facility:pearl harbour

  • Grace Hopper prints now available | Infotropism

    She was 37 years old and working as a mathematics professor when Pearl Harbour happened. She joined the Navy and was set to work on the first ever general-purpose electro-mechanical computer, the Harvard Mark I. She invented the compiler (used to translate computer programs written by humans into ones and zeroes that the computer can understand), created one of the most widely used programming languages of the 20th century, and was the first to use the term “bug” to describe computer errors, after a literal bug was caught in the relays of the machine she was working on.

    #Gittip crisis - Geek Feminism Wiki

    The gittip crisis is an example of the way in which men in tech only support meritocracy when it favors themselves. The success of Kane, Dryden and other #feminist activists in using the site was taken as proof that there was something wrong with the site or that they were cheating, rather than as a meritocratic outcome.

    It also shows the perils, for feminist activists, of depending on infrastructure that is run by people with no interest in supporting feminism (and, often, an interest in opposing it) and that thus fails to take their needs and unique circumstances into account. Of course, to a large extent, such dependence is unavoidable. (Also see Nothing about us without us.)

    • Merci pour les liens, on n’a jamais assez de références pour argumenter contre le main stream.

      Aujourd’hui, au travail, pendant une discussion animée sur le comment du pourquoi on conceptualise et implémente un protocole quelconque (CMS, ADF, Java et tout une kit d’acronymes ésotériques), je me suis fait reprocher d’avoir une vue trop féminine sur le sujet. Une vue trop féminine qui, me précise-t-on, n’a pas sa place dans le secteur informatique .

      Les années passent, la médiocrité parfait son hégémonie dans un discours plus franc - mais pas vraiment plus ouvert. J’y vois là une résultante directe de la méritocratie : un monde d’inconscients, de débiles ou d’ignares - ou les trois à la fois.