• Communiqué de presse : affaire du jeune Sefa S. percuté par un véhicule de police à Flancourt le 6 septembre 2023

      (via @yassinebouzrou sur Instagram)

      Le jeune Sefa, âgé de 16 ans, lycéen, est actuellement en état de mort cérébrale à l’hôpital.

      Selon certaines allégations médiatiques, le jeune homme conduisait une moto et aurait, par « coïncidence totale », percuté un véhicule de police alors qu’il était poursuivi, à distance, par un autre véhicule de police.

      Ces deux informations non-vérifiées relayées par des médias peu rigoureux semblent fantaisistes et erronées.

      En effet, selon plusieurs sources, c’est volontairement que le véhicule de police a percuté le jeune Sefa S. Il ne s’agirait pas d’une prise en charge à distance mais bien d’une course poursuite, proche de la moto.

      Une plainte pour tentative d’homicide volontaire qui pourrait malheureusement rapidement se transformer en homicide volontaire sera déposée ce jour.

      Aujourd’hui, le Procureur de la République de Versailles a ouvert deux enquêtes, dont une confiée à la Sûreté départementale des Yvelines.

      La décision prise par le Procureur de la République de Versailles de saisir des policiers des Yvelines pour enquêter sur des policiers exerçant dans les Yvelines démontre l’incapacité du Procureur de Versailles à gérer cette affaire d’une manière sereine et objective, raison pour laquelle une demande de dépaysement sera déposée à la suite de la plainte.

      Yassine BOUZROU Avocat de la famille du jeune Sefa S.

    • Communiqué de presse 2 : affaire du jeune Sefa S., percuté par un véhicule de police à Elancourt le 6 septembre 2023

      Depuis la collision entre un véhicule de police et la moto. conduite par le jeune Sefa, plusieurs informations mensongères ont été relayées dans les médias :

      1. Il a été dit que les véhicules de police n’avaient pas poursuivi la moto mais qu’ils s’étaient contentés d’observer la moto à distance. Cette information a été formellement démentie car, en réalité, les véhicules de police munis de leur gyrophare poursuivaient le conducteur de la moto afin de l’interpeller.

      2. La presse a relayé des informations émanant de sources policières selon lesquelles la collision résulterait d’une « coïncidence totale ». En réalité, le véhicule de police concerné intervenait suite au prétendu refus d’obtempérer et recherchait à arrêter le véhicule de Sefa S.

      3. Le parquet de Versailles a annoncé le décès du jeune Sefa S. dans la.soirée du 6 septembre älors qu’il est en état de moït cérébrale et que son décès n’a jamais été constaté ;

      Une plainte pour tentative d’homicide volontaire a été déposée ce jour et une demande de dépaysement sera déposée car le parquet de Versailles, de par ses mensonges et sa décision de mettre fin à la garde à vue des policiers sans aucune poursuite judiciaire, démontre son incapacité à traiter cette affaire d’une manière objective dans le respect des textes en vigueur.

      Yassine BOUZROU Avocat de la famille du jeune Sefa

  • #Banlieues françaises / La cité des enfants (perdus) : La #Grande_Borne ou les #dérives d’une #utopie_urbaine

    En 1967, l’architecte #Émile_Aillaud dévoile les plans de la Grande Borne, un #grand_ensemble de près de 4000 logements à #Grigny, commune semi-rurale à 25 kilomètres de Paris1. Résolument utopiste, Aillaud imagine une #architecture insolite qui rompt avec la verticalité et la grisaille des banlieues d’alors. Surnommée « la #Cité_des_Enfants », la Grande Borne est un assortiment élaboré de bâtiments bas et colorés qui serpentent entre des cours et coursives aux formes fantasques. #Aillaud crée une suite d’îlots et d’impasses aux noms évocateurs : Dédale, Minotaure, Astrolabe etc. Les nombreux passages et replis de l’espace sont conçus comme des lieux qui encouragent le jeu, la déambulation et l’exploration de la mélancolie. Pour l’architecte, les circonvolutions de la cité créent des #niches propices à l’introspection et au développement de relations de voisinages « à l’échelle d’affinités humaines »2.

    Cinquante ans plus tard, le rêve d’Émile Aillaud semble s’être effrité, et la cité de la Grande Borne s’est embourbée dans la mythologie urbaine française3. Elle y rejoint des territoires tels que le Mas du Taureau à Vaulx-en-Velin, ou la Cité des 4000 à La Courneuve, territoires dont la seule évocation mobilise un réseau d’images allant de la violence endémique à l’invasion religieuse. La cité est rivée au centre d’une géographie de la #peur nourrie par les #représentations médiatiques et l’échec à répétition des #politiques_de_la_ville. Ces représentations atteignent leur apogée en janvier 2015, lorsqu’une France sous le choc découvre le visage de l’un de ces « #enfants_d’Aillaud », #Amedy_Coulibaly, né à la Grande Borne et auteur des tueries des 8 et 9 janvier à Montrouge et Paris.

    Cet article se propose de sonder l’#identité et les réalités de la Grande Borne aujourd’hui, en analysant l’action des mouvements « #Élan_Citoyen » et « #Reporter_Citoyen », deux collectifs qui se sont manifestés au lendemain des attaques de janvier 2015. Loin des rêves d’Aillaud, du prisme médiatique et des représentations extérieures, il s’agira d’analyser, au travers des actions de ces groupes d’habitants, l’empreinte que des Grignois veulent apposer sur la définition de leur environnement. Dans l’#imaginaire_collectif, la Grande Borne aura été tour à tour la « Cité pas comme les autres, » « la Cité des Enfants », un haut-lieu de règlements de compte entre gangs, le temple du trafic de stupéfiants en Île–de–France, et aujourd’hui, le berceau du « tueur de l’Hyper Casher ». Comment les habitants peuvent-ils redéfinir l’#image d’un espace tenaillé entre cette multitude de définitions et de représentations ? Quels sont les échos de telles initiatives citoyennes dans les perceptions de la Grande Borne ? En quoi ces initiatives permettent-elles à des Grignois de se réapproprier le #discours sur leur espace, et de devenir enfin producteurs de sens, artisans de leurs identités ?


    –-> A (re)lire, un article scientifique dans la revue Urbanités paru en 2015

  • L’élamite casse le mythe, par Xavier Monthéard (Les blogs du Diplo, 5 janvier 2021)

    Jusqu’au déchiffrement de l’#élamite linéaire ci-dessus clamé (hourra !), celui-ci, vivace aux alentours de 2200 avant Jésus-Christ, n’était pas formellement relié au proto-élamite, attesté au même endroit mille ans plus tôt. De ce proto-élamite isolé on ne savait trop que faire ; faute de mieux, on considérait qu’il était un peu postérieur à l’« invention » sumérienne ; que sans doute il dérivait de celle-ci ; puis qu’il avait disparu. Le déchiffrement de l’élamite linéaire — et c’est toute sa portée — permet non seulement d’établir une parenté certaine entre ces deux écritures ; mais aussi, mais surtout d’avancer les arguments les plus convaincants pour situer sur un même plan chronologique les #écritures sumérienne et proto-élamite.

  • Hidden infrastructures of the European border regime : the #Poros detention facility in Evros, Greece

    This blog post and the research it draws on date before the onset of the current border spectacle in Evros of February/March 2020. Obviously, the situation in Evros region has changed dramatically. Our research however underlines that the Greek state has always resorted to extra-legal methods of border and migration control in the Evros region. Particularly the violent and illegal pushback practices which have persisted for decades in Evros region have now been elevated to official government policy.

    The region of Evros at the Greek-Turkish border was the scene of many changes in the European and Greek border regimes since 2010. The most well-known was the deployment of the Frontex RABIT force in October of that year; while it concluded in 2011, Frontex has had a permanent presence in Evros ever since. In 2011, the then government introduced the ‘Integrated Program for Border Management and Combating Illegal Immigration’ (European Migration Network, 2012), which reflected EU and domestic processes of the Europeanisation of border controls (European Migration Network, 2012; Ilias et al., 2019). The program stipulated a number of measures which impacted the border regime in Evros: the construction of a 12.5km fence along the section of the Greek Turkish border which did not coincide with the Evros river (after which the region takes its name); the expansion of border surveillance technologies and capacities in the area; and the establishment of reception centres where screening procedures would be undertaken (European Migration Network, 2012; Ilias et al., 2019). In this context, one of the measures taken was the establishment of a screening centre in South Evros, near the village of Poros, 46km away from the city of Alexandroupoli – the main urban centre in the area.

    The operation of the Centre for the First Management of Illegal Immigration is documented in Greek (Ministry for Public Order and Citizen Protection, 2013a) and EU official documents (European Parliament, 2012; European Migration Network, 2013), reports by the EU’s Fundamental Rights Agency (2011), NGOs (Pro Asyl, 2012) and activists (CloseTheCamps, 2012), media articles (To Vima, 2012) and research (Düvell, 2012; Schaub, 2013) between 2011 and 2015.

    Yet, during our fieldwork in the area in 2018, none of our respondents mentioned it. Nor could we find any recent research, reports or official documents after 2015 referring to it. It was only a tip from someone we collaborate with that reminded us of the existence of the Poros facility. We found its ‘disappearance’ from public view intriguing. Through fieldwork, document analysis and queries to the Greek authorities, we constructed a genealogy of the Poros centre, from its inception in 2011 to its ambivalent present. Our findings not only highlight the shifting nature of local assemblages of the European border regime, but also raise questions on such ‘hidden’ infrastructures, and the implications of their use for the rights of the people who cross the border.

    A genealogy of Poros

    The Poros centre was originally a military facility, used for border surveillance. In 2012, it was transferred to the Hellenic Police, the civilian authority responsible for migration control and border management, and was formally designated a Centre for the First Management of Illegal Immigration, similar to the more well-known First Reception Centre in Fylakio, in North Evros. The refurbishment and expansion of the old facilities and purchase of necessary equipment were financed through the External borders fund of the European Union (Alexandroupoli Police Directorate, 2011). Visits by the European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström (To Vima, 2012), the then executive director of Frontex, Ilkka Laitinen (Ministry for Public Order and Citizen Protection, 2013b), and a delegation of the LIBE committee of the European Parliament (2012) illustrated the embeddedness of the centre in the European border regime. The Commission’s report on the implementation of the Greek National Action Plan on Migration Management and Asylum Reform specifically refers the Poros centre as a facility that could be used for screening procedures and vulnerability assessments (European Commission, 2012).

    The Poros facility was indeed used as a screening and identification centre, activities that fell under both border management and the Greek framework for reception procedures introduced in 2011. While official documents of the Greek Government suggest that the centre started operating in 2012 (Council of Europe, 2012), a media article (Alexandroupoli Online, 2011) and a report by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (2011) provide evidence that it was already operational the year before, as an informal reception centre. When the centre became the main screening facility for South Evros in 2012 (European Parliament, 2012), screening, identification and debriefing procedures at the time were carried out both by Hellenic Police personnel and Frontex officers deployed in the area (Council of Europe, 2012).

    One of the very few research sources referring to Poros, a PhD thesis by Laurence Pillant (2017) provides a detailed description of the space and the activities carried out in the old wooden building and the white containers (image 3), visible in the stills from the video we took in December 2020 (image 4). A mission of Medecins sans frontiers, indicated in Pillant’s diagram, provided health screening in 2012 (European Migration Network, 2013).

    The organisation and function of the centre at the time is also documented in a number of mundane administrative acts which we located through diavgeia.gov.gr, a website storing Greek public administration decisions. Containers were bought to create space for the screening and identification procedures (Regional Police Directorate of Macedonia and Thrace, 2012). A local company was awarded contracts for the cleaning of the facilities (Regional Police Directorate of Macedonia and Thrace, 2013). The last administrative documents we were able to locate concerned the establishment of a committee of local police officers to procure services for emptying the cesspit of the centre (Regional Police Directorate of Macedonia and Thrace, 2015) – not all buildings in the area are linked to the local sewage system. This is the point when the administrative trail for Poros goes cold. No documents were found in diavgeia.gov.gr after January 2015.

    So what happened to the Poros Centre?

    After 2015, we found a mere five online references to the centre, despite extensive searches of sources such as official documents, research or reports by human rights bodies and NGOs. A 2016 newspaper article mentioned that arrested migrants were led there for screening (Ta Nea, 2016). A 2018 article in a local online news outlet mentioned a case of malaria in the village of Poros (Evros News, 2018a), while in another article (Evros News, 2018b), the president of the village council blamed a case of malaria in the village on the lack of health screening in the centre. An account of activities of the municipal council of Alexandroupoli referred to fixing an electrical fault in the centre in May 2019 (Municipality of Alexandroupoli, 2019). Τhe Global Detention Project (2019) also refers to Poros as a likely detention place.

    These sources suggested that the centre might be operational in some capacity, yet they raised more questions than they answered. If the centre has been in operation since 2015, why is there such an absence of official sources referring to it? Equally surprising was the absence of administrative acts related to the Poros centre in diavgeia.gov.gr, in contrast to all other facilities in the area where migrants are detained, such as the Fylakio Reception and Identification Centre and the pre-removal centres and police stations. It was conceivable, of course, that the centre fell into disuse. Since the deployment of Frontex and the border control measures taken under the Integrated Plan, entries through the Greek-Turkish land border decreased significantly – from 54,974 in 2011 to 3,784 in 2016 (Hellenic Police, 2020), and screening procedures were transferred to Fylakio, fully operational since 2013 (Reception and Identification Service, 2020).

    Trying to find answers to our questions, we contacted the Hellenic Police. An email we sent in January 2020 was never answered. In early February, following a series of phone calls, we obtained some answers to our questions. The police officer who answered the phone call did not seem to have heard of the centre and wanted to ask other departments for more information, as well as the First Reception and Identification Service, now responsible for screening procedures. The next day, he said it is occasionally used as a detention facility, when there is a high number of apprehended people that cannot be detained in police cells. According to the police officer, they are detained there for one or two days, until they can be transferred to the Reception and Identification Centre of Fylakio for reception procedures, or detention in the pre-removal detention centre adjacent to it. At the same time, he stated that he was told that Poros has been closed for a long time.

    This contradictory information could be down to the distance between the central police directorate in Athens and the area of Evros – it is not unlikely that local arrangements are not known in the central offices. Yet, it was also at odds both with the description of the use of the centre that our informant himself gave us – using the present tense in Greek –, with what the local media articles suggest, and with what we saw on site. Stills from the video taken during fieldwork in December 2020 suggest that the Poros centre is not disused, although no activity could be observed on the day. The cars and vans parked outside did not seem abandoned or rusting. The main building and the containers appeared to be in a good condition. A bright red cloth, maybe a canvas bag, was hanging outside one of them. The rubbish bins were full, but the black bags and other objects in them did not seem as they have been left in the open for a long time (image 4).

    The police officer also asked, however, how we had heard of Poros – a question that alerted us to both the obscure nature of the facility and the sensitivity of our query.
    A hidden infrastructure of pushbacks?

    The Poros centre, at one level, illustrates how the function of such border facilities can change over time, as the local border regime adapts and responds to migratory movements. Fylakio has become the main reception and detention centre in Evros, and between 2015 and 2017, the Aegean islands became the main point of entry into Greece and the European Union. Yet, our findings raised a lot of significant questions regarding the new function of Poros, given the increase in migratory movements in the area since 2018.

    While we obtained official confirmation that the Poros centre is now used for temporary detention and not screening, it remains the case that there are no official documents – including any administrative acts on diavgeia.gov.gr – that confirm its use as a temporary closed detention centre. Equally, we did not manage to obtain any information about how the facility is funded from the Hellenic Police. Our respondent did not know, and another departments we called did not want to share any information about the centre. It also became evident in the course of our research that most of our contacts in Greece – NGOS and journalists – had never heard of the facility or had no recent information about it. We found no evidence to suggest that Greek and European human rights bodies or NGOs which monitor detention facilities have visited the Poros centre after 2015. A mission of the Council of Europe (2019), for example, visited several detention facilities in Evros in April 2018 but the Poros centre was not listed among them. Similarly, the Fundamental Rights Officer of Frontex, in a partly joined mission with the Fundamental Rights Agency, visited detention facilities in South Evros in 2019, the operational area where the Poros centre is located. However, the centre is not mentioned in the report on that visit (Frontex, 2019).

    The dearth of information and absence of monitoring of the facility means that it is unclear whether the facility provides adequate conditions for detention. While our Hellenic police informant stated that detention there lasts for one or two days, there is no outside gate at the Poros centre, just a rather flimsy looking wire fence. Does this mean that detainees are kept inside the main building or containers the whole time they are detained there? We also do not know if detainees have access to phones, legal assistance or healthcare, which the articles in the local press suggest that is absent from the Poros centre. Equally, in the absence of inspections by human rights bodies, we are unaware of the standards of hygiene inside the facilities, or if there is sufficient food available. Administrative acts archived in diavgeia.gov.gr normally offer some answers to such questions but, as we mentioned above, we could find none. In short, it appears that Poros is used as an informal detention centre, hidden from public view.

    The obscurity surrounding the facility, in the context of the local border regime, is extremely worrying. Many NGOs and journalists have documented widespread pushback practices (Arsis et al., 2018; Greek Council for Refugees, 2018; Koçulu, 2019), evidenced through migrant testimonies (Mobile Info Team 2019) and, more recently, videos (Forensic Architecture, 2019a; 2019b). Despite denials by the Hellenic Police and the Greek government, European and international international human rights bodies (Council of Europe, 2019; Committee Against torture 2019) have accepted these testimonies as credible. We have no firm evidence that the Poros facility may be one of the many ‘informal’ detention places migrant testimonies implicated in pushbacks. Yet, the centre is located no further than two kilometres from the Greek-Turkish border, and the layout of the area is similar to the location of a pushback captured on camera and analysed by Forensic Architecture (2019a): near a dirt road with direct access to the Evros River. Black cars and white vans (images 5 and 6), without police insignia and some without number plates, such as those in the Poros centre, have been mentioned in testimonies of pushbacks (Arsis et al., 2018). Objects looking like inflatable boats are visible in our video stills. While there might be other explanations for their presence (used for patrolling the river or confiscated from migrants crossing the river) they are also used during pushbacks operations, and their presence in a detention centre seems odd.

    These uncertainties, and the tendency of security bodies to avoid revealing information on spaces of detention, are not unusual. However, the obscurity surrounding the Poros centre, located in an area of the European border where detention have long attracted criticism and there is considerable evidence of illegal and violent border control practices, should be a concern for all.

    #Evros #détention #rétention #détention_administrative #Grèce #refoulement #push-back #push-backs #invisibilité #invisibilisation #Centre_for_the_First_Management_of_Illegal_Immigration #Fylakio #Frontex

    Ce centre, selon ce que le chercheur·es écrivent, est ouvert depuis 2012... or... pas entendu parler de lui avec @albertocampiphoto quand on a été sur place... alors qu’on a vraiment sillonnée la (relativement petite) région pendant 1 mois !

    Donc pas mention de ce centre dans la #carte qu’on a publiée notamment sur @visionscarto :


    ping @reka @karine4

    • En fait, en regardant mieux « notre » carte je me rends compte que peut-être le centre que nous avons identifié comme « #Feres » est en réalité le centre que les auteur·es appellent Poros... les deux localités sont à moins de 5 km l’une de l’autre.
      J’ai écrit aux auteur·es...

      Réponse de Bernd Kasparek, 12.03.2020 :

      Since we have been in front of Poros detention centre, we are certain that it is a distinct entity from the Feres police station, which, as you rightly observe, is also often implicated in reports about push-backs.

      Réponse de Lena Karamanidou le 13.03.2020 :

      Feres is located here: https://goo.gl/maps/gQn15Hdfwo4f3cno6​ , and it’s a much more modern facility (see photo, complete with ubiquitous military van!). However, ​I’m not entirely certain when the new Feres station was built - I think there was an older police station, but then both police and border guard functions were transfered to the new building. Something for me to check in obscure news items and databases!

    • ‘We Are Like Animals’ : Inside Greece’s Secret Site for Migrants

      The extrajudicial center is one of several tactics Greece is using to prevent a repeat of the 2015 migration crisis.

      The Greek government is detaining migrants incommunicado at a secret extrajudicial location before expelling them to Turkey without due process, one of several hard-line measures taken to seal the borders to Europe that experts say violate international law.

      Several migrants said in interviews that they had been captured, stripped of their belongings, beaten and expelled from Greece without being given a chance to claim asylum or speak to a lawyer, in an illegal process known as refoulement. Meanwhile, Turkish officials said that at least three migrants had been shot and killed while trying to enter Greece in the past two weeks.

      The Greek approach is the starkest example of European efforts to prevent a reprise of the 2015 migration crisis in which more than 850,000 undocumented people passed relatively easily through Greece to other parts of Europe, roiling the Continent’s politics and fueling the rise of the far right.

      If thousands more refugees reach Greece, Greek officials fear being left to care for them for years, with little support from other members in the European Union, exacerbating social tensions and further fraying a strained economy. Tens of thousands of migrants already live in squalor on several Greek islands, and many Greeks feel they have been left to shoulder a burden created by wider European indifference.

      The Greek government has defended its actions as a legitimate response to recent provocations by the Turkish authorities, who have transported thousands of migrants to the Greek-Turkish border since late February and have encouraged some to charge and dismantle a border fence.

      The Greek authorities have denied reports of deaths along the border. A spokesman for the Greek government, Stelios Petsas, did not comment on the existence of the site, but said that Greece detained and expelled migrants in accordance with local law. An act passed March 3, by presidential decree, suspended asylum applications for a month and allowed immediate deportations.

      But through a combination of on-the-ground reporting and forensic analysis of satellite imagery, The Times has confirmed the existence of the secret center in northeastern Greece.

      Presented with diagrams of the site and a description of its operations, François Crépeau, a former U.N. Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, said it was the equivalent of a domestic “black site,” since detainees are kept in secret and without access to legal recourse.

      Using footage supplied to several media outlets, The Times has also established that the Greek Coast Guard, nominally a lifesaving institution, fired shots in the direction of migrants onboard a dinghy that was trying to reach Greek shores early this month, beat them with sticks and sought to repel them by driving past them at high speed, risking tipping them into water.

      Forensic analysis of videos provided by witnesses also confirmed the death of at least one person — a Syrian factory worker — after he was shot on the Greek-Turkish border.
      A Secret Site

      When Turkish officials began to bus migrants to the Greek border on Feb. 28, a Syrian Kurd named Somar al-Hussein had a seat on one of the first coaches.

      Turkey already hosts more refugees than any other country — over four million, mostly Syrians — and fears that it may be forced to admit another million because of a recent surge in fighting in northern Syria. To alleviate this pressure, and to force Europe to do more to help, it has weaponized refugees like Mr. al-Hussein by shunting them toward the Continent.

      Mr. al-Hussein, a trainee software engineer, spent that night in the rain on the bank of the Evros River, which divides western Turkey from eastern Greece. Early the next morning, he reached the Greek side in a rubber dinghy packed with other migrants.

      But his journey ended an hour later, he said in a recent interview. Captured by Greek border guards, he said, he and his group were taken to a detention site. Following the group’s journey on his mobile phone, he determined that the site was a few hundred yards east of the border village of Poros.

      The site consisted principally of three red-roofed warehouses set back from a farm road and arranged in a U-shape. Hundreds of other captured migrants waited outside. Mr. al-Hussein was taken indoors and crammed into a room with dozens of others.

      His phone was confiscated to prevent him from making calls, he said, and his requests to claim asylum and contact United Nations officials were ignored.

      “To them, we are like animals,” Mr. al-Hussein said of the Greek guards.

      After a night without food or drink, on March 1 Mr. al-Hussein and dozens of others were driven back to the Evros River, where Greek police officers ferried them back to the Turkish side in a small speedboat.

      Mr. al-Hussein was one of several migrants to provide similar accounts of extrajudicial detentions and expulsions, but his testimony was the most detailed.

      By cross-referencing drawings, descriptions and satellite coordinates that he provided, The Times was able to locate the detention center — in farmland between Poros and the river.

      A former Greek official familiar with police operations confirmed the existence of the site, which is not classified as a detention facility but is used informally during times of high migration flows.

      On Friday, three Times journalists were stopped at a roadblock near the site by uniformed police officers and masked special forces officers.

      The site’s existence was also later confirmed by Respond, a Sweden-based research group.

      Mr. Crépeau, now a professor of international law at McGill University, said the center represented a violation of the right to seek asylum and “the prohibition of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, and of European Union law.”
      Violence at Sea

      Hundreds of miles to the south, in the straits of the Aegean Sea between the Turkish mainland and an archipelago of Greek islands, the Greek Coast Guard is also using force.

      On March 2, a Coast Guard ship violently repelled an inflatable dinghy packed with migrants, in an incident that Turkish officials captured on video, which they then distributed to the press.

      The footage shows the Coast Guard vessel and an unmarked speedboat circling the dinghy. A gunman on one boat shot at least twice into waters by the dinghy, with what appeared to be a rifle, before men from both vessels shoved and struck the dinghy with long black batons.

      It is not clear from the footage whether the man was firing live or non-lethal rounds.

      Mr. Petsas, the government spokesman, did not deny the incident, but said the Coast Guard did not fire live rounds.

      The larger Greek boat also sought to tip the migrants into the water by driving past them at high speed.
      Forensic analysis by The Times shows that the incident took place near the island of Kos after the migrants had clearly entered Greek waters.

      “The action of Greek Coast Guard ships trying to destabilize the refugees’ fragile dinghies, thus putting at risk the life and security of their passengers, is also a violation,” said Mr. Crépeau, the former United Nations official.
      A Killing on Land

      The most contested incident concerns the lethal shooting of Mohammed Yaarub, a 22-year-old Syrian from Aleppo who tried to cross Greece’s northern land border with Turkey last week.

      The Greek government has dismissed his death as “fake news” and denied that anyone has died at the border during the past week.

      An analysis of videos, coupled with interviews with witnesses, confirmed that Mr. Yaarub was killed on the morning of March 2 on the western bank of the Evros River.

      Mr. Yaarub had lived in Turkey for five years, working at a shoe factory, according to Ali Kamal, a friend who was traveling with him. The two friends crossed the Evros on the night of March 1 and camped with a large group of migrants on the western bank of the river.

      By a cartographical quirk, they were still in Turkey: Although the river mostly serves as the border between the two countries, this small patch of land is one of the few parts of the western bank that belongs to Turkey rather than Greece.

      Mr. Kamal last saw his friend alive around 7:30 a.m. the next morning, when the group began walking to the border. The two men were separated, and soon Greek security forces blocked them, according to another Syrian man who filmed the aftermath of the incident and was later interviewed by The Times. He asked to remain anonymous because he feared retribution.

      During the confrontation, Mr. Yaarub began speaking to the men who were blocking their path and held up a white shirt, saying that he came in peace, the Syrian man said.

      Shortly afterward, Mr. Yaarub was shot.

      There is no known video of the moment of impact, but several videos captured his motionless body being carried away from the Greek border and toward the river.

      Several migrants who were with Mr. Yaarub at the time of his death said a Greek security officer had shot him.

      Using video metadata and analyzing the position of the sun, The Times confirmed that he was shot around 8:30 a.m., matching a conclusion reached by Forensic Architecture, an investigative research group.

      Video shows that it took other migrants about five minutes to ferry Mr. Yaarub’s body back across the river and to a car. He was then taken to an ambulance and later a Turkish hospital.

      An analysis of other footage shot elsewhere on the border showed that Greek security forces used lethal and non-lethal ammunition in other incidents that day, likely fired from a mix of semiautomatic and assault rifles.
      E.U. Support for Greece

      Mr. Petsas, the government spokesman, defended Greece’s tough actions as a reasonable response to “an asymmetrical and hybrid attack coming from a foreign country.”

      Besides ferrying migrants to the border, the Turkish police also fired tear-gas canisters in the direction of Greek security forces and stood by as migrants dismantled part of a border fence, footage filmed by a Times journalist showed.

      Before this evidence of violence and secrecy had surfaced, Greece won praise from leaders of the European Union, who visited the border on March 3.

      “We want to express our support for all you did with your security services for the last days,” said Charles Michel, the president of the European Council, the bloc’s top decision-making body.

      The European Commission, the bloc’s administrative branch, said that it was “not in a position to confirm or deny” The Times’s findings, and called on the Greek justice system to investigate.



      #Mohammed_Yaarub #décès #mourir_aux_frontières

    • Grécia nega existência de centro de detenção “secreto” onde os migrantes são tratados “como animais”

      New York Times citou vários migrantes que dizem ter sido roubados e agredidos pelos guardas fronteiriços, antes de deportados para a Turquia. Erdogan compara gregos aos nazis.

      Primeiro recusou comentar, mas pouco mais de 24 horas depois o Governo da Grécia refutou totalmente a notícia do New York Times. Foi esta a sequência espaçada da reacção de Atenas ao artigo do jornal norte-americano, publicado na terça-feira, que deu conta da existência de um centro de detenção “secreto”, perto da localidade fronteiriça de Poros, onde muitos dos milhares de migrantes que vieram da Turquia, nos últimos dias, dizem ter sido roubados, despidos e agredidos, impedidos de requerer asilo ou de contactar um advogado, e deportados, logo de seguida, pelos guardas fronteiriços gregos.
      Mais populares

      Coronavírus: Meninos, isto não são umas férias – Opinião de Bárbara Wong
      Coronavírus: o que comprar sem levar o supermercado para casa
      Cores e mais cores: o Holi e “o triunfo do bem sobre o mal” na Índia

      “Para eles somos como animais”, acusou Somar al-Hussein, sírio, um dos migrantes entrevistados pelo diário nova-iorquino, que entrou na Grécia através do rio Evros e que diz ter sido alvo de tratamento abusivo no centro de detenção “secreto”.

      “Não há nenhum centro de detenção secreto na Grécia”, garantiu, no entanto, esta quarta-feira, Stelios Petsas, porta-voz do executivo grego. “Todas as questões relacionadas com a protecção e a segurança das fronteiras são transparentes. A Constituição está a ser aplicada e não há nada de secreto”, insistiu.

      Com jornalistas no terreno, impedidos de entrar no local por soldados gregos, o New York Times entrevistou diversos migrantes que dizem ter sido ali alvo de tratamento desumano, analisou imagens de satélite, informou-se junto de um centro de estudos sueco sobre migrações que opera na zona e falou com um antigo funcionário grego familiarizado com as operações policiais fronteiriças. Informação que diz ter-lhe permitido confirmar a existência do centro.



    • Greece : Rights watchdogs report spike in violent push-backs on border with Turkey

      A Balkans-based network of human rights organizations says that the number of migrants pushed back from Greece into Turkey has spiked in recent weeks. The migrants allegedly reported beatings and violent collective expulsions from inland detention spaces to Turkey on boats across the Evros River.

      Greek officers “forcefully pushed [people] in the van while the policemen were kicking them with their legs and shouting at them.” Then, the migrants were detained, forced to sign untranslated documents and pushed back across the Evros River at night. Over the next few days, Turkish authorities returned them to Greece, but then they were pushed back again.

      This account from 50 Afghans, Pakistanis, Syrians and Algerians aged between 15 and 35 years near the town of Edirne at the Greek-Turkish border was one of at least seven accounts a network of Balkans-based human rights watchdogs says it received from refugees over the course of six weeks, between March and late April.

      The collection of reports (https://www.borderviolence.eu/press-release-documented-pushbacks-from-centres-on-the-greek-mainland), published last week by the Border Violence Monitoring Network (BVMN), with help from its members Mobile Info Team (MIT) and Wave Thessaloniki, consists of “first-hand testimonies and photographic evidence” which the network says shows “violent collective expulsions” of migrants and refugees. According to the network, the number of individuals who were pushed back in groups amount to 194 people.

      Without exception, according to the report, all accounts come from people staying in the refugee camp in Diavata and the Drama Paranesti pre-removal detention center. They included Afghans, Pakistanis, Algerians and Moroccans, as well as Bangladeshi, Tunisian and Syrian nationals.

      In the case of Diavata, according to the report, migrants said police took them away, telling them they would receive a document known as “Khartia” to regularize their stay temporarily. The Diavata camp is located near the northern Greek city of Thessaloniki.

      Instead, the migrants were “beaten, robbed and detained before being driven to the border area where military personnel used boats to return them to Turkey across the Evros River,” they said. Another large group reported that they were taken from detention in Drama Paranesti, also located in northern Greece, some 80 kilometers from the border with Turkey, and expelled in the same way.

      While such push-backs from Greece into Turkey are not new, the network of NGOs says the latest incidents are somewhat different: “Rarely have groups been removed from inner-city camps halfway across the territory or at such a scale from inland detention spaces,” Simon Campbell of the Border Violence Monitoring Network told InfoMigrants.

      “Within the existing closure of the Greek asylum office and restriction measures due to COVID-19, the repression of asylum seekers and wider transit community looks to have reached a zenith in these cases,” Campbell said.

      Although Greece last month lifted a controversial temporary ban on asylum applications imposed in response to an influx of refugees from Turkey, all administrative services to the public by the Greek Asylum Service were suspended on March 13.

      The suspension, which the Asylum Service said serves to “control the spread of COVID-19” pandemic, will continue at least through May 15.


      Reports of violence and torture

      The accounts in the report by the network of NGOs describe a range of violent actions toward migrants, from electricity tasers and water immersion to beatings with batons.

      According to one account, some 50 people were taken from Diavata camp to a nearby police station, where they were ordered to lie on the ground and told to “sleep here, don’t move.” Then they were beaten with batons, while others were attacked with tasers.

      They were held overnight in a detention space near the border, and beaten further by Greek military officers. The next day, they were boated across the river to Turkey by authorities with ’military uniform, masks, guns, electric [taser].’"

      Another group reported that they were “unloaded in the dark” next to the Evros River and “ordered to strip to their underwear.” Greek authorities allegedly used batons and their fists to hit some members of the group.

      Alexandra Bogos, advocacy officer with the Mobile Info Team, told InfoMigrants they were concerned about the “leeway afforded for these push-backs from the inner mainland to take place.”

      Bogos said they reached out to police departments after they learned about the arrests, but police felt “unencumbered” and continued transporting the people to the Greek-Turkish border. “On one occasion, we reached out and asked specifically for information about one individual. The answer was: ’He does not appear in our system’,” Bogos said.


      An Amnesty report (https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/eur01/2077/2020/en) from April about unlawful push-backs, beatings and arbitrary detention echoes the accusations in the report by the network of NGOs.

      History of forcible rejections

      Over the past three years, violent push-backs have been documented in several reports. Last November, German news magazine Spiegel reported that between 2017 and 2018 Greece illegally deported 60,000 migrants to Turkey. The process involved returning asylum seekers without assessing their status. Greece dismissed the accusations.

      In 2018, the Greek Refugee Council and other NGOs published a report containing testimonies from people who said they had been beaten, sometimes by masked men, and sent back to Turkey (https://www.gcr.gr/en/news/press-releases-announcements/item/1028-the-new-normality-continuous-push-backs-of-third-country-nationals-on-the-e).

      UN refugee agency UNHCR and the European Human Rights Commissioner called on Greece to investigate the claims. In late 2018, another report by Human Rights Watch (HRW), also based on testimonies of migrants, said that violent push-backs were continuing (https://www.hrw.org/news/2018/12/18/greece-violent-pushbacks-turkey-border).

      It is often unclear who is carrying out the push-backs because they often wear masks and cannot be easily identified. In the HRW report, they are described as paramilitaries. Eyewitnesses interviewed by HRW said the perpetrators “looked like police officers or soldiers, as well as some unidentified masked men.”

      Simon Campbell of the Border Violence Monitoring Network said the reports he receives also regularly describe “military uniforms,” which “suggests it is the Greek army carrying out the push-backs,” he told InfoMigrants.

      Last week, the Spiegel published an investigation into the killing of Pakistani Muhammad Gulzar (https://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/greek-turkish-border-the-killing-of-muhammad-gulzar-a-7652ff68-8959-4e0d-910), who was shot at the Greek-Turkish border on March 4. “Evidence overwhelmingly suggests that the bullet came from a Greek firearm,” the authors wrote.

      Violations of EU and international law

      Push-backs are prohibited by Greek and EU law as well as international treaties and agreements. They also violate the principle of non-refoulement, which means the forcible return of a person to a country where they are likely to be subject to persecution.

      In March, Jürgen Bast, professor for European law at the University of Gießen in Germany, called the action of Greek security forces an “open breach of the law” on German TV magazine Monitor.

      Greece is not the only country accused of violating EU laws at the bloc’s external border: On top of the 100 additional border guards the European border and coast guard agency Frontex deployed to the Greek border with Turkey in March, Germany sent 77 police officers to help with border security.
      Professor Bast called Berlin’s involvement a “complete political joint responsibility” of the German government. “All member states of the European Union...including the Commission...have decided to ignore the validity of European law,” he told Monitor.

      In response to a request for comment from InfoMigrants, a spokesperson for EU border and coast guard agency Frontex would confirm neither the reports by the three NGOs nor the existence of systematic push-backs from Greece to Turkey.

      “Frontex has not received any reports of such violations from the officers involved in its activities in Greece,” the spokesperson said, adding that its officers’ job is to “support member states and to ensure the rule of law.”

      Coronavirus used as a pretext?

      On the afternoon of May 5, as the network of NGOs published their report on push-backs, police reportedly rounded up 26-year-old Pakistani national Sheraz Khan outside the Diavata refugee camp. After sending the Mobile Info Team (MIT) a message telling them “Police caught us,” he tried calling the NGO twice, but the connection failed both times.

      MIT’s Alexandra Bogos told InfoMigrants that Khan has not been heard of since and he has not returned to the camp. “We have strong reasons to believe that he may have been pushed back to Turkey,” Bogos said.

      A day later, the police arrived in the morning and “started removing tents and structures set up in an overflow area” outside the Diavata camp.

      Simon Campbell of the Border Violence Monitoring Network said the restrictive measures taken as a response to the coronavirus pandemic have been used to remove those who have crossed the border.

      “COVID-19 has been giving the Greek authorities a blank cheque to act with more impunity,” Campbell told InfoMigrants. “When Covid-19 restrictions lift, will we have already seen this more expansive push-back practice entrenched, and will it persist beyond the lockdown?”


    • Spaces of Detention at the Greek-Turkish Land Border

      Guest post by Lena Karamanidou, Bernd Kasparek and Simon Campbell. Lena Karamanidou is a researcher at the Department of Economics and Law, Glasgow Caledonian University. Her recent work has focused on the EU border agency Frontex, pushbacks and border violence at the Greek-Turkish land border. Simon Campbell is a field coordinator with the Border Violence Monitoring Network, a collective of organisations and initiatives based in South Eastern Europe documenting pushbacks and violence within state borders. Bernd Kasparek is an undisciplined cultural anthropologist, with a focus on migration and border studies, europeanisation, racism and (digital) infrastructures. His book “Europa als Grenze” (Europe as Border), an ethnography of the European border agency Frontex is forthcoming in Summer 2021.

      The local coach from Alexandroupoli to Orestiada, the two largest towns in Evros, the region of the Greek-Turkish border, passes outside two border guard stations: Tychero and Neo Cheimonio [images 1 & 2]. Their function as detention spaces is barely discernible from the road; without the Hellenic police signs and vehicles outside, the Tychero border guard station could be mistaken for the wheat warehouse it once was. The train between the two cities, though, passes behind the Tychero facility; from there you can see a gated structure at the back of the station, resembling prison railings, which may have been used as a kind of ‘outside space’ for detainees. Reports by the Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) and the Greek Council for Refugees criticised the absence of outside space and conditions of detention (described sarcastically as ‘best of the best’ by a police officer interviewed by one of the authors in 2011).

      Although the Greek government announced the closure of the Tychero station in 2013, after several critical reports on conditions of detention there, it continued to be used as a detention space. While detention facilities may be perceived as stable, permanent or at least long-term structures at the core of European border regimes, their histories in Evros suggest temporal, spatial and functional disruptions. The creation of detention facilities since the 1990s appeared to be ad hoc, reflecting the increasing significance of the area as a key entry point to the European Union and the Europeanisation of border management both nationally and locally.

      Spaces for detention were created out of existing facilities such as cells in local police stations and in border guard stations. The latter were established in 1999 - some of which are housed together with police stations, like in the towns of Feres [image 3] and Soufli, and others in separate facilities as in the villages of Tychero, Isaakio and Neo Cheimonio. While it is difficult to find specific information on their history, some detention facilities emerged early in the 2000s, for example in the village of Venna in the Rhodopi prefecture near the boundary with Evros. The Fylakio facility [image 4] was established as a detention centre in 2007 before being renamed a pre-removal centre following legal reforms in 2012. Yet, detention capacity in the area never quite met the needs imposed by the extensive use of detention as an instrument of control. Until the early 2010s, ad hoc, makeshift structures and centres were used at different times in Feres and at the villages of Dikaia, Vrissika [image 5], Elafochori [image 6] and Peplos – all now closed, as well as the one in Venna. The #Venna, #Peplos, #Vrissika, #Elafochori and #Tychero facilities, as well as the temporary Feres structure referred to in the 1999 CPT report, were all repurposed wheat warehouses, formerly property of a state agricultural agency closed down in the early 1990s.

      The facilities mentioned above are official ones. Their function can be traced in official documents – Greek, European and international - as well as in reports by NGOs and human rights organisations and research. However, they are not the only spaces where people may be detained in the area. One example of a ‘quasi-official’ place is the detention facility in Poros [image 7]. Originally a military structure that was converted into a ‘reception’ facility where screening, identification and debriefing procedures took place in 2012, by the late 2010s the centre had fallen into obscurity. From 2015 until 2020, there was little evidence of its use other than a few administrative documents and media reports, and it is unclear when its function switched from a reception to a detention facility. It was only in 2020, through research, investigations and journalism that the Poros facility became ‘known’ again, coinciding with the border spectacle in Evros that year. The government denied that the facility was ‘secret’ – ‘if the New York Times know about it, then I don’t see how such a detention centre can be a secret’, stated the government spokesman. Yet, the CPT described the facility as ‘semi-official’ and supported claims that it was used as a holding facility prior to pushbacks, given ‘the complete absence of any registration of detention’.

      To date, Poros is probably the only facility whose use as a ‘hidden’ detention centre was revealed . Testimonial evidence collected by NGOs and research organisations (for example here, here and here) suggests that detention in informal facilities prior to pushbacks may be a common practice in the area. These sites are used to hold groups captured within the footfall area of the border, but also to receive detainees transferred from across the Greek interior, from urban areas, police stations, and pre-removal detention facilities. Their aggregate role in pooling people-on-the-move prior to pushbacks to Turkey is also intimated by their bare functional layout [image 8]. Several testimonies of people who have been pushed back from Evros to Turkey refer to detention in buildings that did not appear to be police or border guard stations, and were not properly equipped with toilets, running water or beds. The holding cells recounted in these testimonies were composed of fenced yards, portacabins, warehouses, garages, and even animal pens:

      “the room did not look like a normal prison or police station but more like a stable”

      “They drove us to an old room close to the river. It was a stable. It didn’t have a proper floor, but dirt”.

      This unofficial repurposing of agrarian or semi-industrial outbuildings for detention in some senses mirrors the improvised architecture Greek authorities used to expand its official sites in Evros from the 90s onwards. Yet without the formal authorisation, nor the visual signifiers demarcating these sites, the web of new – and possibly old - unofficial detention centres are extremely difficult to locate. People detained there often do not know the exact location because of the way they are transported. Speaking to people who had likely been detained in Tychero, testimonies published by the Border Violence Monitoring Network described how “since the vehicle had no windows, the respondent could not see the building from the outside.” For researchers and investigators, geolocating these sites has become a near impossible task, not only because of the secrecy that characterises the practices of pushbacks and the risks of in situ research, but also because of multiple potential locations and a large number of buildings that could serve as informal detention facilities.

      Detention in Greece has been a core technique for governing migration, reflecting policies of illegalisation and criminalising unauthorised entry, even if deportations, which provided one of the key reasons for detention, were not feasible. However, the linkages between detention and pushbacks at the Greek – Turkish border illustrate how the governance of borders relies on assemblages of both formal and informal practices and infrastructures. The proliferation of these structures, often concealed by their benign outward appearance as farm buildings, fits in with the dispersed geography of pushbacks - and the way detention is increasingly serving as a temporal stage within the execution of violent removals.


  • #Elaine_Grisé : Le Québec dira-t-il enfin que c’en est assez à Gabrielle Bouchard de la #FFQ ?

    La scène politique et féministe québécoise a été turbulente dernièrement. Pour être juste, c’est vrai des dernières années. Les débats politiques et idéologiques se retrouvent au cœur même des valeurs de la société et suscitent beaucoup de divisions. Aujourd’hui, les désaccords nous placent du « bon » ou du « mauvais » côté – les ennemis sont rapidement déterminés et traités comme immuables, que nous soyons de droite, de gauche ou dans le mouvement féministe.

    Longtemps reconnue comme un groupe phare pour les droits des femmes au Québec et sur la scène internationale, la Fédération des femmes du Québec (FFQ) n’est plus ce qu’elle était et suscite régulièrement la controverse. (...) Dans son gazouillis, Bouchard se moquait une énième fois des abolitionnistes, arguant que la prostitution n’a pas été un facteur dans la mort de cette jeune femme, et affirmant que nous pourrions tout aussi bien interdire l’hétérosexualité si nous voulons argumenter contre le commerce du sexe. Le commentaire sur la religion était une tentative de s’en prendre aux femmes qui appuient la loi québécoise sur la laïcité, et de dépeindre celles-ci comme des hypocrites.

    Il semble que ce fut la goutte de trop pour les médias et le public, qui ont fait grand cas du gazouillis de Bouchard. La FFQ s’est dissociée de ses propos, tandis que plusieurs politiciens, journalistes et membres du grand public ont demandé sa démission et que le gouvernement du Québec retire le financement de l’organisme. (La FFQ est aussi largement subventionnée par le gouvernement fédéral, jusqu’à hauteur de 500 000 $ par année). Depuis, la FFQ et Bouchard sont demeurés silencieux.

    Traduction : Elaine Grisé
    Version originale : https://www.feministcurrent.com/2020/02/19/will-quebec-finally-say-enough-is-enough-to-ffq-president-gabrielle
    #trans-activisme #système_prostitutionnel #ressac_antiféministe #Québec

  • Il movimento delle Pantere Nere - Wikiradio del 04/12/2015

    l 4 dicembre #1969 a #Chicago viene ucciso dalla polizia #FredHampton, leader delle Pantere Nere con Paolo Bertella Farnetti


    – alcuni estratti da un documentario dedicato al movimento delle Pantere Nere, trasmesso all’interno del programma tv Boomerang - Ricerca in due sere (RAI, 30 luglio 1970)

    – un breve estratto da una puntata di La storia siamo noi dal titolo «Hoover: i segreti dell’FBI» (RAI 3, 10 giugno 2003)

    – un tg americano del settembre 1968 che riferisce la definizione del movimento delle #BlackPanthers come «la più grande minaccia interna per la nazione» data dal capo dell’ #FBI, John Edgar Hoover (fonte: YouTube)

    Brani musicali

    – «The end of silence» di Elaine Brown, cantrice del movimento delle Black Panthers di cui entrò a far parte nel 1969 ricoprendo diversi incarichi importanti (dall’album Seize the Time, ed. Vault 1969)

    – «The Panther», dallo stesso album di Elaine Brown

    – «The Meeting» di Elaine Brown, che divenne l’inno nazionale del movimento

    #podcast #wikiradio #RaiRadio3 #usa #afroamerique #blackcommunity #racism

  • « L’#élan_créateur » intact de la philosophe centenaire #Simone_Debout

    « La #sexualité, c’est un humus sur lequel poussent toutes les grandes idées. » Voilà le credo d’une sacrée philosophe, née en 1919, résistante au nazisme, spécialiste de #Charles_Fourier dont elle a décapé la #modernité_radicale : Simone Debout. Les éditions Claire Paulhan ont eu la riche idée de réunir sa #correspondance avec #André_Breton dans un ouvrage somptueusement illustré, qui vient d’être publiée.

    #philosophie #féminisme

  • Le 20 décembre 2019, je reçois, par mail, ce message de "pub" d’une formation qui nous est proposée dans notre #université (#Université_Grenoble_Alpes) :

    L’#UGA nous informe de la mise en place à la formation #communication_assertive et bienveillante dans les relations professionnelles .

    Deux sessions au choix sont ouvertes :

    Soit les 29 & 30 juin 2020
    soit les 03 & 04 décembre 2020

    La date limite d’inscription est : j - 15 avant la date de la formation

    La formation est placée sous le thème " #efficacité professionnelle ".

    Objectifs de la formation :

    A l’issue de la formation, les participants seront capables de :

    – Décoder leur comportement et celui des autres dans les relations professionnelles

    – Communiquer avec #tact et #diplomatie

    – Etablir des #attitudes_positives au quotidien

    – Développer des relations professionnelles harmonieuses et efficaces

    Programme :

    1. Prendre conscience de son comportement

    – Identifier les raisons de ne pas de comprendre

    – Comprendre l’image que l’on renvoie à ses interlocuteurs

    – Prendre conscience de l’image de sa communication écrite

    – Identifier son comportement dans les situations relationnelles

    2. Savoir dialoguer avec tact et souplesse

    – Pratiquer l’écoute active et savoir utiliser les 5 types de questions

    – Utiliser les 3 techniques de reformulation

    – Améliorer sa communication non verbale

    – Etre congruent entre son langage verbal et non-verbal

    – Ajuster sa communication à son interlocuteur

    – Choisir son vocabulaire pour communiquer avec précision et tact à l’écrit

    3. Savoir soutenir une position claire et diplomate

    – Etre assertif : utiliser la méthode DESC

    – Exprimer son avis sans juger l’autre

    – Formuler des critiques constructives

    – Faire face aux critiques

    – Formuler un refus sans provoquer de tension

    – Faire et accepter des compliments dans le monde professionnel

    Durée : 2 jours

    Public : Toute personne souhaitant optimiser sa communication afin d’améliorer ses relations professionnelles


    Sur ce, je réponds à une collègue, en colère :

    Plus de moyens, moins de compétition, moins de darwinisme social résoudrait la moitié des problèmes sans formations à la communication bienveillante !

    –-> je fais évidemment allusion aux propos tenus par #Antoine_Petit (à la tête du #CNRS) qui a appelé à une loi « darwinienne » pour le financement de la #recherche. « Une loi ambitieuse, inégalitaire — oui, inégalitaire, une loi vertueuse et darwinienne, qui encourage les scientifiques, équipes, laboratoires, établissements les plus performants à l’échelle internationale, une loi qui mobilise les énergies. »

    #formation #bienveillance #communication_bienveillante #travail #relations_professionnelles #inégalités #performance #compétition #attitude_positive #harmonie #hypocrisie #image #tact #souplesse #écoute_active #techniques_de_reformulation #communication #communication_non_verbale #langage_verbal #langage_non-verbal #vocabulaire #méthode_DESC #critiques_constructives

    • Et parallèlement à l’#Université d’#Amsterdam... la week of #work_stress !

      Message from the works council

      Dear all,

      The week of 11th of November is the week of work stress. It is the week where the university brings out its petting puppies, makes you bikeblend your smoothie, and has you beat a few djembe tunes to let go of your #stress. Some might argue that it is a nice gesture of the employer, but we of the FNV in the OR find it a slap in the face of the employee. It adds insult to injury.

      This waste of money again shows that the faculty is not taking work pressure seriously. We said it last year, and we said it again this year: “stop monkeying around and actually deal with the causes of work pressure”. Work pressure is not that difficult. There are either too many tasks for the number of people, or there are not enough people for the number of tasks. So the answers are also simple. If an organization is financially healthy, you hire more people. If the organization is financially unhealthy, you are stuck with reducing the tasks. There is no rocket science involved.

      Yet as you can see in this week of work stress, the faculty seems keen to responsiblize the individual for the work pressure he or she is experiencing. This leads to offers such as #time_management (we just received an email that there are two spots still available), #yoga, and #mindfulness. But these are just bandaids ("lapjes voor het bloeden" as the Dutch expression goes) that obscure the structural faults of the system. There are too many administration processes. There is too much institutional distrust that you are not doing your work correctly leading to for instance to ’#jaargesprekken' being moments where you defend yourself instead of discussing how you would like to grow as a professional. There are criteria for promotion that seem to change during the process. We have to accept budget cuts in our teaching programme while at the same time the faculty wants to start new programmes that make new claims on budget and staff.

      Recently, our support staff at EOSS was confronted with a report that was framed as research about the high work pressure they are experiencing. Yet it actually placed all the blame at the staff of EOSS and suggested their so-called inefficient work and non-conformance to instructions from management was the cause of their work pressure. Another signal that work pressure is not taking seriously by management and the individual employee is again responsibilized for his or her work’ stress’. The Works Council will keep pushing the Faculty and the UvA to make meaningful structural changes that address work pressure instead of blaming the victim. Namaste.

      XXXX (FNV Works Council Representative)

      Reçu via email d’une amie/collègue qui y travaille...

    • Et petit exemple d’#Angleterre (#UK):

      Universities have driven their workers into the ground. That’s why I’m striking

      Our eight days of action are in response to a marketised sector that has prioritised profit over the welfare of staff and students.

      Workers in higher education across the UK are on strike. One of the reasons we are striking is because of the poor conditions we face today – which were, in large part, decided by the 2010 election.

      Nearly a decade ago, the Tory and Lib Dem coalition government conspired to transform higher education, unleashing the forces of marketisation. The physical and emotional landscape of the university has fundamentally changed in the intervening years. The devastation wrought cannot be overstated. Contrary to justifications for reform by Tories and Lib Dems, the contemporary university is not sustainable, and reforms have reduced standards and entrenched inequality.

      In public discussion of the – shameful – tripling of student fees and mounting student debt, the changes to university funding that this brought about are often neglected. The 2010 coalition government replaced the old system of block grants with money paid per student per course, and lifted the cap on the number of student places available. Now, universities compete for funding by competing for students, with each other, and between their own departments.

      Most remarkably, this was done in the name of improving standards. It has left its scars on the physical landscape of universities, no longer able to fit in the number of students they have enrolled, and the springing up of new buildings, luxury accommodation and gyms all designed to attract prospective students. If the modern university has a soundtrack, it would be constant drilling for the construction of new, shiny buildings, temples to “student satisfaction”.

      Marketisation does not mean the immediate insertion of the profit motive into previously public goods. It means, at least in the first instance, making those public goods profitable. Students are in more and more debt, workers are paid less and less, while private companies and developers are given access to a potentially lucrative market.

      What does this mean for workers in higher education? They face a proliferation of perverse incentives: instead of research and teaching, lecturers are expected to take part in a perpetual recruitment drive. Instead of supporting students emotionally and academically, staff in student services, often facing cuts and “restructures”, are expected to act as the vanguard of “employability”.

      With more students, permanent staff are expected to take on more and more work. Temporary staff are expected to paper over structural gaps, providing a “flexible” workforce who are hired and fired in response to fluctuations in student numbers. Research shows that part-time staff and those on hourly rates are only paid for 55% of their work. Staff in general work, on average, the equivalent of two days unpaid per week. Given these low wages, many temporary staff are effectively paid less than the minimum wage.

      The expectations placed on staff cannot be met. It is not possible to produce the kind of work expected in the amount of time we are paid to do it. New methods of evaluation and student metrics create even more work, and overlook the key fact that asking students if they enjoyed a course reveals very little about whether that course was well-taught. Student services are stretched to breaking point, and instead of releasing the tension by, for example, increasing funding, services are instead outsourced, with trained counsellors replaced by generic “advisers” and, even, apps.

      When we say that the expectations on staff cannot be met, we mean that it is not possible to live under these conditions. There is nothing else left to squeeze. The doctrines of flexibility and precarity are in no way specific to higher education. They are paradigmatic of contemporary working practices. This means the struggle against precarity is not just a struggle for better conditions for academic workers – it is the insistence that a better life is possible for all of us. The disruption to teaching that comes from workers’ poor health, unnecessary pressure and precarity is much, much greater than the disruption caused by the cancellation of classes.

      Despite the deprivations of the picket line – early mornings, hours standing in the cold, lost pay – I have rarely seen colleagues so happy. The lifting of the neoliberal impulse to be constantly working, every interaction a chance for self-development, every minute a chance to get something done, has profound effects. Reclawing time from management’s extractive demands gives us a glimpse of how the university could be.

      The University and College Union dispute, which runs until next Wednesday, is about pay and pensions for some 43,000 members of the union, all working in academia. Even if we won on both counts, our futures, and the future of higher education, will not be secure without a fundamental rethink of the way in which universities are funded in the UK.

      We cannot afford to merely attempt to reform a marketised sector, based around fees. Almost 10 years on from the seismic higher education reforms of 2010, we face another general election. The only party now offering a rethink of fees and funding, rather than the shuffling of proverbial deckchairs, is Labour.

      We must not let students’ interests be pitted against workers. They are one and the same. So far during the strike, universities have bribed students to cross the picket line with gimmicks like free breakfast and free parking. They have attempted to ban solidarity action by students with a sustained campaign of misinformation, including the suggestion that joining picket lines is illegal and that students must cross them because they are members of NUS and not UCU. We are warned that students might feel anxious about the strike and that by picketing our workplaces we are letting them down.

      In these moments, management attempts to call upon a sense of duty we might feel towards our students. But as workers in higher education, we should not be content to merely provide a better version of the kind of education-as-commodity that management insists on.

      With our strike and the election, we have a chance to start fundamentally re-imagining the university. It’s the only thing that might save it.


    • Et hop une autre offre de formation arrivée ce jour dans ma boîte mail :

      "Mieux vivre ses émotions dans les relations professionnelles"

      Public : Tout collaborateur qui souhaite mieux vivre ses émotions afin de favoriser ses relations professionnelles.

      C’est classé dans la rubrique « #efficacité professionnelle »

      Et voici un aperçu du contenu :

      #intelligence_émotionnelle #émotions #réactions_émotionnelles_parasites #dysfonctionnement #mots #visage #corps #couleurs #saveurs #musique #timbres_psychologiques #élastiques_émotionnels #alexitymie #vague_des_émotions #pensée_positive #mots_déclencheurs #respiration

    • 10.12.2021, nouveau message des services centraux de notre université (qui semble de plus en plus inspirée !!) :

      Programme de #pause_active destiné à l’encadrement

      A l’attention des personnels en situation d’encadrement (cadres administratifs et techniques, responsables pédagogiques, responsables scientifiques)

      Madame, Monsieur,

      Suite à une expérimentation menée au printemps dernier et dans le cadre de l’accord-cadre Qualité de Vie au Travail de l’UGA, le SUAPS et la Direction de l’environnement social (DGDRH-DES) vous proposent des séances de Pause Active en visioconférence.

      Ces temps courts, de 20/25 mns vous permettront de :

      Bien débuter la journée

      Apprendre à apprivoiser le stress, prévenir le stress chronique

      Lutter contre l’épuisement professionnel

      – *Prévenir les troubles musculo-squelettiques

      Être plus efficace et concentré

      Ils se déroulent les jeudis à 8h et 8h30, jusqu’au 9 décembre pour le 1er semestre

      Puis au 2nd semestre, à partir du 13 janvier

      Pas d’inscription préalable, juste une connexion !

      Comment se déroulent les séances ?

      Séance à 8h00 : #Sophrologie :

      Prendre conscience des différentes parties de son corps

      Se libérer des tensions physiques, mentales et émotionnelles

      Respirer, se poser, prendre un temps pour soi

      Activer les capacités utiles pour sa journée de travail


      Séance à 8h30 : Réveil musculaire en douceur :

      Étirements légers, respiration, focus sur l’ensemble du dos pour dénouer les tensions.

    • J’avais oublié d’ajouté cela sur ce fil :

      Arrive aujourd’hui, 21.10.2020, un message de mon #université (#Université_Grenoble_Alpes) qui nous invite à s’inscrire à une #formation...
      La formation s’intitule :
      Gestion du #stress pour les enseignant(e)s

      La troisième annonce en ce genre, les deux précédentes étaient des formations qui portaient sur :

      1. Gestion de #conflits (formation mise sous le thème « #efficacité_professionnelle »)

      2. Mieux vivre ses #émotions dans ses #relations_professionnelles (aussi mise sous le même thème : #efficacité_professionnelle)

      Comme dit ma collègue @mobileborders :
      « De la #responsabilisation_personnelle des #failles_structurelles... »


    • 07.01.2022... on commence une nouvelle année avec de nouvelles formations. Cette fois-ci c’est... le #co-développement !

      Formation Co-Développement Enseignants/Enseignants-chercheurs

      –-> le plus drôle dans tout ça, c’est la "#méthode_Payette_et_Champagne" (ou "paillettes et champagne" si vous préférez).

      « une méthode subtile et exigeante alors qu’elle paraît simple en apparence » dit A. Payette

      Pas trop bien réussi à en savoir plus après une brève recherche sur la toile (si il y a des motivé·es...)

      J’en ai fait un mini-tweet :


    • Avril 2022... Dans notre institut, comme partout ailleurs dans les facs françaises (et au-delà), on souffre d’un déficit STRUCTUREL en personnel enseignant... Pour info, notre institut « tourne » avec environ 40% des heures d’enseignement qui sont données par du personnel précaire, dont des #vacataires... Outre ce problème STRUCTUREL, il y a aussi la difficulté à pouvoir embaucher lesdits vacataires... deux difficultés avant tout :
      – iels sont payé·es, à l’heure, en dessous du smic, donc iels préfèrent faire autre chose dans la vie...
      – iels ne peuvent être embauché·es que si iels ont un contrat par ailleurs (donc, chômeur·es, circulez, on ne peut pas vous donner du taf... qui est payé moins du smic, mais bon...)

      Résultat des courses : c’est une galère pas possible pour les responsables de formations à la fac de trouver des enseignant·es pour les cours présents dans la maquette...

      Donc : problème structurel...

      Or, voici ce que notre direction nous propose, une réunion pour discuter de cette problématique « vacataires » (très bien) :

      "Lors du dernier conseil d’UFR, la problématique des vacataires d’enseignement (recrutement, constitution des dossiers, paiement) a été abordée et il a été émis le souhait d’organiser un temps de travail à ce sujet.

      ... et voici la phrase suivante :

      Ce sujet faisant également écho à celui lié à la qualité de vie au travail, il semble primordial d’y travailler dessus de manière prioritaire."

      –-> le lien avec la fameuse #QVT... ce n’est pas un problème de QVT, c’est un problème de #politique_universitaire, bordel ! Non, on ne va pas résoudre cela avec des séances de sophrologie ou avec des pauses actives !

    • « En termes d’émotions, là c’est moins évident : on parle de plus en plus de burnout, mais à la force physique s’est substituée une injonction à la force mentale, à prendre sur soi. Et si ça ne va pas, on va faire en sorte que les individus s’adaptent au monde du travail, mais on ne va jamais faire en sorte que le monde du travail s’adapte au #corps et à l’esprit des individus. On va donner des sièges ergonomiques, des ergosquelettes, on va créer des formations gestes et postures, on va embaucher des psychologues pour que les gens tiennent au travail, sans s’interroger sur ce qui initialement a causé ces souffrances. »


      #adaptation #résilience #force_mentale #émotions

      signalé ici :

    • Le business du bonheur

      La psychologie positive, conceptualisée aux États-Unis à la fin des années 1990, s’est imposée en Europe par le biais du management d’entreprise. Enquête sur une discipline contestée, proche du développement personnel.


      voir aussi le trailer sur twitter :

      signalé sur seenthis par @olivier_aubert :

  • Après le « non » bruxellois à l’#Albanie et à la #Macédoine_du_Nord - REGARD SUR L’EST


    Candidates à l’adhésion à l’#Union_européenne depuis, respectivement, 2005 et 2009, la Macédoine du Nord et l’Albanie ont vu leurs espoirs balayés à la mi-octobre, lorsque quatre pays ont opposé leur veto à l’ouverture en 2020 des négociations d’adhésion (35 chapitres indispensables à l’intégration de l’Acquis communautaire). Si l’Espagne, le Danemark, les Pays-Bas et la France ont unanimement dit non à l’Albanie, Paris s’est trouvé seul à juger que la Macédoine du Nord n’était pas prête, s’isolant de la position des autres pays membres : il s’agit d’une « erreur historique », a jugé Jean-Paul Juncker.

    #UE #élargissement

  • The Conversation | Contrairement aux idées reçues, l’accueil des réfugiés a suscité un élan citoyen en Europe

    Dans cet article, The Conversation, démontre que l’accueil des réfugiés a suscité un élan citoyen en Europe, et ce, contrairement aux idées reçues et que des actions collectives spontanées initiées par des volontaires non-politisés peuvent aboutir à des actions ayant un impact sur les structures politiques et les opinions publiques. Dans son ouvrage à paraitre, […]

  • Dans un village d’Arkansas, le souvenir disparu d’une #tuerie #raciste

    À #Elaine, peu de traces subsistent du #lynchage de 237 #Noirs perpétré par des #Blancs en 1919. Il s’agit probablement du pire incident racial ayant eu lieu aux #États-Unis


    Le #massacre s’est déroulé le 1er octobre 1919. La veille, des paysans noirs avaient consulté un #syndicat après des mois de plaintes concernant les abus de leurs patrons agricoles blancs. Un groupe de Blancs, craignant une révolte noire, tenta de faire échouer la réunion. Des incidents se produisirent à l’extérieur et un agent de sécurité blanc fut tué par balles. Le jour suivant, entre 500 et 1000 hommes blancs armés se rendirent à Elaine pour réprimer « l’insurrection ». Ils laissèrent nombre de morts dans leur sillage. Aucun ne fut condamné, 12 Noirs le seront. Certains Blancs prirent des photographies d’eux-mêmes à côté des corps sans vie en arborant un air suffisant.

    The Ghosts of Elaine, Arkansas, 1919 | by Jerome Karabel | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books

    Today, three times more black children live in poverty than do white children (46 to 15 percent), black life expectancy is nearly four years lower than that of whites, and median black family wealth is less than one fortieth that of white families ($3,557 versus $146,984). And although labor unions today do not face the kind of mob and state violence inflicted on the PFHUA, they do meet with fierce and sophisticated opposition from employers, who deploy a variety of tactics, both legal and illegal, to block unionization. The costs of labor union weakness have been steep for blacks and whites alike: inequality today is at its highest level since the 1920s, the minimum wage in the United States ranks far behind those of its major allies among the OECD countries, and chief executives at the largest corporations make, on average, 312 times more than the typical worker (up from a factor of twenty in 1965).

  • Ne pas mélanger art et politique ? Les artistes sont souvent progressistes ? Pas en israel... un argument pour le boycott culturel !

    Le plus grand club de musique live d’Israël légitimise l’extrême droite. Les artistes ne disent rien
    Uri Agnon, Haaretz, 6 août 2019

    La semaine prochaine marque le début du festival Zappa B’Gaï (Zappa dans la vallée de Hinnom) –un effort conjoint du club Zappa de Jérusalem et de la Cité de David. Nous pouvons peut-être espérer que Zappa ne comprenne pas avec qui il va au lit. Peut-être que les artistes qui participent au « festival » – Danny Robas, Arkadi Duchin, Noam Horev, Revital Vitelzon Jacobs, Moshe Lahav, Shlomi Koriat – sont aussi peu familiers de la complexité politique dans laquelle ils se trouvent impliqués.

    En bref : la Cité de David est un parc national au cœur du quartier palestinien de Silwan à Jérusalem Est. Ce parc est géré par l’association Elad, une organisation sans but lucratif, messianique de droite, qui fait des efforts énormes pour judaïser cette zone, avec l’aide d’un système discriminatoire de lois et des paquets d’argent de sources anonymes.

    L’art est toujours politique mais tous les artistes et toutes les institutions culturelles ne choisissent pas de s’exprimer publiquement contre l’occupation, de la même façon que tout un chacun ne s’y oppose pas activement ou ouvertement. Il y a d’innombrables sujets d’œuvres artistiques. Dans une démocratie, les artistes et les institutions peuvent même exprimer des opinions opposées, c’est à dire ultranationalistes et antidémocratiques, mais il est hypocrite et décevant de dissimuler des opinions extrémistes sous le couvert du courant dominant apolitique.

    #Palestine #Musique #Musique_et_politique #BDS #Boycott_culturel #Jérusalem_Est #Cité_de_David #Elad

  • Les #femmes de #pouvoir

    En ce début de XXIe siècle, les voix féminines se font de mieux en mieux entendre. Démonstration avec les parcours de femmes de conviction : Hillary Clinton, Michelle Bachelet, Inna Shevchenko. Une révolution tranquille est en marche. Petit à petit, le combat pour l’égalité des sexes progresse, dans les coulisses du pouvoir comme dans certains villages du tiers-monde. Aux quatre coins de la planète, à travers leurs trajectoires mêmes, des femmes contribuent à inspirer cette volonté de changement. Ce documentaire passe en revue leurs réussites et leurs combats : les militantes indiennes et nigériennes luttant pour leurs droits, mais aussi des personnalités telles que Christine Lagarde, Michelle Bachelet ou la Femen Inna Shevchenko. D’autres femmes engagées, comme Hillary Clinton, la théologienne Margot Käßmann (ex-évêque de Hanovre) et Melinda Gates, s’expriment dans ce film et donnent leur point de vue sur la condition féminine. Un documentaire qui montre comment, peu à peu, leurs comparses font tomber les barrières qui les empêchaient d’avancer.

    #film #documentaire
    #politique_étrangère_féministe #égalité #leadership_féminin #maternité #Christine_Lagarde #Minouche_Shafik #revenu #quota_féminin #Angela_Merkel #droits_des_femmes #féminisme #Michelle_Bachelet #préjugés #politique #Inde #Daphne_Jayasinghe #toilettes #corruption #Suède #Chili

    #Margot_Wallström, qui déclare :

    «Sexual violence against women is not cultural, is criminal»

    #violences_sexuelles #viol

    #viol_comme_arme_de_guerre #sens_de_culpabilité #armes #commerce_d'armes #Haifaa_al-Mansour #invisibilité #invisibilisation #Arabie_Saoudite #sous-représentation_féminine #religion

    #femmes_du_mur (#mur_des_lamentations)

    #Elana_Sztokman —> #mouvement_féministe_juif_orthodoxe
    (#judaïsme #judaïsme_orthodoxe)

    ligne de bus « #meandrine » (= de stricte observance)

    #ségrégation #patriarcat #radicalisme_religieux #Femen #auto-détermination #mariage_forcé #Niger #mortalité_maternelle #droit_à_l'avortement #avortement #droits_sexuels_et_reproductifs #IVG #Morena_Herera

    #El_Salvador #Las_17 (https://las17.org)

    contrôle de la #fertilité

    Incroyable maire d’un village en #Inde :


  • #dns 101

    https://medium.com/media/a0a23c93ed5dce1af090260ec69339f5/hrefJon Christensen and Chris Hickman of Kelsus teach a primer on the domain name system (DNS) and explain what happens when someone types a URL (i.e., Internet link) into a browser. They demystify the flow process to help you understand how DNS works and the mechanics involved.Some of the highlights of the show include:What is DNS? Fundamental past and present protocol for Internet; connection is made via friendly Internet Protocol (IP) address to identify and map servers within a networkDNS and IP address offer scalability through levels of hierarchy (.com, .net, .org)DNS servers act as authoritative source for domain names they own and manage; servers can host multiple zones and levels to segment URL namespaceBenefits of DNS: (...)

    #elastic-container-service #tech-podcasts #dns-podcast #aws

  • Searching #dynamodb : An indexer sidecar for #elasticsearch

    TLDR;DynamoDB is great, but partitioning and searching are hardWe built alternator and migration-service to make life easierWe open sourced a sidecar to index DynamoDB tables in Elasticsearch that you should totes use. Here’s the code.When we embarked on Bitbucket Pipelines more than three years ago we had little experience using #nosql databases. But as a small team looking to produce quality at speed, we decided on DynamoDB as a managed service with great availability and scalability characteristics. Three years on, we’ve learnt a lot about how to use and how to not use DynamoDB, and we’ve built some things along the way that might be useful to other teams or that could be absorbed by the ever growing platform.To NoSQL or not to NoSQL that is the questionFirst off the bat, relational (...)

    #programming #aws

  • Learning to Rank for Job #search

    Evaluating Learning to Rank Algorithms to Improve Relevance in Job SearchWhat we learned from experimenting with “smart” relevance ranking.Handshake’s mission is to democratize opportunity by making sure that every student, regardless of where they go to school or who they know, can find a meaningful career. At the core of Handshake’s student product is a job search engine, where our 14 million students and young alumni can discover jobs from more than 300,000 employers.Towards the end of last year, our data and platform teams decided to experiment with fundamentally different ways to power job search. Here, we’ll discuss how we approached the problem, the service we built, and what we learned from the process.How We Currently Do Job SearchAs with typical search engines, we index our (...)

    #data-science #job-search-ranking #job-search #elasticsearch

  • Adding #elasticsearch To Legacy Application Using #logstash

    ElasticSearch has created a boom in the market with its ability to store, scaling, performing full-text search and analytics on the humongous amount of data in near real time. ElasticSearch is open source search and analytics engine generally used in applications which have complex search features.In this tutorial, we are going to consider a scenario where we wish to add ElasticSearch to our legacy application as a Secondary Data Source. Say suppose we have a legacy application which uses #mysql database and now we have a requirement where we need to have a heavy search and we have decided to move to ElasticSearch. My idea here would still stick to Relational Databases as a Primary Data Store and use ElasticSearch as a Secondary Data Store for the requirements where we need to have the (...)

    #add-elasticsearch #advanced-search

  • Building a dashboard with #react & #graphql

    As a frontend developer you can never go more than a year without being tasked to build a dashboard of some sort. This year it’s a real time dashboard, providing live performance insights throughout the day.From a technology perspective we only had one constrain; the data must come from Elastic Search, the rest was up for grabs. So grab a fair trade, organic, made with love, tea and let’s go on a nerdy adventure…OverviewHold on, what’s Elastic Search (ES)? Simply put, it’s a RESTful API that sits on top of a search and analytics engine. At its core it stores your data and provides a way of accessing it through queries. For the purpose of this project all we care about is asking ES for some data and the correct data being retuned.Scope: the dashboard will be made up of two counters, two lists (...)

    #apollo #javascript #elasticsearch

  • What is Amazon Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)

    credits — wikipedia.orgAmazon #elb allows you to make your applications highly available by using health checks and distributing traffic across a number of instances.Consider that you have a WordPress blog which is running on a single t2-micro EC2 instance.Now you publish an article, it goes viral and your site gets hundreds of thousands of requests. Since you are using a single t2-micro, your website will probably crash.So, what can you do to avoid this?You may decide to launch a larger instance like an m5-large in place of t2-micro. This is called vertical scaling when you replace an instance with a more powerful instance.But vertical scaling isn’t always economical.Another approach can be to use a bunch of smaller instances like t2-micros and distribute the website traffic between them. (...)

    #aws #computer-science #cloud-computing #elastic-load-balancer

  • What is Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)?

    Credits — wikipedia.orgWhat is Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)Amazon #ebs is like a hard drive in the cloud that provides persistent block storage volumes for use with Amazon EC2 instances.These volumes can be attached to your EC2 instances and allow you to create a file system on top of these volumes, run a database, server or use them in any other way you would use a block device.What is a block storage volume?A block storage volume works similarly to a hard drive. You can store any type of files on it or even install a whole Operating System on it.EBS volumes are placed in an availability zone, where they are automatically replicated to protect data loss from the failure of a single component.But since they are replicated only across a single availability zone you may lose data if the (...)

    #elastic-block-store #cloud-computing #aws #amazon-elastic-block

  • Qui aurait vu des infos claires, récentes, critiques et synthétiques sur la loi Elan ?

    Le DAL écrit des communiqués, dont le dernier, le 17 octobre, est là :

    Il existe aussi quelques articles sur Bastamag.

    Dans le réseau Mutu, un article dans le Numéro Zéro
    (https://seenthis.net/messages/717223 )
    et deux dans IATAA :
    Loi Elan acte 1, le bâton
    Loi Elan acte 2, la carotte

    #loi_elan #elan #logement #hlm #squat

  • Dans « Algiers, Third World Capital », la journaliste américaine Elaine Mokhtefi raconte l’effervescence révolutionnaire de la capitale algérienne, devenue dans les années 1960 le point de rencontre entre les activistes africains-américains et les mouvements de libération du continent.
    #Elaine_Mokhtefi #Black_Panther #Algérie

    Parade de femmes artistes lors de l’ouverture du premier Festival panafricain d’Alger (Panaf), le 21 juillet 1969. © APS/AFP

  • Point de bascule... À #Nantes comme ailleurs, entre #Elan et #Exils, les calculs politiques font disparaitre l’humain.


    : : EDIT / #Nantes : Le « déménagement » (?) de Daviais serait pour demain 7h. Y’aurait 5 gymnases d’accueil temporaire et aucune garantie de ne pas être « triés » pour les dubliné-e-s ou les OQTF : tensions probables dès cette nuit, soutiens et traducteurices toujours bienvenu-e-s. Besoin aussi de lieux pour sécuriser des affaires voire des personnes qui ne peuvent prendre le risque d’être contrôlées... voir https://nantes.indymedia.org/events/42677