city:kansas city

  • Info prise chez Nova dont je ne suis pas sur du rapport à l’underground.

    « Underground Radio Directory, et recense des radios underground de 28 différents pays, de Tokyo a Glasgow en passant par Kansas City mais aussi Marrakech et São Paulo, il y en a pour tous les goûts et on y fait de très belles découvertes. »

    Underground Radio Directory.

    Number of stations : 86


    Bristol, England

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    London, England

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    20ft Radio

    Kiev, Ukraine

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    2Day Radio

    Aberdeen, Scotland

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    8 Ball Radio

    New York City, USA

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    Christchurch, New Zealand

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    Automat Radio


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    London, England

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    Basso Radio

    Helsinki, Finland

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    BBC Radio 6 Music

    London, England

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    Berlin Community Radio

    Berlin, Germany

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    London, England

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  • Des nouvelles du « Black Friday » en Norvège, c’est à la Une de toutes les télés et de tous les journaux -> pour alimenter un futur billet sur la #consommation

    Ici à Arendal, certains parents ont filé l’équivalent de 50 euros à leurs enfants qui voulaient « participer à la fête »... En sortant de l’école, ils iront dans la gallerie marchande pour faire « des bonnes affaires » avec leur billet de 500 NoK.

    Alors :

    A commencer par un reportage et un débat sur la NRK qui montre des images tournées à 5:00 ce matin... J’ai rarement vu qu’elque chose d’aussi obscène.

    Basé sur les chiffres de l’année dernière, dans le pays le plus riche du monde, on devrait dépenser dans les magasins environs 400 millions d’euros rien qu’aujourd’hui (soit la même somme que plusieurs semaines voir plusieurs mois en temps normal)

    Le truc est déjà complètement gore, et on apprend que les proprio des grands magasins et des shopping centers situés en général en périphéries on loué de milliers d’autobus pour organiser des services de navettes gratuites depuis les centres villes, loués des espaces de parkings supplémentaires, proposent des aides pour transporter les produits achetés, et je ne parle pas de la bouffe gratuite, des boissons etc...

    Venter shoppingkaos: Her stormer kundene inn porten klokka 05.00 – NRK Norge – Oversikt over nyheter fra ulike deler av landet

    Venter shoppingkaos: Her stormer kundene inn porten klokka 05.00

    VESTBY (NRK): Butikkene har doblet og triplet antall ansatte på jobb. Antall vektere er firedoblet og Røde Kors sto klare da Oslo Fashion Outlet i Vestby åpnet portene på Black Friday.


    Mais il y a quand même un petit mouvement de protestation et cetaines et certains resteront fermé aujoud’hui :

    Biskopen meiner Black Friday er med på skape uro og kjøpepress – NRK Sogn og Fjordane – Lokale nyheter, TV og radio

    Stengjer butikken i protest på Black Friday

    – Black Friday øydelegg for småbutikkane, hevdar Maja Dahl Igland Vigeland og Marita Hjelmeland hos konseptbutikken Nério+Fend i Stryn. Dei stengjer like godt i protest.


    Les télés ont envoyé des équipes pour filmer le chaos, ils diffusent en direct et facilitent le captures d’écrans pour que les gens puissent copier et poster plus facilement sur les réseaux. Faire le buzz à tout prix. Le spectacle affligrant de personnes qui se battent à mains nues pour un manteau, un écran, un T-shirt... C’est décadant.

    #consommation #décadence #comportement #aliénation #domination #pouvoir

    Ce matin, ce que j’ai vu en ville m’a donné la nausée.

  • Cheap Words | The New Yorker

    Amazon is a global superstore, like Walmart. It’s also a hardware manufacturer, like Apple, and a utility, like Con Edison, and a video distributor, like Netflix, and a book publisher, like Random House, and a production studio, like Paramount, and a literary magazine, like The Paris Review, and a grocery deliverer, like FreshDirect, and someday it might be a package service, like U.P.S. Its founder and chief executive, Jeff Bezos, also owns a major newspaper, the Washington Post. All these streams and tributaries make Amazon something radically new in the history of American business.

    Recently, Amazon even started creating its own “content”—publishing books. The results have been decidedly mixed. A monopoly is dangerous because it concentrates so much economic power, but in the book business the prospect of a single owner of both the means of production and the modes of distribution is especially worrisome: it would give Amazon more control over the exchange of ideas than any company in U.S. history. Even in the iPhone age, books remain central to American intellectual life, and perhaps to democracy. And so the big question is not just whether Amazon is bad for the book industry; it’s whether Amazon is bad for books.

    According to Marcus, Amazon executives considered publishing people “antediluvian losers with rotary phones and inventory systems designed in 1968 and warehouses full of crap.” Publishers kept no data on customers, making their bets on books a matter of instinct rather than metrics. They were full of inefficiences, starting with overpriced Manhattan offices. There was “a general feeling that the New York publishing business was just this cloistered, Gilded Age antique just barely getting by in a sort of Colonial Williamsburg of commerce, but when Amazon waded into this they would show publishing how it was done.”

    During the 1999 holiday season, Amazon tried publishing books, leasing the rights to a defunct imprint called Weathervane and putting out a few titles. “These were not incipient best-sellers,” Marcus writes. “They were creatures from the black lagoon of the remainder table”—Christmas recipes and the like, selected with no apparent thought. Employees with publishing experience, like Fried, were not consulted. Weathervane fell into an oblivion so complete that there’s no trace of it on the Internet. (Representatives at the company today claim never to have heard of it.) Nobody at Amazon seemed to absorb any lessons from the failure. A decade later, the company would try again.

    Around this time, a group called the “personalization team,” or P13N, started to replace editorial suggestions for readers with algorithms that used customers’ history to make recommendations for future purchases. At Amazon, “personalization” meant data analytics and statistical probability. Author interviews became less frequent, and in-house essays were subsumed by customer reviews, which cost the company nothing. Tim Appelo, the entertainment editor at the time, said, “You could be the Platonic ideal of the reviewer, and you would not beat even those rather crude early algorithms.” Amazon’s departments competed with one another almost as fiercely as they did with other companies. According to Brad Stone, a trash-talking sign was hung on a wall in the P13N office: “people forget that john henry died in the end.” Machines defeated human beings.

    In December, 1999, at the height of the dot-com mania, Time named Bezos its Person of the Year. “Amazon isn’t about technology or even commerce,” the breathless cover article announced. “Amazon is, like every other site on the Web, a content play.” Yet this was the moment, Marcus said, when “content” people were “on the way out.” Although the writers and the editors made the site more interesting, and easier to navigate, they didn’t bring more customers.

    The fact that Amazon once devoted significant space on its site to editorial judgments—to thinking and writing—would be an obscure footnote if not for certain turns in the company’s more recent history. According to one insider, around 2008—when the company was selling far more than books, and was making twenty billion dollars a year in revenue, more than the combined sales of all other American bookstores—Amazon began thinking of content as central to its business. Authors started to be considered among the company’s most important customers. By then, Amazon had lost much of the market in selling music and videos to Apple and Netflix, and its relations with publishers were deteriorating. These difficulties offended Bezos’s ideal of “seamless” commerce. “The company despises friction in the marketplace,” the Amazon insider said. “It’s easier for us to sell books and make books happen if we do it our way and not deal with others. It’s a tech-industry thing: ‘We think we can do it better.’ ” If you could control the content, you controlled everything.

    Many publishers had come to regard Amazon as a heavy in khakis and oxford shirts. In its drive for profitability, Amazon did not raise retail prices; it simply squeezed its suppliers harder, much as Walmart had done with manufacturers. Amazon demanded ever-larger co-op fees and better shipping terms; publishers knew that they would stop being favored by the site’s recommendation algorithms if they didn’t comply. Eventually, they all did. (Few customers realize that the results generated by Amazon’s search engine are partly determined by promotional fees.)

    In late 2007, at a press conference in New York, Bezos unveiled the Kindle, a simple, lightweight device that—in a crucial improvement over previous e-readers—could store as many as two hundred books, downloaded from Amazon’s 3G network. Bezos announced that the price of best-sellers and new titles would be nine-ninety-nine, regardless of length or quality—a figure that Bezos, inspired by Apple’s sale of songs on iTunes for ninety-nine cents, basically pulled out of thin air. Amazon had carefully concealed the number from publishers. “We didn’t want to let that cat out of the bag,” Steele said.

    The price was below wholesale in some cases, and so low that it represented a serious threat to the market in twenty-six-dollar hardcovers. Bookstores that depended on hardcover sales—from Barnes & Noble and Borders (which liquidated its business in 2011) to Rainy Day Books in Kansas City—glimpsed their possible doom. If reading went entirely digital, what purpose would they serve? The next year, 2008, which brought the financial crisis, was disastrous for bookstores and publishers alike, with widespread layoffs.

    By 2010, Amazon controlled ninety per cent of the market in digital books—a dominance that almost no company, in any industry, could claim. Its prohibitively low prices warded off competition.

    Publishers looked around for a competitor to Amazon, and they found one in Apple, which was getting ready to introduce the iPad, and the iBooks Store. Apple wanted a deal with each of the Big Six houses (Hachette, HarperCollins, Macmillan, Penguin, Random House, and Simon & Schuster) that would allow the publishers to set the retail price of titles on iBooks, with Apple taking a thirty-per-cent commission on each sale. This was known as the “agency model,” and, in some ways, it offered the publishers a worse deal than selling wholesale to Amazon. But it gave publishers control over pricing and a way to challenge Amazon’s grip on the market. Apple’s terms included the provision that it could match the price of any rival, which induced the publishers to impose the agency model on all digital retailers, including Amazon.

    Five of the Big Six went along with Apple. (Random House was the holdout.) Most of the executives let Amazon know of the change by phone or e-mail, but John Sargent flew out to Seattle to meet with four Amazon executives, including Russ Grandinetti, the vice-president of Kindle content. In an e-mail to a friend, Sargent wrote, “Am on my way out to Seattle to get my ass kicked by Amazon.”

    Sargent’s gesture didn’t seem to matter much to the Amazon executives, who were used to imposing their own terms. Seated at a table in a small conference room, Sargent said that Macmillan wanted to switch to the agency model for e-books, and that if Amazon refused Macmillan would withhold digital editions until seven months after print publication. The discussion was angry and brief. After twenty minutes, Grandinetti escorted Sargent out of the building. The next day, Amazon removed the buy buttons from Macmillan’s print and digital titles on its site, only to restore them a week later, under heavy criticism. Amazon unwillingly accepted the agency model, and within a couple of months e-books were selling for as much as fourteen dollars and ninety-nine cents.

    Amazon filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. In April, 2012, the Justice Department sued Apple and the five publishers for conspiring to raise prices and restrain competition. Eventually, all the publishers settled with the government. (Macmillan was the last, after Sargent learned that potential damages could far exceed the equity value of the company.) Macmillan was obliged to pay twenty million dollars, and Penguin seventy-five million—enormous sums in a business that has always struggled to maintain respectable profit margins.

    Apple fought the charges, and the case went to trial last June. Grandinetti, Sargent, and others testified in the federal courthouse in lower Manhattan. As proof of collusion, the government presented evidence of e-mails, phone calls, and dinners among the Big Six publishers during their negotiations with Apple. Sargent and other executives acknowledged that they wanted higher prices for e-books, but they argued that the evidence showed them only to be competitors in an incestuous business, not conspirators. On July 10th, Judge Denise Cote ruled in the government’s favor.

    Apple, facing up to eight hundred and forty million dollars in damages, has appealed. As Apple and the publishers see it, the ruling ignored the context of the case: when the key events occurred, Amazon effectively had a monopoly in digital books and was selling them so cheaply that it resembled predatory pricing—a barrier to entry for potential competitors. Since then, Amazon’s share of the e-book market has dropped, levelling off at about sixty-five per cent, with the rest going largely to Apple and to Barnes & Noble, which sells the Nook e-reader. In other words, before the feds stepped in, the agency model introduced competition to the market. But the court’s decision reflected a trend in legal thinking among liberals and conservatives alike, going back to the seventies, that looks at antitrust cases from the perspective of consumers, not producers: what matters is lowering prices, even if that goal comes at the expense of competition.

    With Amazon’s patented 1-Click shopping, which already knows your address and credit-card information, there’s just you and the buy button; transactions are as quick and thoughtless as scratching an itch. “It’s sort of a masturbatory culture,” the marketing executive said. If you pay seventy-nine dollars annually to become an Amazon Prime member, a box with the Amazon smile appears at your door two days after you click, with free shipping. Amazon’s next frontier is same-day delivery: first in certain American cities, then throughout the U.S., then the world. In December, the company patented “anticipatory shipping,” which will use your shopping data to put items that you don’t yet know you want to buy, but will soon enough, on a truck or in a warehouse near you.

    Amazon employs or subcontracts tens of thousands of warehouse workers, with seasonal variation, often building its fulfillment centers in areas with high unemployment and low wages. Accounts from inside the centers describe the work of picking, boxing, and shipping books and dog food and beard trimmers as a high-tech version of the dehumanized factory floor satirized in Chaplin’s “Modern Times.” Pickers holding computerized handsets are perpetually timed and measured as they fast-walk up to eleven miles per shift around a million-square-foot warehouse, expected to collect orders in as little as thirty-three seconds. After watching footage taken by an undercover BBC reporter, a stress expert said, “The evidence shows increased risk of mental illness and physical illness.” The company says that its warehouse jobs are “similar to jobs in many other industries.”

    When I spoke with Grandinetti, he expressed sympathy for publishers faced with upheaval. “The move to people reading digitally and buying books digitally is the single biggest change that any of us in the book business will experience in our time,” he said. “Because the change is particularly big in size, and because we happen to be a leader in making it, a lot of that fear gets projected onto us.” Bezos also argues that Amazon’s role is simply to usher in inevitable change. After giving “60 Minutes” a first glimpse of Amazon drone delivery, Bezos told Charlie Rose, “Amazon is not happening to bookselling. The future is happening to bookselling.”

    In Grandinetti’s view, the Kindle “has helped the book business make a more orderly transition to a mixed print and digital world than perhaps any other medium.” Compared with people who work in music, movies, and newspapers, he said, authors are well positioned to thrive. The old print world of scarcity—with a limited number of publishers and editors selecting which manuscripts to publish, and a limited number of bookstores selecting which titles to carry—is yielding to a world of digital abundance. Grandinetti told me that, in these new circumstances, a publisher’s job “is to build a megaphone.”

    After the Kindle came out, the company established Amazon Publishing, which is now a profitable empire of digital works: in addition to Kindle Singles, it has mystery, thriller, romance, and Christian lines; it publishes translations and reprints; it has a self-service fan-fiction platform; and it offers an extremely popular self-publishing platform. Authors become Amazon partners, earning up to seventy per cent in royalties, as opposed to the fifteen per cent that authors typically make on hardcovers. Bezos touts the biggest successes, such as Theresa Ragan, whose self-published thrillers and romances have been downloaded hundreds of thousands of times. But one survey found that half of all self-published authors make less than five hundred dollars a year.

    Every year, Fine distributes grants of twenty-five thousand dollars, on average, to dozens of hard-up literary organizations. Beneficiaries include the pen American Center, the Loft Literary Center, in Minneapolis, and the magazine Poets & Writers. “For Amazon, it’s the cost of doing business, like criminal penalties for banks,” the arts manager said, suggesting that the money keeps potential critics quiet. Like liberal Democrats taking Wall Street campaign contributions, the nonprofits don’t advertise the grants. When the Best Translated Book Award received money from Amazon, Dennis Johnson, of Melville House, which had received the prize that year, announced that his firm would no longer compete for it. “Every translator in America wrote me saying I was a son of a bitch,” Johnson said. A few nonprofit heads privately told him, “I wanted to speak out, but I might have taken four thousand dollars from them, too.” A year later, at the Associated Writing Programs conference, Fine shook Johnson’s hand, saying, “I just wanted to thank you—that was the best publicity we could have had.” (Fine denies this.)

    By producing its own original work, Amazon can sell more devices and sign up more Prime members—a major source of revenue. While the company was building the Kindle, it started a digital store for streaming music and videos, and, around the same time it launched Amazon Publishing, it created Amazon Studios.

    The division pursued an unusual way of producing television series, using its strength in data collection. Amazon invited writers to submit scripts on its Web site—“an open platform for content creators,” as Bill Carr, the vice-president for digital music and video, put it. Five thousand scripts poured in, and Amazon chose to develop fourteen into pilots. Last spring, Amazon put the pilots on its site, where customers could review them and answer a detailed questionnaire. (“Please rate the following aspects of this show: The humor, the characters . . . ”) More than a million customers watched. Engineers also developed software, called Amazon Storyteller, which scriptwriters can use to create a “storyboard animatic”—a cartoon rendition of a script’s plot—allowing pilots to be visualized without the expense of filming. The difficulty, according to Carr, is to “get the right feedback and the right data, and, of the many, many data points that I can collect from customers, which ones can tell you, ‘This is the one’?”

    Bezos applying his “take no prisoners” pragmatism to the Post: “There are conflicts of interest with Amazon’s many contracts with the government, and he’s got so many policy issues going, like sales tax.” One ex-employee who worked closely with Bezos warned, “At Amazon, drawing a distinction between content people and business people is a foreign concept.”

    Perhaps buying the Post was meant to be a good civic deed. Bezos has a family foundation, but he has hardly involved himself in philanthropy. In 2010, Charlie Rose asked him what he thought of Bill Gates’s challenge to other billionaires to give away most of their wealth. Bezos didn’t answer. Instead, he launched into a monologue on the virtue of markets in solving social problems, and somehow ended up touting the Kindle.

    Bezos bought a newspaper for much the same reason that he has invested money in a project for commercial space travel: the intellectual challenge. With the Post, the challenge is to turn around a money-losing enterprise in a damaged industry, and perhaps to show a way for newspapers to thrive again.

    Lately, digital titles have levelled off at about thirty per cent of book sales. Whatever the temporary fluctuations in publishers’ profits, the long-term outlook is discouraging. This is partly because Americans don’t read as many books as they used to—they are too busy doing other things with their devices—but also because of the relentless downward pressure on prices that Amazon enforces. The digital market is awash with millions of barely edited titles, most of it dreck, while readers are being conditioned to think that books are worth as little as a sandwich. “Amazon has successfully fostered the idea that a book is a thing of minimal value,” Johnson said. “It’s a widget.”

    There are two ways to think about this. Amazon believes that its approach encourages ever more people to tell their stories to ever more people, and turns writers into entrepreneurs; the price per unit might be cheap, but the higher number of units sold, and the accompanying royalties, will make authors wealthier. Jane Friedman, of Open Road, is unfazed by the prospect that Amazon might destroy the old model of publishing. “They are practicing the American Dream—competition is good!” she told me. Publishers, meanwhile, “have been banks for authors. Advances have been very high.” In Friedman’s view, selling digital books at low prices will democratize reading: “What do you want as an author—to sell books to as few people as possible for as much as possible, or for as little as possible to as many readers as possible?”

    The answer seems self-evident, but there is a more skeptical view. Several editors, agents, and authors told me that the money for serious fiction and nonfiction has eroded dramatically in recent years; advances on mid-list titles—books that are expected to sell modestly but whose quality gives them a strong chance of enduring—have declined by a quarter.


  • McDonald’s Workers Are Striking Against Sexual Harassment — Tying #MeToo to Their Labor Struggle

    When Kimberly Lawson was first sexually harassed while working at McDonald’s in Kansas City, she did exactly what she was supposed to do. A co-worker, she said, had hit on her “constantly,” made lewd comments, and touched her inappropriately. “I filed a complaint, but nothing was done,” said the 25-year-old single mother of one. “He kept working on the same shifts as me.” When Lawson’s shift manager also began tormenting her with verbal sexual remarks, she didn’t even bother filing a complaint. (...)

    #McDonald's #harcèlement #travail

  • Des employés américains de McDonald’s en grève pour dénoncer le harcèlement sexuel AFP - 19 Septembre 2018 - RTBF

    Des employés de McDonald’s dans dix villes américaines se sont mis en grève mardi pour protester, dans la lignée du mouvement #MeToo, contre le manque d’efforts faits par l’entreprise pour défendre ses employés contre le harcèlement sexuel.

    Ces salariés, qui occupent des emplois très souvent précaires, reprochent au géant de la restauration rapide de ne pas faire assez pour les protéger contre les attouchements ou les commentaires déplacés. 

    « Je suis en grève et je suis ici aujourd’hui pour demander un changement », a expliqué Theresa Cervantes, qui dénonce le harcèlement des managers sur les employés. 

    Cette jeune femme de 20 ans manifestait avec des dizaines d’autres employés, pour la plupart des femmes, devant le siège social de l’entreprise, à Chicago. 

    « Le harcèlement sexuel est un problème universel. C’est une maladie », a-t-elle appuyé.

    Des manifestants sont également descendus dans la rue dans des villes comme Kansas City ou Saint-Louis.

    Ce mouvement social intervient quatre mois après que plusieurs employées ont porté plainte contre l’entreprise devant l’EEOC, l’agence fédérale chargée de promouvoir l’égalité dans le monde du travail.

    « Nous ne pouvons plus accepter qu’un travailleur sur deux subisse de la violence sous la supervision » de McDonald’s, a déclaré Karla Altmayer, organisatrice de la manifestation à Chicago. 

    La chaîne de restauration rapide a affirmé dans un communiqué disposer de « politiques, procédures et formations strictes » pour prévenir le harcèlement sexuel.

    Elle a souligné avoir également embauché des experts en matière de prévention et de réaction « pour faire évoluer nos politiques afin que quiconque travaillant pour McDonald’s le fasse dans un environnement sûr chaque jour ».

     #mcdonald’s #harcèlement #sexisme #femmes #harcèlement_sexuel #culture_du_viol #travail #violence #metoo #violences_sexuelles #discrimination #mcdonald's #multinationale #USA


    John Peel Radio 1 - The First #Punk Show [10-12-1976]

    Damned: So Messed Up (session)
    Seeds: Pushin’ Too Hard (LP - Nuggets) Elektra
    Iggy & The Stooges: Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell (LP - Raw
    Power) Embassy
    Eddie & The Hotrods: Horseplay (Weary Of The Schmaltz)
    (single) Island
    Damned: Neat Neat Neat (session)
    Richard Hell & The Voidoids: Blank Generation (EP) Stiff
    Television: Little Johnny Jewel Part 1 (single) Ork
    Tuff Darts: Slash (LP - Live At CBGB’s) Atlantic
    Pere Ubu: Final Solution (LP - Max’s Kansas City 1976) Ram
    Damned: New Rose (session)
    Sex Pistols: Anarchy In The UK (single) EMI
    Fast: Boys Will Be Boys (LP - Max’s Kansas City 1976) Ram
    New York Dolls: Personality Crisis (LP - New York Dolls) Mercury
    Saints: (I’m) Stranded (single) Power Exchange
    Damned: Stab Your Back (session)
    Shadows Of Knight: ’Light Bulb Blues (7 inch)’ (Dunwich)
    Ramones: ’California Sun/I Don’t Wanna Walk Around With You
    (7 inch-B side of I Wanna Be


  • Trump Just Attacked the Very Idea of Objective Reality: ’What You’re Seeing and What You’re Reading Is Not What’s Happening’ | Alternet

    Since President Donald Trump’s legacy in office is filled with broken promises and dismal failures, he and his defenders are working to create an alternative reality for his supporters to believe in where administration policy is a resounding success.

    Trump made this strategy explicit Tuesday (as Kellyanne Conway once did when she coined the phrase “alternative facts”) in his speech at the VFW in Kansas City.

    “This country is doing better than it ever has before, economically,” Trump said, touting his plan to slap tariffs on foreign goods.

    He added: “It’s all working out. Just remember: what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”

    It was a startling admission: Trump doesn’t want people to believe the very things they’re seeing.

    #Fake_news #Post_truth

  • Non, Kansas, vous ne pouvez pas interdire aux entreprises de boycotter Israël
    Par le Comité de Rédaction de The Kansas City Star (USA) 31 janvier 2018 traduit de l’anglais par Djazaïri

    Un jugé fédéral de Topeka a statué que le Kansas ne pouvait pas dire aux entreprises ce qu’elles pouvaient et ne pouvaient pas boycotter. Ce qui devrait apparaître comme évident à quiconque au fait des protections de la liberté d’expression en vertu du Premier Amendement [de la Constitution des Etats Unis, NdT].

    Mais l’été dernier, l’Etat du Kansas a adopté une loi exigeant que tous ceux qui concluent des marchés avec lui certifient qu’ils ne boycottent pas Israël.

    Pourquoi ? Dans son avis bloquant l’application de la loi alors que le procès de l’American Civil Liberties Union est en cours, le juge de district américain Daniel Crabtree a écrit que ses partisans [de la législation anti-boycott] à l’Assemblée législative du Kansas ont fait valoir que son but était « d’empêcher les gens de s’opposer à Israël ».

    Ils ont, écrit Crabtree, « insisté sur la nécessité de s’opposer aux campagnes de « Boycott, Désinvestissment et Sanctions, BDS qui protestent contre le mauvais traitement par le gouvernement israélien des Palestiniens dans les territoires occupés. » (...)


  • Angoulême Grand Prix is the most prestigious award in the comic book medium. But of late, with accusations of sexism and corruption rife no one seems to want to win it.

    Two years the awards was criticised for issuing an all-male thirty-strong nominee list, and for twelve nominees of those nominees to withdraw from the list, making it impractical to continue. Initially six women’s names were added to the list, before the whole nominee longlist system were withdrawn and those eligible asked to vote for whoever they liked, reflecting their life’s work in comics.

    In 2015, the three final nominees were Alan Moore, Katsuhiro Otomo and Hermann. Moore and Hermann declined to be nominated, so Otomo won.

    In 2016, amidst all the fuss, and with Alan Moore and Claire Wendling declining to be honoured, Hermann relented after lobbying from friends, and won the prize.

    In 2017, Chris Ware, Cosey and Larcenet, were nominated and Cosey won.

    And now in 2018… they’ve gone straight to allowing any of the creators to vote for anyone they want, resulting in Richard Corben, Emmanuel Guibert and Chris Ware as the three nominees for the Grand Prix Prize for Angouleme 2018.

    A first round of voting took place last week, with 1230 comic book creators participating, The second round will take place from tomorrow until Sunday. Anyone who has had comic book work published in France can participate. Which, by the way, includes most professional comic book creators in America…. just saying.

    #Angoulême #bandes_dessinées #richard_corben

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Spent the Last Year of His Life Detested by the Liberal Establishment

    In an April 1967 speech at Riverside Church in New York City, the civil rights leader publicly denounced American involvement in Indochina.


    The backlash from a liberal establishment that had once praised King for his civil rights campaign came as hard and fast as his allies had feared.

    The New York Times editorial board lambasted King for linking the war in Vietnam to the struggles of civil rights and poverty alleviation in the United States, saying it was “too facile a connection” and that he was doing a “disservice” to both causes. It concluded that there “are no simple answers to the war in Vietnam or to racial injustice in this country.” The Washington Post editorial board said King had “diminished his usefulness to his cause, his country and his people.” A political cartoon in the Kansas City Star depicted the civil rights movement as a young black girl crying and begging for her drunk father King, who is consuming the contents of a bottle labeled “Anti-Vietnam.”

    In all, 168 newspapers denounced him the next day.

  • U.S. Black Mothers Die In Childbirth At Three Times The Rate Of White Mothers : NPR

    Black women are more likely to be uninsured outside of pregnancy, when Medicaid kicks in, and thus more likely to start prenatal care later and to lose coverage in the postpartum period. They are more likely to have chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes and hypertension that make having a baby more dangerous. The hospitals where they give birth are often the products of historical #segregation, lower in quality than those where white mothers deliver, with significantly higher rates of life-threatening complications.

    Those problems are amplified by unconscious #biases that are embedded in the medical system, affecting quality of care in stark and subtle ways. In the more than 200 stories of #African-American mothers that ProPublica and NPR have collected over the past year, the feeling of being devalued and disrespected by medical providers was a constant theme.

    There was the new mother in Nebraska with a history of hypertension who couldn’t get her doctors to believe she was having a heart attack until she had another one. The young Florida mother-to-be whose breathing problems were blamed on obesity when in fact her lungs were filling with fluid and her heart was failing. The Arizona mother whose anesthesiologist assumed she smoked marijuana because of the way she did her hair. The Chicago-area businesswoman with a high-risk pregnancy who was so upset at her doctor’s attitude that she changed OB/GYNs in her seventh month, only to suffer a fatal postpartum stroke.
    Over and over, black women told of medical providers who equated being African-American with being poor, uneducated, noncompliant and unworthy. “Sometimes you just know in your bones when someone feels contempt for you based on your #race,” said one Brooklyn, N.Y., woman who took to bringing her white husband or in-laws to every prenatal visit. Hakima Payne, a mother of nine in Kansas City, Mo., who used to be a labor and delivery nurse and still attends births as a midwife-doula, has seen this cultural divide as both patient and caregiver. “The nursing culture is white, middle-class and female, so is largely built around that identity. Anything that doesn’t fit that #identity is suspect,” she said. Payne, who lectures on unconscious bias for professional organizations, recalled “the conversations that took place behind the nurse’s station that just made assumptions; a lot of victim-blaming — ’If those people would only do blah, blah, blah, things would be different.’”
    But it’s the discrimination that black women experience in the rest of their lives — the double whammy of race and gender — that may ultimately be the most significant factor in poor maternal outcomes.

    “It’s chronic stress that just happens all the time — there is never a period where there’s rest from it. It’s everywhere; it’s in the air; it’s just affecting everything,” said Fleda Mask Jackson, an Atlanta researcher who focuses on birth outcomes for middle-class black women.

    It’s a type of stress for which education and class provide no protection. “When you interview these doctors and lawyers and business executives, when you interview African-American college graduates, it’s not like their lives have been a walk in the park,” said Michael Lu, a longtime disparities researcher and former head of the Maternal and Child Health Bureau of the Health Resources and Services Administration, the main federal agency funding programs for mothers and infants. “It’s the experience of having to work harder than anybody else just to get equal pay and equal respect. It’s being followed around when you’re shopping at a nice store, or being stopped by the police when you’re driving in a nice neighborhood.”

    #racisme #États_Unis #maternité

  • UK hate crime studies suggest “ordinary people” committed most of them; our research confirms same is true in the US.

    Amid the Blaring Headlines, Routine Reports of Hate-Fueled Violence - ProPublica

    Earlier this year, ProPublica reported on studies done in Great Britain on hate crimes in the aftermath of the Brexit vote. Immigrants in the country faced violence, having been demonized as a threat during the polarizing and ultimately successful effort to withdraw from the European Union. One of the researchers’ findings was that the hate incidents very often did not involve fringe, ultra-nationalist and neo-Nazi groups. Instead, they were perpetrated by, as one researcher put it, “ordinary people.”

    The accounts marshaled by the Documenting Hate coalition suggest the same is true in the U.S. Amid the hundreds upon hundreds of news reports of crimes and insults and threats we’ve collected, there’s an everyman quality to the accused. While the black man killed in New York was allegedly slain by a consumer of white supremacy propaganda, the immigrant shot to death in Kansas City was allegedly killed by an unremarkable suspect, a man who had worked menial jobs across his life and, according to some associates, been in a spiral of drinking and depression for months.

    Hate Speech after Brexit - Demos

    The Centre for the Analysis of Social Media at Demos has been undertaking research into the impact that the European Referendum result has had on xenophobia and racism on Twitter, and also how the platform has been used to both report hate speech incidents and to express solidarity with migrants.

    A full overview of the study, which also included research into Islamophobia on Twitter in the aftermath of the Brussels terrorist attacks, can be downloaded here:

    Brexit and Xenophobia
    Islamophobia after the Brussels Attacks

    A methodological paper supporting the studies can be downloaded here.

    Key findings are highlighted below:

    2,413 online reports of hate speech & racial abuse in Brexit aftermath

    Exclusive Demos analysis finds 2,413 unique reported incidents from UK streets of hate speech and xenophobic abuse in the week following the EU Referendum
    Identifies 13,236 tweets sent in the UK from 24 June–1 July with xenophobic or anti-immigrant attitudes
    But study also finds Twitter was used as a platform for expressing solidarity with migrants and challenging racism – with 44,003 tweets sent during the same period under the #SafetyPin support hashtag

    New analysis from Demos think tank has captured a significant spike in online and offline hate speech in the aftermath of the European Referendum.

  • Les #salaires et Wall Street

    Malgré les conflits géopolitiques, la stagnation économique et les crises gouvernementales pays après pays, les marchés boursiers aux États-Unis et dans le monde continuent leur spectaculaire montée. Vendredi, alors que de nouvelles révélations dans la saga Trump-Russie intensifiaient la #crise à laquelle l’administration américaine profondément impopulaire fait face, Wall Street a marqué une autre journée triomphale. Les indices Dow Jones et S & P 500 ont fini sur de nouveaux records et le Nasdaq a enregistré sa meilleure semaine de l’année. Depuis sa crise post-2008 en mars 2009, le Dow a augmenté de 340 pour cent.

    L’autre tendance économique persistante, en particulier aux États-Unis, est la stagnation et le déclin des salaires. Cela en dépit d’un supposé taux de chômage aux États-Unis de 4,4 pour cent, d’un niveau bas par rapport aux normes historiques et de ce que les médias qualifient d’une « solide » création d’emplois.

    Le rapport sur l’emploi des États-Unis pour juin, sorti la semaine dernière, a suscité, en dépit d’une croissance de la masse salariale supérieure à celle prévue, un malaise même dans certains milieux bourgeois, car les salaires n’ont augmenté que de 2,4 pour cent comparés à la même période de l’année précédente, bien en deçà du taux de 3 pour cent dans les mois précédant Le krach financier de 2008. Le New York Times a cité un haut dirigeant de Manpower North America, qui a déclaré : « Nous n’avons pas vu auparavant une chute du chômage avec les taux de participation bas et en même temps des salaires qui ne bougent pas. Cela vous dit que quelque chose ne va pas sur le marché du travail. »

    Selon le plus récent « Real Wage Index » (indice des salaires réels), publié plus tôt ce mois sur le site PayScale, cinq des 32 zones métropolitaines incluses dans l’indice ont enregistré des baisses de salaire au deuxième trimestre de cette année. Quatre des cinq étaient dans les régions du Midwest les plus touchées par des décennies de désindustrialisation : Detroit, Kansas City, Chicago et Minneapolis.

    En tenant compte de l’inflation, les salaires réels aux États-Unis ont, selon cet indice, reculé de 7,5 % depuis 2006. En termes réels, les salaires moyens aux États-Unis ont atteint leur pic il y a plus de 40 ans.

  • Trois questions à Fight for 15$
    par Judith Chouraqui,
    paru dans CQFD n°149 (décembre 2016).

    Comment la grève de 2012 dans la restauration rapide est-elle devenue une campagne nationale ?
    Quand 200 travailleurs de la restauration rapide ont cessé le travail pour demander un salaire minimum de 15 dollars par heure et le droit de se syndiquer, personne n’y croyait. Mais ils se sont appuyés sur une colère profonde contre une économie qui accroît les inégalités sociales et ne profite qu’aux plus riches. Au début du mouvement, j’ai rencontré des travailleurs qui avaient été licenciés pour toutes sortes de motifs – avoir mangé un nugget de poulet sur le lieu de travail ou bu un grand verre d’eau plutôt qu’un petit.
    Les grèves se sont multipliées, de Chicago à Detroit en passant par Milwaukee et Kansas City. Rapidement, les travailleurs de plus de 100 villes ont uni leurs forces et le mouvement s’est rapidement étendu à l’ensemble du secteur des services, la revendication ayant trouvé un écho chez les employés des services à la personne et de l’éducation, les salariés des aéroports, etc. Avec l’aide de l’Union internationale des employés des services (SEIU) et d’autres partenaires, les travailleurs en lutte ont obtenu des augmentations pour 22 millions de salariés. La lutte s’est aussi internationalisée, avec des partenaires syndicaux européens notamment, pour mettre les compagnies transnationales comme Mac Donald’s devant leurs responsabilités.

  • Inside Kansas City’s goal to become ’the smartest city on planet earth’ - TechRepublic

    There’s more to #Kansas_City than barbecue and baseball, as the metro area digs in even deeper to become a smart city.

    In May, the Missouri city heralded the first phase of its plan to become a smart, connected city by creating a 2.2 mile smart district with 20,000 residents in the heart of downtown. The core area includes a streetcar line, free public Wi-Fi, smart LED streetlights, and 25 digital kiosks as part of an infrastructure overhaul. The first phase has been limited to the area covered, as it’s served as a living lab for smart city Internet of Things (IoT) technology.
    The free public Wi-Fi is the core component of the project, in that it touches the most people’s lives by improving their connectivity. The city initially thought that residents in the area would get the most impact from the free Wi-Fi. But it turns out that visitors are using it, and using it repeatedly. This means that the city can collect data about the visitors, such as their area codes and, through sensors in kiosks stationed throughout the smart city district, the pattern of where they are going while they are in the area, Bennett [Kansas City’s chief innovation officer] said.

    For instance, “There are 48 people who walk past the corner of 9th and Broadway between 9 and 10 am each day. There is not a single restaurant in that entire two-block area. Once I figured that out, I talked to our economic development council. We talked to two people who bid, and they put a new deli in,” Bennett said.
    Kim Majerus, local and education vice president for #Cisco, worked with the city on the project. “The amount of data and information they’re collecting from that street car and the usership and the opportunities, I think that itself has paid for the project in gold from the city’s perspective.
    Cities are realizing the value in IoT, and putting the technology into practice, and it has accelerated in the last year, Majerus said.

    It’s no longer telling people why they should be smart and connected, but it’s telling the city leaders that you have an asset that you can monetize to the benefit of your citizens. Once you get that piece done, the rest is easy. Once you show them the value of the assets they have, it makes it a little easier for the city leadership to get behind it,” she said.

    Le futur âge d’or de la #smart_city

  • USA 1968

    I found this months ago in China, but just got it delivered today by my sister-in-law, which turns out to be timely given current events… This is a 1968 map published together on a single large sheet with the text of Mao Zedong’s “Statement in support of the Afro-American struggle against violent repression.” The map has red torches indicating the sites of more than four dozen urban riots/uprisings, with six additional text balloons outlining details of incidents in Kansas City, Memphis, Baltimore, Washington DC, Chicago, and Pittsburgh, calling them “an unprecedented wave of Afro-American struggle against violence.” In Mao’s statement, he argues that “Martin Luther King was an exponent of nonviolence. Nevertheless, the U.S. imperialists did not on that account show any tolerance toward him, but used counter-revolutionary violence and killed him in cold blood. This has taught the broad masses of the Black people in the United States a profound lesson.”

    #cartographie #révolte

  • ⭐Connaître la Police. Grands textes de la recherche anglo-saxonne. Les CAHIERS de la SÉCURITÉ INTÉRIEURE. sous la direction de

    empiriques issus des sciences humaines, auxquels ce recueil introduit. R aisons d un choix Ainsi donc, ce sont les travaux plus directement inspirés par les sciences sociales (criminologie, sociologie, science politique, gestion) qui constituent l essentiel du matériel ici présenté. Trois critères ont orienté la sélection opérée. Leur place « séminale » dans l univers intellectuel anglo-saxon. On entend par là qu il n a plus été possible, dès lors que cette recherche a été effectuée, d ignorer ses résultats. Le travail de W. A. Westley a considérablement tardé à être publié et n a peut-être pas de ce fait bénéficié de toute la reconnaissance méritée. Il n en reste pas moins le premier travail de terrain systématique sur un service de police, et ses découvertes ont considérablement influencé l École interactionniste de la déviance. De fait, W. A. Westley a été connu par le truchement d un de ses compagnons de l Université de Chicago, H. S. Becker, dans Outsiders. Quinze ans plus tard, après l expérience de Kansas City menée par la Police Foundation, il n était plus possible de continuer à raisonner l activité policière dans la ville comme si les patrouilles préventives, « nez au vent », en étaient nécessairement le mode obligé. Une décennie plus tard, à nouveau, un texte fait date : depuis « Broken Windows », on sait que la relation entre délinquance et sentiment d insécurité est réciproque. Notons incidemment que la republication de la traduction française de ce texte permettra à nombre de ceux qui le citent sans l avoir lu d en prendre connaissance et de vérifier qu il ne s agit nullement ni d un appel frénétique à une répression de tous les instants (sous le slogan « tolérance zéro ») ni d une version américaine sophistiquée du vieil adage « qui vole un œuf vole un bœuf », mais bien plutôt d un avertissement à la police : à ne pas se 19 Connaître la police

  • First Syrians arrive in US under surge resettlement program

    The first Syrian family to be resettled in the U.S. under a speeded-up “surge operation” for refugees left Jordan on Wednesday and arrived in Kansas City, Missouri, to start a new life.
    #réinstallation #asile #migrations #réfugiés #réfugiés_syriens #USA #Etats-Unis
    signalé par @forumasile

  • Ford va tester un service de navettes à la demande à Kansas City

    "Les utilisateurs pourront réserver leur trajet à l’avance sur l’application mobile de Bridj. Le tarif sera un peu plus élevé qu’un ticket de bus classique, mais moins cher qu’une course en taxi. Une fois le voyage confirmé, l’usager se fera guider jusqu’au lieu où la navette viendra le récupérer. L’agglomération de Kansas City sera maillée avec des centaines de « hotspots » non permanents où les navettes pourront prendre des passagers. Le système se veut, en théorie, plus souple et flexible qu’un réseau de transports classique, la technologie de Bridj permettant d’anticiper les pics de demandes et de s’adapter aux habitudes des habitants, grâce à l’analyse des données. Le nouveau réseau vise à fournir le bon niveau de mobilité au bon moment, pour améliorer par exemple la desserte des zones industrielles (...)


  • Vidéo : Dave Grohl et les Foo Fighters trollent avec génie une manif homophobe
    par Rachid Majdoub

    Dave Grohl et les Foo Fighters sont un bien pour notre humanité. La preuve (une nouvelle fois) avec cette vidéo.

    Au loin, un pick-up. Des hommes à l’arrière. Une pancarte, sur laquelle on peut lire : “You got rickroll’d“. Et pour cause : le fameux mème des internets prend sens lorsqu’on entend résonner, une fois la voiture à quai, le célèbre tube de Rick Astley, “Never Gonna Give You Up” (1987). Un hymne sur lequel l’ancien batteur de Nirvana et sa troupe se déhanchent tout en tapant des mains.

    Un joyeux bordel, qui trolle magnifiquement une manifestation homophobe alors en train de se dérouler à Kansas City, devant le Sprint Center où le groupe devait se produire ce vendredi 21 août. Derrière ce mouvement initié en parallèle du concert, une église baptiste, la Westboro Baptist Church ; soit, en somme, une organisation religieuse extrémiste de la ville de Kansas ”qui a fait de l’#homophobie la plus virulente l’un de ses fonds de commerce”, comme le précise le Huffington Post.

    Leur message : “dieu déteste les pédés”. Alors, quand Dave et les Foo Fighters leur répondent (une nouvelle fois) avec ce hit gay friendly des années 80, amassant en plus de nombreux fans tout autour, on ne peut que se réjouir de ce spectacle qui relève de la grâce. Dave Grohl, un génie ? Oui, et Kurt aurait adoré.

  • The basic truth about broadband that cable companies want to hide

    The American cities that are delivering best-in-the-world speeds at bargain prices are precisely the cities that aren’t relying on Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, Time-Warner, etc. to run their infrastructure. In Kansas City, Google built a state-of-the-art fiber optic network largely just to prove a point. In Chattanooga and Lafayette, the government did it. At the moment, the US federal government could issue 5-year bonds at a 1.58 percent interest rate and make grants to cities interested in following Chattanooga and Lafayette down that path. But it doesn’t happen, because while broadband incumbents don’t want to spend the money it would take to build state-of-the-art fiber networks, they are happy to spend money on lobbying.

    And they are very effective at it. The 2009 stimulus bill, for example, provided a grant to the District of Columbia to build a publicly owned fiber-optic network, but the city’s not allowed to use it to deliver fiber connections to its residents. In San Antonio, the city-owned electrical utility already built a fiber network but lobbyists got the state legislature to pass a law making it illegal for households to use the fiber.

  • Les vieux démons anti-juifs en occident…

    L’affaire du jeune islamiste Merah qui défia la chronique, en 2012, est l’acte antisémite le plus cité, et l’est encore à ce jour le plus cruel, qu’a connu la France profondément marquée par la mémoire de la Shoah. Une histoire similaire s’est déroulée dans la journée du dimanche 13 à Kansas City aux Etat-Unis. Et cette fois, c’est un septuagénaire… Le jeune musulman français était islamiste et a d’abord abattu, avec discrétion et dans le dos, 3 militaires français, dans le contexte du Printemps Arabe, avant (...)

    international, suivi, grand événement, internationaux, monde, continent, Etats, conflits, paix,

    / Obama, USA, Israël, Proche-Orient, Palestine , fait divers, société, fléau, délinquance, religion, (...)

    #international,suivi,_grand_événement,_internationaux,_monde,_continent,_Etats,_conflits,_paix, #Obama,_USA,_Israël,_Proche-Orient,_Palestine #fait_divers,_société,_fléau,_délinquance,_religion,_perdition

  • Custom Chips Could Be the Shovels in a #Bitcoin Gold Rush as Enthusiasts Design ASICs to Mine the Cryptocurrency Faster | MIT Technology Review

    some in [the Bitcoin] community are taking the expensive step of creating custom silicon chips dedicated to running the software that carries out that process.

    “It’s a business opportunity, and also because we believe in Bitcoin and what it can do,” says Josh Zerlan, COO of Butterfly Labs, a Kansas City company that is waiting for its first batch of custom chips to come back from an Asian manufacturer. These chips will be resold to Bitcoin enthusiasts in a line of products that plug into a computer via USB and supercharge its efforts to mine the currency. They range in price from $149 to $29,899, and in early 2013 they will start shipping to over a thousand customers who placed advance orders.

    Having an ASIC fabricated is a highly technical and expensive proposition, typically beginning at the low hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    #cryptographie #monnaie