
  • Crimée : conséquence de la crise entre l’Ukraine et la Russie, les pays baltes, très inquiets, demandent au Danemark d’envoyer ses F-16 pour patrouiller le long de la frontière avec la Russie...

    Il y a 50 % de Russes en Lettonie.

    Danske jagerfly til Baltikum - Nyheter, tv og radio fra hele verden -

    Danmark sender jagerfly til Baltikum

    Danmark sender seks F-16 jagerfly til Baltikum for å patruljere luftrommet over de tre landene Estland, Latvia og Litauen som alle føler seg truet av Russlands militære nærvær.

    #crimée #lettonie #pays_baltes #russie #danemark #ukraine

    • NATO har siden 2004 fløyet patruljer i luftrommet over de tre NATO-landene, som ikke har avanserte nok fly til oppgaven selv. Det danske bidraget er muligens en opptrapping av den eksisterende tilstedeværelsen.

      C’est un renforcement des patrouilles OTAN organisées depuis 2004 qui sont réalisées par des rotations des forces aériennes des différents pays. Les É.-U. ont doublé leur contingent de F15 le 6 mars

      Cf. l’article Baltic Air Policing de WP où l’on trouve la liste des rotations effectuées depuis 2004 avec l’ajout (le 23/03) des deux dernières lignes du tableau (F16 danois et Typhoon britannique) ainsi que du commentaire en pied de tableau

      Additional deployment of six F-15C’s was carried out 6th March, 2014, four F-16AM’s and one Eurofighter Typhoon’s will be carried out on April, 2014, due to the Crimean crises.

      D’ailleurs, et c’est un grand classique, les pays baltes se querellent entre eux à ce sujet…

      Row Over NATO Air Policing Rotation Clouds Baltic Cooperation (23/10/13)

      The Baltic States have still failed to settle the dispute on the future of NATO’s air-policing mission: Lithuania insists that it sees no reasons for shifting a part of the mission to Estonia, as requested by Tallinn.

      Meanwhile, Latvia maintains that it is the efficiency, not the rotation of the mission that is important, however, is worried that the Baltic cooperation is “experiencing not the best times.

      NATO fighter jets have been patrolling the Baltic skies since the three countries achieved fully-fledged membership in the Alliance in 2004. The mission is performed from the Lithuanian Air Force Aviation Base in Šiauliai, northern Lithuania, while Estonia wants one in three rotations hosted by its renovated Amari base after 2015. A request has been rejected by Lithuania, which maintains that rotation would only make the successful mission more expensive, whilst not giving any added value.

      For now, we see no added value in moving the mission from one airport to another. NATO emphasises #smart_defence and rational use of resources. This would not be the case, if the mission has to move from one airport to another,” Lithuanian Defence Minister Juozas Olekas told BNS.

      He said Lithuania was ready to support other NATO projects in Estonia, for instance, efforts to enhance the Baltic Defence College.

      Nevertheless, Estonia wants to use the new Amari base, saying it is willing to cover the additional costs.

      Entre les deux, la Lettonie s’énerve…

      Latvia, in its turn, believes that the disagreements reflect the cooperation problems the Baltic States are faced with.

      The Baltic cooperation in some ways is at this time experiencing not the best times. I am very much hoping that we will be able to overcome [discrepancies] sooner than later. Latvia is between Estonia and Lithuania and is very much worried that our disagreements: either it is about energy, or it is about transport, or it is about military cooperation, that are hijacked by one or another issue and not letting us to see the wider perspective. The wider perspective is that we have to stick together and we have to go on as soon as possible will all projects where we can find a common language,” Latvia’s Defence Minister Artis Pabriks said.

      As far as a concrete rotation, it’s not about rotation, it’s about a more efficient way of how we can preserve the security of our air defence. That’s the core issue. It’s not the question of who is doing what, it is the question of how we can do together better,” the Latvian minister said in comment of the Lithuanian-Estonian disagreements.