
  • Allemagne : série de grèves dans la fonction publique RTBF - AFP - 9 Avril 2018

    Plusieurs syndicats allemands de la fonction publique ont appelé lundi à des « grèves d’avertissement » qui devraient toucher dès mardi quatre grands aéroports et plusieurs villes et régions allemandes, pour peser sur les négociations en cours sur les salaires.

    Les débrayages prévus aux aéroports de Francfort - plus grande plateforme du pays -, Munich, Cologne et Brême, contraignent le géant allemand de l’aviation Lufthansa à annuler « plus de 800 vols », soit un avion sur deux, affectant « environ 90.000 passagers ».

    L’aéroport de Francfort s’attend de son côté à des « retards conséquents » en plus des « annulations de vols ».

    Des #grèves sont aussi prévues pour les transports en commun, les crèches, le ramassage des ordures et les hôpitaux de plusieurs villes et régions, dont #Berlin, la #Bavière et la #Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie.

    « Entre les 10 et 13 avril, il faut s’attendre à des grèves massives dans toutes les régions » , a annoncé le principal syndicat de la fonction publique Verdi, qui compte « augmenter la pression » avant la dernière des trois séries de négociations salariales du secteur, prévue les 15 et 16 avril.

    ’Partager la #croissance'
    Les principaux syndicats du secteur public (Verdi, GEW et DBB) exigent une hausse de 6% des salaires et veulent que cette augmentation se traduise par au moins 200 euros de plus par mois pour les 2,3 millions de contractuels de la fonction publique employés par l’Etat fédéral et les communes.

    Ils surfent sur la récente victoire d’IG Metall, le puissant #syndicat allemand de la métallurgie, vaste branche comprenant notamment l’automobile, qui a arraché début février un accord inédit sur le droit à la semaine de 28 heures -pour une durée limitée- et une hausse des salaires de 4,3%, après avoir exigé initialement 6%.

    « L’économie est en expansion et les recettes fiscales de l’Etat et des communes n’ont jamais été aussi élevées », justifie Frank Bsirske, responsable de Verdi, appelant à « partager la croissance ».
    Le ministère de l’Intérieur, qui négocie au nom de l’Etat, estime que la revendication de 6% est « clairement trop élevée et impossible à réaliser ».

    « Malgré les bonnes conditions économiques, l’Etat fédéral et les communes doivent encore réduire leur endettement », fait-il valoir.
    « Malgré des rapprochements sur certaines questions, de grands différends persistent, notamment sur le montant minimum, mais nous espérons qu’il n’y aura pas de grèves massives », avait déclaré le secrétaire d’Etat Hans-Georg Engelke à la sortie de la deuxième série de négociations, le 13 mars.

    Stimuler l’inflation
    Les « grèves d’avertissement » débrayages coordonnés de quelques heures- accompagnent traditionnellement en Allemagne le début ou le milieu des négociations salariales menées de manière saisonnière à l’expiration de chaque accord de branche. En cas de blocage plus persistant, les syndicats ont ensuite recours à la grève dite « dure ».

    « L’ère de la modération salariale », l’une des clés de la compétitivité allemande depuis la Réunification au détriment de ses voisins européens, est bel et bien « révolue », constataient en novembre les « Sages », un forum d’économistes conseillant le gouvernement allemand.

    Les salaires allemands ont déjà progressé « plus vite que la productivité horaire » depuis six ans, soulignaient-ils, mais le mouvement s’est accéléré ces deux dernières années, à mesure que la #croissance et le #chômage historiquement bas, descendu à 5,4% en janvier, rendaient aux syndicats leur pouvoir de négociation.

    Et la fiche de paie des Allemands intéresse bien au-delà de leurs frontières, tant les partenaires internationaux de Berlin multiplient les appels à réduire l’énorme excédent courant du pays et à redistribuer du pouvoir d’achat.

    L’évolution des salaires est par ailleurs scrutée par la Banque centrale européenne, qui peine toujours à voir l’inflation en zone euro rejoindre son objectif, malgré la solidité de la conjoncture censée stimuler les prix.

    #Allemagne #Greve #union_européenne

  • Les #réfugiés_érythréens ne sont pas les bienvenus en Suisse, mais l’or d’Erythrée, lui...

    Schweizer Geschäfte mit einem geächteten Regime

    Die Schweiz hat von 2011 bis 2013 für rund 400 Millionen Franken Rohgold aus Eritrea importiert. Schweizer Firmen haben es raffiniert und daraus Goldbarren gegossen.
    Die #Bisha-Goldmine gehört zu 40 Prozent dem repressiven eritreischen Regime.
    Ein ehemaliger Arbeiter der Mine lebt heute als Flüchtling in der Schweiz. Er erzählt von Zwangsarbeit beim Bau der Mine.
    Aus keinem anderen Land kommen so viele Asylsuchende in die Schweiz wie aus Eritrea. Die Mine ist eine der wichtigsten Einnahmequellen des Regimes.
    Asylpolitiker von links bis rechts kritisieren die Millionengeschäfte scharf.
    #or #matières_premières #Erythrée #Suisse #mines #travail_forcé #film #vidéo #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Lufthansa #Frankfurt #Nevsun

    Accusation (provenant de la société civile canadienne selon SFR) de travail forcé dans la mine :

    L’exploitant de la mine, Nevsun :
    Ici la description de la mine sur le site de l’entreprise :
    Bisha Mine Location

    On dit bien que :

    The State of Eritrea has a 40% interest in the Bisha Mine through the #Eritrean_National_Mining_Company (#ENAMCO), 30% of which it bought from Nevsun prior to initial construction. As a result, ENAMCO contributed 33% of the initial build capital and, as a partner with Nevsun, has been integral to the success of the Bisha Mine. For more see About Eritrea.

    Et toujours sur le site un chapitre consacré à « about Eritrea », où on parle notamment de l’infrastructure (définie comme « excellente ») qui permet de sortir les matières premières des mines :

    L’histoire de l’Erythrée, pour Nevsun, s’arrête en 1993 :

    Eritrea gained independence in 1993, after fighting for its freedom for over 30 years.

    Et bien évidemment, on parle d’économie (un des pays les plus pauvres du monde), mais pas de politique...

    Eritrea is largely an agriculture based economy and one of the poorest nations in the world. The country’s economy predominantly consists of:

    cc @reka

    • Mining Company on Trial for Human Rights Abuses Appears to Lobby at the Human Rights Council (HRC)

      Nevsun Mining Resources Ltd, based in Canada is cur rently facing a lawsuit initiated by more than 80 Eritrean plaintiffs, who contend they were victims of forced labour, human rights abuses and crimes against humanity at the company’s Bisha Mine in Eritrea. #Bisha Mine is owned 60-per-cent by Nevsun and 40-per-cent by Eritrean government.

      Forced Labour and the appalling conditions in Bisha Mine have been documented by Human Rights Watch and the UN Commission of Inquiry into Human Rights in Eritrea. Yet the Todd Romain, the Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility of this company and his PR are at present in Geneva at the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) session where the current special rapporteur on human rights in Eritrea is due to deliver her final report, and a decision will be made regarding the renewal of the mandate.

      Nevsun also participated in side events organized by the Eritrean Mission at the HRC on 16 June 2016 ( and on 8 March 2018 , and visited many Missions in Geneva despite the fact that this court case was already ongoing.

      Human Rights Concern-Eritrea (HRCE) believes most strongly that it is inappropriate for a representative of a commercial corporation whose name has been raised in connection with human rights abuses during HRC debates and oral statements on the human rights in Eritrea, and which is currently the accused to court proceedings regarding human rights abuses, should be party to human rights side events, neither should it’s top representative give the appearance of lobbying country delegations about HRC initiatives that are directly concerned with its court case.

      Eritrea has not implemented any of the UPR recommendations from the first and second cycles. The recommendations from the Commission of Inquiries and the Special Rapporteur have so far been ignored. No improvements in human rights in Eritrea have been identified in the last decade; 10,000 or more prisoners of conscience are still in detention and the violently enforced lifelong military service which prevails unreformed. Forced/slave labour have been used in all the government owned businesses including mining projects.

      HRCE feels it important that country delegations and media are made fully aware of this issue, and advises that no further hearing should be given to any of Nevsun’s representatives pending a final court ruling on the human rights case.

    • Nevsun lawsuit (re Bisha mine, Eritrea)

      In November 2014, three Eritreans filed a lawsuit against Nevsun Resources in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. They allege the company was complicit in the use of forced labour by Nevsun’s local sub-contractor, Segen Construction (owned by Eritrea’s ruling party), at the Bisha mine in Eritrea. Nevsun, headquartered in Vancouver, has denied the allegations. This lawsuit is the first in Canada where claims are based directly on violations of international law.

      The plaintiffs, Gize Yebeyo Araya, Kesete Tekle Fshazion and Mihretab Yemane Tekle, claim that they worked at the Bisha mine against their will and were subject to “cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment”. They allege that they were forced to work long hours and lived in constant fear of threats of torture and intimidation. Nevsun has rejected the allegations as “unfounded” and declared that “the Bisha Mine has adhered at all times to international standards of governance, workplace conditions, and health and safety”.

      In October 2016, the Supreme Court of British Colombia rejected Nevsun’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit and ruled that the case should proceed in British Colombia as there were doubts that the plaintiffs would get a fair trial in Eritrea. Nevsun appealed the decision.

      In November 2017, the British Columbia Court of Appeal rejected Nevsun’s appeal to dismiss the suit, thereby allowing the case to proceed in Canadian courts. The court also allowed claims of crimes against humanity, slavery, forced labour, and torture to go forward against Nevsun. This decision marked the first time an appellate court in Canada permitted a mass tort claim for modern slavery.

      On 19 January 2018, Nevsun filed an application with the Canadian Supreme Court asking for permission to appeal the British Columbia ruling. There is no fixed time for the Supreme Court to decide whether to grant or deny such applications.

      – “Nevsun appeals to Canada Supreme Court in Eritreans’ forced labor lawsuit”, Reuters, 26 Jan 2018
      – “Court allows Eritrean mine workers to sue Nevsun”, Nelson Bennett, Business in Vancouver, 6 Oct 2016
      – [Video] “Nevsun in Eritrea: Dealing With a Dictator”, CBC Radio-Canada, 12 Feb 2016
      – [FR] «Une minière canadienne nie des allégations de travail forcé en Érythrée », Radio-Canada, 23 novembre 2014
      – “Nevsun Denies Accusations of Human-Rights Abuses at Eritrea Mine”, Michael Gunn & Firat Kayakiran, Bloomberg, 21 Nov 2014
      – “Nevsun Resources faces lawsuit over ‘forced labour’ in Eritrea”, Jeff Gray, Globe and Mail (Canada), 20 Nov 2014

      Canadian Centre for International Justice (CCIJ):

      – “Vancouver court clears way for slave labour lawsuit against Canadian mining company to go to trial”, 6 Oct 2016
      – “Eritreans file lawsuit against Canadian mining company for slave labour and crimes against humanity”, 20 Nov 2014
      – [FR] « Des Érythréens intentent un recours contre une compagnie minière canadienne pour l’usage de main d’œuvre servile ainsi que pour des crimes contre l’humanité », 20 novembre 2014
      – “Appeal court confirms slave labour lawsuit against Canadian mining company can go to trial”, 21 Nov 2017

      – “Nevsun Comments on B.C. Lawsuit”, 6 Oct 2016
      – “Nevsun Comments on B.C. Lawsuit”, 21 Nov 2014

      Camp Fiorante Matthews Mogerman [Counsel for the plaintiffs]
      – “Plaintiffs’ Submissions on Forum Non Conveniens”, 17 Dec 2015
      – “Plaintiffs’ Submissions on the Representative Proceeding”, 17 Dec 2015
      – “Plaintiffs’ Submissions on Customary International Law”, 15 Dec 2015
      – “Plaintiffs’ Submissions on the Act of State Doctrine”, 14 Dec 2015
      – “Notice of Civil Claim”, 20 Nov 2014

      Siskinds [Co-counsel for the plaintiffs]
      – “Siskinds co-counsel in lawsuit against Nevsun Resources”, 20 Nov 2014

      Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP [Counsel for the defendant]
      – “Nevsun’s Chambers Brief on Customary International Law”, 1 Dec 2015
      – “Nevsun’s Chambers Brief on Forum Non Conveniens”, 23 Nov 2015
      – “Nevsun’s Chambers Brief on the Act of State Doctrine”, 23 Nov 2015
      – “Nevsun’s Chambers Brief on the Representative Proceeding”, 23 Nov 2015
      – “Nevsun’s Response to Civil Claim”, 13 Feb 2015

      – Araya v. Nevsun Resources. Reasons for Judgment, Justice Abrioux, Supreme Court of British Columbia, 6 Oct 2016
      – Araya, Gize v. Nevsun Resources Ltd.[payment required], Vancouver law courts, 20 Nov 2014.

      – Gize Yebeyo Araya, Kesete Tekle Fshazion and Mihretab Yemane Tekle v Nevsun Resources Ltd and Earth Rights International, Court of Appeal for British Columbia, 21 Nov 2017

      Quelques liens cités dans cet article :

    • Nevsun in Eritrea: Dealing With a Dictator

      When a small Vancouver mining company struck gold in a remote corner of Africa, it started with so much promise. In remote Eritrea, Nevsun built a mine that was generating $700 million in profits in its first four years of operation. But it was also generating a lot of controversy – because Nevsun was partnered with a brutal dictatorship that runs the country and controls 40% of the mine. That has led to allegations by the UN and Human Rights Watch that the regime has used conscripted military labour in the mine. The Eritrea government has also been accused of funnelling arms to the terrorist group al-Shabaab. Nevsun denies the allegations of human rights abuses and insists it is a “template for responsible international business.” What is the price of doing business with a dictator? Mark Kelley investigates.

      The Eritrea regime has a 40 per cent stake in the mine and is accused of crimes against humanity by the U.N.
      Nevsun Resources Ltd. is facing a lawsuit in B.C.’s Supreme Court
      The allegations filed by three former Eritrean conscripts in B.C.’s Supreme Court accuse Nevsun Resources of being “an accomplice to the use of forced labour, crimes against humanity and other human rights abuses at the Bisha mine”

    • Appeal court confirms slave labour lawsuit against Canadian mining company can go to trial

      British Columbia’s highest court today rejected an appeal by Vancouver-based Nevsun Resources Limited (TSX: NSU / NYSE MKT: NSU) that sought to dismiss a lawsuit brought by Eritreans who allege they were forced to work at Nevsun’s Bisha Mine.

      The ruling by the British Columbia Court of Appeal marks the first time that an appellate court in Canada has permitted a mass tort claim for modern slavery.

      The court rejected Nevsun’s position that the case should be dismissed in Canada and instead heard in Eritrea. Madam Justice Mary Newbury described the situation in Eritrea as one with “the prospects of no trial at all, or a trial in an Eritrean court, possibly presided over by a functionary with no real independence from the state … and in a legal system that would appear to be actuated largely by the wishes of the President and his military supporters…”

      The court also allowed claims of crimes against humanity, slavery, forced labour, and torture to go forward against Nevsun. It is the first time that a Canadian appellate court has recognized that a corporation can be taken to trial for alleged violations of international law norms related to human rights.

      The lawsuit, filed in November 2014, alleges that Nevsun engaged Eritrean state-run contractors and the Eritrean military to build the mine’s facilities and that the companies and military deployed forced labour under abhorrent conditions.

      “We are very pleased that the case will move to trial,” said Joe Fiorante, Q.C., of Camp Fiorante Matthews Mogerman LLP, lead counsel for the plaintiffs. “There will now be a reckoning in a Canadian court of law in which Nevsun will have to answer to the allegations that it was complicit in forced labour and grave human rights abuses at the Bisha mine.”

      Since the initial filing by three Eritrean men, which was the matter reviewed by the Court of Appeal, an additional 51 people have come forward to assert claims against Nevsun.

      “I am overjoyed that a Canadian court will hear our claims,” said plaintiff Gize Araya. “Since starting the case, we have always hoped Canada would provide justice for what we suffered at the mine.”

      The court also rejected Nevsun’s argument that the company should be immune from suit because the case might touch on actions of the Eritrean government, including allegations of severe human rights violations. Justice Newbury, looking to a recent UK case on the issue, wrote that “torture (and I would add, forced labour and slavery) is ‘contrary to both peremptory norms of international law and a fundamental value of domestic law.’”

      This latest ruling by the B.C. Court of Appeal follows one earlier this year permitting a case to go forward against Tahoe Resources for injuries suffered by protestors in Guatemala who were shot outside the company’s mine.

      “The Nevsun and Tahoe cases show that Canadian courts can properly exercise jurisdiction over Canadian companies with overseas operations,” said Amanda Ghahremani, Legal Director of the Canadian Centre for International Justice. “When there is a real risk of injustice for claimants in a foreign legal system, their cases should proceed here.”

      The plaintiffs are supported in Canada by a legal team comprised of Vancouver law firm Camp Fiorante Matthews Mogerman LLP (CFM); Ontario law firm Siskinds LLP [Nick Baker]; Toronto lawyer James Yap; and the Canadian Centre for International Justice (CCIJ). This victory would not have been possible without the support of Human Rights Concern Eritrea and the tireless efforts of Elsa Chyrum.

    • Nevsun Comments on B.C. Lawsuit

      Nevsun Resources Ltd...advises that the British Columbia Supreme Court has refused to permit a claim against Nevsun to proceed as a common law class action. The court did permit the lawsuit by the three named plaintiffs to continue. Today’s court decision addresses only preliminary legal challenges to the action raised by Nevsun. The judgment makes no findings with respect to the plaintiffs’ allegations, including whether any of them were in fact at the Bisha Mine. The judge also emphasized that the case raises novel and complex legal questions, including on international law, which have never before been considered in Canada. Nevsun is studying the court’s decision and considering an appeal of the decision that the action can proceed at all. Nevsun remains confident that its indirect 60%-owned Eritrean subsidiary, Bisha Mining Share Company (“BMSC”) operates the Bisha Mine according to international standards of governance, workplace conditions, health, safety and human rights...BMSC is committed to managing the Bisha Mine in a safe and responsible manner that respects the interests of local communities, workers, stakeholders and the natural environment.

    • “In November 2014, three Eritreans filed a lawsuit against Nevsun Resources in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. They allege the company was complicit in the use of forced labour by Nevsun’s local sub-contractor, Segen Construction (owned by Eritrea’s ruling party)...”
      "... at the Bisha mine in Eritrea. Nevsun, headquartered in Vancouver, has denied the allegations. The plaintiffs ... claim that they worked against their will and were subject to “cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment”.

  • These four things will get you barred from entering Israel under its new BDS travel ban

    After BDS activists pulled off plane to Israel, senior minister warns, ’The rules of the game have changed’

    Judy Maltz Jul 25, 2017
    read more:

    A day after five activists in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement were pulled off a flight from the United States bound for Israel, senior government ministers published an official statement explaining their decision to keep them out of the country.
    “These were prominent activists who continuously advocate for a boycott and who sought to come [to Israel] as part of a delegation of extremist boycott organizations whose entire purpose is to harm Israel,” Interior Minister Arye Dery and Strategic Affairs Minister Gilad Erdan said in a joint statement. 
    In March, the Knesset passed a law that bars from Israel any foreigners who have publicly expressed support for boycotting Israel. In their statement, Dery and Erdan said the BDS supporters were pulled off the plane because of this new law.
    Separately, Erdan said that “the rules of the game have changed” and that organizations seeking to harm Israel’s “national security” through boycotts would be denied entry to the country. “We will not let key boycott activists in here to harm us,” he said.

    The interior minister is responsible for enforcing the new law. A spokeswoman said that decisions are made on a case-by-case basis, usually in compliance with recommendations from the Ministry of Strategic Sffairs, which monitors the international boycott movement.
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    “The Interior Ministry prevented in this case and will also prevent in the future the entry of boycott activists whose key objective is to work against the State of Israel,” said Dery.
    The five activists pulled off the flights were part of a 22-member interfaith delegation. They were about to board a Lufthansa flight from Dulles Airport when a representative of the airline notified them that instructions had been received from Israeli immigration authorities not to allow them on the flight. The activists prevented from flying with the group were members of three organizations that support the boycott: Jewish Voice for Peace, American Muslims for Palestine and Presbyterian Peace Fellowship.
    On Monday, the Interior Ministry published a list of criteria that determine which organizations and activists fall under the controversial new ban. The organizations that will be targeted, according to these criteria, are those that promote a boycott “actively, consistently and continuously.”
    The document notes, however, that just because an organization is “anti-Israel or pro-Palestinian, or has an agenda that is critical of Israeli government policy” is not an excuse to ban its members from the country.
    The ban on BDS activists, the document said, will apply to activists in those organizations that have been targeted as well as to independent activists who meet one of the following criteria:
    1. They hold senior-level positions in the targeted organizations;
    2. They are key activists in the boycott movement, whether or not they operate independently or through the targeted organizations;
    3. They are establishment figures (such as mayors) who openly support a boycott;
    4. They operate on behalf of targeted organizations.
    A complete list of organizations that have been targeted by the new law will be published in the near future, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Strategic Affairs said.

    #BDS #Israël

  • Grève des pilotes : Lufthansa supprime 876 vols mercredi RTBF - Belga - 22 Novembre 2016

    La compagnie aérienne allemande Lufthansa, touchée par un appel à la grève de ses pilotes, a annulé 876 vols prévus mercredi, a-t-elle annoncé mardi. Quelque 100 000 passagers seront affectés par les suppressions.
    . . . . .
    Le syndicat allemand des pilotes a appelé lundi à une grève de 24 heures faute d’accord salarial avec la direction. Il s’agit du 14e mouvement de grève lancé par Vereinigung Cockpit depuis avril 2014.

    #Allemagne #Grève #Jamais_de_grèves_en_Allemagne #Lufthansa #Vereinigung_Cockpit #Pilotes

  • I piloti disobbediscono ai rimpatri forzati

    La disobbedienza civile di alcuni comandanti di #Lufthansa, #Air_Berlin e #Germanwings. Sono oltre 330 le deportazioni fallite nel 2016 perché il personale di volo ha preferito seguire le regole sulla libertà del «passeggero»
    #désobéissance #résistance #pilotes #avions #asile #migrations #renvois #réfugiés #renvois_forcés #désobéissance_civile
    cc @reka @albertocampiphoto

  • La carte qui a financé un voyage du monde de 26 ans

    215 countries, 26 years and one engine

    A former manager at Lufthansa and South German airline Hapag Lloyd Flug, Holtorf had saved up enough money to begin his trip by 1989.

    But he and Christine were avid cartographers, and financed their further travels by creating the first detailed map of the Indonesian capital Jakarta, which they updated constantly from 1977 to 2005 on their regular visits.

    The map’s latest edition, a 400-page “city atlas” of the city of 30 million people, sold 150,000 copies.

    Best-travelled car in the world

    Holtorf accomplished the entire trip in his sky-blue 1988 Mercedes 300GD, nicknamed “Otto”, which stood proudly on Berlin’s Pariser Platz in front of the Brandenburg gate on Wednesday.

    Ottos Reise

    Gunther Holtorf hat 215 Länder, Regionen und Territorien besucht, ist 900.000 Kilometer im selben Auto gefahren und war 26 Jahre lang unterwegs.
    In seiner Zeit als Lufthansa-Vertreter in Indonesien begann er einen rudimentären Stadtplan von der wuchernden Millionenmetropole Djakarta anzufertigen. Es gab zuvor noch keinen, weder im Handel noch bei der Stadtverwaltung. Also fuhr er herum, sammelte Baupläne, glich Luftbilder ab und zeichnete.

    Aus einem ersten, bescheidenen Faltplan von 1977 wurde bis 2005 ein 400-seitiger Stadtatlas der 30-Millionen-Metropole. Er genügt höchsten kartografischen Ansprüchen und erschien zum Teil in Auflagen von 150.000 Exemplaren. Bei regelmäßigen Besuchen in Indonesien wurde er von den Holtorfs über die Jahre akribisch gepflegt und ergänzt. Erst die Verbreitung des Internets und Raubkopien stoppten den kommerziellen Erfolg. Doch heute noch nutzt die Stadtverwaltung von Djakarta Holtorfs Plan.
    Von Beginn an reiste auch ein fest installiertes GPS-Gerät mit, das allerdings nur die Position und Fahrtrichtung anzeigt, aber keine Kartenfunktion hat. Die kommen für alle Weltregionen in Papierform miti.

    Gunther, Christine and Otto: A love story

    How a man met a woman and they set off on an epic journey across six continents in one amazing unbreakable car

    Des images du voyage

    A Heartwarming Tale of a Couple’s 20+ Year Road Trip. And One Amazing Mercedes G Wagon.

    Des examples pour l’utilisation de la carte de Holtorf

    Jabotabek region | Digital Atlas of Indonesian History - By Robert Cribb

    Further reading

    Abeyasekere, Susan, Jakarta: a history. Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1987.
    Grijns, Kees, and Peter J.M. Nas, eds., Jakarta-Batavia: socio-cultural essays. Leiden: KITLV Press, 2000.
    Holtorf, Gunther W., Jakarta Jabotabek: street atlas and index = peta jalan dan indeks Munich: Huber Kartographie, 2003.
    Christopher Silver, Planning the megacity: Jakarta in the twentieth century. London: Routledge, 2008.


    Figure 2. Map of 5 (Five)
    Research Area at DKI Jakarta
    (Source: Gunther W. Holtorf, 2001)

    Essential Indonesia Maps

    Another beautifully produced collection of maps (also published in digital form) is the famous Jakarta/Jabotabek Falk Street Directory by Gunther W. Holtorf. The 7th edition costs Rp214,500 and covers Central Jakarta in 85 maps and Greater Jakarta in 20 maps.

    Gunther, Christine and Otto. 26 years of around the world trip. : germany

    Apparently one of Gunther’s Jakarta maps were plagiarised by Indonesian cartographer, who were one of the government officials, which led Gunther to stop working on the map

    On behalf of Indonesians, I am really sorry and apologise for what our officials did.

    Depuis l’avènement de Google maps la cartographie semble souffrir du poids du monopole Google.

    Detailed city map [Archive] - Living In Indonesia Expat Forum is probably the most detailed digital map of Jakarta I’ve seen to date. Unfortunately, it’s quite slow.

    Cette carte contient des liens vers des webcams de Jakarta.

    German traveller returns home after almost 26 years on the road

    An epic journey that began in 1989 has come to an end after traveller Gunther Holtorf returned to his native Germany following a 900,000km trip around the globe. Holtorf set off with his fourth wife in their blue 4×4 – nicknamed Otto – and, after she died in 2010, Holtorf vowed to complete the journey they’d planned together, taking in a staggering 215 countries. Holtorf confirmed that Otto will be put on display at Stuttgart’s Daimler Museum as the world’s best-travelled vehicle.

    #cartographie #storytelling #tourisme #Indonésie #steyr @reka

  • Kiev et Donetsk nient avoir abattu le Boeing 777 de la Malaysia Airlines

    Les compagnies aériennes Aeroflot, Transaero, Lufthansa, Air France et Turkish Airlines ont suspendu les vols au dessus du territoire ukrainien suite au crash du Boieng 777.The post Kiev et Donetsk nient avoir abattu le Boeing 777 de la Malaysia Airlines appeared first on Le Courrier de Russie.