
  • Experimentable — Self-tracking from both entrepreneur and individual perspectives

    10 learnings: 1. Business First, Product Second (or rather, « a product is not a business. »); 2. Do Simple Arithmetic; 3. Building >> Reading; 4. Get In Front of Your Customers; 5. Know your Skills, Pay for Everything Else; 6. Team Composition – Crazy and Detail-Oriented; 7. Have Savings; 8. Avoid Repeating Mistakes; 9. Have Fun; 10. Do Cool Stuff.

  • Feminist Fermentation Reading Session,3149.html

    From microperformativity to compost politics, and from the microbial commons to the microontologies of sex: How to think with live cultures of fermentation? Sara, Livia and Femke have collected texts from feminist and queer theory that reflect on microbial modes of togetherness and the complexities of inter-species life. On April 4, we will read, taste and discuss. Welcome! Please contact before April 1 to let us know if you want to participate, and/or want to receive (...)


  • Lire sur papier, lire sur écran : en quoi est-ce différent ?

    IDEE. Selon le support de lecture, le niveau de compréhension et la mémorisation des textes varient, montrent des études récentes. Par Frédéric Bernard, Université de Strasbourg
    Les écrans de téléphones mobiles, de tablettes et d’ordinateurs envahissent notre quotidien, et voilà dictionnaires, fiches de cours ou même classiques de la littérature à portée de clic. Faut-il inciter les élèves à profiter à 100% de ces facilités d’accès inédites au savoir, et renvoyer le papier au passé ? Rien n’est moins sûr si l’on se penche sur les derniers résultats de la recherche.

    Depuis le début de ce siècle, plusieurs dizaines d’études ont été menées pour évaluer les effets du support de lecture sur les performances de compréhension de textes qui pouvaient être soit documentaires - manuels scolaires, ouvrages universitaires - soit narratifs - fictions, romans...

    Les résultats de ces études ont été repris dans deux méta-analyses publiées en 2018 ; celle de Kong, Seo et Zhai, portant sur 17 études, publiée dans le journal Computers & Education, et celle de Delgado et de ses collègues, portant sur 54 études effectuées auprès d’un total d’environ 170 000 lecteurs, et publiée dans Educational Research Review. Il en ressort que la compréhension de textes est significativement meilleure lorsque la lecture s’effectue sur papier que sur écran.

    (reprise d’un article de The Conversation : )

    • Les méta-analyses citées :

      Comparison of reading performance on screen and on paper: A meta-analysis - ScienceDirect
      (article payant)

      • Reading on paper is better than reading on screen in terms of reading comprehension.
      • Reading on paper is not significantly different from reading on screen in terms of reading speed.
      • The magnitude of the difference in reading comprehension between media types followed a diminishing trajectory.

      This meta-analysis looked at 17 studies which focused on the comparison of reading on screen and reading on paper in terms of reading comprehension and reading speed. The robust variance estimation (RVE)- based meta-analysis models were employed, followed by four different RVE meta-regression models to examine the potential effects of some of the covariates (moderators) on the mean differences in comprehension and reading speed between reading on screen and reading on paper. The RVE meta-analysis showed that reading on paper was better than reading on screen in terms of reading comprehension, and there were no significant differences between reading on paper and reading on screen in terms of reading speed. None of the moderators were significant at the 0.05 level. In the meanwhile, albeit not significant, examination of the p-values for the difference tests prior to 2013 and after 2013 respectively (not shown here) indicated that the magnitude of the difference in reading comprehension between paper and screen followed a diminishing trajectory. It was suggested that future meta-analyses include latest studies, and other potential moderators such as fonts, spacing, age and gender.


      Don’t throw away your printed books: A meta-analysis on the effects of reading media on reading comprehension - ScienceDirect
      (article payant)

      • Paper-based reading yields better comprehension outcomes than digital-based reading.
      • Reading time frame and text genre moderate the medium effect on comprehension.
      • The advantage of paper-based comprehension has increased over the years since 2000.

      With the increasing dominance of digital reading over paper reading, gaining understanding of the effects of the medium on reading comprehension has become critical. However, results from research comparing learning outcomes across printed and digital media are mixed, making conclusions difficult to reach. In the current meta-analysis, we examined research in recent years (2000–2017), comparing the reading of comparable texts on paper and on digital devices. We included studies with between-participants (n = 38) and within-participants designs (n = 16) involving 171,055 participants. Both designs yielded the same advantage of paper over digital reading (Hedge’s g = −0.21; dc = −0.21). Analyses revealed three significant moderators: (1) time frame: the paper-based reading advantage increased in time-constrained reading compared to self-paced reading; (2) text genre: the paper-based reading advantage was consistent across studies using informational texts, or a mix of informational and narrative texts, but not on those using only narrative texts; (3) publication year: the advantage of paper-based reading increased over the years. Theoretical and educational implications are discussed.

  • Food Sovereignty

    Food Sovereignty is a term that refers to both a movement and an idea (Wittman et al., 2010) however, as with most political concepts, it is essentially contested. This contested nature stems partly from the conviction of many of its transnational advocates that food sovereignty needs to be defined ‘from the bottom-up’ and as such it evades a precise single definition. While there is merit in such an approach given the diverse political and agro-ecological settings in which food sovereignty has emerged as a rallying cry for change, it also raises the question of whether food sovereignty can be relational without bounds [1].

    Whilst the lack of distinction of the food sovereignty concept continues to form a theoretical problem, which according to some prevents the further development of the debate[2], in practice the issue areas that food sovereignty advocates concern themselves with are very clear. The primary documentation issued by organisations like La Via Campesina and the declarations issued at the two Nyéléni meetings, include calls for the democratisation of the food system and the protection of the rights of small farmers. It also expresses a commitment to address the multiple inequalities reproduced within the current corporate-dominated food system. As such, food sovereignty builds upon a rights-based approach to food, but adds a qualifier to such rights. Human beings do not merely have a right to food, but rather ‘a right to food that is healthy and culturally appropriate, produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods’, which are defined by people instead of corporations or unaccountable governments [3]. In this manner, food sovereignty represents a radical alternative to the food security paradigm, which holds central the benefits of free food markets and seeks to solve the problem of world hunger through scientific innovation and increased market liberalisation.

    Whilst the precise origins of food sovereignty remain somewhat unclear, Edelman (2014) has put forward a strong case that it was first articulated in Mexico [4]. Additionally, as a result of Latin American peasant farmer organisation La Via Campesina’s use of the term and the fact that some of the movement’s key international meetings were deliberately held in the global South (at Nyéléni in Mali) so as to make a statement, food sovereignty itself is often seen as a ‘southern’ rallying cry. In part this is because it is associated with smallholder farming which is exercised more extensively within the global South. This is not to say that smallholder farmers do not exist within Europe or the United States,[5] or that the aspirations of small holder producers in Latin America, East Asia or elsewhere may not align with the food export-oriented framework that is conventionally understood as driven by ‘northern’ actors [6]. Nor is it to suggest that food sovereignty – where it pertains to democratisation and exercising ownership over a given food system – has no place in American and European societies. The geographic dimensions of food sovereignty, however, do serve to communicate that the negative socio-economic impacts resulting from the proliferation of large-scale industrialised food production elsewhere has been predominantly felt in the global South.

    Reflecting on the structure of the global food economy, it has been suggested that the fundamental interests of geographically differently located actors may be at odds with one another, even if they collectively mobilise behind the banner of food sovereignty [7]. Food sovereignty activists stand accused of taking a ‘big bag fits all’ approach (Patel) and brushing over the contradictions inherent in the movement. As already indicated above, however, whilst the broad geographic delineations may help to explain existing inequalities, the reproduction of binary North-South oppositions is not always conducive to better understanding the mechanisms through which such inequalities are reproduced. For example, factors such as the interaction between local elites and transnational capital or the role of food culture and dietary change are not easily captured through territorial markers such as ‘North’ and ‘South’.

    Essential Reading

    Holt-Gimenez, Eric & Amin, Samir, (2011) Food movements unite!: Strategies to transform our food system (Oakland: Food First Books).

    Alonso-Fradejas, A., Borras Jr, S. M., Holmes, T., Holt-Giménez, E., & Robbins, M. J. (2015). Food sovereignty: convergence and contradictions, conditions and challenges. Third World Quarterly, 36(3), 431-448.

    Patel, Raj. (2009). Food sovereignty. Journal of Peasant Studies, 36:3, 663-706

    Further reading

    Andrée P, Ayres J, Bosia MJ, Mássicotte MJ. (eds.) (2014). Globalization and food sovereignty: global and local change in the new politics of food (Toronto: University of Toronto Press).

    Carolan, Michael. (2014). “Getting to the core of food security and food sovereignty: Relationality with limits?” Dialogues in Human Geography 4, no. 2, pp. 218-220.

    Holt-Giménez, E. (2009). From food crisis to food sovereignty: the challenge of social movements. Monthly Review, 61(3), 142.

    Shiva, Vandana (1997). Biopiracy: The plunder of nature and knowledge (Cambridge: South End Press).

    Wittman, Hannah (ed.) (2011). Food sovereignty: reconnecting food, nature & community (Oxford: Pambazuka Press).

    Zurayk, R. (2016). The Arab Uprisings through an Agrarian Lens. In Kadri. A. (ed). Development Challenges and Solutions after the Arab Spring. Hampshire, England: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 139-152.
    #souveraineté_alimentaire #alimentation #définition

  • 30 MOST READ Tech Stories of Q1, 2019

    Since you opened this email, you already know that Hacker Noon is a place where people actually read.When considering features for Hacker Noon 2.0 (coming soon…), it is very exciting to imagine how software can drive our goals. What’s our critical number when it comes to deciding story quality?Time Reading.How many minutes, hours, days, or even months have people spent actually reading each story? This is a measure of quality. Quality stories deserve more curation and distribution. Time reading is information we want to publicly provide, for the benefit of both our writers and readers.Before we dive into this quarter’s top stories…Shoutout to our investors of the week! Cheers to those who make it possible for us to build a better tech site:Paul Otto, the world’s best poker coach, is making (...)

    #reading-time #hackernoon-top-story #hackernoon-letter #hacker-reading #hacker-stories

  • The Effect of Reading a Short Passage of Literary Fiction on Theory of Mind: A Replication of Kidd and Castano (2013)

    Research has demonstrated that reading narrative fiction is positively related to ToM (e.g., Mar, Oatley, Hirsh, dela Paz, & Peterson, 2006; Mar, Oatley, & Peterson, 2009). Recently, Kidd and Castano (2013) put forward the intriguing hypothesis that one type of literature in particular enhances ToM. Specifically, based on different theories of text processing and text representation (e.g., Bruner, 1986; Miall & Kuiken, 1994), they argue that reading literary fiction should increase affective ToM as compared to reading popular fiction. Because works of literary fiction present readers with interesting and complex characters whose behaviour is often inconsistent with social script, they are encouraged to try to understand these characters’ intentions and actions, triggering cognitive processes comparable to those involved in affective ToM. By contrast, works of popular fiction are primarily plot driven instead of character driven and as a result, popular fiction is less likely to evoke affective ToM than literary fiction.

    The goal of the present study was to assess the robustness of Castano and Kidd’s (2013) finding that reading only a brief passage of literary fiction enhanced ToM scores as compared to reading popular fiction. Therefore, we conducted a direct replication of Kidd and Castano’s Experiment 5. In line with the original finding, we found that when controlling for age, gender, education level, positive affect, negative affect, happiness, sadness, ART scores, and time spent on RMET items, reading literary fiction resulted in higher affective ToM scores (as measured by the RMET) than reading popular fiction. Because participants in the literary fiction condition had longer reading times than those in the popular fiction condition, we checked if the results remained the same when controlling for reading times as well. The results were unaffected. Regarding the Yoni task, Kidd and Castano (2013) found that both cognitive and affective ToM scores were higher in the literary fiction condition. However, our results demonstrated that this advantage of literary fiction over popular fiction only applied to cognitive ToM.

    #Theory_of_mind #Empathie #Lecture

  • Brian Solis’s New Book Premiered at #sxsw. Here’s Why It Should Be On Your Spring Reading List

    Photo Credit: Brian SolisSXSW was packed with tech, long lines, inclusivity and patriarchy smashing. But one of the most life affirming takeaways, indeed one of the conference’s most surprisingly mindful experiences, came from an unlikely source.Brian Solis made his name as a digital anthropologist and futurist; he’s widely credited with shaping many market trends from the rise of Web 2.0 to startup acceleration to experience design to digital transformation and corporate innovatoin. But recently his career has evolved into something still more insightful than the sum of his research.From Business Tech to HumanityIn previous years at Southby, Solis has spoken about experience innovation, why Silicon Valley is such a mess and how we all got hooked like little lab rats on social media. This (...)

    #authors #brian-solis #life-scale #sxsw-2019

  • Do We Write Differently on a Screen? | The New Yorker

    But, before that, I published my first short novel, “Tongues of Flame.” I continued to write fiction by hand and then type it up. But, at least, once it was typed, you could edit on a screen. What a difference that was! What an invitation to obsession! Hitherto, there was a limit to how many corrections you could make by hand. There was only so much space on the paper. It was discouraging—typing something out time after time, to make more and more corrections. You learned to be satisfied with what you had. Now you could go on changing things forever. I learned how important it was to keep a copy of what I had written first, so as to remember what I had meant in the beginning. Sometimes it turned out to be better than the endlessly edited version.

    We had personal computers at this point, but I still wrote fiction by hand. The mental space feels different when you work with paper. It is quieter. A momentum builds up, a spell between page and hand and eye. I like to use a nice pen and see the page slowly fill. But, for newspaper articles and translations, I now worked straight onto the computer. Which was more frenetic, nervy. The writing was definitely different. But more playful, too. You could move things around. You could experiment so easily. I am glad the computer wasn’t available when I started writing. I might have been overwhelmed by the possibilities. But once you know what you’re doing, the facility of the computer is wonderful.

    Then e-mail arrived and changed everything. First, you would only hook the computer up through your landline phone a couple of times a day, as if there were a special moment to send and receive mail. Then came the permanent connection. Finally, the wireless, and, of course, the Internet. In the space of perhaps ten years, you passed from waiting literally months for a decision on something that you’d written, or simply for a reaction from a friend or an agent, to expecting a reaction immediately. Whereas in the past you checked your in-box once a day, now you checked every five minutes.

    And now you could write an article for The Guardian or the New York Times as easily as you could write it for L’Arena di Verona. Write it and expect a response in hours. In minutes. You write the first chapter of a book and send it at once to four or five friends. Hoping they’d read it at once. It’s impossible to exaggerate how exciting this was, at first, and how harmful to the spirit. You, everybody, are suddenly incredibly needy of immediate feedback. A few more years and you were publishing regularly online for The New York Review of Books. And, hours after publication, you could know how many people were reading the piece. Is it a success? Shall I follow up with something similar?

    While you sit at your computer now, the world seethes behind the letters as they appear on the screen. You can toggle to a football match, a parliamentary debate, a tsunami. A beep tells you that an e-mail has arrived. WhatsApp flashes on the screen. Interruption is constant but also desired. Or at least you’re conflicted about it. You realize that the people reading what you have written will also be interrupted. They are also sitting at screens, with smartphones in their pockets. They won’t be able to deal with long sentences, extended metaphors. They won’t be drawn into the enchantment of the text. So should you change the way you write accordingly? Have you already changed, unwittingly?

    Or should you step back? Time to leave your computer and phone in one room, perhaps, and go and work silently on paper in another. To turn off the Wi-Fi for eight hours. Just as you once learned not to drink everything in the hotel minibar, not to eat too much at free buffets, now you have to cut down on communication. You have learned how compulsive you are, how fragile your identity, how important it is to cultivate a little distance. And your only hope is that others have learned the same lesson. Otherwise, your profession, as least as you thought of it, is finished.

    Tim Parks, a novelist and essayist, is the author of “The Novel: A Survival Skill” and “Where I’m Reading From: The Changing World of Books.”

    #Ecriture #Ordinateur #Edition

  • Essential Reading List for Enterprise Software Developers and Architects

    The target audience for this reading list is enterprise software developers and architects. I chose to focus on system design, data modelling, security, devops, process, creativity, and computer science foundations which are essential and generally useful to most software engineers. Enjoy, happy reading, and let me know what you think!Code Complete by Steve McConnell — This comprehensive, classic tome on software design, construction, and craftsmanship has stood the test of time. McConnell’s discussion of metaphors, #architecture, debugging, quality assurance and ethics are excellent and still relevant in the context of the cloud, troubleshooting complex systems, fixing security defects, and collaborating with diverse teams. My favorite proverb therein is: measure twice, cut once. Visit the (...)

    #software-development #enterprise-software #agile #books

  • The Security Token Anthology: January 2019 Edition

    Another month and is time to release another edition of the Security Token Anthology which compiles some of my recent articles about crypto-securities. Last month I added articles about diverse topics such as governance, programmability and introduced the concept of multi-asset collateralized security tokens to refer to digital securities that represent a dynamic pool of underlying assets. The current version of the anthology includes 55 articles.Happy Reading!New Articles· Taking the First Step in Security Token Governance: Extending Security Token Protocols with Voting Rights(January 2019): Some Ideas to Unlock Programmability in Security (...)

    #ethereum #blockchain #security-token-anthology #cryptocurrency #security-token

  • trunk based development (TBD) for #apps

    Reading through a few articles and tweets related to TBD⚡️, I cannot avoid taking this to my own field (? app development), stretch my arms and fingers and publish a note on this.So, what is TBD?Trunk based development is:A source-control branching model, where developers collaborate on code in a single branch called ‘trunk’ *, resist any pressure to create other long-lived development branches by employing documented techniques. They therefore avoid merge hell, do not break the build, and live happily ever after.Reading through it you can perceive the evil ? side of over-structured branching models (like git flow) for your source control and you will probably start considering concepts like branch by abstraction ?‍♂️, feature flags ? and how to adapt your CI/CD process ♻️ to use TBD⚡️ (...)

    #android #ios #continuous-integration #software-development

  • Critique de la critique critique du livre ’Conversations entre Adultes’ de Yanis Varoufakis

    Dans le monde anglo-saxon de gauche, le livre Conversations entre Adultes [1] (Adults in the Room) de Yanis Varoufakis a suscité des critiques tout à fait intéressantes de la part d’Adam Tooze dans The New York Review of Books (« A Modern Greek Tragedy »), de J.W. Mason dans Boston Review (« Austerity by Design »), de Pavlos Roufos dans The Brooklyn Rail (« Inside the Disenchanted World of Left Keynesianism »), de Helena Sheehan dans Jacobin (« Closed Rooms and Class War »), notamment. De mon côté j’ai également rédigé une critique de ce livre important sous la forme d’une série qui a été publiée sur le blog de la maison d’édition anglophone Verso. Adam Tooze s’y est référé dans sa synthèse critique des critiques (« Europe’s Political Economy : Reading Reviews of Varoufakis’s Adults in the Room ») et Yanis Varoufakis a répondu sur son blog à une série de critiques dont la mienne. Ces échanges ont mis en avant une série d’arguments qui méritent d’être discutés. Voilà pourquoi j’ai rédigé cet article « Critique de la critique critique du livre Conversations entre Adultes de Yanis Varoufakis ». Il faut également dire que j’ai été fortement encouragé par Sebastian Budgen de la maison d’édition Verso qui a souhaité que je contribue à la discussion en cours. Je l’en remercie.

    Comme l’écrit Adam Tooze dans son indispensable synthèse des critiques, le débat autour du livre témoignage de Yanis Varoufakis renvoie à l’économie politique de l’Europe et notamment aux questions : comment sortir des politiques néolibérales qui dominent l’histoire du « vieux continent » depuis des décennies ? Quelle stratégie adopter ?

    Article repris par :

    #dette #Grèce #Syriza #troïka #Union_Européenne

  • How To Optimize Your #commute For #productivity

    This is how my commute looks like today. I will split this into multiple categories. You can play around with those. I’m always shifting and spinning plates, always adapting. And you should do too! Here we go!Pre-arrival office workE-mail skimming and prioritizingMeetings check-up and preparation. You can either do that in your head or by checking your notes.Code/documents/presentations reviewThe commute is the best time to update yourself on current affairs related to your profession. There are specified sites that provide information related to a specific industry like inshorts. Another form of being updated is checking the emails in your inbox before you step into your workplace.Reading/ListeningHave a list of articles ready to read. Use a tool like Pocket to bookmark and save (...)

    #self-improvement #lifehacks #hackernoon-top-story

  • Dear Hacker: #2018's Top Tech Stories

    Source, — WTF!Our president thinks shutting down the government is cool, our tech leaders act like they own user data & activity, and I’m just working, working, working until the next family member dies. Where is that work life balance in your own life? Cherish it. Ho hum, lets do this! I looked through the top 100 posts by a number of different metrics, and chose the top 20 overall that embody Hacker Noon.BTW: our equity crowdfund is up to $831k from 714 people (ending soon, invest today) & email to contribute a story to Hacker Noon.Hacker Noon’s Top 20 Stories of 2018:20. Everything I Knew About Reading Was Wrong by Johnny [13 min read]19. An Open Letter to Banks about Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies by Peter McCormack [13 min (...)

    #hackernoon-letter #tech-stories #hackernoon #tech-stories-2018

  • Why Don’t Good Habits Last ?

    Nir’s Note: This guest post is written by Max Ogles. Max writes at about behavior change, psychology, and technology.A commonly quoted and incredibly scary stat reveals that 9 out of 10 people who undergo heart bypass surgeries as a result of poor health are unable to change their habits, even with their lives on the line.We’ve all failed at something, though luckily most of us don’t face death as a consequence. Here’s a short list of some of the good habits I started, only to eventually fail:For two months, I went running 3 to 4 times each week. (I even ran a half marathon!) Then I quit running and didn’t run again for over a year.I decided to improve my reading speed and comprehension. I read every day, practicing with a course called Breakthrough Rapid Reading. I quit after (...)

    #business #productivity #entrepreneurship #tech #startup

  • Des transsexuelLEs interviennent : APPEL AU LOBBY TRANS

    _Un groupe de transsexuelLEs vient de publier une lettre ouverte dans le Times de Londres où iels remettent en question la représentativité des activistes qui agressent des femmes « en leur nom » et les appellent à cesser d’agresser des femmes :
    En tant que personnes transsexuelles, nous sommes consternées par l’escalade du harcèlement, des menaces et des agressions infligés à des femmes et à des groupes de femmes au nom d’un « activisme pour les droits des transgenres » (« Trans lobby sent me death threats, claims professor », TIMES, 6 décembre,
    Au cours des dernières années, la rhétorique violente utilisée dans les médias sociaux a trop souvent débordé dans la vie réelle. Après le harcèlement de Julie Bindel et de la Working Class Movement Library, l’agression physique de Maria Maclachlan et l’utilisation récente de tactiques de « port de masques » pour contrer une assemblée féministe à Bristol, nous trouvons horrifiantes les méthodes d’intimidation et d’agression dirigées contre Rosa Freedman, spécialiste des droits de la personne (et enseignante à l’Université de Reading qui a reçu des menaces de mort et de viol et dont on a uriné sur la porte de son bureau).

    Traduction : Tradfem
    Version originale :
    #Times #Londres #Lobby_trans

  • The Best #reading Lists

    Reading #inspiration From World-Class LeadersReading long-form essays and books is one of my favorite ways to learn new things. While I try to let my intellectual curiosity dictate my reading habits, it can often be helpful to find inspiration from mentors or people you find interesting.Inspired by Michael Nielsen’s tweet, I put together a collection of reading lists that I found to be particularly engaging and insightful. Enjoy!The Best Reading ListsDavid Benioff — ListDavid Bowie — ListStewart Brand — ListPatrick Collison— ListDavid Copperfield — ListMichelle Dockery — ListTim Ferriss — ListJames Franco — ListNeil Patrick Harris — ListBen Horowitz— ListBill Gates (2018) — ListSteve Jobs — ListAlan Kay — ListMax Levchin — ListCasey Neistat — ListTrevor Noah — ListBarack Obama — ListMichelle Obama — ListMichael (...)

    #science #technology #readinglist

  • University alerts students to danger of leftwing essay

    Prevent critics slam Reading for labelling ‘mainstream’ academic text as extremist.
    An essay by a prominent leftwing academic that examines the ethics of socialist revolution has been targeted by a leading university using the government’s counter-terrorism strategy.

    Students at the University of Reading have been told to take care when reading an essay by the late Professor Norman Geras, in order to avoid falling foul of Prevent.

    Third-year politics undergraduates have been warned not to access it on personal devices, to read it only in a secure setting, and not to leave it lying around where it might be spotted “inadvertently or otherwise, by those who are not prepared to view it”. The alert came after the text was flagged by the university as “sensitive” under the Prevent programme.

    The essay, listed as “essential” reading for the university’s Justice and Injustice politics module last year, is titled Our Morals: The Ethics of Revolution. Geras was professor emeritus of government at the University of Manchester until his death in 2013. He rejected terrorism but argued that violence could be justified in the case of grave social injustices.

    Waqas Tufail, a senior lecturer in criminology at Leeds Beckett University who wrote a report about Prevent last year, described the case at Reading as “hugely concerning”. Another Prevent expert, Fahid Qurashi of Staffordshire University, said the move showed how anti-terrorism legislation is “being applied far beyond its purview”.
    Guardian Today: the headlines, the analysis, the debate - sent direct to you
    Read more

    Ilyas Nagdee, black students’ officer for the National Union of Students, said the case again highlighted “misunderstanding of the [counter-terrorism guidance].”

    The strategy, itself controversial, is meant to divert people before they offend, and requires universities to monitor students’ and academics’ access to material that could be considered extremist. The scheme has repeatedly come under fire since its remit was expanded by the coalition government in 2011. Critics argue that it has curtailed academic freedom by encouraging universities to cancel appearances by extremist speakers and for fostering a “policing culture” in higher education.

    Tufail added: “This text was authored by a mainstream, prominent academic who was well-regarded in his field, who was a professor at Manchester for many years and whose obituary was published in the Guardian. This case raises huge concerns about academic freedom and students’ access to material, and it raises wider questions about the impact of Prevent.” The text was identified as potentially sensitive by an academic convening the course. “This is almost worse because it means academics are now engaging in self-censorship,” Tufail said.

    Nagdee said: “Prevent fundamentally alters the relationship between students and educators, with those most trusted with our wellbeing and development forced to act as informants. As this case shows, normal topics that are discussed as a matter of course in our educational spaces are being treated as criminal”.

    The University of Reading said: “Lecturers must inform students in writing if their course includes a text deemed security-sensitive, and then list which students they expect will have to access the material.

    “As laid out in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, the University of Reading has put policies in place to take steps to prevent students being drawn into terrorism.” One aspect of this is to safeguard staff and students who access security-sensitive materials legitimately and appropriately used for study or research.”
    #université #it_has_begun #UK #Angleterre #surveillance #censure #gauche #droite #Reading #Prevent_programme #terrorisme #anti-terrorisme #violence #liberté_d'expression #liberté_académique #extrémisme #Norman_Geras

  • A neuroscientist explains what tech does to the reading brain - The Verge

    For anyone who has ever been a reader, there’s much to sympathize with in Maryanne Wolf’s Reader, Come Home. The UCLA neuroscientist, a great lover of literature, tries to read Hermann Hesse’s Glass Bead Game, an old favorite, only to realize that she finds him boring and too complex. She wonders why he ever won a Nobel. And Wolf, who previously wrote Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain, is horrified that this is what has happened to her ability to concentrate.

    So what’s changing now with technology? How is that affecting our circuits?

    The fact that a circuit is plastic is both its beautiful strength and its Achilles’ heel. Reading reflects our medium. And to the extent that a digital medium is going to require us to process large amounts of information very quickly, it will diminish from the time we have for slower processing work.

    And these slower processes are deep learning, the ones that are more cognitively challenging. They’re the basis for going beyond that initial short circuit of decoding the information and understanding it at a very basic level. The digital medium affordance rewards and advantages fast processing at the cost of the slower processes that build our very important critical, analytical, and empathetic processes.

    Reader, Come Home is about, as its subtitle states, “the reading brain in a digital world.” The Verge spoke to Wolf about how technology is changing the brain, what we lose when we lose deep attention, and what to do about it.❞

    My proposal is for a “bi-literate brain.” We need to train children to evaluate what is before them. What is the best medium? There are certainly going to be more than two mediums, and some will be far more visual or kinesthetic. So the real goal is to figure out how to preserve what we have in deep reading and be able to exert that at will.

    #Lecture #Empathie #Livre_numérique #Concentration

  • Trump Just Attacked the Very Idea of Objective Reality: ’What You’re Seeing and What You’re Reading Is Not What’s Happening’ | Alternet

    Since President Donald Trump’s legacy in office is filled with broken promises and dismal failures, he and his defenders are working to create an alternative reality for his supporters to believe in where administration policy is a resounding success.

    Trump made this strategy explicit Tuesday (as Kellyanne Conway once did when she coined the phrase “alternative facts”) in his speech at the VFW in Kansas City.

    “This country is doing better than it ever has before, economically,” Trump said, touting his plan to slap tariffs on foreign goods.

    He added: “It’s all working out. Just remember: what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”

    It was a startling admission: Trump doesn’t want people to believe the very things they’re seeing.

    #Fake_news #Post_truth

  • DLT Scaling through the HyloChain Consensus Architecture

    Disclaimer: Speculative Rationality only look closely at and write about projects we believe in, have invested in or plan on investing in. Information below aims to be impartial; however it is not investment advice. Do your due diligence. Good luck!Please attribute sourcing of content and images from this article to— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —Recommended Reading to assist in better informing this post:In Depth Reading: WhitepaperAdditional reading: TreeReduce and TreeAggregate DemystifiedVideo Interview: Constellation Execs talk with BlockchainBrad about their Horizontally Scalable Distributed OSScalability is one of the greatest challenges faced by distributed ledger technologies (DLT) as they evolve towards maturity. A great deal of energy has been committed to finding appropriate (...)

  • A New Approach to #blockchain #interoperability, True #decentralization.

    Disclaimer: We only look closely at and write about projects we believe in, have invested in or plan on investing in. Information below aims to be impartial; however it is not investment advice. Do your due diligence. Good luck!— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —Recommended Reading to assist in better informing this post:Block Collider WhitepaperCollision Course — Emblems & NRG by Ian SimpsonCollision Course — Mining the Block Collider by Ian SimpsonBuilding a Blockchain Singularity with Proof of Distance by Patrick McConlogue— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —A close look at the Blockchain space reveals a series of blockchain projects that operate largely in distinct silos. The reality is that blockchain technology is yet to realise widespread real-world adoption, however as we accelerate (...)

    #multichain #crypto

  • 12 Free #ux & #ui Books That Worth Your Reading for 2018

    Though UX/UI design has no widely-accepted definition, we can still say with certainty that it’s about the user and creating the pleasure when using a project. Such a big subject can be intimidating on first glance, and the sheer amount of UX/UI books also make most of us feel overwhelmed. For those looking for expert techniques so as to get an edge in UX design, we have rounded up a complete list of 12 free UX and UI books that anyone can enjoy and benefit from. Take a look and may you find the favorite one to sharpen your skills!1. The Encyclopedia of Human Computer InteractionFree and high quality textbooks recommended by Don Norman, “I highly recommend the Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, the breadth and the depth of the invited contributions are quite impressive, all with (...)

    #book-design #ui-design #ux-design

  • How to hack your mind to think like Richard Branson

    “Work hard, play hard.”Extreme Tech Challenge, Necker IslandPart of the “Entrepreneurship Unplugged” Blog Series: Blog 5My recent AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit’s largest entrepreneur channel was a great walk down memory lane. One of the users asked me to share my craziest startup story. My greatest experience was meeting Richard Branson in his own paradise, Necker Island.There aren’t many people I admire for their way of life and business success as much as Richard Branson. As one of the most famous serial entrepreneurs, we’ve likely all read of his “work hard, play hard” approach to business.“I don’t think of work as work and play as play. It’s all living” — Richard BransonPersonally, I only knew him through his books like “Losing My Virginity” and “Screw It, Let’s Do It.” Reading about his beliefs is (...)

    #entrepreneurship #regret #richard-branson #necker-island #hack-your-mind