industryterm:finance ministers

  • G20 conflict over protectionism : From post-war to pre-war capitalism - World Socialist Web Site

    G20 conflict over protectionism: From post-war to pre-war capitalism
    By Nick Beams
    24 March 2017

    While the dispute was over the words to be included in a communiqué, the decision by the G20 finance ministers meeting last weekend, at the insistence of the United States, to drop a previous commitment to “resist all forms of protectionism” has more than symbolic significance.

    Following the meeting, the general consensus among the other powers was to downplay the significance of the split, at least publicly, in the hope that the situation could change by the time of the G20 leaders’ summit in July, by which time the Trump administration would have had sufficient time to “learn.” But given the US president’s strident assertions of “America First” and his denunciations of the present trading system as unfair to the US, that hope seems like whistling in the dark.

    #capitalisme #néolibéralisme #mondialisation #globalisation

  • Long Ignored in Global Development, Mental Illness Is Declared a Top Priority

    At Out of the Shadows, a jointly hosted high-level event leading up to the bank’s annual spring meetings with finance ministers from all over the world, the two organizations promoted cost-effective treatment for anxiety and depression, declaring that failure to treat these two most common mental illnesses can contribute to poverty and diminish economic growth. This is a groundbreaking move that could have enormous positive implications for people with mental illness worldwide—but only if grounded in a human rights–based approach.
    #santé_mentale #santé

  • The G20 summit: A spectacle of political bankruptcy - World Socialist Web Site

    The G20 summit: A spectacle of political bankruptcy
    7 September 2015

    The meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bankers held in Ankara, Turkey over the weekend underscored the inability of the major capitalist powers to initiate any measures to halt the recessionary forces overtaking the world economy. Rather than a proposal for concerted action, the official communique was a public relations exercise aimed at masking the acuteness of the crisis and the impotence of the economic and financial authorities.

    #g20 #géopolitique #faillite

  • As Greece gives its marching orders to the Troika - five reactions | Paul Mason

    As Greece gives its marching orders to the Troika – five reactions

    Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis told the head of the Eurogroup’s finance ministers, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, that Greece would no longer deal with the so-called Troika grouping as a single entity – that is, it would now deal separately as a sovereign government with its constituent parts: the EU, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

    After the brusque press conference, Mr Dijsselbloem reportedly told the Greek finance minister: “you have just killed the Troika”. Here are my thoughts.

    29 varoufakis r w As Greece gives its marching orders to the Troika five reactions

    1. Marxists, and the left in general, have a good knowledge of military strategy. Mr Varoufakis is not a Marxist: he is a left Keynesian, but comes from a political tradition where power is understood very well. His own father was dragged from the family home, its door broken before the young Mr Varoufakis’ eyes, during the Greek military coup of 1967 – and imprisoned for several months.

    Even moderate leftists in the Euro-communist tradition — which includes Syriza – have grown up studying the dynamics of power. The Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci, after whom numerous streets are named in left-controlled cities of his home country, said the modern communist party should be the “modern Machiavelli”: able to wield power, subterfuge and tactics adeptly and leverage, above all, its social support.

    2. By killing the Troika, on day five of the Syriza government, Mr Varoufakis was demonstrating a clear understanding of the power dynamic. All over Europe, people whose world view is normally never challenged are having to react to Syriza, but are confident that they control the timetable.

    31 greece2 r w As Greece gives its marching orders to the Troika five reactions

    The timetable is supposed to be: if Greece does not meet Troika bailout conditions on 28 February, when the current bailout extension runs out, then the ECB is free to stage the collapse of Greece’s banks. It probably won’t but is still thinking about it.

    By making clear on 29 January that Greece will refuse even to speak to the Troika, and seek no extension, Mr Varoufakis demonstrated an acute understanding of the principle of momentum. Otherwise known as “go ahead punk – make my day”.

    What happened – even though it was only a press conference – was that Syriza took control of the timetable. The Eurogroup and ECB will be forced to react at Syriza’s pace, not the other way around.

    3. However, in military theory, there is not just momentum – there is mass. Greece has very little mass in the coming clash. It owes its creditors 320bn euros and about 15bn euros come due in the back half of the year. Greece probably has a bit of liquidity arising from the cash the Troika forced it to hold, but only Mr Varoufakis and central bank governor Yanis Stournaras really know. So it does not need to go bust as a state in March-April.

    4. So Friday’s shenanegans were actually what they call in military academies “demonstrations”: I can do this if I want to, and here’s how it looks.

    5. I’m covering this crisis on a “what’s just happened basis”, not “what does it all mean”. But we don’t know certain things have happened except in hindsight. We don’t know how much money has left the Greek banks until the ECB tells us, a month in arrears. But the banks do.

    My biggest fear is that the Greek crisis reaches a critical denouement because the two key players — ECB boss Mario Draghi and Mr Varoufakis — are not only reading from different playbooks, but two different rulebooks: one written by Robert Schuman , the 1940s architect of European integration, and the other by military theorist Carl Philipp Gottfried von Clausewitz.

    • bizarrement ailleurs #Varouf dit: “that a recovery could not occur in Greece “just through old-fashioned Keynesian stimulus” but through private investment, which he predicted would return to the country once the debt burden was reduced.

  • EU agrees 1.8 billion euros for Ukraine, to consider more - Yahoo News UK

    EU finance ministers agreed on Tuesday to loan Ukraine 1.8 billion euros (1.33 billion pounds) to help save it from bankruptcy, leaving open the option of increasing aid at a later stage.
    Diplomats at the meeting in Brussels said several EU governments including Britain pushed for as much as 2.6 billion euros in medium-term loans for this year and 2016.
    The European Commission put 1.8 billlion on the table. Some wanted us to do more,” French Finance Minister Michel Sapin told reporters. “What is urgent today is to start implementing this package.

    (intégralité de la brève)

    Si on comprend bien M. Sapin, la suite du financement est liée à la réalisation du package (de réformes).

  • IMF points to dangers of stagnation and financial turbulence - World Socialist Web Site

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    IMF points to dangers of stagnation and financial turbulence
    By Nick Beams
    19 September 2014

    The International Monetary Fund has added its voice to those of other major economic organisations warning of lower world economic growth and the dangers of another financial crisis, possibly sparked by a flood of capital out of emerging markets once interest rates in the US start to rise.

    In a note prepared for finance ministers and central bankers meeting in Cairns this weekend prior to the G20 summit in November, the IMF said global growth was weaker than its forecast last April. It cited a “surprisingly soft first quarter in the United States,” in which the American economy experienced a contraction, weak performance in Latin America, contraction in the second quarter in Japan and “downward surprises” in Europe where “activity stagnated in the second quarter.”

    #économie #crise_financière #crise_économique

  • Medieval French Finance Ministers Executed - Business Insider

    ...executing chief finance ministers appears to have been a relatively common occurrence in pre- and early-modern Europe.

    This was most true in France, where between 1314 and 1328 three different treasury superintendents were executed.

    With the help of Pierre Clément’s “Trois drames historiques”, André Liesse "Evolution of Credit and Banks in France from the Founding of the Bank of France to the Present Time," and [FR] we present how they went down:


  • Latvia towards euro

    Today is the day when during EU finance ministers’ meeting there will be confirmed if Latvia can introduce euro in 2014. Most of the people are sure that Latvia will receive ’’green light’’. With introducing euro and being part of eurozone, Latvia will be secured it’s place in Western world.
    Although people are skeptic about euro, there was enough information on back in 2003 that joining EU means joining eurozone as well.

    Desmit gadu cīņa par eiro: kā Latvija soli pa solim nokļuva līdz mērķim - DELFI

    Otrdien Eiropas Savienības (ES) finanšu ministru tikšanās reizē izšķirsies, vai Latvijā no 2014.gada 1.janvāra tiks ieviests eiro. Par pozitīvo lēmumu šaubās vairs tikai retais. Latvija ir izgājusi garu un sarežģītu birokrātu ceļu, lai tūliņ jau varētu teikt, ka viens no valsts attīstības stratēģiskajiem mērķiem, ir sasniegts. Šim nozīmīgajam notikumam klāt būs arī portāls « Delfi » un piedāvās aktuālās ziņas no Briseles.
    Līdz ar eiro ieviešanu Latvija vēl pamatīgāk, pēc jau sekmīgās pievienošanās ES un NATO, būs nostiprinājusi savu piederību rietumu pasaulei. Tas ir viens no neatkarību atguvušās Latvijas redzamākajiem ārpolitikas mērķiem.

    #Latvia #eurozone #introducing_euro

  • EU finance ministers demand more austerity at Dublin summit - World Socialist Web Site

    EU finance ministers demand more austerity at Dublin summit
    By Stefan Steinberg
    15 April 2013

    Despite new data indicating that Europe’s recession will continue into the second half of this year, European finance ministers meeting in Dublin at the end of last week agreed to intensify austerity measures which will deepen the social and economic crisis.
    The WSWS needs your support!

    #europe #eu #crise #austérité

  • Cyprus banks close as bailout terms spark Europe-wide crisis - World Socialist Web Site

    Cyprus banks close as bailout terms spark Europe-wide crisis
    By Jordan Shilton and Chris Marsden
    19 March 2013

    The terms attached to the European Union (EU) finance ministers’ bailout for Cypriot banks triggered heavy losses on financial markets that were lessened only on the basis of an expected climb-down.

    A vote in Cyprus’s parliament was first postponed from Sunday until Monday, and then until today, as it remained uncertain if President Nikos Anastasiades could win majority backing for the plan. In a statement on national television Saturday, he declared that Nicosia had no other alternative but to accept the terms of the programme if the country was to avert a full financial collapse. He compared the current crisis to the Turkish invasion of the island in 1974, which led to partition.

    Chypre #crise-bancaire

  • La guerre des monnaies plane sur le G 20

    World Socialist Web Site

    Currency wars hang over G20 meeting
    15 February 2013

    The meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bankers in Moscow over the next two days is being held amid a deep contradiction in the global capitalist economy.

    On the one hand a certain stability has returned to financial markets, at least temporarily, with stock markets on the rise, while, on the other hand, economic growth continues to stagnate. Large sections of the world are at or near recession and the developed countries are now fighting over what the Financial Times described as “slivers of economic growth”.

  • Greece in the grip of the EU
    22 November 2012

    On Tuesday, EU finance ministers again delayed payment of the next tranche of financial aid to Greece, which is due since this summer. The decision is now supposed to be reached next Monday.

    The delay is a result of serious differences between the major powers involved, including the European governments and the International Monetary Fund. In particular, the German government is refusing to agree to a relaxation of harsh loan conditions. Although Greece has now imposed five rounds of austerity measures, resulting in budget surpluses, overall debt continues to rise since gigantic sums are flowing to the creditors.