Jadot (Europe Ecologie-Les Verts), Jean-Luc Mélenchon (La France insoumise) et Valérie Pécresse (Les Républicains) présentent un projet plus étoffé et cohérent que les autres.

      Plus détaillé certes pour Mme Pécresse, mais jugé dans l’analyse France Info « Très éloignée » des objectifs climatiques… https://www.francetvinfo.fr/elections/programmes-election-presidentielle-2022/presidentielle-le-programme-de-valerie-pecresse-est-il-dans-les-clous-d

    • Tiens d’ailleurs ça embed pas les images de chez france info ?

      Vi, je découvre qu’ils ont le bon goût d’envoyer à SPIP la page html qui suit à la place de l’image :

      <!doctype html>
      <html class="no-js" lang="fr">
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge">
      <title>france.tv - Page d'erreur</title>
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      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
              html {
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                      text-align: center;
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              strong {
                      font: bold 30px/33px Arial,serif;

              em {
                      font: 20px/23px Arial,serif;
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      <div class="container">
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  • [Fade to Pleasure ] #66.2 feat. #just_mat

    A quixotic blend of body-moving beats and inextrospective childhood idiosyncratic #deep sounds that garnered numerous critical accolades composed by our #nightflight recordings headliner : Just Mat


    Played :

    Bufiman –hoolock rock

    Forme- morfe

    Move D – Taps aff for Glasgow

    Kirk degiorgio - alcyone

    Aubrey – lonely dreamer

    Bassa clan - caroline

    Steven tang – mystic ritual

    Steve o’sullivan – never back

    Martin buttrich – northeast


    Schatrax - folkdance

    Cinthie – infinity

    FSK24 – blue valley

    p margin-bottom: 0.1in; direction: ltr; color: #000000; line-height: 115%; text-align: left; orphans: 2; widows: 2 p.western font-family: “Calibri”, serif; font-size: 11pt; so-language: fr-BE p.cjk font-family: “Calibri”; font-size: 11pt; so-language: en-US (...)

    #house #ftp #house,deep,ftp,nightflight,just_mat

  • iWantHue

    i want hue

    Colors for data scientists. Generate and refine palettes of optimally distinct colors.




    Colorgorical was built by Connor Gramazio with advisement from David Laidlaw and Karen Schloss.


    Happy Hues - Curated colors in context.

    Curated colors in context.

    Not sure what colors to use in your designs or where to use them? Happy Colors is a color palette inspiration site that acts as a real world example as to how the colors could be used in your design projects.


    Viz Palette

    Colors in Action

    Background color: ⬤ #ffffff

    Font color: ⬤ #000000


  • Wusstet ihr, dass 12.000 PalästinenserInnen auf der Seite der Brite...

    Wusstet ihr, dass 12.000 PalästinenserInnen auf der Seite der Briten zusammen mit Jüdinnen und Juden gegen den deutschen Faschismus gekämpft haben? …


    #000 #auf #briten #deutschen #faschismus #gegen #gekämpft #ihr #juden #jüdinnen #palästinenserinnen #wusstet #zusammen

    • <meta name="application-name" content="Flip-Zone"/>
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  • Le Liban touché par la crise syrienne - Google Maps

    Les incidents sécuritaires se sont multipliés au Liban ces dernières semaines, parallèlement à l’implication de plus en plus importante du Hezbollah dans les combats en Syrie.

    Lorientlejour.com a dressé une carte des incidents les plus graves qui ont touché le Liban entre le 26 mai et le 12 juin.

    <iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src='https://seenthis.net/https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=216972326294887998387.0004decbbab95a4064e5a&msa=0&ie=UTF8&t=m&source=embed&ll=33.783713,36.282349&spn=2.657049,4.938354&output=embed">iframe> /><small>View <a href="https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=216972326294887998387.0004decbbab95a4064e5a&msa=0&ie=UT" style="color:#0000FF ;text-align:left">Le Liban touché par la crise syrienne</a> in a larger map</small>
    On ne peut pas afficher des googlemap dans @seenthis ?
    La légende pour les réfugiés est des plus curieuses mais c’est une bonne idée de recenser les lieux d’impact des bombardements au Liban


    <p style="text-align: justify;">Contending that Howard Rice’s Jerome Falk, acting as Special Prosecutor on behalf of the State Bar of California, repeatedly sought to subvert justice by failing to disclose that those he was suppose to prosecute (Thomas Girardi of Girardi & Keese and Walter Lack of Engstrom Lipscomb & Lack) were actually his and his firm’s clients, sources familiar with the situation claim plans are underway to seek the disbarment of Girardi, Lack and Falk.<br /><br />In a letter to Jerome Falk and the Board of Governors of the State Bar of California, complainant minced no words in accusing Falk (as well as Girardi and Lack) of egregious misconduct.</p>
    <p style="text-align: justify;">As a service to the community, we shall publish* the communication, below:</p>
    <p style="text-align: justify;">Dear Mr. Falk:<br /> <br /> This will serve as a formal meet and confer attempt regarding various matters, primarily relating to your repugnant and continuous deceitful actions taken in connection with your willingness to serve as a special prosecutor on behalf of the State Bar of California against two of your and your firm’s clients (Thomas Girardi and Walter Lack) as part of a scheme to exploit your authority as special prosecutor for financial gain.<br /> <br /> In addition, this letter will serve to explore potential misconduct in connection with misrepresentations made to an official tribunal (i.e. the RAD Committee of the State Bar of California Board of Governors ("BOG")) that appointed a special master in proceedings I initiated against you.</p>
    <p><img src='https://seenthis.net/http://vietnam.eastmeetswest.org/images/staff&board/jfalk08.jpg" alt="" width="185" height="246" /><br /> <em>Mr. Jerome Falk of Howard Rice (Image:courtesy photo)</em><br /> <br /> To illustrate my point, State Bar of California Board of Governors member William Gailey is a man of high honor with a prior distinguished career as a homicide detective with the Los Angeles Police Department. Presently, he operates his own investigation firm (<a href="http://www.gaileyassociates.com/William-Gailey.htm">Gailey Associates, Inc</a>.), which as I understand is one of the best in the country and offers a wide array of services, including industrial espionage and the like.<br /> <br /> Assume, hypothetically speaking only, that Mr. X is an industrialist and a client of Gailey Associates in connection with various business-related transactions. Assume also that Mr. X, while a client of Gailey Associates, was charged by the federal government for participating in a conspiracy to kidnap and murder Mr. Y, the owner of a competing business located in Los Angeles. Mr. X is tried and convicted and sentenced to serve a 30 year sentence in a federal correctional facility. However, after one year he is mysteriously pardoned by the U.S. president.<br /> <br /> Public and media pressure prompt the Los Angeles District Attorney to file an information against Mr. X for violations of State Penal Code provisions, including PC 182 and 187 in connection with the crimes Mr. X committed against Mr. Y. A shortage of qualified detectives prompts the DA to seek volunteer detectives, and Mr. Gailey is deputized, issued a badge, and appointed the role of lead detective in amassing the case against Mr. X on behalf of the People.<br /> <br /> Mr. Gailey shortly thereafter announces the closure of the investigation, and declares that, as far as he is concerned, Mr. X is innocent. As a second hypothetical, assume that with these facts in mind, Mr. Gailey is instead an attorney in private practice who is deputized to act as special prosecutor to try Mr. X, and likewise Mr. Gailey declares Mr. X to be innocent. <br /> <br /> If you don’t see anything wrong with the above two hypothetical examples, please delete this email; otherwise, keep reading because the above hypo is very similar to the scenario that ensued when you agreed to act as special prosecutor against your clients (Thomas Girardi and Walter Lack) on behalf of the People of the State of California to examine the grave and previously adjudicated attorney misconduct Messrs. Girardi and Lack committed against the Ninth Circuit in the litigation against the Dole Food Company.<br /> <br /> The misconduct on the part of Girardi and Lack was investigated by a special master (Senior Judge Hon. Wallace Tashima) appointed by the Ninth Circuit, and his recommendations were adopted by a panel of three Ninth Circuit judges after a full opportunity was afforded to Girardi and Lack to present defenses and bargain with a special prosecutor (Rory Little); these findings were memorialized in the published decision of <a href="http://www.leagle.com/xmlResult.aspx?xmldoc=in%20fco%2020100713157.xml&docbase=cslwar3-2007-cu Re Girardi</a>. Some of the findings included that Lack and Girardi have resorted to employing “the persistent use of known falsehoods” and that “false representations” were made “knowingly, intentionally, and recklessly” during years of litigation.</p>
    <p style="text-align: justify;"><img style="margin: 0px;" src='https://seenthis.net/http://data7.blog.de/media/249/6011249_eb1485d01e_m.jpeg" alt="UC Hastings Prof Rory Little" width="185" height="246" /><br /> <em><span style="font-size: 6px;">Rory Little, Ninth Circuit judicial aspirant and professor of law at U.C. Hastings. Professor Little <a href="http://legalpad.typepad.com/my_weblog/2008/06/ninth-circuit-a.html">was appointed</a> special prosecutor in the matter of In Re Girardi by Chief Judge Alex Kozinski. Prior to entering academia, Professor Little served as a federal prosecutor for the Organized Crime and Racketeering Strike Force, prosecuting cases of labor racketeering, money-laundering, narcotics and other organized criminal activity. (image:courtesy photo)</span></em></p>
    <p>As you surely recall, the Ninth Circuit also ordered Girardi and Lack to report the findings to the State Bar of California. Because Howard Miller of Girardi &amp; Keese served as President of the State Bar, the Bar disqualified itself and you were appointed as Special Prosecutor by the State Bar to further look into this matter on behalf of the People.<br /> <br /> Despite ample opportunities, you (nor Lack, Girardi, or members of your firm whom I contacted on several occasions in search of information) mentioned that Thomas Girardi and Walter Lack were your and your firm’s clients. <br /> <br /> Shortly thereafter, when you had issued the decision to “exonerate” Thomas Girardi and Walter Lack (as memorialized in a <a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/2011/01/31/jerome-falk-s-letter-to-robert-baker-10474846/">"Dear Bob" letter you sent Mr. Robert Baker</a> of Baker Keener &amp; Nahara), I immediately protested by filing both an ethics complaint with the State Bar of California, and asking the BOG to inquire into the matter. Named in the complaint were yourself, Douglas Wintrhrop, Howard Miller, and <a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/2011/06/16/d-e-v-e-l-o-p-i-n-g-james-towery-california-bar-embattled-chief-prosecutor-to-resign-11327086/">James Towery</a>.<br /> <br /> At that time, I was unaware that Girardi and Lack were your clients, and the ethics complaint alleged you were biased because of your and your firm’s ongoing business relationship with Skadden Arps and partner Tom Nolan, who served as Girardi’s defense counsel in the matter of In Re Girardi. Also, I argued that since the State Bar of California had disqualified itself, you and your firm should also have been disqualified as the managing partner of your firm (Douglas Wintrhrop) is an officer of the State Bar of California, and was appointed to the position by the BOG headed by Howard Miller of Girardi &amp; Keese.<br /> <br /> Mr. Robert Hawley immediately appointed himself the point of contact, and only several months ago informed me that the complaint was assigned to RAD, which in turn appointed a special master who examined the complaint and found no ethical violations; <a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/2011/07/21/rad-committee-of-state-bar-of-california-adopts-finding-of-no-misconduct-by-james-towery-howard-rice-s-jerry-falk-and-doug-winthrop-11520291/">RAD voted to accept this conclusion</a>.</p>
    <p><a title="Mr Tom Girardi of Girardi & Keese" href="http://www.blog.co.uk/media/photo/mr_tom_girardi_of_girardi_keese/6013138"> src='https://seenthis.net/http://data7.blog.de/media/138/6013138_3f41726fe7_m.jpeg" alt="Mr Tom Girardi of Girardi & Keese" width="185" height="246" /></a><img src='https://seenthis.net/http://data7.blog.de/media/469/5853469_a9876fa02a_m.jpeg" alt="State Bar of California’s Robert Hawley " width="185" height="246" /><br /> <em>Mr. Thomas Girardi of Girardi & Keese and State Bar of California <br /> Deputy Executive Director, Mr. Robert A. Hawley.</em><br /> <br /> Subsequently, and fortuitously, I <a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/2011/08/25/pamela-phillips-sean-selegue-douglas-winthrop-and-jerome-falk-of-howard-rice-candy-falk-rabkin-under-extreme-scrutiny-as-new-evidence-discovered-11728161/">very recently discovered</a> that Lack and Girardi were clients of your firm. I <a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/2011/08/30/howard-rice-canady-falk-rabkin-s-jerome-falk-douglas-winthrop-sean-selegue-and-pamela-phillips-assailed-by-complainant-re-state-bar-of-california-11752294/">inquired with Mr. Hawley</a> whether this fact was known to the RAD and Special Master investigating my complaint. The inquiry to Mr. Hawley was ignored, ipso facto terminating his role as point of contact.<br /> <br /> Mr. Hawley’s lack of response lends credence to my belief that since you knew of the complaint and never informed the Special Master or RAD, you are also liable for defrauding and misrepresenting events to a tribunal. If you have facts to the contrary, please forward them to me ASAP.<br /> <br /> Note that subsequent to the discovery of the attorney-client relationship between you and Lack/Girardi, I again wrote SeLegue and Philips seeking additional clarification, and no response was forthcoming. It had occurred to me that, given that Girardi and Lack are clients of your firm, any insinuation of misconduct I may previously have alleged on the part of SeLegue and Philips were improper; as such, these insinuations are hereby withdrawn as I now understand that SeLegue and Philips were acting in the best interest of their clients — Thomas Girardi and Walter Lack.</p>
    <p><span class="Apple-style-span" style="border-collapse: separate; color: #000000; font-family: ’Times New Roman’; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; font-size: medium;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #020000; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 15px; line-height: 19px;"> </span></span></p>
    <p>Nevertheless, the serious nature of the offenses and the harm caused by your corrupt activities (as well as the corrupt activities of Thomas Girardi and Walter Lack, primarily as a result of their failure to speak up and reject your appointment) leaves me no choice but to, again, seek discipline against you, Walter Lack, and Thomas Girardi. Additional factors surrounding Thomas Girardi and Girardi &amp; Keese have also become relevant, including the recent malpractice suits filed by Gutierez and <a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/2011/11/03/tom-girardi-lashes-out-at-victim-as-girardi-keese-sued-for-legal-malpractice-12110166/">Demeter Energy</a>; the secretive<a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/2011/04/05/ethics-complaint-filed-with-california-state-bar-against-skadde"> attorney-client relationship between Girardi &amp; Keese and Skadden Arps</a> in the Fogel vs. Farmers matter, the identity and nature of the firms defending MGA in the litigation against Mattel; <a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/2011/07/21/complainant-reply-to-rad-committee-s-decision-as-was-communicated-to-state-bar-s-robert-hawley-11520925/">Alec Chang’s membership on RAD</a>; the overall corruption within the State Bar of California manifested in its unwillingness to prosecute Thomas Girardi and Walter Lack; Girardi’s unsettling<a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/2011/09/30/muslim-community-of-orange-county-mulls-aiding-ronald-gottschal"> friendship with Ronald George</a> and “mentoring” of former crack-addict Mike Nisperos. These factors, coupled with my impression that the firms of Girardi &amp; Keese, Skadden Arps, and Howard Rice have somehow exempted themselves from complying with the rules, make clear that I must press ahead to ensure that you, Walter Lack, and Thomas Girardi are held fully accountable and otherwise prevented from practicing before any federal or state court.<br /> <br /> As such, in the near future the federal district court, appellate court, and U.S. Supreme Court will be asked to investigate your misconduct (and that of Thomas Girardi and Walter Lack), and to otherwise permanently remove your names from the roll of members allowed to practice before each of those courts. <br /> <br /> Particularly, I plan to ask the Ninth Circuit to appoint a Special Master to investigate the matter, and to reopen the matter of In Re Girardi to examine whether Walter Lack and Thomas Girardi fully complied with the order in the matter of In Re Girardi and to report their misconduct to the State Bar of California. It is my position that the order to report their misconduct to the State Bar of California included an implied covenant that any State Bar of California proceedings would be conducted in good faith and in conformity with all rules and duties and principles consistent with the fair administration of justice. By not speaking up when you were appointed, Messrs. Girardi and Lack further aggravated matters and, arguably, violated the order handed down by the Ninth Circuit.</p>
    <p style="text-align: justify;"><img style="margin: 0px;" src='https://seenthis.net/http://data6.blog.de/media/317/4844317_33623fac42_m.jpeg" alt="" width="185" height="246" /><br /> <span style="color: #000000;"><em><span style="background-color: #ffffff;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman,Times,serif;"><span style="font-size: 8px;">Mr. Walter Lack of Engstrom Lipscomb & Lack. In the matter of In Re Girardi, the Ninth Circuit adjudicated: “with respect to Respondents Lack and Traina, we conclude that the mitigating factors can affect only the length of the suspension we impose. Although Lack’s involvement in the enforcement proceedings was more long-standing than Traina’s, each was specifically responsible for the falsehoods presented to this court. Consequently, each is suspended from the practice of law in this court for six months, effective on the filing date of this order. Fed. R.App. P. 46(c). Respondents Lack and Traina may each file a petition for reinstatement after the period of suspension pursuant to Ninth Circuit Rule 46-2(h). Each shall file the petition using this docket number and include evidence that he is in good standing, with no discipline pending, in all courts and bars to which he is admitted.” (Image:courtesy photo)</span></span></span></em></span><br /><br /> <br /> Similarly, when Walter Lack sought to reinstate himself via a motion advanced to Ninth Circuit Commissioner Shaw, he relied heavily on the fact that the State Bar of California decided not to discipline him. In aggravation and while exponentially compounding his lack of credibility, Mr. Lack conveniently failed to mention that he and you (who represented the State Bar of California) have an attorney-client relationship, and that your decision to not prosecute him was the fruit of an unlawful and highly unethical scheme.<br /> <br /> In addition, please note that I plan to file a writ with the California Supreme Court seeking to invalidate your decision, and asking the Court to order the State Bar of California to commence proceedings consistent with the State Bar Act and the Rules of Professional Conduct against you, Walter Lack, Thomas Girardi, and your respective firms, and to otherwise take action on the original complaint I submitted to the Intake Office which was never processed.<br /> <br /> The writ will be filed prior to the end of this year so as to allow the Court to also address separate matters, and to otherwise maintain jurisdiction over <a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/2011/03/09/californiaall-part-7-state-bar-of-california-board-of-governors-asked-to-investigate-foundation-refusal-to-comply-with-irs-rules-and-policies-10792916/">Douglas Winthrop (also of Howard Rice) and Holly Fujie</a> in their capacities as President and Vice President of the California Bar Foundation, and in connection with the overall circumstances, particularly the hush-hush and unlawful transfer of $780,000 from the Foundation to sham charity <a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/2011/09/08/orange-county-investigative-news-agency-voice-of-oc-asked-to-produce-all-documents-submitted-to-the-internal-revenue-service-within-the-past-thre-11803606/">CaliforniaALLa>. <br /> <br /> Hence, at your earliest convenience I ask that you provide information, as well as, if you wish, any memorandum containing legal authority explaining why your actions did not constitute professional misconduct. <br /> <br /> Below is a synopsis of the various acts of misconduct I intend to allege. If you believe I am wrong, legally or factually, please so advise as soon as possible:<br /> <br /> Your first act of misconduct took place once the State Bar initially contacted you. Rather than rejecting the appointment, you intentionally, deliberately, and with aforethought accepted the assignment, knowing full well that you were unable to take a position adverse to your clients Walter Lack and Thomas Girardi, and also knowing full well that you would exonerate both of them regardless of the weight of the evidence. In doing so, you hoped to maintain your attorney-client relationship with Walter Lack and Thomas Girardi in order to obtain a future stream of business from them, as well as from Thomas Girardi’s defense lawyer — your confederate, Thomas Nolan of Skadden Arps. By doing so, you have completely breached the duties expected of a prosecutor. Moreover, while temporarily holding public office, you placed your financial interests, as well as the financial interest of your firm, before those of the People, causing injury to the federal judiciary, the Dole Food Company, the State Bar of California, the People of the State of California, the fair administration of justice, myself, and frankly, even your own clients Thomas Girardi and Walter Lack.<br /> <br /> Your second act of misconduct involved the hampering of an investigation, and misleading a tribunal (i.e. the BOG/RAD and the appointed Special Master) by not fully disclosing the attorney-client relationship.<br /> <br /> Thirdly, and in aggravation, even to this date, and after members of your firm were informed of the recent discovery and you had ample opportunity to admit you mistakes, you still have not taken any action to remedy the situation. Instead, you appear to hope that by ignoring the problem, it will somehow disappear. It shall not.<br /> <br /> Thank you for your consideration. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information or clarification of the above-described facts.</p>
    <p>*Links and photos inserted by <a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/">The Leslie Brodie Report</a>.</p>


    <p style="text-align: justify;">Contending that Howard Rice’s Jerome Falk, acting as Special Prosecutor on behalf of the State Bar of California, repeatedly sought to subvert justice by failing to disclose that those he was suppose to prosecute (Thomas Girardi of Girardi & Keese and Walter Lack of Engstrom Lipscomb & Lack) were actually his and his firm’s clients, sources familiar with the situation claim plans are underway to seek the disbarment of Girardi, Lack and Falk.<br /><br />In a letter to Jerome Falk and the Board of Governors of the State Bar of California, complainant minced no words in accusing Falk (as well as Girardi and Lack) of egregious misconduct.</p>
    <p style="text-align: justify;">As a service to the community, we shall publish* the communication, below:</p>
    <p style="text-align: justify;">Dear Mr. Falk:<br /> <br /> This will serve as a formal meet and confer attempt regarding various matters, primarily relating to your repugnant and continuous deceitful actions taken in connection with your willingness to serve as a special prosecutor on behalf of the State Bar of California against two of your and your firm’s clients (Thomas Girardi and Walter Lack) as part of a scheme to exploit your authority as special prosecutor for financial gain.<br /> <br /> In addition, this letter will serve to explore potential misconduct in connection with misrepresentations made to an official tribunal (i.e. the RAD Committee of the State Bar of California Board of Governors ("BOG")) that appointed a special master in proceedings I initiated against you.</p>
    <p><img src='https://seenthis.net/http://vietnam.eastmeetswest.org/images/staff&board/jfalk08.jpg" alt="" width="185" height="246" /><br /> <em>Mr. Jerome Falk of Howard Rice (Image:courtesy photo)</em><br /> <br /> To illustrate my point, State Bar of California Board of Governors member William Gailey is a man of high honor with a prior distinguished career as a homicide detective with the Los Angeles Police Department. Presently, he operates his own investigation firm (<a href="http://www.gaileyassociates.com/William-Gailey.htm">Gailey Associates, Inc</a>.), which as I understand is one of the best in the country and offers a wide array of services, including industrial espionage and the like.<br /> <br /> Assume, hypothetically speaking only, that Mr. X is an industrialist and a client of Gailey Associates in connection with various business-related transactions. Assume also that Mr. X, while a client of Gailey Associates, was charged by the federal government for participating in a conspiracy to kidnap and murder Mr. Y, the owner of a competing business located in Los Angeles. Mr. X is tried and convicted and sentenced to serve a 30 year sentence in a federal correctional facility. However, after one year he is mysteriously pardoned by the U.S. president.<br /> <br /> Public and media pressure prompt the Los Angeles District Attorney to file an information against Mr. X for violations of State Penal Code provisions, including PC 182 and 187 in connection with the crimes Mr. X committed against Mr. Y. A shortage of qualified detectives prompts the DA to seek volunteer detectives, and Mr. Gailey is deputized, issued a badge, and appointed the role of lead detective in amassing the case against Mr. X on behalf of the People.<br /> <br /> Mr. Gailey shortly thereafter announces the closure of the investigation, and declares that, as far as he is concerned, Mr. X is innocent. As a second hypothetical, assume that with these facts in mind, Mr. Gailey is instead an attorney in private practice who is deputized to act as special prosecutor to try Mr. X, and likewise Mr. Gailey declares Mr. X to be innocent. <br /> <br /> If you don’t see anything wrong with the above two hypothetical examples, please delete this email; otherwise, keep reading because the above hypo is very similar to the scenario that ensued when you agreed to act as special prosecutor against your clients (Thomas Girardi and Walter Lack) on behalf of the People of the State of California to examine the grave and previously adjudicated attorney misconduct Messrs. Girardi and Lack committed against the Ninth Circuit in the litigation against the Dole Food Company.<br /> <br /> The misconduct on the part of Girardi and Lack was investigated by a special master (Senior Judge Hon. Wallace Tashima) appointed by the Ninth Circuit, and his recommendations were adopted by a panel of three Ninth Circuit judges after a full opportunity was afforded to Girardi and Lack to present defenses and bargain with a special prosecutor (Rory Little); these findings were memorialized in the published decision of <a href="http://www.leagle.com/xmlResult.aspx?xmldoc=in%20fco%2020100713157.xml&docbase=cslwar3-2007-cu Re Girardi</a>. Some of the findings included that Lack and Girardi have resorted to employing “the persistent use of known falsehoods” and that “false representations” were made “knowingly, intentionally, and recklessly” during years of litigation.</p>
    <p style="text-align: justify;"><img style="margin: 0px;" src='https://seenthis.net/http://data7.blog.de/media/249/6011249_eb1485d01e_m.jpeg" alt="UC Hastings Prof Rory Little" width="185" height="246" /><br /> <em><span style="font-size: 6px;">Rory Little, Ninth Circuit judicial aspirant and professor of law at U.C. Hastings. Professor Little <a href="http://legalpad.typepad.com/my_weblog/2008/06/ninth-circuit-a.html">was appointed</a> special prosecutor in the matter of In Re Girardi by Chief Judge Alex Kozinski. Prior to entering academia, Professor Little served as a federal prosecutor for the Organized Crime and Racketeering Strike Force, prosecuting cases of labor racketeering, money-laundering, narcotics and other organized criminal activity. (image:courtesy photo)</span></em></p>
    <p>As you surely recall, the Ninth Circuit also ordered Girardi and Lack to report the findings to the State Bar of California. Because Howard Miller of Girardi &amp; Keese served as President of the State Bar, the Bar disqualified itself and you were appointed as Special Prosecutor by the State Bar to further look into this matter on behalf of the People.<br /> <br /> Despite ample opportunities, you (nor Lack, Girardi, or members of your firm whom I contacted on several occasions in search of information) mentioned that Thomas Girardi and Walter Lack were your and your firm’s clients. <br /> <br /> Shortly thereafter, when you had issued the decision to “exonerate” Thomas Girardi and Walter Lack (as memorialized in a <a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/2011/01/31/jerome-falk-s-letter-to-robert-baker-10474846/">"Dear Bob" letter you sent Mr. Robert Baker</a> of Baker Keener &amp; Nahara), I immediately protested by filing both an ethics complaint with the State Bar of California, and asking the BOG to inquire into the matter. Named in the complaint were yourself, Douglas Wintrhrop, Howard Miller, and <a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/2011/06/16/d-e-v-e-l-o-p-i-n-g-james-towery-california-bar-embattled-chief-prosecutor-to-resign-11327086/">James Towery</a>.<br /> <br /> At that time, I was unaware that Girardi and Lack were your clients, and the ethics complaint alleged you were biased because of your and your firm’s ongoing business relationship with Skadden Arps and partner Tom Nolan, who served as Girardi’s defense counsel in the matter of In Re Girardi. Also, I argued that since the State Bar of California had disqualified itself, you and your firm should also have been disqualified as the managing partner of your firm (Douglas Wintrhrop) is an officer of the State Bar of California, and was appointed to the position by the BOG headed by Howard Miller of Girardi &amp; Keese.<br /> <br /> Mr. Robert Hawley immediately appointed himself the point of contact, and only several months ago informed me that the complaint was assigned to RAD, which in turn appointed a special master who examined the complaint and found no ethical violations; <a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/2011/07/21/rad-committee-of-state-bar-of-california-adopts-finding-of-no-misconduct-by-james-towery-howard-rice-s-jerry-falk-and-doug-winthrop-11520291/">RAD voted to accept this conclusion</a>.</p>
    <p><a title="Mr Tom Girardi of Girardi & Keese" href="http://www.blog.co.uk/media/photo/mr_tom_girardi_of_girardi_keese/6013138"> src='https://seenthis.net/http://data7.blog.de/media/138/6013138_3f41726fe7_m.jpeg" alt="Mr Tom Girardi of Girardi & Keese" width="185" height="246" /></a><img src='https://seenthis.net/http://data7.blog.de/media/469/5853469_a9876fa02a_m.jpeg" alt="State Bar of California’s Robert Hawley " width="185" height="246" /><br /> <em>Mr. Thomas Girardi of Girardi & Keese and State Bar of California <br /> Deputy Executive Director, Mr. Robert A. Hawley.</em><br /> <br /> Subsequently, and fortuitously, I <a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/2011/08/25/pamela-phillips-sean-selegue-douglas-winthrop-and-jerome-falk-of-howard-rice-candy-falk-rabkin-under-extreme-scrutiny-as-new-evidence-discovered-11728161/">very recently discovered</a> that Lack and Girardi were clients of your firm. I <a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/2011/08/30/howard-rice-canady-falk-rabkin-s-jerome-falk-douglas-winthrop-sean-selegue-and-pamela-phillips-assailed-by-complainant-re-state-bar-of-california-11752294/">inquired with Mr. Hawley</a> whether this fact was known to the RAD and Special Master investigating my complaint. The inquiry to Mr. Hawley was ignored, ipso facto terminating his role as point of contact.<br /> <br /> Mr. Hawley’s lack of response lends credence to my belief that since you knew of the complaint and never informed the Special Master or RAD, you are also liable for defrauding and misrepresenting events to a tribunal. If you have facts to the contrary, please forward them to me ASAP.<br /> <br /> Note that subsequent to the discovery of the attorney-client relationship between you and Lack/Girardi, I again wrote SeLegue and Philips seeking additional clarification, and no response was forthcoming. It had occurred to me that, given that Girardi and Lack are clients of your firm, any insinuation of misconduct I may previously have alleged on the part of SeLegue and Philips were improper; as such, these insinuations are hereby withdrawn as I now understand that SeLegue and Philips were acting in the best interest of their clients — Thomas Girardi and Walter Lack.</p>
    <p><span class="Apple-style-span" style="border-collapse: separate; color: #000000; font-family: ’Times New Roman’; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; font-size: medium;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: #020000; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 15px; line-height: 19px;"> </span></span></p>
    <p>Nevertheless, the serious nature of the offenses and the harm caused by your corrupt activities (as well as the corrupt activities of Thomas Girardi and Walter Lack, primarily as a result of their failure to speak up and reject your appointment) leaves me no choice but to, again, seek discipline against you, Walter Lack, and Thomas Girardi. Additional factors surrounding Thomas Girardi and Girardi &amp; Keese have also become relevant, including the recent malpractice suits filed by Gutierez and <a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/2011/11/03/tom-girardi-lashes-out-at-victim-as-girardi-keese-sued-for-legal-malpractice-12110166/">Demeter Energy</a>; the secretive<a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/2011/04/05/ethics-complaint-filed-with-california-state-bar-against-skadde"> attorney-client relationship between Girardi &amp; Keese and Skadden Arps</a> in the Fogel vs. Farmers matter, the identity and nature of the firms defending MGA in the litigation against Mattel; <a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/2011/07/21/complainant-reply-to-rad-committee-s-decision-as-was-communicated-to-state-bar-s-robert-hawley-11520925/">Alec Chang’s membership on RAD</a>; the overall corruption within the State Bar of California manifested in its unwillingness to prosecute Thomas Girardi and Walter Lack; Girardi’s unsettling<a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/2011/09/30/muslim-community-of-orange-county-mulls-aiding-ronald-gottschal"> friendship with Ronald George</a> and “mentoring” of former crack-addict Mike Nisperos. These factors, coupled with my impression that the firms of Girardi &amp; Keese, Skadden Arps, and Howard Rice have somehow exempted themselves from complying with the rules, make clear that I must press ahead to ensure that you, Walter Lack, and Thomas Girardi are held fully accountable and otherwise prevented from practicing before any federal or state court.<br /> <br /> As such, in the near future the federal district court, appellate court, and U.S. Supreme Court will be asked to investigate your misconduct (and that of Thomas Girardi and Walter Lack), and to otherwise permanently remove your names from the roll of members allowed to practice before each of those courts. <br /> <br /> Particularly, I plan to ask the Ninth Circuit to appoint a Special Master to investigate the matter, and to reopen the matter of In Re Girardi to examine whether Walter Lack and Thomas Girardi fully complied with the order in the matter of In Re Girardi and to report their misconduct to the State Bar of California. It is my position that the order to report their misconduct to the State Bar of California included an implied covenant that any State Bar of California proceedings would be conducted in good faith and in conformity with all rules and duties and principles consistent with the fair administration of justice. By not speaking up when you were appointed, Messrs. Girardi and Lack further aggravated matters and, arguably, violated the order handed down by the Ninth Circuit.</p>
    <p style="text-align: justify;"><img style="margin: 0px;" src='https://seenthis.net/http://data6.blog.de/media/317/4844317_33623fac42_m.jpeg" alt="" width="185" height="246" /><br /> <span style="color: #000000;"><em><span style="background-color: #ffffff;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman,Times,serif;"><span style="font-size: 8px;">Mr. Walter Lack of Engstrom Lipscomb & Lack. In the matter of In Re Girardi, the Ninth Circuit adjudicated: “with respect to Respondents Lack and Traina, we conclude that the mitigating factors can affect only the length of the suspension we impose. Although Lack’s involvement in the enforcement proceedings was more long-standing than Traina’s, each was specifically responsible for the falsehoods presented to this court. Consequently, each is suspended from the practice of law in this court for six months, effective on the filing date of this order. Fed. R.App. P. 46(c). Respondents Lack and Traina may each file a petition for reinstatement after the period of suspension pursuant to Ninth Circuit Rule 46-2(h). Each shall file the petition using this docket number and include evidence that he is in good standing, with no discipline pending, in all courts and bars to which he is admitted.” (Image:courtesy photo)</span></span></span></em></span><br /><br /> <br /> Similarly, when Walter Lack sought to reinstate himself via a motion advanced to Ninth Circuit Commissioner Shaw, he relied heavily on the fact that the State Bar of California decided not to discipline him. In aggravation and while exponentially compounding his lack of credibility, Mr. Lack conveniently failed to mention that he and you (who represented the State Bar of California) have an attorney-client relationship, and that your decision to not prosecute him was the fruit of an unlawful and highly unethical scheme.<br /> <br /> In addition, please note that I plan to file a writ with the California Supreme Court seeking to invalidate your decision, and asking the Court to order the State Bar of California to commence proceedings consistent with the State Bar Act and the Rules of Professional Conduct against you, Walter Lack, Thomas Girardi, and your respective firms, and to otherwise take action on the original complaint I submitted to the Intake Office which was never processed.<br /> <br /> The writ will be filed prior to the end of this year so as to allow the Court to also address separate matters, and to otherwise maintain jurisdiction over <a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/2011/03/09/californiaall-part-7-state-bar-of-california-board-of-governors-asked-to-investigate-foundation-refusal-to-comply-with-irs-rules-and-policies-10792916/">Douglas Winthrop (also of Howard Rice) and Holly Fujie</a> in their capacities as President and Vice President of the California Bar Foundation, and in connection with the overall circumstances, particularly the hush-hush and unlawful transfer of $780,000 from the Foundation to sham charity <a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/2011/09/08/orange-county-investigative-news-agency-voice-of-oc-asked-to-produce-all-documents-submitted-to-the-internal-revenue-service-within-the-past-thre-11803606/">CaliforniaALLa>. <br /> <br /> Hence, at your earliest convenience I ask that you provide information, as well as, if you wish, any memorandum containing legal authority explaining why your actions did not constitute professional misconduct. <br /> <br /> Below is a synopsis of the various acts of misconduct I intend to allege. If you believe I am wrong, legally or factually, please so advise as soon as possible:<br /> <br /> Your first act of misconduct took place once the State Bar initially contacted you. Rather than rejecting the appointment, you intentionally, deliberately, and with aforethought accepted the assignment, knowing full well that you were unable to take a position adverse to your clients Walter Lack and Thomas Girardi, and also knowing full well that you would exonerate both of them regardless of the weight of the evidence. In doing so, you hoped to maintain your attorney-client relationship with Walter Lack and Thomas Girardi in order to obtain a future stream of business from them, as well as from Thomas Girardi’s defense lawyer — your confederate, Thomas Nolan of Skadden Arps. By doing so, you have completely breached the duties expected of a prosecutor. Moreover, while temporarily holding public office, you placed your financial interests, as well as the financial interest of your firm, before those of the People, causing injury to the federal judiciary, the Dole Food Company, the State Bar of California, the People of the State of California, the fair administration of justice, myself, and frankly, even your own clients Thomas Girardi and Walter Lack.<br /> <br /> Your second act of misconduct involved the hampering of an investigation, and misleading a tribunal (i.e. the BOG/RAD and the appointed Special Master) by not fully disclosing the attorney-client relationship.<br /> <br /> Thirdly, and in aggravation, even to this date, and after members of your firm were informed of the recent discovery and you had ample opportunity to admit you mistakes, you still have not taken any action to remedy the situation. Instead, you appear to hope that by ignoring the problem, it will somehow disappear. It shall not.<br /> <br /> Thank you for your consideration. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information or clarification of the above-described facts.</p>
    <p>*Links and photos inserted by <a href="http://lesliebrodie.blog.co.uk/">The Leslie Brodie Report</a>.</p>