
  • Making a killing from ’austerity’: the EU’s great privatisation fire sale - The Ecologist

    ... if the arguments for privatisation no longer stand up to scrutiny, what is driving the process? Along with an ideological fixation with neoliberal policies in the Commission, it is notable how many powerful legal, accountancy and financial firms are reaping profits from the process.

    The report, The Privatisation Industry in Europe shows that the privatisation of state-owned assets depends on the participation of a small coterie of corporations, that provide the financial and legal advice. 

    In terms of financial advice, Lazard and Rothschild are the big players; legal advice features mainly UK-based law firms, such as Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer and Allen and Overy, and in all of the deals the so-called ’Big Four’ accountancy firms (Deloitte, KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ernst & Young) are involved. Their advice does not come cheap: Lazard made profits of £1.5 million as an advisor in the privatisation of Royal Mail.


    ’The drive for austerity was about using the crisis, not solving it. It still is.’

    It comes as no surprise that these institutions are all involved in powerful European lobbying groups, such as the European Financial Services Roundtable, Business Europe and the Society of European Affairs Professionals. Many of the firms have their own lobbyists in Brussels: Freshmans Bruckhaus Deringer openly states that it is present there to “help to shape EU legislation and administrative decisions.”

    Collectively, these lobbyists have turned privatisation into a capitalist virility test; used to judge whether an indebted country is truly committed to economic reform and competitiveness. The fact their advice reaps considerable private profit for themselves in the process is rarely mentioned.

    The fact that the financial sector emerged not only unscathed, but strengthened in the wake of the financial crisis is a conundrum that the left and progressives still grapple with. It showed that popular awareness and anger was not enough to overcome the combined force of a powerful financial industry and a neoliberal ideology deeply entrenched in political and cultural life.

    So it is perhaps no surprise that privatisation has accelerated in Europe rather than slowed down since the economic crisis. As Nobel prize-winning economist, Paul Krugman put it: “The drive for austerity was about using the crisis, not solving it. It still is.”

    However, just as in the financial crisis, this powerful nexus of forces cannot hide the social costs of policies that put private profits before human needs. Along with anger at the surging inequality expressed in the rise of anti-establishment party candidates on both sides of the Atlantic, there is also growing disaffection with growing cases of privatisation that have led to declining public services and rising prices.

    In the area of water, for example, 235 cities worldwide in the last 15 years have brought water services back under public control in frustration at rising prices and declining service delivery. This trend is one that European Commission bureaucrats would do well to learn from before ploughing ahead with the next wave of austerity-drive privatisation in its most indebted countries.

    Their failure to listen, will only contribute to a growing disaffection with the European Union project, from both the left and the right, that won’t be reversed until economic policies are designed for the benefit of the majority rather than a privileged minority.

    #lobbying #austérité #privatisation #accaparement #appauvrissement #majorité #enrichissement #minorité #arnaque #UE #Europe

  • Egypt ’s Private Sector the most corrupt in the world :Report | Egypt Independent

    Ibrahim Alsahary
    The Egyptian private sector has been ranked as the world’s most corrupt, according to details of a report released by international audit firm Ernst and Young at the end of November.

    The global survey, conducted in 59 countries, ranked Egypt on top of the list , followed by, Nigeria, Namibia, and Kenyan as countries where private sector corruption has most distorted the awarding of tenders.

    More than 44 percent of the chief executives, financial controllers and internal auditors surveyed in Egypt cited high levels of fraud in their companies.

    “Their actions are mainly driven by pressure to perform and achieve set targets,” Miriam Gaituri, associate director at Ernst and Young, said.

    The survey listed entertainment as the most common form of bribery used by company executives to get business.

    Ernst and Young says private sector bribery, fraud and corruption is mainly driven by middle-level managers, especially men aged between 35 and 45.

    Ernst and Young, a London based multinational professional services firm is one of the world biggest audit firms.

  • Évolution de la fraude et de la corruption en 2014 — Ernst & Young

    EY Names Top Fraud and Corruption Trends for 2014 - EY - United States

    EY FIDS Predicts Increased Fraud Risk and Exposure to Cyber-crime, Expansion into Africa and Other Emerging Markets

    Six tendances sont présentées, je retiens la dernière : faire tourner du #big_data en interne pour détecter les problèmes.

    6. The opportunity to leverage “Big Data” in the context of compliance and anti-corruption will allow companies to ask new questions.
    Data analytics, traditionally the domain of marketing and sales, has effectively migrated into the realm of internal audit, compliance, and corporate oversight. Companies now have opportunities to use forensic data analytics for proactive monitoring of business data. Organizations will be able to develop a better understanding of the risks and rewards of forensic data analytics and how these techniques can be used to transform data to help detect potential instances of fraud and implement effective fraud risk mitigation programs.

  • IKEA uses a staggering 1% of the world’s wood every year | Mail Online

    The wood is needed to make the roughly 100 million pieces of furniture sold each year by the Swedish company
    Almost a quarter of the wood is sustainable, with plans for half to be by 2017
    The retailer insists that none of the wood is illegally logged

    Cavernous: IKEA needs giant construction equipment to navigate around and transport saw dust out of the giant piles surrounding its massive particle board factory

    #bois #matières_premières #industrie

    • L’être humain utilisé comme matière primaire est décrite ici

      IKEA and the Exploitation of Slave Labour of Political Prisoners in the DDR !

      As late as 1989 it is believed that IKEA was having furniture made using slave labour provided by political prisoners in the German DDR. The only reason it stopped was because the supply of slaves dried up after the unification of the two countries of Germany and the DDR.

      Does IKEA still use prison labour? If so in which countries?

      There are a lot of questions for IKEA but so far no answers, answers that people who care about human rights should ask before buying from IKEA.

      IKEA a chargé d’une enquête la trés incorruptible agence Ernst & Young Allemagne . Je n’ai pourtant pas entendu dire qu’Ikea aurait rendu publique sa comptabilité des années 80.

      Mit einem spezialisierten Team aus Historikern,
      Sozialwissenschaftlern und Ermittlungsexperten wird die Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft die DDR-Vergangenheit von IKEA aufarbeiten.

      Le pratiques d’Ikea sont les mêmes qu’on observe habituellement chez toutes les grandes multinationales.

      En France il y eu une affaire d’espionnage des employés.

      Im März berichteten französische Medien über eine Spitzelaffäre. Ikea in Frankreich soll über Jahre mit illegalen Methoden Beschäftigte und Kunden ausgeforscht haben. Für Kontodaten, Gerichtsakten, ja selbst für die Liebesbeziehungen von Mitarbeitern soll sich der Konzern interessiert haben. Ikea räumte schwere Fehler ein und kündigte Konsequenzen in seiner Personalführung an.

      Ils n’ont pas peur de collaborer avec les dictateurs garantissant un coût bas du travail.

      Der WDR berichtete 2011 in seiner Sendung „Markencheck“, Ikea habe lange in Burma produziert. Das Land war jahrzehntelang von einer Militärregierung geführt worden. Laut WDR kam später auch Produktion im diktatorisch regierten Weißrussland hinzu.

  • Cérémonie en l’honneur de sept Grands Mécènes et Grands Donateurs de la Culture

    Cérémonie en l’honneur de sept Grands Mécènes et Grands Donateurs de la Culture

    Le 16 novembre, Frédéric Mitterrand a remis la distinction de Grand Mécène et de Grand Donateur de la Culture à Monsieur et Madame Serge Dassault, groupe industriel Marcel Dassault, Monsieur et Madame Philippe Journo, Compagnie de Phalsbourg, et celle de Grand Mécène de la Culture à Ernst & Young France, à la Fondation Hippocrène, au groupe Mazars, au groupe Paprec et au World monuments Fund Europe.

    C’est pas beau ça ?

    • Ils auraient pu demander à Orange de faire un effort, pas jusqu’au mécénat mais un petit effort parce là z’ont frappé fort :
      P’t1, je viens de voir que la société Ernst &Young apparaît souvent dans la liste des sociétés retenues pour les marchés publics et pour des montants sérieux.
      Et si j’essayais « mécénat » comme métier plutôt que de me crever au boulot ?

    • Ce qui m’écœure c’est qu’ils poussent le vice jusqu’à nous annoncer qu’ils vont faire la chasse à la « fraude sociale ».
      Plus le temps passe plus je trouve ce bordel de plus en plus à gerber et à me dire que la solution c’est p’têtre de vivre à part, à la cambrousse, loin de toute cette merde. #écoeuré