
  • Barghouti’s N.Y. Times article met by Israeli ritual of diversion and denial -

    Comparing article to terror attack and suggesting sanctions against the Times, as Michael Oren did, is more damaging to Israel’s image

    Chemi Shalev Apr 19, 2017
    read more: http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.784060

    At the end of his opinion piece in the New York Times about the Palestinian prisoners’ strike, Marwan Barghouti was originally described as “a Palestinian leader and parliamentarian.” After 24 hours of outrage and condemnation, an editor’s note conceded that further context was needed, pointing out that Barghouti had been convicted on “five counts of murder and membership in a terrorist organization.” News of the clarification spread like wildfire on social media. It was described in glowing terms as yet another historic victory of good over evil and of the Jewish people over its eternal enemies.
    It was another example of the time-tested Israeli ritual of accentuating the insignificant at the expense of the essence, the results of which are well known in advance. First you manufacture righteous indignation over a minor fault in an article or the problematic identity of its writer, then you assault the newspaper or media that publicized it and cast doubt on its motives, then you demand to know how this was even possible and who will pay the price. In this way, the Israeli public is absolved of the need to actually contend with the gist of the article or public utterance, in this case Barghouti’s claims that he was physically tortured, that almost a million Palestinians have been detained over the years, that their conviction rate in the Israeli military court system is absurdly high, whether it’s really wise to hold as many as 6,500 security prisoners in custody at one time and so on.
    The guiding principle of this perpetual war waged by Israel and its supporters against the so-called hostile press - to paraphrase a legendary John Cleese episode about a visit by German visitors to Fawlty Towers - is “Don’t mention the occupation!” After one spends so much energy on protestations and exclamations of how unthinkable, how outrageous and how dare they, there’s very little enthusiasm left to consider eternal control over another people or the malignant status quo that many Israelis view as the best of all possible worlds or how is it even possible that someone who is defined by former Israeli Ambassador and current deputy minister Michael Oren as a terrorist and a murderer on a par with Dylann Roof, who killed nine African American worshippers in a church in Charleston, is considered by many people around the world, including those at the New York Times, as an authentic leader whose words should be read and heard.
    In an interview with IDF Radio on Tuesday, Oren put the ingenious diversionary strategy on full display. He described Barghouti’s op-ed as nothing less than a “media terror attack.” To this he added a pinch of conspiracy theory with a dash of anti-Semitism by claiming that the Times purposely published Barghouti’s article on Passover, so that Israeli and Jewish leaders wouldn’t have time to react. Then he approvingly cited the wise words of his new oracle, Donald Trump, describing the publication of the article and its content as “fake news.” And for his grand finale, Oren intimated that the proper Zionist response would be to close down the Times’ Israel office, no less.
    In this way, anyone who wants to address Barghouti’s claims substantively, even if it’s to criticize them, is seen as collaborating with a terrorist and enabling terror. It’s the same system by which anti-occupation groups such as Breaking the Silence are tarred as traitorous, backstabbing informants so that no one dares consider the actual testimonies they present about the hardships of occupation and the immorality of forcing the IDF to police the West Bank. What’s hilarious, however, is that so many Israelis and Jews are convinced that articles such as the one written by Barghouti, which most readers probably view as yet another tedious polemic about an intractable Middle East conflict, somehow causes more harm to Israel’s image than a senior government official who compares a news article to a terror attack and who recommends closing down the offices of the most widely respected news organization in the world, a la Putin or Erdogan.

    #Palestine #Israel #Barghouti

  • With Palestinian prisoner strike, Barghouti challenges Abbas’ leadership
    Will a Palestinian hunger strike rain on Trump’s peace plans?

    Amos Harel Apr 18, 2017
    read more: http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-1.783911

    The hunger strike that nearly 1,200 Palestinian security prisoners in Israel began on Monday is expected to ratchet up the tensions between Israel and the Palestinians in the coming days. If complications occur and the strike lasts for an extended time, it is liable to take over the security and diplomatic agenda at a time when U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration is declaring its intention to restart the peace process.
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    However, like another crisis that escalated in recent days over the supply of electricity to the Gaza Strip, it appears that the background to the strike has to do with intra-Palestinian power struggles as much as it has to do with the struggle against Israel.
    The hunger strike is basically the initiative of a single person, Marwan Barghouti, the highest-ranking Fatah prisoner in Israel. The media attention from a prolonged strike will serve him in his moves vis-à-vis the Palestinian Authority leadership, which is officially supporting the strike but in actuality is concerned about any outcome that could advance the standing of the imprisoned leader, who is not especially liked by President Mahmoud Abbas and his people. Barghouti already took credit for an initial success on Monday with an Op-Ed in The New York Times. (For some reason, the editors of the newspaper omitted from the publication the reason Barghouti is in prison: He was arrested and tried in 2002 for dispatching terrorists to carry out attacks at the height of the second intifada in which five Israeli civilians were killed. The piece has since been amended with an editor’s note amid a wave of heavy criticism.)

    #Palestine #Barghouti #grèvedelafaim

  • There will be no peace until Israel’s occupation of Palestine ends | Marwan Barghouti | Comment is free | The Guardian


    The current escalation in violence did not start with the killing of two Israeli settlers, it started a long while ago and has been going on for years. Every day Palestinians are killed, wounded, arrested. Every day colonialism advances, the siege on our people in Gaza continues, oppression persists. As many today want us to be overwhelmed by the potential consequences of a new spiral of violence, I will plead, as I did in 2002, to deal with its root causes: the denial of Palestinian freedom.

    #israël #palestine #barghouti

  • #Barghouti criticizes #UN draft resolution on Palestinian statehood

    A mural painted on #Israel's security wall surrounding the West Bank calls for Marwan Barghouti’s release. AFP / Abbas Momani A mural painted on Israel’s security wall surrounding the West Bank calls for Marwan Barghouti’s release. AFP / Abbas Momani

    Jailed Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti criticized on Monday the UN resolution submitted to the Security Council by the PLO, urging the Palestinian Authority (PA) to reword the proposal. In a letter sent to Ma’an news agency from jail, Barghouti said the UN resolution is an “unjustified fallback which will have a very negative impact on the Palestinian position.” The senior Fatah leader said he always urged the leadership to take the question of #Palestine to the UN to obtain a (...)


  • « Durant toutes les longues années de mon combat j’ai eu l’occasion à maintes reprises de penser à vous, cher Nelson #Mandela. Et encore plus depuis ma propre arrestation en 2002. Je songe à un homme qui a passé 27 ans dans une cellule, en s’efforçant de démontrer que la liberté était en lui avant qu’elle ne devienne une réalité dont son peuple allait s’emparer. Je songe à sa capacité à défier l’oppression et l’apartheid, mais aussi à rejeter la haine et à placer la justice au dessus de la vengeance.

    Combien de fois avez­-​​vous douté de la vic­toire au bout de ce combat ? Combien de fois vous êtes vous demandé vous-​​même si la justice pourrait s’imposer ? Combien de fois vous êtes vous interrogé sur le silence du monde ? Combien de fois vous êtes vous demandé si votre ennemi n’allait jamais pouvoir devenir votre par­te­naire ? A la fin vous ferez la preuve de cette volonté impla­cable qui fera de votre nom l’une des plus brillantes réfé­rences pour la liberté.

    Vous êtes beaucoup plus qu’une ins­pi­ration. Vous aviez bien compris le jour où vous êtes sorti de prison que vous n’étiez pas seulement en train d’écrire l’histoire mais que vous contri­buiez au triomphe de la lumière sur la nuit. Et vous êtes alors resté humble. Et vous portiez une pro­messe bien au­-​​delà des fron­tières de votre pays, la pro­messe que l’oppression et l’injustice seront vaincues et que sera ouverte la voie de la liberté et de la paix. Au fond de ma cellule, je me rap­pelle sans cesse cette démarche et je poursuis moi-​​même cette quête, et tous les sacri­fices deviennent sup­por­tables dans la seule pers­pective qu’un jour le peuple pales­tinien puisse accéder aussi à la liberté, à l’indépendance et que ce pays puisse vivre fina­lement en paix. »

    Marwan #Barghouti
