industryterm:car du coup

  • #Dropbox Attempts To Kill #Open_Source Project | Razor Fast

    Ce petit script permet de noter l’empreinte d’un fichier, et de l’injecter dans sa Dropbox ; si on n’a pas le fichier, mais seulement l’empreinte, le fichier arrive tout seul (à condition bien sûr qu’un autre utilisateur, quel qu’il soit, ait déjà le fichier dans sa propre dropbox)… Inutile de dire que la société Dropbox se trouve bien embêtée, car du coup, Dropbox pourrait permettre… d’échanger des fichiers. L’histoire est intéressante, et le code (sur github) aussi.

    (...) An open source project called #Dropship that allows users to exploit Dropbox’s file hashing scheme to copy files into their account without actually having them. Dropship will save the hashes of a file in JSON format. Anyone can then take these hashes and load the original file into their Dropbox account using Dropship. This has some real potential benefits for Dropbox’s users. Anyone could easily share a private file with someone else by simply giving them the JSON string. No need to make the file public. The downside is potential for abuse in distribution and sharing of illegally pirated files.

    Dropbox’s CTO and cofounder, Arash Ferdowsi, did not like Dropship. His reaction was swift.