
  • Les #Etats-Unis, première #menace d’une #Europe divisée - Le Temps

    US poses bigger threat than Putin or Xi, say voters | World | The Times

    The US under President Trump is perceived as a greater threat to Europe’s security than China or Russia, according to an international opinion poll.

    Mr Trump’s standing has fallen so low among America’s allies that people in France and Germany are now significantly more likely to say they trust President Putin or President Xi to “do the right thing” on the global stage. A clear majority of people in eastern European countries including Poland fear that war will break out with Russia as the US-backed liberal order threatens to dissolve into an era of renewed conflict.

  • Preserving #privacy in the Age of Facial Recognition

    Public anonymity is dead. While that phrase, “public anonymity” may sound like an oxymoron, let me explain: You can no longer walk along a street, visit a store, or attend an event without the possibility that someone — a government entity, a storeowner, or a tech giant — knows that you are there and can track everywhere else you’ve been, simply by your physical appearance.In 2018, facial recognition #technology spent a lot of time in the news. Between Amazon licensing their Rekognition product to law enforcement, the presence of gender and racial bias in some of the current technology, and China’s use of facial recognition to publicly shame jaywalkers, it’s clear that society is facing moral and philosophical questions about who owns and should have access to your physical identity and (...)

    #identity-management #futurism #security

  • India Proposes Chinese-Style Internet Censorship - The New York Times

    NEW DELHI — India’s government has proposed giving itself vast new powers to suppress internet content, igniting a heated battle with global technology giants and prompting comparisons to censorship in China.

    Under the proposed rules, Indian officials could demand that Facebook, Google, Twitter, TikTok and others remove posts or videos that they deem libelous, invasive of privacy, hateful or deceptive. Internet companies would also have to build automated screening tools to block Indians from seeing “unlawful information or content.” Another provision would weaken the privacy protections of messaging services like WhatsApp so that the authorities could trace messages back to their original senders.

    Hum, pas forcément très différent de l’Article 13... quand les Le Pen (équivalent français de Narandra Modi) seront au pouvoir... Pas simple tout ça. Et puis si la Chine n’est plus la seule a devenir le repoussoir universel, où va-t-on ?

    Working independently as well as through trade groups, Microsoft, Facebook and dozens of other tech companies are fighting back against the proposals. They criticized the rules as technically impractical and said they were a sharp departure from how the rest of the world regulates “data intermediaries,” a term for companies that host data provided by their customers and users.

    In most countries, including under India’s existing laws, such intermediaries are given a “safe harbor.” That means they are exempted from responsibility for illegal or inappropriate content posted on their services, as long as they remove it once notified by a court or another designated authority.

    In a filing with the ministry last week, Microsoft said that complying with India’s new standards would be “impossible from the process, legal and technology point of view.”

    Officials have offered little public explanation for the proposals, beyond a desire to curb the kind of false rumors about child kidnappers that spread on WhatsApp a year ago and that incited angry mobs to kill two dozen innocent people. That wave of violence has since subsided.

    The coming national election has added urgency to the proposals. India’s Election Commission, which administers national and state elections, is considering a ban on all social media content and ads aimed at influencing voters for the 48 hours before voting begins, according to an internal report obtained by the news media. To buttress its legal authority to order such a ban, the commission wrote to the I.T. ministry last week asking it to amend the new rules to specifically prohibit online content that violates election laws or commission orders.

    C’est comme si ça me rappelait quelque chose...

    Et puis, le Alibaba local est dans la boucle. Y’a que les européens qui n’ont pas champion local à opposer aux GAFAM.

    One of the biggest cheerleaders for the new rules was Reliance Jio, a fast-growing mobile phone company controlled by Mukesh Ambani, India’s richest industrialist. Mr. Ambani, an ally of Mr. Modi, has made no secret of his plans to turn Reliance Jio into an all-purpose information service that offers streaming video and music, messaging, money transfer, online shopping, and home broadband services.

    In a filing last week, Reliance Jio said the new rules were necessary to combat “miscreants” and urged the government to ignore free-speech protests. The company also said that encrypted messaging services like WhatsApp, “although perceivably beneficial to users, are detrimental to national interest and hence should not be allowed.”

    Entre les architectures toxiques des plateformes et la toxicité des lois liberticides, on est malbarre.

    #Inde #Censure #Médias_sociaux #Article_13

  • JP Morgan Launches Its Own Digital Currency, And China’s Baidu Reveals #blockchain OS

    The State of The Market — February 15, 2019 BTC: $3,640.40 (+0.69%) ETH: $123.21 (+0.91%) XRP: $0.303646 (+0.20%)After a slow decline in the last couple of days, the #crypto market posted small gains today. While #bitcoin is still struggling to move past $3,650, the total market cap added nearly $1.5 Billion in the last 24 hours. All of the top 10 cryptocurrencies are in green right now, posting single-digit gains. A clear trend could emerge over the weekend when volumes are low. Meanwhile, Ethereum managed to defend its support at $100 this week, and Ripple has bounced back above $0.30.In other news, Coinsquare, one of the largest #cryptocurrency exchanges in Canada, has announced the acquisition of the StellarX decentralized exchange as it continues to evolve its platform. The StellarX (...)


  • Encore une #avarie_commune sur un porte-container
    (plus quelques infos sur la précédente et l’info qu’en général plus d’un container sur deux n’est pas couvert par une assurance…

    Fire-Stricken APL Vancouver Singapore-Bound After #General_Average is Declared – gCaptain

    A photo of the damage shared by APL.
    Photo credit : APL

    The fire-stricken 9,200 teu APL Vancouver is en route to a Singapore lay-by berth for inspection by surveyors, following the decision last week to declare general average (GA).

    In the early hours of 31 January, off the Vietnamese coast, a fire started in a cargo hold forward of the vessel’s accommodation block.

    The ship, in transit from China to Singapore, had to be partly evacuated during the firefighting operations and APL said that there were no reported injuries to crew members.

    The CMA CGM subsidiary declared GA on 7 February, instructing salvor Ardent Marine on Lloyd’s open form terms, but details of the average adjustors have not so far been advised.

    GA is a principle of maritime law where damages and salvage costs are shared among the cargo in proportion to its value.

    London-based marine claims firm WE Cox Claims Group said it expected cargo loss on the APL Vancouver to be “significant” after several days of water being pumped onto the ship and cargo to fight the fire. Unconfirmed reports advise that the ship, which operates on APL’s CIX (China-India Express) service, had around 4,500 containers on board.
    Elsewhere, shippers with containers on the 7,500 teu Yantian Express, which caught fire off the Canadian coast on 3 January, are now beginning to discover the status of their cargo.

    The vessel, operating on the east coast Loop 5 of THE Alliance Asia-US east coast service, arrived at its nominated safe harbor in Freeport, Bahamas on 4 February.

    Hapag-Lloyd declared GA on 25 January and the carrier, along with The Alliance partners ONE and Yang Ming have advised that there are 198 containers that are “most likely” to be a total loss to fire damage and a further 460 that were stacked in the vicinity of the fire will require inspection.

    It is the intention to discharge potentially salvageable containers this week when surveyors for the cargo interests will be invited to inspect their contents. Cargo interests for containers that survived the fire will be required to provide GA security and a separate salvage security before the boxes are released, and are also likely have to pay the cost of relay to the final destination.

    Of the expected total-loss containers, ONE has the highest number, 99, followed by Hapag-Lloyd with 68 and Yang Ming with 31.

    It is estimated that less than 50% of containers shipped globally are insured.

  • Venezuela : la Chine va-t-elle parier sur Juan Guaidó ?
    La Chine et la Russie ont cessé d’apporter des financements au gouvernement vénézuélien, elles se contentent d’allonger les moratoires de remboursements, sachant que les paiements en pétrole brut atteignent péniblement 50% des montants dûs…

    Appel à la raison du gouvernement chinois qui suppose, au passage, que la période de transition ne soit ni trop longue ni trop chaotique pour permettre un retour à une situation (au moins une extraction pétrolière normale). Considérant de plus que l’éventuel nouveau gouvernement ne pourrait probablement pas refuser grand chose aux États-Unis dont les relations avec Chine et Russie sont ce qu’elles sont…

    ¿Le apostará China a Guaidó ?

    Uno de los secretos mejor guardado es el nivel de exposición con que China llega a esta última turbulencia venezolana. Son muchos los medios y los centros de investigación que han monitoreado, a lo largo de los tiempos revolucionarios, la evolución de los empréstitos que la gran potencia le ha concedido al proyecto populista caribeño sin que nadie pueda asegurar, fuera de Pekín y Caracas, la verdadera situación del endeudamiento venezolano con sus socios asiáticos.

    Las vicisitudes que China ha debido enfrentar de unos años a esta parte no son pocas en este terreno, pero siempre elementos de carácter político y estratégico han aconsejado, a quienes toman este tipo de decisiones, ser amplios y condescendientes con sus socios en los refinanciamientos, sobre todo porque un volumen considerable de la apuesta financiera contaba con un repago en crudo y las cuentas nacionales venezolanas seguían cuadrando, aun cuando la producción petrolera se iba adelgazando consistentemente.

    Pero hace rato ya que ni China ni Rusia aportan financiamientos frescos al gobierno de Nicolás Maduro. Apenas se contentan con extender períodos de gracia a los empréstitos vencidos y de nada han valido los viajes a Pekín y Moscú en 2017 y 2018 para tratar de abrir de nuevo el grifo ni de uno ni de otro lado. Es que razones sobran para que, en lo que a China atañe al menos, la credibilidad, la responsabilidad financiera y la eficiencia del gobierno de Nicolás Maduro y de la estatal petrolera Pdvsa se encuentre en entredicho. Una fuente de la empresa informaba en diciembre pasado a El Nacional que no se está cumpliendo el compromiso de pagar con crudo los viejos endeudamientos chinos y rusos, sino en 50%.

    De allí que sea necesario atar esta mala coyuntura en la relación con Venezuela con el difícil momento que atraviesa la planificación económica china. Hace un par de semanas nos referíamos a la desaceleración que deberá enfrentar el gigante de Asia, a la contracción de su propio consumo interno y a los efectos mundiales del rifirrafe que mantienen con los Estados Unidos. La ortodoxia económica lo que aconseja es mantener bajo control el repago de los colosales endeudamientos otorgados a países en desarrollo, que, al igual que el resto del mundo, estarán impactados económicamente por la crisis global.

    Y es así como la sensatez deberá prevalecer en China en su futura relación con Venezuela, y cobrar lo que se le adeuda será la prioridad con mayor peso. La irreductible solidaridad política de antaño con la revolución bolivariana tendrá que pasar a un segundo plano. Cuando se perfore el secretismo que rodea la realidad de las cifras envueltas en los empréstitos y las turbias condiciones de los endeudamientos salgan a la luz, cuando del examen de los contratos y negociaciones entre las partes se evidencien elementos de corrupción que con frecuencia acompañan estos compromisos, cuando exista claridad meridiana sobre los procedimientos no cumplidos y las autorizaciones no otorgadas en cada una de las inversiones conjuntas y en los fondos que acompañaron las relaciones bilaterales, China tendrá frente a sí un problema mayúsculo a resolver. Y más le vale en ese momento, haber actuado del lado de quienes están dando por finiquitado el desorden, las ineficiencias, los “negociado_s” y el saqueo del país.

    “_Quien a buen árbol se arrima…” no es un adagio chino, estoy segura, pero no dudo de que la sabiduría milenaria que caracteriza al Imperio del Medio sabrá, desde esta temprana hora, quién es su mejor aliado en la lejana y díscola Venezuela, ahora en proceso de rehabilitación bajo la férula de Juan Guaidó.

  • Huawei tells New Zealand : banning us is like banning the All Blacks

    Chinese tech company uses full-page ads to push for inclusion in 5G rollout despite concerns it is a security risk China’s Huawei has taken out full-page ads in major New Zealand newspapers in which they equate the idea of ban on the company to a rugby tournament without the All Blacks. The advertisement reads : “5G without Huawei is like rugby without New Zealand”, referring to the upcoming nationwide rollout of the mobile technology. National telco Spark has been temporarily banned from (...)

    #Huawei #domination #lobbying

  • #china Expands Oversight Over #blockchain with New Anti-Anonymity Regulations

    China’s primary internet regulatory agency, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC), recently adopted a new policy, announced on its Website earlier this month, that would require all blockchain technology companies to collect certain identifying information from its users before offering any blockchain-related service.The new policy will be effective starting on February 15, 2019.Picture’s sourceBlockchain information service providers, defined as “entities or nodes” that offer information services and technical support to the public using blockchain technology via desktop sites or mobile applications, will be subject to the new regulations. After February 15, these companies will be obliged to register their names, domains and server addresses at the CAC within 20 days of offering (...)

    #cryptocurrency #regulation #investing

  • Stripe valued at $23 billion and has no plans to IPO, says CEO

    Startup Grind Event CoverageCollision discusses globalization of payments and his growing media empireStripe CEO John Collision opening keynote at #startup Grind GlobalStartup Grind Global kicked off this morning with opening remarks by Stripe CEO John Collision in conversation with Ashlee Vance of Bloomberg Businessweek. What follows is a summary of key insights shared:Been there, done that“People tend to think online already happened and everything that’s already been figured out has already occured, but in fact in a bunch of countries, there’s a very rapid rise in digital money. The dominant behaviors and methods are changing. Ali Pay and WePay came out of nowhere and payment players are now winning the market, in China in particular. When we started out and were pitching investors in 2010, (...)

    #venture-capital #fintech #cryptocurrency #technology

  • New report exposes global reach of powerful governments who equip, finance and train other countries to spy on their populations

    Privacy International has today released a report that looks at how powerful governments are financing, training and equipping countries — including authoritarian regimes — with surveillance capabilities. The report warns that rather than increasing security, this is entrenching authoritarianism.

    Countries with powerful security agencies are spending literally billions to equip, finance, and train security and surveillance agencies around the world — including authoritarian regimes. This is resulting in entrenched authoritarianism, further facilitation of abuse against people, and diversion of resources from long-term development programmes.

    The report, titled ‘Teach ’em to Phish: State Sponsors of Surveillance’ is available to download here.

    Examples from the report include:

    In 2001, the US spent $5.7 billion in security aid. In 2017 it spent over $20 billion [1]. In 2015, military and non-military security assistance in the US amounted to an estimated 35% of its entire foreign aid expenditure [2]. The report provides examples of how US Departments of State, Defense, and Justice all facilitate foreign countries’ surveillance capabilities, as well as an overview of how large arms companies have embedded themselves into such programmes, including at surveillance training bases in the US. Examples provided include how these agencies have provided communications intercept and other surveillance technology, how they fund wiretapping programmes, and how they train foreign spy agencies in surveillance techniques around the world.

    The EU and individual European countries are sponsoring surveillance globally. The EU is already spending billions developing border control and surveillance capabilities in foreign countries to deter migration to Europe. For example, the EU is supporting Sudan’s leader with tens of millions of Euros aimed at capacity building for border management. The EU is now looking to massively increase its expenditure aimed at building border control and surveillance capabilities globally under the forthcoming Multiannual Financial Framework, which will determine its budget for 2021–2027. Other EU projects include developing the surveillance capabilities of security agencies in Tunisia, Burkina Faso, Somalia, Iraq and elsewhere. European countries such as France, Germany, and the UK are sponsoring surveillance worldwide, for example, providing training and equipment to “Cyber Police Officers” in Ukraine, as well as to agencies in Saudi Arabia, and across Africa.

    Surveillance capabilities are also being supported by China’s government under the ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ and other efforts to expand into international markets. Chinese companies have reportedly supplied surveillance capabilities to Bolivia, Venezuela, and Ecuador [3]. In Ecuador, China Electronics Corporation supplied a network of cameras — including some fitted with facial recognition capabilities — to the country’s 24 provinces, as well as a system to locate and identify mobile phones.

    Edin Omanovic, Privacy International’s Surveillance Programme Lead, said

    “The global rush to make sure that surveillance is as universal and pervasive as possible is as astonishing as it is disturbing. The breadth of institutions, countries, agencies, and arms companies that are involved shows how there is no real long-term policy or strategic thinking driving any of this. It’s a free-for-all, where capabilities developed by some of the world’s most powerful spy agencies are being thrown at anyone willing to serve their interests, including dictators and killers whose only goal is to cling to power.

    “If these ‘benefactor’ countries truly want to assist other countries to be secure and stable, they should build schools, hospitals, and other infrastructure, and promote democracy and human rights. This is what communities need for safety, security, and prosperity. What we don’t need is powerful and wealthy countries giving money to arms companies to build border control and surveillance infrastructure. This only serves the interests of those powerful, wealthy countries. As our report shows, instead of putting resources into long-term development solutions, such programmes further entrench authoritarianism and spur abuses around the world — the very things which cause insecurity in the first place.”

    #surveillance #surveillance_de_masse #rapport

    Pour télécharger le rapport “Teach ’em to Phish: State Sponsors of Surveillance”:

    ping @fil

    • China Uses DNA to Track Its People, With the Help of American Expertise

      The Chinese authorities turned to a Massachusetts company and a prominent Yale researcher as they built an enormous system of surveillance and control.

      The authorities called it a free health check. Tahir Imin had his doubts.

      They drew blood from the 38-year-old Muslim, scanned his face, recorded his voice and took his fingerprints. They didn’t bother to check his heart or kidneys, and they rebuffed his request to see the results.

      “They said, ‘You don’t have the right to ask about this,’” Mr. Imin said. “‘If you want to ask more,’ they said, ‘you can go to the police.’”

      Mr. Imin was one of millions of people caught up in a vast Chinese campaign of surveillance and oppression. To give it teeth, the Chinese authorities are collecting DNA — and they got unlikely corporate and academic help from the United States to do it.

      China wants to make the country’s Uighurs, a predominantly Muslim ethnic group, more subservient to the Communist Party. It has detained up to a million people in what China calls “re-education” camps, drawing condemnation from human rights groups and a threat of sanctions from the Trump administration.

      Collecting genetic material is a key part of China’s campaign, according to human rights groups and Uighur activists. They say a comprehensive DNA database could be used to chase down any Uighurs who resist conforming to the campaign.

      Police forces in the United States and elsewhere use genetic material from family members to find suspects and solve crimes. Chinese officials, who are building a broad nationwide database of DNA samples, have cited the crime-fighting benefits of China’s own genetic studies.

      To bolster their DNA capabilities, scientists affiliated with China’s police used equipment made by Thermo Fisher, a Massachusetts company. For comparison with Uighur DNA, they also relied on genetic material from people around the world that was provided by #Kenneth_Kidd, a prominent #Yale_University geneticist.

      On Wednesday, #Thermo_Fisher said it would no longer sell its equipment in Xinjiang, the part of China where the campaign to track Uighurs is mostly taking place. The company said separately in an earlier statement to The New York Times that it was working with American officials to figure out how its technology was being used.

      Dr. Kidd said he had been unaware of how his material and know-how were being used. He said he believed Chinese scientists were acting within scientific norms that require informed consent by DNA donors.

      China’s campaign poses a direct challenge to the scientific community and the way it makes cutting-edge knowledge publicly available. The campaign relies in part on public DNA databases and commercial technology, much of it made or managed in the United States. In turn, Chinese scientists have contributed Uighur DNA samples to a global database, potentially violating scientific norms of consent.

      Cooperation from the global scientific community “legitimizes this type of genetic surveillance,” said Mark Munsterhjelm, an assistant professor at the University of Windsor in Ontario who has closely tracked the use of American technology in Xinjiang.

      Swabbing Millions

      In Xinjiang, in northwestern China, the program was known as “#Physicals_for_All.”

      From 2016 to 2017, nearly 36 million people took part in it, according to Xinhua, China’s official news agency. The authorities collected DNA samples, images of irises and other personal data, according to Uighurs and human rights groups. It is unclear whether some residents participated more than once — Xinjiang has a population of about 24.5 million.

      In a statement, the Xinjiang government denied that it collects DNA samples as part of the free medical checkups. It said the DNA machines that were bought by the Xinjiang authorities were for “internal use.”

      China has for decades maintained an iron grip in Xinjiang. In recent years, it has blamed Uighurs for a series of terrorist attacks in Xinjiang and elsewhere in China, including a 2013 incident in which a driver struck two people in Tiananmen Square in Beijing.

      In late 2016, the Communist Party embarked on a campaign to turn the Uighurs and other largely Muslim minority groups into loyal supporters. The government locked up hundreds of thousands of them in what it called job training camps, touted as a way to escape poverty, backwardness and radical Islam. It also began to take DNA samples.

      In at least some of the cases, people didn’t give up their genetic material voluntarily. To mobilize Uighurs for the free medical checkups, police and local cadres called or sent them text messages, telling them the checkups were required, according to Uighurs interviewed by The Times.

      “There was a pretty strong coercive element to it,” said Darren Byler, an anthropologist at the University of Washington who studies the plight of the Uighurs. “They had no choice.”

      Calling Dr. Kidd

      Kenneth Kidd first visited China in 1981 and remained curious about the country. So when he received an invitation in 2010 for an expenses-paid trip to visit Beijing, he said yes.

      Dr. Kidd is a major figure in the genetics field. The 77-year-old Yale professor has helped to make DNA evidence more acceptable in American courts.

      His Chinese hosts had their own background in law enforcement. They were scientists from the Ministry of Public Security — essentially, China’s police.

      During that trip, Dr. Kidd met Li Caixia, the chief forensic physician of the ministry’s Institute of Forensic Science. The relationship deepened. In December 2014, Dr. Li arrived at Dr. Kidd’s lab for an 11-month stint. She took some DNA samples back to China.

      “I had thought we were sharing samples for collaborative research,” said Dr. Kidd.

      Dr. Kidd is not the only prominent foreign geneticist to have worked with the Chinese authorities. Bruce Budowle, a professor at the University of North Texas, says in his online biography that he “has served or is serving” as a member of an academic committee at the ministry’s Institute of Forensic Science.

      Jeff Carlton, a university spokesman, said in a statement that Professor Budowle’s role with the ministry was “only symbolic in nature” and that he had “done no work on its behalf.”

      “Dr. Budowle and his team abhor the use of DNA technology to persecute ethnic or religious groups,” Mr. Carlton said in the statement. “Their work focuses on criminal investigations and combating human trafficking to serve humanity.”

      Dr. Kidd’s data became part of China’s DNA drive.

      In 2014, ministry researchers published a paper describing a way for scientists to tell one ethnic group from another. It cited, as an example, the ability to distinguish Uighurs from Indians. The authors said they used 40 DNA samples taken from Uighurs in China and samples from other ethnic groups from Dr. Kidd’s Yale lab.

      In patent applications filed in China in 2013 and 2017, ministry researchers described ways to sort people by ethnicity by screening their genetic makeup. They took genetic material from Uighurs and compared it with DNA from other ethnic groups. In the 2017 filing, researchers explained that their system would help in “inferring the geographical origin from the DNA of suspects at crime scenes.”

      For outside comparisons, they used DNA samples provided by Dr. Kidd’s lab, the 2017 filing said. They also used samples from the 1000 Genomes Project, a public catalog of genes from around the world.

      Paul Flicek, member of the steering committee of the 1000 Genomes Project, said that its data was unrestricted and that “there is no obvious problem” if it was being used as a way to determine where a DNA sample came from.

      The data flow also went the other way.

      Chinese government researchers contributed the data of 2,143 Uighurs to the Allele Frequency Database, an online search platform run by Dr. Kidd that was partly funded by the United States Department of Justice until last year. The database, known as Alfred, contains DNA data from more than 700 populations around the world.

      This sharing of data could violate scientific norms of informed consent because it is not clear whether the Uighurs volunteered their DNA samples to the Chinese authorities, said Arthur Caplan, the founding head of the division of medical ethics at New York University’s School of Medicine. He said that “no one should be in a database without express consent.”

      “Honestly, there’s been a kind of naïveté on the part of American scientists presuming that other people will follow the same rules and standards wherever they come from,” Dr. Caplan said.

      Dr. Kidd said he was “not particularly happy” that the ministry had cited him in its patents, saying his data shouldn’t be used in ways that could allow people or institutions to potentially profit from it. If the Chinese authorities used data they got from their earlier collaborations with him, he added, there is little he can do to stop them.

      He said he was unaware of the filings until he was contacted by The Times.

      Dr. Kidd also said he considered his collaboration with the ministry to be no different from his work with police and forensics labs elsewhere. He said governments should have access to data about minorities, not just the dominant ethnic group, in order to have an accurate picture of the whole population.

      As for the consent issue, he said the burden of meeting that standard lay with the Chinese researchers, though he said reports about what Uighurs are subjected to in China raised some difficult questions.

      “I would assume they had appropriate informed consent on the samples,” he said, “though I must say what I’ve been hearing in the news recently about the treatment of the Uighurs raises concerns.”
      Machine Learning

      In 2015, Dr. Kidd and Dr. Budowle spoke at a genomics conference in the Chinese city of Xi’an. It was underwritten in part by Thermo Fisher, a company that has come under intense criticism for its equipment sales in China, and Illumina, a San Diego company that makes gene sequencing instruments. Illumina did not respond to requests for comment.

      China is ramping up spending on health care and research. The Chinese market for gene-sequencing equipment and other technologies was worth $1 billion in 2017 and could more than double in five years, according to CCID Consulting, a research firm. But the Chinese market is loosely regulated, and it isn’t always clear where the equipment goes or to what uses it is put.

      Thermo Fisher sells everything from lab instruments to forensic DNA testing kits to DNA mapping machines, which help scientists decipher a person’s ethnicity and identify diseases to which he or she is particularly vulnerable. China accounted for 10 percent of Thermo Fisher’s $20.9 billion in revenue, according to the company’s 2017 annual report, and it employs nearly 5,000 people there.

      “Our greatest success story in emerging markets continues to be China,” it said in the report.

      China used Thermo Fisher’s equipment to map the genes of its people, according to five Ministry of Public Security patent filings.

      The company has also sold equipment directly to the authorities in Xinjiang, where the campaign to control the Uighurs has been most intense. At least some of the equipment was intended for use by the police, according to procurement documents. The authorities there said in the documents that the machines were important for DNA inspections in criminal cases and had “no substitutes in China.”

      In February 2013, six ministry researchers credited Thermo Fisher’s Applied Biosystems brand, as well as other companies, with helping to analyze the DNA samples of Han, Uighur and Tibetan people in China, according to a patent filing. The researchers said understanding how to differentiate between such DNA samples was necessary for fighting terrorism “because these cases were becoming more difficult to crack.”

      The researchers said they had obtained 95 Uighur DNA samples, some of which were given to them by the police. Other samples were provided by Uighurs voluntarily, they said.

      Thermo Fisher was criticized by Senator Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, and others who asked the Commerce Department to prohibit American companies from selling technology to China that could be used for purposes of surveillance and tracking.

      On Wednesday, Thermo Fisher said it would stop selling its equipment in Xinjiang, a decision it said was “consistent with Thermo Fisher’s values, ethics code and policies.”

      “As the world leader in serving science, we recognize the importance of considering how our products and services are used — or may be used — by our customers,” it said.

      Human rights groups praised Thermo Fisher’s move. Still, they said, equipment and information flows into China should be better monitored, to make sure the authorities elsewhere don’t send them to Xinjiang.

      “It’s an important step, and one hopes that they apply the language in their own statement to commercial activity across China, and that other companies are assessing their sales and operations, especially in Xinjiang,” said Sophie Richardson, the China director of Human Rights Watch.

      American lawmakers and officials are taking a hard look at the situation in Xinjiang. The Trump administration is considering sanctions against Chinese officials and companies over China’s treatment of the Uighurs.

      China’s tracking campaign unnerved people like Tahir Hamut. In May 2017, the police in the city of Urumqi in Xinjiang drew the 49-year-old Uighur’s blood, took his fingerprints, recorded his voice and took a scan of his face. He was called back a month later for what he was told was a free health check at a local clinic.

      Mr. Hamut, a filmmaker who is now living in Virginia, said he saw between 20 to 40 Uighurs in line. He said it was absurd to think that such frightened people had consented to submit their DNA.

      “No one in this situation, not under this much pressure and facing such personal danger, would agree to give their blood samples for research,” Mr. Hamut said. “It’s just inconceivable.”
      #USA #Etats-Unis #ADN #DNA #Ouïghours #université #science #génétique #base_de_données

  • CryptoMap: #china — The Many Faces of China’s Enthusiasm Towards #blockchain

    CryptoMap: China — The Many Faces of China’s Enthusiasm Towards BlockchainHappy Chinese New Year! to celebrate this amazing holiday, we’re going to visit a country with an immense density of crypto miners and traders, where cryptocurrencies are viewed as a valuable asset and a means of safe investment. China is one of the main exchange markets and home to some of the biggest #bitcoin ‘mining pools’ in the world. Unfortunately, the ban on cryptocurrencies from Chinese Government had a negative effect on the whole industry. Despite this fact, there are plenty of reasons to stay optimistic!Let’s go sightseeing!Government & RegulationIn 2016, blockchain technology development was added into the 13th Five-Year Plan — the plan for national development over 2016–2020 — thus making China one of the (...)

    #cryptocurrency #fintech

  • Foreign Policy’s #Venezuela “Global Scorecard” map wrongly lumps Caribbean nations with Russia and China · Global Voices

    #Maduro ou pas Maduro

    Foreign Policy has published an infographic that purports to depict global allegiances in the Venezuela crisis. The infographic, curiously, singles out three CARICOM nations—St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Dominica and Suriname— and mentions them in a table in the accompanying story, placing them in the “Backs Nicolás Maduro” camp alongside powers such as Russia, China, Iran and Turkey.

    Here’s how the world is split on Maduro vs. Guaido, in Venezuela’s political crisis:

    — Robbie Gramer (@RobbieGramer) February 6, 2019

  • Pay Attention, Confused Foreigners: ’Wan’ (卍) is Not a Nazi Symbol | What’s on Weibo

    Japan’s official map-making organization wants to get rid of the Buddhist manji symbol (卍) that marks the location of temples on city maps, as foreigners associate it with the Nazi swastika. In China, where the symbol is known as the ‘wan’ character, some netizens seem to find the controversy entertaining.

    The difference between the Buddhist swastika symbol and the Nazi swastika symbol | NORIO HAYAKAWA

    In Japanese Buddhism, the Manji is an ancient and important spiritual symbol.

    The Manji (Sanscrit: Svastika) represents the harmonious interplay of the many opposites in life – – heaven and earth, day and night, etc.

    The horizontal line unites light and darkness, while the perpendicular line symbolically connects heaven and earth; and these two combined, form a cross representing the universe in harmony beyond the limits of time and space.

    From this harmony comes the power that creates and nurtures all things.

    The ‘trailing’ lines at the ends of the cross represent the truth that the universe and all things in it are in a perpetual state of flux.
    The evil Nazis, twisting the true meaning of the “Ura Manji”, adopted it and tilted the Manji symbol at an angle of 45 degrees (corners pointing upwards and invariably in black). Here is the much-hated Nazi swastika:

    #nazis #cartographie #Japon #bouddhisme

  • Retail Giants like #walmart, #carrefour and Auchan Adopting #blockchain #technology

    Large retailers putting groceries on the blockchain to optimize their supply chainWhen going to the supermarket, do you ever wonder where those products you put in your trolley come from? I live in a first world country where one usually assumes all products come from honest farmers and factories.Lately, however, more and more stories surface of animals in slaughterhouses that are being treated horribly, before they are brutally killed and their meat is shipped off to meat factories for further processing. Do we actually know what type of pesticides farmers use? Are those harmful to us, human beings?Over the years, various food scandals made headlines, ranging from 700,000 contaminated eggs that flooded the supermarket shelves to a deadly milk contamination scandal in China, which (...)


  • 7 mistakes #b2b startups make when expanding abroad

    7 Mistakes B2B Startups Make When Expanding Abroad7 mistakes B2B #startup founders make when expanding abroad“How do I expand abroad?” is a frequent question we get asked by early and growth stage B2B startups. This question is particularly important for European startups and companies operating from emerging markets, such as LatAm, India, Russia, and South East Asia. If your home base is not a huge domestic market (like the USA or China) and you have high growth ambitions, international expansion becomes very important very soon.The list of mistakes below is based on successes and failures we’ve seen across more than hundred B2B companies of all stages and sizes, and is complemented by the best management practices and patterns noticed by the top VCs. Avoiding these 7 mistakes in your (...)

    #b2b-sales #b2b-startup #global-market-expansion

  • She Fled China’s Camps—but She’s Still Not Free – Foreign Policy

    Sayragul Sauytbay sits inside a defendants’ cage during a hearing at a court in Zharkent, Kazakhstan, on July 13, 2018.
    Ruslan Pryanikov/AFP/Getty Images

    Sayragul Sauytbay, the only person to have worked inside an internment camp in Xinjiang and spoken publicly about it, now faces an uncertain future in Kazakhstan.

    ALMATY, Kazakhstan—Speaking to a packed courthouse in eastern Kazakhstan in August 2018, Sayragul Sauytbay—an ethnic Kazakh Chinese national—provided some of the earliest testimony about Beijing’s vast internment camp system for Muslim minorities in its western Xinjiang region. As a former instructor at a camp, Sauytbay had crossed the border illegally into Kazakhstan four months earlier, as she feared internment herself, and now stood on trial with prosecutors in the Central Asian country vying for her deportation back to China.

    Sauytbay’s lawyers argued that she would be arrested or even killed for having shared knowledge of the camps, where between 800,000 and 2 million members of traditionally Muslim ethnic groups have been detained since 2017, according to U.S. State Department estimates. Despite Kazakhstan’s strong ties to Beijing, the court declined to send Sauytbay back to China. The ruling was seen as a rebuke of Kazakhstan’s powerful neighbor, and as Sauytbay was ushered out of the courtroom, she was greeted by a mob of supporters, who chanted, “Long live Kazakhstan!

    Then the previously outspoken Sauytbay went silent, engaging in a media blackout shortly after her trial. Now, six months later, the summer celebrations atop the courtroom steps look premature, with her future in Kazakhstan uncertain and pressure from China for her extradition growing.

    In an interview with Foreign Policy, Sauytbay, 42, said she fears that she may be sent back to China and that despite the August court ruling, her status in the country remains in limbo. Facing a growing set of obstacles—from attempts to ensure her silence to absent legal representation to having been repeatedly denied asylum status by the government—she said her time in Kazakhstan, where her husband and two children are both citizens, could be coming to an end.

    I am an inconvenient witness. I saw everything [in the camps],” Sauytbay said in a late January interview. “I can’t say that [China is] afraid of me, but they want me to keep silent.

    As the only person to have worked inside an internment camp in Xinjiang and spoken publicly about it, Sauytbay remains a particular liability for Beijing as it seeks to curb the mounting international criticism around its mass internment system.

    I’d love nothing more than to get asylum in Kazakhstan and be a happy mom with my children,” Sauytbay said. “But I don’t know if that is possible anymore. I can’t exclude pressure from the Chinese side on the government of Kazakhstan.

    Sauytbay said she remains conflicted about what to do. She is still committed to finding a way to have her status formalized in Kazakhstan, but she also feels a sense of duty to keep speaking out about the abuses she witnessed. Sauytbay reiterated claims she made during her hearing in August that she was granted access to classified documents that offered new insights about the inner workings of the network of camps in Xinjiang but refused to disclose any details.

    I don’t want to talk about that until I have some kind of protection,” she said. “I’d prefer that protection to come from Kazakhstan, but I might need help from other countries.

    Beijing made efforts to ensure Sauytbay’s silence. As first reported by the Globe and Mail, she received news that members of her family still in Xinjiang had been arrested and possibly sent to a camp by Chinese authorities during her trial in Kazakhstan. Sauytbay said she believes the arrests were in retaliation for her releasing information about the internment system in China and that a few months after her post-trial silence, she received word from contacts in Xinjiang that her family had been released and were now back home.

    Sauytbay also said a small group of people, unknown to her, came to her house after the trial and told her to keep silent. The small group of Kazakh-speaking men spoke in vague terms about the Chinese government’s policies in Xinjiang and said there would be consequences for her and her family if she spoke out again.

  • Long, strange trip: How U.S. ethanol reaches China tariff-free | Reuters

    NEW YORK/KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - In June, the High Seas tanker ship loaded up on ethanol in Texas and set off for Asia.

    Two months later - after a circuitous journey that included a ship-to-ship transfer and a stop in Malaysia - its cargo arrived in China, according to shipping data analyzed by Reuters and interviews with Malaysian and Chinese port officials.

    At the time, the roundabout route puzzled global ethanol traders and ship brokers, who called it a convoluted and costly way to get U.S. fuel to China.

    But the journey reflects a broader shift in global ethanol flows since U.S. President Donald Trump ignited a trade war with China last spring.

    Although China slapped retaliatory tariffs up to 70 percent on U.S. ethanol shipments, the fuel can still legally enter China tariff-free if it arrives blended with at least 40 percent Asian-produced fuel, according to trade rules established between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the regional economic and political body.

  • How Trump’s decision to tear up the INF nuclear treaty could spiral out of control –

    US President Ronald Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev signed the treaty on December 8 1987 to give effect to their declaration that “a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought”.

    The treaty prohibited the development, testing and possession of ground-launched cruise and ballistic missiles with a range of 500km to 5,500km, whether armed with nuclear or conventional warheads.

    A joint statement from Reagan and Gorbachev noted:

    This treaty is historic both for its objective – the complete elimination of an entire class of US and Soviet nuclear arms – and for the innovative character and scope of its verification provisions.

    It entered into force on June 1, 1988. By its implementation deadline of June 1, 1991, 859 US and 1,752 Soviet missiles had been destroyed.

    Reflecting the dominant Cold War architecture of nuclear arms control, the INF Treaty was bilateral. US National Security Adviser John Bolton, writing in 2011 as a private citizen, conceded the treaty had successfully “addressed a significant threat to US interests”. The threat was a surprise Soviet/Russian nuclear attack in Europe using missiles in the 500-5,500km range.

    But the arms control architecture began fraying when US President George W. Bush pulled out of the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty in 2001. Signed in 1972, the ABM controlled systems designed to counter “strategic” ballistic missiles, such as intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).

    With the INF Treaty now dead and another arms control treaty, New Start, set to expire in 2021, the world will be left without any limits on the two major nuclear arsenals for the first time since 1972.

    The collapse of the INF Treaty and deployment of China-specific US missiles could compel China to institute counter-measures – such as rapidly expanding its warhead numbers and missile-delivery systems – to protect vital security interests, including nuclear assets deep in its interior.

    China’s response in turn may trigger re-adjustments to India’s doctrine of credible minimum deterrence and could produce matching re-adjustments by Pakistan. The nuclear arsenals of both these countries is presently limited to under 150 each.

    In a worst-case scenario, China, India and Pakistan could engage in a sprint to parity with the US with a rapid expansion of warhead numbers and missile-delivery capabilities, and perhaps even move to keeping a stock of nuclear weapons on high alert just like Russia and the US.

    However, economic and technological limitations will constrain India and Pakistan’s ability to engage in an open-ended nuclear arms race.
    Expanding arms control

    The sensible alternative would be to begin urgently multilateralising the Cold War bilateral structure of nuclear arms control regimes. This means involving more countries than just Russia and the US in arms control treaties, and in particular involving China.

    #Armes_nucléaires #Multilatéralisme #Traités #Guerre_froide #Guerre

  • Las decisiones que llevaron a profunda crisis económica en Venezuela

    Article du journal colombien El Tiempo, avec un constat basé sur l’évolution des relations économiques transfrontalières. Les sanctions états-uniennes, mentionnées deux fois, y tiennent une place discrète.

    La evolución de la economía política en Venezuela a partir del año 2015 se ha caracterizado por el inicio y permanencia de la crisis tanto en lo macroeconómico como en la producción de bienes y servicios, y en la restricción de la demanda. Esta evolución parecería conducir a un cambio inevitable en el modelo económico. Es la economía determinando lo político.

    Al observar el comportamiento del producto interno bruto (PIB) total y per cápita de Colombia y Venezuela, la dinámica es positiva entre el 2004 y el 2008. Durante este periodo aumenta la cercanía entre los dos países; se encontraban vigentes los compromisos comerciales de la CAN y, como resultado, el comercio total binacional alcanza sus máximos históricos en el 2008 (8.000 millones de dólares).

    A partir de allí, el comportamiento es diferencial, y, aunque Colombia continúa creciendo a tasas similares a las del pasado, en Venezuela el crecimiento es fluctuante, por lo que para el periodo 2010-2014, el acumulado es en la práctica nulo. Esta es la etapa en que Venezuela se retira definitivamente de la CAN y disminuye el comercio total entre nuestros países.

    Sin embargo, a pesar de las diferencias en los modelos de desarrollo y políticos, el apoyo a las negociaciones del Gobierno colombiano con las Farc se constituye en un elemento equilibrante.

    Entre el 2015 y el 2018, la crisis en el crecimiento y en la demanda en Venezuela se hace evidente (disminuciones en el PIB total del 60 % y per cápita del –58 %). Las exportaciones y las importaciones muestran una caída significativa con respecto al mundo y, más aún, en el comercio con Colombia, al intensificarse las diferencias políticas, lo que sumado a la decisión de Venezuela de sustituir las importaciones provenientes de Colombia, condujo al peor momento de las últimas dos décadas en las relaciones económicas y comerciales binacionales.

    El comportamiento
    La balanza de cuenta corriente en Venezuela (la diferencia entre las divisas que entran y salen por comercio y servicios, entre otros), como resultado de la disminución de la demanda total y a pesar de las tasas negativas en el crecimiento, sigue siendo positiva. En contraposición, la cuenta financiera o de capitales (la diferencia entre las divisas que entran y salen por préstamos e inversiones) ha tenido un comportamiento deficitario durante todo el periodo, a excepción del año 2017. Por tal razón se genera una crisis en los ingresos y de incumplimiento de obligaciones externas.

    Las reservas internacionales (el ahorro en divisas u oro que hace el país y administra su banco central) disminuyeron considerablemente en el periodo 2009 a 2019, al pasar de 30.322 millones a 8.414 millones de dólares respectivamente. Sin embargo, dichas reservas no representan liquidez de corto plazo, tanto por las sanciones de diferentes países como por el congelamiento de los activos de PDVSA (Citgo) en EE. UU.

    En política monetaria, el Banco Central de Venezuela (BCV) perdió todo tipo de autonomía y, simplemente, ante la escasez de recursos en bolívares, procedía a emitir dinero, subiendo la base monetaria a niveles absurdos.

    En la medida en que el aumento de la oferta monetaria no correspondía a la evolución de la producción de bienes y servicios, se promovía el incremento en los precios, que en los últimos tres años se ha transformado en hiperinflación.

    La debilidad del bolívar creó una mayor demanda por el dólar, por lo que el gobierno pretendió forzar los mecanismos de control de cambios, y en consecuencia se amplió la brecha entre las importaciones oficiales o aquellas realizadas con los dólares otorgados por el gobierno y la demanda por importaciones de otros bienes y servicios que se efectuaban con la tasa de cambio real de mercado. Las medidas publicadas el 28 de enero de 2019, al aumentar la tasa oficial por encima de la paralela, pretenden recolectar parte de los dólares que se dejarán de percibir por el flujo de exportaciones a EE. UU.

    En lo interno, el aumento del endeudamiento significó un incremento del déficit fiscal cercano al 20 por ciento del PIB, así como un sistemático deterioro de la estructura productiva de las empresas públicas, y, más grave aún, en la prácticamente única fuente de ingresos por exportación, como es la del petróleo.

    Desde el punto de vista de la deuda externa, esta creció a 184.500 millones de dólares a finales de 2017. Los principales acreedores de Venezuela son aquellos que compraron bonos país y bonos PDVSA. La deuda vencida y en mora por este concepto a diciembre de 2018 alcanzó los 8.869 millones de dólares.

    De otra parte, la deuda principal con otros países es la de la China, que es mayor a 30.000 millones de dólares, y la de Rusia, que equivale a cerca de 10.000 millones de dólares. Ni China ni Rusia parecen estar dispuestos a financiar a Venezuela con recursos frescos, y su estrategia ha sido celebrar convenios en los cuales se otorgan concesiones en materia minero-energética a fin de generar recursos exclusivamente para disminuir la deuda. En esencia, la fuente de financiamiento externo con que cuenta actualmente Venezuela se reduce a los ingresos generados por exportaciones, de los cuales cerca del 90 por ciento son por petróleo.

    La caída de los precios internacionales del petróleo a partir del año 2015, sumada a la disminución en los barriles producidos diariamente (según datos de la Opep, algo así como 1’100.000), significó la reducción de los ingresos percibidos por la nación. Adicionalmente, habrá que ver el resultado de las sanciones de Estados Unidos a PDVSA (Citgo), lo que significaría una nueva baja en los menguados ingresos por este concepto.

    El otro medio de financiamiento con que cuenta este país, que hasta ahora no es controlado por el gobierno, son las remesas, que en el último año alcanzaron niveles mayores a los 3.000 millones de dólares, según cálculos conservadores de la mayoría de los analistas económicos.

    Lo que se ha descrito es realmente la causa de la crisis: disminuyeron de manera dramática los ingresos de Venezuela, la crisis en la balanza de pagos (las transacciones con el resto del mundo) es evidente, la política monetaria es inexistente, el déficit fiscal es inmenso, la demanda se encuentra en niveles impensables en el pasado, el poder adquisitivo de la población es de miseria y no existe capacidad de pago de sus compromisos internacionales. Mientras no se produzca un cambio estructural en la política económica, esta nación no tendrá acceso a recursos frescos, tanto de carácter humanitario como de reestructuración de la deuda.

    Pensando en futuro
    En materia macroeconómica será necesario: reestructurar la política cambiaria, monetaria y fiscal para controlar la hiperinflación y aumentar el ingreso a fin de generar mayor demanda.

    En cuanto a la política cambiaria, es indispensable una apertura para que el precio del dólar sea fijado por la oferta y la demanda. En el caso de la política monetaria, devolver la autonomía al Banco Central de Venezuela para que regule la emisión monetaria. Por último, en las acciones de la política fiscal se debe hacer una reforma tributaria que genere los suficientes ingresos para solucionar el déficit existente.

    Estas tres políticas, unidas a un programa de ayuda humanitaria, y con el financiamiento externo de los organismos multilaterales y la banca internacional privada, podrían significar un cambio hacia la estabilización y, posteriormente, generarían crecimiento y desarrollo sostenible.

    El desmantelamiento del aparato productivo exige recuperar y generar nuevas inversiones en infraestructura, industria y servicios, tanto en el sector público como en el privado, así como establecer condiciones y apoyos necesarios para el retorno del capital humano que ha salido del país por efecto de las migraciones. 

    En cuanto a las relaciones colombovenezolanas, lo más importante es desarrollar nuevamente un marco institucional de cooperación que determine reglas claras de juego para atacar la informalidad, fijar normas comerciales, de liberación de bienes y servicios, macroeconómicas, de competencia y control de calidad, etc., las cuales hagan transparentes estas relaciones.

    Adicionalmente, promover el comercio de bienes y servicios tomando en cuenta el círculo virtuoso que existió en el pasado, incorporando nuevos sectores y trabajando en lo que contribuya a la recuperación del aparato productivo, donde el papel de Colombia será fundamental, suministrando bienes intermedios, materias primas, así como promoviendo el intercambio de bienes en las cadenas productivas complementarias y la generación de nuevas oportunidades comerciales, específicamente en servicios con valor agregado.

    En lo externo y en el corto plazo, el papel de la comunidad internacional en dotar a Venezuela de ayuda humanitaria y, en el mediano plazo, de recursos que contribuyan a la recuperación económica y de la estructura productiva para fortalecer la estabilización, el crecimiento y la demanda será fundamental.

    Es indudable que el oscuro período que vive Venezuela puede significar en el corto y mediano plazo un renacimiento en su desarrollo y en el de la integración económica, social y comercial con Latinoamérica y con el resto del mundo. En pocas palabras, es la economía política: la evolución descrita y sus consecuencias parecen ser definitivas para generar el necesario cambio hacia un mañana mejor para la nación y la ciudadanía en Venezuela.

  • Low prices cause redistribution of hash rate.

    Low Prices Can Cause Redistribution of The Hash RateThe vast portion of mining power is sourced from China.The recent slump in coin prices has led to concerns over the feasibility of mining operations. However, mining operations are still profitable in some parts of the world; the lower Bitcoin price is making way for diversification in the mining industry by enabling the growth of farms in countries with electricity prices that are lower than the energy costs in China.While a few Chinese mining facilities have been able to lock direct deals with power providers, thereby giving them access to discounted energy supplies, the average kWh rate in China stands at $0.08. Bitcoin’s current difficulty makes it difficult for most major miners, including those in China, to break-even on operating (...)

    #decentralization #hash-rate #cryptocurrency #blockchain #technology

  • Cómo se produjo la dramática caída de Pdvsa, la joya de la corona del país

    Qui achète le pétrole vénézuélien, source : EIA

    Por décadas ha sido considerada como la gallina de los huevos de oro. Ahora parece estar severamente enferma.

    La petrolera estatal venezolana Pdvsa experimenta un franco declive en su producción, que ha caído a sus niveles más bajos en tres décadas hasta 1.137.000 barriles por día en noviembre de 2018, según cifras de la Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo (OPEP) publicadas en diciembre y basadas en fuentes secundarias que la OPEP considera creíbles.

    El dato contrasta claramente con los 3.120.000 barriles diarios de crudo que producía la empresa en 1998, el año previo a la llegada al poder del fallecido presidente Hugo Chávez.

    La caída de la producción de Pdvsa no es una buena noticia para Venezuela, un país que obtiene del petróleo 96% de las divisas con las que paga por la importación de muchos de los bienes que consume, incluyendo gran cantidad de alimentos.

    La situación luce aún más grave cuando se considera que una parte de esa producción debe destinarse al mercado interno, y otra se envía a China y Rusia para el pago de deudas.

    Carlos Mendoza Potellá, economista y profesor universitario venezolano experto en petróleo, estima que al consumo interno le debe estar destinando unos 300.000 barriles, pero destaca que es difícil saberlo con precisión debido a la opacidad en la información oficial, una situación que también dificulta conocer cuánto reciben Pekín y Moscú.

    Lo que sí se sabe es que el grueso de los ingresos que obtiene Pdvsa por venta de petróleo procede de sus exportaciones a Estados Unidos. Estas pasaron de 1.700.000 barriles al día en 1998 a unos 610.000 barriles en 2017, según datos de la Agencia de Información Energética de Estados Unidos (EIA, por sus siglas en inglés).

    Aunque la EIA aún no ha publicado las cifras finales de 2018, expertos consultados por BBC Mundo calculan que hacia final del año pasado las exportaciones de Venezuela hacia Estados Unidos se ubicaban en torno a los 500.000 barriles al día.

    Esta caída de la producción de Pdvsa se produjo pese a que durante los últimos 20 años la empresa ha anunciado numerosos planes para incrementarla, incluso hasta cinco millones de barriles al día.

    Para complicar aún más las cosas, la estatal venezolana fue sancionada el pasado 28 de enero por el gobierno de Estados Unidos que congeló sus activos, incluyendo Citgo, una filial de Pdvsa en ese país.