
    Le site Internet de L’insomniaque éditeur a dû changer son nom de domaine en ce début d’année 2019. Peu avertis des arcanes de la communication cybernétique, nous avions laissé passer la date d’expiration de ce précieux nom de domaine (insomniaqueediteur. org). En conséquence, le gestionnaire de noms de domaine GoDaddy a jugé bon, sans nous en aviser directement, de vendre ledit nom à l’encan. Il a été adjugé, pour une poignée de dollars, à des imposteurs, qui, sous notre ancien nom de domaine, tentent de se faire passer pour L’insomniaque éditeur — sans la moindre crédibilité, ni même le moindre effort pour paraître crédible.
    Leurs desseins, politiques ou commerciaux, restent très mystérieux à ce jour, mais leurs agissements ne resteront pas impunis, de même que le préjudice moral et matériel que ces escrocs nous ont causé, et nous causent encore à ce jour. Le nom et l’adresse qui sont indiqués à la rubrique « contacts » sont, bien sûr, tout aussi bidon que les prétentions et le contenu de ce pseudo-site, mais nous ne désespérons pas de démasquer la ténébreuse entité qui nous nuit de la sorte.
    On jugera de la nature de ce préjudice en consultant le site qu’a bricolé ce gang d’androïdes à très bas quotient intellectuel artificiel. Usant d’algorithmes rudimentaires et s’exprimant dans un sabir robotique aussi grotesque qu’inintelligible, ces ennemis de l’humanité présentent certains ouvrages parus à notre enseigne dans des articles conçus par ordinateur, qui assemblent en désordre des mots-clés glanés de manière aléatoire sur le vrai site de L’insomniaque et d’autres sites Internet.
    Par exemple, l’essai d’anthropologie radicale de Georges Lapierre, Être Ouragan, donne lieu à un simulacre d’articulet sur « Les 3 pires ouragans des 50 dernières années »… Et notre livre en soutien aux pirates somaliens du golfe d’Aden, Frères de la Côte, est commenté par une notice cyber-encyclopédique délirante qui nous apprend que ces Frères de la Côte constituent une organisation qui « s’est réunie pour la première fois au Chili en 1950 » et qu’ils obéissent à « une loi appelée Octagon », le tout illustré de photos tirées de banques d’images et montrant de jeunes et beaux matelots de la marine de guerre américaine… Le reste est à l’avenant.
    On pourrait se contenter de rire de cette très grossière manipulation-falsification. Ou de mépriser de telles inanités, dépourvues en elles-mêmes de tout sens. On peut aussi y déceler une menace de plus à l’encontre de la liberté, un danger d’asservissement par la confusion mentale généralisée, engendré par les réseaux numériques et ceux qui les contrôlent. En tout état de cause, cette affaire, digne du théâtre de l’absurde, en dit long sur les progrès qu’accomplit le « grand mensonge » qui tient lieu de communication de masse en ce malheureux siècle — le dernier, si les humains n’y portent remède.

    Montreuil, le 31 janvier 2019
    source : #Claude_Guillon
    #l'insomniaque #insomniaque_éditeur

  • Hosting a Free Static Website on #google Cloud Storage

    This guide walks you through setting up a free bucket to serve a static website through a custom domain name using Google Cloud Platform services.Sign in to Google Cloud Platform, navigate to Cloud DNS service and create a new public DNS zone:By default it will have a NS (Nameserver) and a SOA (Start of Authority) records:Go to you domain registrar, in my case I purchased a domain name from GoDaddy (super cheap). Add the nameserver names that were listed in your NS record:PS: It can take some time for the changes on GoDaddy to propagate through to Google Cloud DNS.Next, verify you own the domain name using the Open Search Console. Many methods are available (HTML Meta data, Google Analytics, etc). The easiest one is DNS verification through a TXT record:Add the TXT record to your DNS zone (...)

    #web-development #programming #infrastructure #google-cloud-platform

  • RIP WordPress, GoDaddy. BUILD and HOST a #website IN 30 SEC with #ipfscloud.

    IpfsCloud is bringing Disruption in the Hosting and Domain provider LandScapeFarewell WordPress, WIX, GoDaddy, Hostgator.As we talked about the vision of ClusterLabs in our previous article; we saw that we are about to witness a major change in how Internet works.This(below article) clearly shows that how this is going to happen, so make sure you go through it before proceeding further.Say BYE to F.A.G.M.A., and HELLO to the new InternetAssuming you have gone through the above article, let’s proceed further.As the title suggests, IpfsCloud is working on a Domain and Hosting platform (IpfsHost) that is going to change the website publishing landscape.Here is a sneak-peek showing how AWESOME it is: now IpfsCloud provides (...)

    #ipfs #web-hosting #web-development

  • Who is behind #ico bench ?

    Investigative OpinionICO bench tries very hard to hide it’s company details and the identity of it’s founders. So far it has been successful with this, however some thing are obvious and cannot be hidden. I conducted an investigation, and based on logic patterns came to conclusion of possible the people behind infamous ICO bench.Let’s start with the facts. What we know about ICO bench?The site was registered on GoDaddy with privacy protection on 04.07.2017, from St. Petersburg Russia.According to Linkedin ICO bench is located in St. Petersburg, Russia.There are some people working for ICO bench according to Linkedin, however they are all pawns, none of them has senior role.What can we expect from ICO bench founder(s)?Since ICO bench is one of the biggest ICO listing sites in the world it is (...)

    #icobench #blockchain #ico-bench-dotcom #investigative-opinion

  • What actually happens when you buy a domain name?

    You’ve just thought of the next big thing. It’s gonna have AI, and you’re going to put it on the blockchain.You go onto GoDaddy, enter the name in, and boom —Eventually you find one that isn’t taken, and $10 later, it’s yours. Of course, you never ended up starting that project.But ever wonder where that $10 goes?You’re probably aware that when computers talk over the #internet, they use numerical labels (IP addresses) to identify each other. These are hard for us to remember, so we prefer friendly names like “”. For you to access Google, some magic has to happen behind the scenes to turn “” into Google’s IP address, “".First of all, someone at Google had to have registered the name This is done via a domain name “registrar” such as GoDaddy. Registrars (...)

    #verisign #icann #domain-names #domains

  • New Study Finds Sea Level Rise Has Accelerated – gCaptain

    Global sea level rise has been accelerating in recent decades, rather than increasing steadily, according to a new study based on 25 years of NASA and European satellite data.

    This acceleration, driven mainly by increased melting in Greenland and Antarctica, has the potential to double the total sea level rise projected by 2100 when compared to projections that assume a constant rate of sea level rise, according to lead author Steve Nerem. Nerem is a professor of Aerospace Engineering Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder, a fellow at Colorado’s Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), and a member of NASA’s Sea Level Change team.

    If the rate of ocean rise continues to change at this pace, sea level will rise 26 inches (65 centimeters) by 2100 — enough to cause significant problems for coastal cities, according to the new assessment by Nerem and colleagues from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland; CU Boulder; the University of South Florida in Tampa; and Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. The team, driven to understand and better predict Earth’s response to a warming world, published their work Feb. 12 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

    This is almost certainly a conservative estimate,” Nerem said. “Our extrapolation assumes that sea level continues to change in the future as it has over the last 25 years. Given the large changes we are seeing in the ice sheets today, that’s not likely.

  • 20 FEB 2017
    Non-Muslim citizenship sought - PRISON ASSAULT ON MUSALLAM AL-BARRAK - ARAB TIMES

    KUWAIT CITY, Feb 20: MP Khalid Al-Shatti has presented a bill allowing non-Muslims to obtain Kuwaiti citizenship by repealing Clause Five under Article Four of Amiri Decree No. 15/1985 which stipulates granting citizenship only to Muslims.

    He explained this condition contravenes the legal concept of citizenship as the relationship between man and God has nothing to do with nationality, citing the famous saying – “Religion belongs to God and the nation belongs to all.” He then stressed the need to remove suspicion of discrimination in the Kuwaiti nation due to the stipulation on granting citizenship only to Muslims.

  • Preparation for Greatness (6/2/2017)

    These are God’s ways. They drive us deeper and deeper into the heart of Him who has prepared a way for us. Let God take you to the heights or depths He desires for you.

    #God #Bible #discipline

    This driving reminds me of Hebrews 12, the need to regard trials as God’s fatherly discipline.

  • Here’s How Web Service Cloudflare Helps Serve up Hate on the Internet That Fuels Real-Life Killings | Alternet

    The operations of such extreme sites are made possible, in part, by an otherwise very mainstream internet company — Cloudflare. Based in San Francisco, Cloudflare operates more than 100 data centers spread across the world, serving as a sort of middleman for websites — speeding up delivery of a site’s content and protecting it from several kinds of attacks. Cloudflare says that some 10 percent of web requests flow through its network, and the company’s mainstream clients range from the FBI to the dating site OKCupid.

    The widespread use of Cloudflare’s services by racist groups is not an accident. Cloudflare has said it is not in the business of censoring websites and will not deny its services to even the most offensive purveyors of hate.

    “A website is speech. It is not a bomb,” Cloudflare’s CEO Matthew Prince wrote in a 2013 blog post defending his company’s stance. “There is no imminent danger it creates and no provider has an affirmative obligation to monitor and make determinations about the theoretically harmful nature of speech a site may contain.”

    In testimony Tuesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Chief Will D. Johnson, chair of the International Association of Chiefs of Police Human and Civil Rights Committee, highlighted the reach and threat of hate on the Internet.

    “The internet provides extremists with an unprecedented ability to spread hate and recruit followers,” he said. “Individual racists and organized hate groups now have the power to reach a global audience of millions and to communicate among like-minded individuals easily, inexpensively, and anonymously.

    “Although hate speech is offensive and hurtful, the First Amendment usually protects such expression,” Johnson said. “However, there is a growing trend to use the Internet to intimidate and harass individuals on the basis of their race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, disability, or national origin.”

    Anglin appears quite comfortable with his arrangement with Cloudflare. It doesn’t cost him much either — just $200 a month, according to public posts on the site.

    “[A]ny complaints filed against the site go to Cloudflare, and Cloudflare then sends me an email telling me someone said I was doing something bad and that it is my responsibility to figure out if I am doing that,” he wrote in a 2015 post on his site. “Cloudflare does not regulate content, so it is meaningless.”

    Representatives from Rackspace and GoDaddy, two popular web hosts, said they try to regulate the kinds of sites on their services. For Rackspace, that means drawing the line at hosting white supremacist content or hate speech. For GoDaddy, that means not hosting the sort of abusive publication of personal information that Anglin frequently engages in.

    A former Cloudflare employee, Ryan Lackey, said in an interview that while he doesn’t condone a lot of what Auernheimer does, he did on occasion give technical advice as a friend and helped some of the Stormer’s issues get resolved.

    “I am hardcore libertarian/classical liberal about free speech — something like Daily Stormer has every right to publish, and it is better for everyone if all ideas are out on the internet to do battle in that sphere,” he said.

    Vick at the ADL agrees that Anglin has a right to publish, but said people have the right to hold to task the Internet companies that enable him.

    #idéologie_californienne #cyberlibertarianisme

  • Inauguration Speeches

    Projet signalé par Alberto Cairo, très intéressant.

    Beginning of a presidency:
    inauguration speeches in search
    See past presidential inauguration speeches through search. Roll over the speeches below to see which subjects resonated on Google


    Inaugurate: bringing Search trends to the speeches that shaped presidencies – Google News Lab – Medium

    Simon Rogers (ancien data journalist at The Guardian)

    Datajournalist, and Data Editor at Google. Launch editor of Guardian Datablog. Author, Facts are Sacred All views my own

    Jan 19

    Inaugurate: bringing Search trends to the speeches that shaped presidencies

    As the 45th President of the United States gets sworn in this week, we thought it would be interesting to set Presidential Inauguration speeches in context — who is the top trending president? What speeches have been most popular over the years? That is where Inaugurate comes in.

    Inaugurate is an interactive guide to presidential inauguration speeches through the lens of Google Search, built by Jan Willem Tulp of Tulp Interactive in connection with the Google News Lab and art director Alberto Cairo.


    Will Trump speech meet ’God’ average for inaugural addresses?

    f Donald Trump’s inaugural address is anything like his predecessors’, there will be a lot of God in it.

    A new interactive built by GoogleNews Labs shows that God was the most common theme mentioned by presidents in the 11 most searched inaugural addresses.

    Trump has been unconventional in many ways, including the fact that unlike many politicians, he does not habitually end his speeches with “... and God bless the United States of America.” But for the inaugural address, a reference to the almighty is pretty much a baseline requirement, particularly since Trump was elected with strong support from evangelical voters.


    How is the world searching for the US Presidential Election? A Data Visualisation from the Google News Lab. | Simon Rogers

    The US Presidential election is not just being watched in America. From Indiana to India, each development is being intently followed by people across the globe.

    Those people are also searching about the election online — and that’s comes in.

    Along with Accurat, a design group headed by Gabriele Rossi, Simone Quadri and Giorgia Lupi (of Dear Data fame), we built a data visualisation that shows search interest in the U.S. Presidential candidates and top political issues. The data viz is part of a series of experiments to work with great designers to find new ways of using Google data in newsrooms.


    #visualisation #datajournalisme #simon_rogers

  • Shadow Regulations

    Shadow Regulations are voluntary agreements between companies (sometimes described as codes, principles, standards, or guidelines) to regulate your use of the Internet, often without your knowledge.

    Shadow Regulation has become increasingly popular after the monumental failure of restrictive Internet laws such as ACTA, SOPA and PIPA. This is because Shadow Regulation can involve restrictions that are as effective as any law, but without the need for approval by a court or parliament. Indeed, sometimes Shadow Regulation is even initiated by government officials, who offer companies the Hobson’s choice of coming up with a “voluntary” solution, or submitting to government regulation.

    How Big Pharma’s Shadow Regulation Censors the Internet

    This particular Shadow Regulation network contains a confusing web of similar-sounding organizations with overlapping memberships, such as the Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacies (ASOP) and the Center for Safe Internet Pharmacies (CSIP). In simple terms the former is comprised mostly of the pharmaceutical industry, whereas the latter pulls in its partners such as Internet platforms (Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Yahoo!), payment processors (PayPal, Mastercard, and American Express), delivery providers (UPS), and domain name companies (GoDaddy and Rightside). A third key player is LegitScript, which was instrumental in the formation of both ASOP and CSIP, and carries out most of the operational level arrangements that are agreed at a level of principle by those organizations. Internet users are not represented at board level in either ASOP, CSIP, or LegitScript.

    A hallmark of Shadow Regulation is that government is also often quietly involved behind the scenes, and so it is here. The formation of the CSIP was announced at a White House-hosted industry event [PDF] on October 14, 2010, following months of talks between the administration and the CSIP’s founding industry members. Similarly, LegitScript is led by the former Associate Deputy Director Office of National Drug Control Policy, and subsists on lucrative contracts from government as well as from private industry. With this framework in place, the “voluntary” adoption by Internet intermediaries of measures that primarily benefit the pharmaceutical industry suddenly becomes very easily explicable.

    #Etats-Unis #démocratie #farce #big_pharma

  • Dorkbot

    Dorkbot is designed to steal passwords for online accounts, including social networks like Facebook and Twitter, as well as to install additional malware that can turn infected endpoints into nodes in a DDoS attack or part of a spam relay.

    Dorkbot is commonly spread via malicious links sent through social networks, instant message programs or through infected USB devices.

    Dorkbot is operated via IRC, and exists since 2011.

    Dorkbot Botnets Get Busted (4 December 2015)

    #dorkbot #ngrbot

  • Hasard ? Nécessité ?

    Je suis tombé sur quelques ouvrages de l’époque de la cybernétique et notamment, God & Golem Inc., Sur quelques points de collision entre cybernétique et religion , Norbert Wiener, 1964, dans sa traduction française de 2000

    Un régal ! Comme souvent, un mélange de notations très datées et une réflexion sur des sujets toujours brûlants. Et ce passage, 3 jours après ma citation de Brautigan,, réponse — 3 ans avant le poème de celui-ci — à son all watched over by machines of living grace

    No, the future offers very little hope for those who expect that our new mechanical slaves will offer us a world in which we may rest from thinking. Help us they may, but at the cost of supreme demands upon our honesty and our intelligence. The world of the future will be an ever more demanding struggle against the limitations of our intelligence, not a comfortable hammock in which we can lie down to be waited upon by our robot slaves.

    À (re)découvrir.

    En v.o. (fichier txt illisible…)

    En français, chez son éditeur qui met en lien, outre des sites où il est possible d’acheter l’ouvrage, un lien vers la version numérisée intégrale sur Google Books. :-)

  • NFL’s Kluwe Slams Archbishop’s Anti-Gay Views - masteradrian’s posterous

    NFL’s Kluwe Slams Archbishop’s Anti-Gay Views
    By Jason St. Amand
    Web Producer / Staff Writer
    Thursday Oct 11, 2012Chris Kluwe
    Chris Kluwe

    Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe has been making headlines recently for his strong support for marriage equality and gay rights. The football player has called out athletes and politicians and has now criticized the archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis for a letter he wrote to a woman pleading for acceptance for her gay child.

    Truth Wins Out and Think Progress have circulated a 2010 letter written by Twin Cities Catholic Archbishop John Nienstedt on social networking websites. The two-year-old letter is a response to a woman’s letter where she asks for acceptance for her gay child. But the bishop says that she might go to Hell if she comes to terms with her child’s sexual orientation.

    “I write to inform you that the teaching of the Catholic Church on homosexuality, as described in paragraphs 2357 and 2358 and 2359 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church is rooted in Scripture and based on the Natural Moral Law,” Nienstedt wrote. "It, therefore, shares in God’s revelation to us. Catholics are bound in conscience to believe this teaching. Those who do not cannot consider themselves to be Catholic and ought not to participate in the sacramental life of the Church.

    “Indeed, some might find this is a hard saying but many of Jesus’ teachings were likewise received as such,” he continued. “I urge you to reconsider the position that you expressed in your letter. Your eternal salvation may well depend upon a conversation of heart on this topic.”

    Nienstedt’s letter sparked Kluew to respond in an op-Ed piece in the Minneapolis-St.Paul Pioneer Press.

    “It fills me with great sadness and regret that a steward of the Catholic Church on this Earth feels the need to take a stance of oppression, intolerance, and fear,” Kluwe wrote.

    “Millions of children grow up raised in the Catholic faith. Some of these children will be gay, through no choice of their own, but because of how God created them,” he continued. "What does it say to those children when the head of their religion in this state, a man who claims to ’explain and defend the teaching of the Church because I have been ordained to do so and I believe those teachings with all my heart,’ a man acting under the direct auspices of the Pope himself, tells them that they can’t be as worthy as everyone else, even though they believe in the teachings of Jesus?

    “What will these children think, as they suffer the barbed insults of their classmates and teachers; I ask you, sir, what will these children think as they are belittled and tormented due to teachings you espouse? What judgment will be passed on your soul when yet another poor child reaches for the knife or the noose to end his or her earthly torment due to your example?”

    Kluwe, who also calls out Pope Benedict XVI, asks why the Catholic leaders don’t practice empathy and uses the Bible’s teachings to make his point for equality.

    “If you strike me, I shall turn the other cheek. If you ask me to walk with you for a mile, I will do so,” the athlete writes. “If you ask me to respect your faith, your beliefs, then all I ask is that you do the same for everyone else. For is that not the most pertinent of Jesus’ teachings, and one that everyone, no matter their religion, can strive to achieve?”

    Nienstedt’s letter may have been from two years ago, but it seems as though the bishop still hasn’t changed his anti-gay marriage views. Last week EDGE reported that Nienstedt sent a letter asking Roman Catholic followers to support a legislation that would ban same-sex marriage in Minnesota.

    When the letter was read, many parishioners were so upset that they walked out during church services.

  • Herman Cain Admits to Quoting Pokemon Movie During Campaign (Video) - Hollywood Reporter

    No, the GOP candidate didn’t admit to any of the accusations that he had sexually harrassed several women or had a 13-year affair with another.

    Rather, the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza admitted to having used quotes from the movie Pokemon: The Movie 2000 — specifically the theme song, “The Power of One,” sung by Donna Summer.

    In August during the Republican primary debate in Iowa, Cain quoted “a poet” as having once said, “Life can be a challenge, life can seem impossible, but it’s never easy when there’s so much on the line.”

    It wasn’t the only time he quoted from the movie, and several bloggers have been quick to point out his gaffe.

  • In God We Trust: Why a Resolution Now? - International Business Times

    “In God We Trust” was officially reaffirmed as the official national motto of the United States on Wednesday by the House of Representatives. Why did the Republicans bring this vote up now, and was it a good idea?


    “Is there something going on that spurred this resolution?” asked Rev. Barry Lynn of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. "Is “In God We Trust” under attack in the courts? Is someone trying to remove it from the money?"

    “That’s not putting people back to work,” he said at a speech, according to CBS News. “I trust in God, but God wants to see us help ourselves by putting people back to work.”
    si Dieu s’y met.....

  • Researchers’ Typosquatting Stole 20 GB of E-Mail From Fortune 500 | Threat Level |

    Two researchers who set up doppelganger domains to mimic legitimate domains belonging to Fortune 500 companies say they managed to vacuum up 20 gigabytes of misaddressed e-mail over six months.

    The intercepted correspondence included employee usernames and passwords, sensitive security information about the configuration of corporate network architecture that would be useful to hackers, affidavits and other documents related to litigation in which the companies were embroiled, and trade secrets, such as contracts for business transactions.

    “Twenty gigs of data is a lot of data in six months of really doing nothing,” said researcher Peter Kim from the Godai Group. “And nobody knows this is happening.”