facility:liberty hall

  • Purging Ourselves of Our Young

    At the weekend over 200 young people gathered in Liberty Hall under the auspices of We’re Not Leaving to draft a Young People’s Charter. The charter addresses a number of issues - precarious work, internship, unemployment and emigration, mental health and housing. You can read the draft charter here. It is a considerable achievement and will hopefully be the basis of a sustained, substantial and ultimately successful campaign.

    The name says it all: we’re not leaving. This in itself is a declaration of defiance and affirmation – defiance against the Government’s imposed austerity and affirmation that young people will fight for their future here. Unfortunately, too many have been forced to leave – to the point that we are hollowing out a generation of young people to the economic and social detriment of all of us.

    According to the CSO, emigration has risen dramatically in the last three years.


    #Irlande #émigration #migration #jeunes #travail #emploi #statistiques #graphique