industryterm:minimal viable product

  • New #Hackathon Patterns That Don’t Subsequently Disrupt Your Entire Life ⚙ Steven Melendez

    “If you do it every month, you’re going to become fluent in this process, and when you have a big idea you’re going to be able to execute on it and sort of know the pitfalls of creating a minimal viable product and turning it into something bigger,” says Marmor.

    “We create this kind of alternate social graph,” says Keyani, forming ties that help different departments work together even after the hackathon is done. “The social connections there are insanely valuable.”

    You become a salesperson by the end of the day,” she says. “It’s an amazing transformation that you can go through in 24 hours.”

    “It was really about understanding the lack of space for people to learn,” says Olukemi, explaining that when Tribeca Hacks launched in 2012, filmmakers didn’t have a place to learn to work with technical people to develop new kinds of content.

    (full truc : j’étais dans la même team que @smelendez dans le hackathon du cern)