
  • Westinghouse: Origins and Effects of the Downfall of a Nuclear Giant - World Nuclear Industry Status Report

    what led to this bankruptcy were two bets that Westinghouse and Toshiba made. The first bet was that there will be a growing and large market for nuclear power plants. When Toshiba acquired Westinghouse from British Nuclear Fuels Ltd. (BNFL) in February 2006, the press release confidently projected: “By 2020, the global market for nuclear power generation is expected to grow by 50 percent compared with today”. At that time, the President and CEO of Toshiba estimated that there would be 10 large (1 GW) nuclear reactors built each year till 2020 amounting to 130 GW of new reactor capacity. That estimate was off by at least an order of magnitude. Much of the hype around that time was over what many saw as a coming #nuclear_renaissance

    (...) In 2013, for example, a former Vice-President of CNNC and Vice-Minister of Atomic Energy complained to South China Morning Post: “Our state leaders have put a high priority on [nuclear safety] but companies executing projects do not seem to have the same level of understanding”.


  • « La très inquiétante débâcle du nucléaire mondial. Faillite de Westinghouse ? » L’édito de Charles SANNAT

    Mes chères impertinentes, mes chers impertinents,

    Je voulais revenir sur une information qui peut sembler sans trop grande importance, noyée dans le flot ininterrompu de nouvelles, pourtant c’est une information majeure qu’il faut sortir du brouhaha ambiant.

    Westinghouse (rachetée il y a quelques années par le géant japonais Toshiba) se place en faillite avec 9,8 milliards de dollars de dette cumulée.

    Si cela vous fait penser aux difficultés du groupe Areva c’est normal, car c’est à peu de chose près exactement la même histoire, et nous allons détailler tout cela un peu plus tard !

    Petit historique rapide

    Westinghouse Electric Company est une bien vieille dame âgée de largement plus d’un siècle. C’est une entreprise américaine, fondée par George Westinghouse en 1886 sous le nom de Westinghouse Electric (...)

    #En_vedette #Actualités_internationales #Actualités_Internationales

  • Toshiba’s Chairman Resigns as Its Nuclear Power Losses Mount - The New York Times

    The trouble stems from Toshiba’s management of Westinghouse Electric Company, the American nuclear power business it acquired a decade ago. Westinghouse faces spiraling cost overruns at nuclear plant projects in the United States, and Toshiba said on Tuesday that it would like to sell all, or part, of its controlling stake in the company. Previous efforts to offload a portion of its shares in the subsidiary have failed, however.

    Le nucléaire n’est pas rentable. Les coûts augmentent... et l’équilibre des industriels passe par la multiplication des sites. Spirale économique.
    #nucléaire #économie

  • U.S. moves in on Russia’s nuclear energy turf in Ukraine

    Ukraine’s energy dependence on Russia subsided yet again this month when state-owned nuclear power company Energoatom on April 11 concluded a deal with America’s Westinghouse to supply fuel rods until 2020. The agreement came more than two weeks before Ukraine signed a memorandum with Slovakia for the supply of up to 8 billion cubic meters of natural gas a year to replace Russian blue fuel imports. The deal also comes on the heels of a scandal involving dented rods, competing interests and conflicting evidence.

    L’accord a été signé le 11/04, le lendemain de son annonce comme probable (avec les réserves de Rosatom)
    L’accord sur le gaz avec la Slovaquie, c’était il y a 3 jours

    Les crayons de combustible se déformaient dans les assemblages entrainant des risques pour . Pour Westinghouse, c’étaient les russes, pour TVEL les états-uniens. En fait, les deux !…

    According to Forbes, in April 2012, after all rods were removed from an SUNPP reactor following a scheduled period of use, plant technicians discovered that in fact both the American and Russian rods had suffered dents and scratches to their containment structures, which threatened the integrity of the radioactive material inside. Nevertheless, the chief inspector of the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate Michael Gashev recommended to an Energoatom commission that it only forbid the use of American rods.

    L’accord prévoit un test de validation avant extension de l’utilisation du combustible provenant de Westinghouse.

    As per the amended contract, in December 2014-January 2015 during scheduled maintenance the first batch of the modified rods will be loaded into the third unit of the SUNPP for a test period to collect data for approval by the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate. If all goes well, the rods can then enter regular usage.

    Néanmoins, la coopération avec la Russie dans le domaine de l’énergie nucléaire se poursuit. Et Rosatom espère participer à la privatisation de Turboatom reportée pour les raisons que l’on sait…

    Furthermore, Russia’s nuclear energy giant Rosatom is interested in privatizing Turboatom, a highly profitable Kharkiv-based producer of turbines for nuclear power plants. Privatization was expected to happen this year, though it was postponed due to political instability in the country and thus far remains unclear.

  • Westinghouse, Ukraine Close to Nuclear Fuel Deal - Nuclear Power Industry News - Nuclear Power Industry News - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant Portal (7/04/14)

    With tensions high between Ukraine and Russia, its traditional supplier of nuclear fuel, Ukrainian media reported that the country is close to a deal to expand its fuel purchases from Westinghouse.

    A Westinghouse executive on Friday told the Kyiv Post that the company plans to increase fuel deliveries starting this year through 2020. The company has supplied fuel for two reactors at Yuzhnoukrainsk under a 2008 agreement. The new contract would open additional units in Ukraine’s 15-reactor fleet to Westinghouse sales.

    Nuclear plants provide about half of the country’s power, according to the World Nuclear Association. They are all of Russian design, and Russia provides enrichment of Ukrainian uranium and most of the services required for Ukraine’s fuel cycle. The value of potential orders from Westinghouse under a new agreement was not announced. The company’s earlier Ukrainian contract spanned five years and has been estimated at $100 million.

    L’Ukraine possède 15 réacteurs de production d’électricité dans 4 centrales nucléaires.éaires_d'Ukraine
    Il s’agit ici de celle de Sud-Ukraine (Konstantinovka).

    Rosatom, fournisseur (russe) actuel du carburant s’inquiète (10/04/14)
    ITAR-TASS : World - Security in threat if decision on US nuclear fuel for Ukraine NPPs political

    If Ukraine’s choice of US nuclear company Westinghouse to deliver fuel for Ukrainian nuclear power plants is a political decision this may pose a threat to security, head of Russian state-run nuclear corporation Rosatom Sergey Kiriyenko told reporters on Thursday.

    Il invoque des incidents qui seraient survenus en 2011-12 à la suite de la fourniture d’assemblages de Westinghouse.

    In 2012 the problem was settled as the Ukrainian nuclear watchdog decided to ban further Westinghouse fuel operation upon results of these experiments due to violation of technical requirements.
    He also added that if “a decision is taken in line with international logic with a check of reliability and specific tests, all parameters will be observed upon results of these trials, then this is absolutely normal.”
    “If this is a political decision, this is really alarming,” he added.

    Deux remarques :
    • si le nucléaire c’était politique, ça se saurait…
    • on ne perd vraiment pas de temps à faire des affaires.