industryterm:software licences

  • What comes after “open source”

    In a previous post, I discussed the history of open source, and ended with this claim:

    Today’s developers have never learned about this history, or don’t care about it, or actively think it’s irrelevant. … For the same reasons that “open source” came up with a new name, I think the movement that will arise from today’s developers will also need a new name.

    We talked about the ideological history of open source, but that’s not what developers object to, really. I don’t think developers are moving back towards a world of making source code private. Instead, it’s something related to a very old discussion in free software. To quote the FSF:

    “Free software” means software that respects users’ freedom and community. Roughly, it means that the users have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software. Thus, “free software” is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of “free” as in “free speech,” not as in “free beer”. We sometimes call it “libre software,” borrowing the French or Spanish word for “free” as in freedom, to show we do not mean the software is gratis.

    In a similar fashion, I don’t think that developers are turning against the concept of “free as in free speech”. I think that they don’t believe that the current definitions of free software and open source actually produce software that is “free as in speech.”


    t’s that the aims and goals of both of these movements are about distribution and therefore consumption, but what people care about most today is about the production of software. Software licences regulate distribution, but cannot regulate production. (technically they can, but practically, they can’t. I get into this below.) This is also the main challenge of whatever comes after open source; they cannot rely on the legal tactics of the last generation.

    When developers talk about problems they see in open source, it’s often that there are production problems. Companies don’t “give back” money or developer hours. Programmers today don’t seem to be upset that, if they’ve developed any proprietary extensions to their open source software, that those extensions are not shared back with the community. They care that the production process is impeded by additional pressure, without providing resources. If a company were to add a proprietary feature to an open source project, yet pays five employees to develop the open source part further, the FSF sees this as a tragedy. The commons has not been enriched. The new generation of open source developers sees this as a responsible company that thankfully is contributing to the development of something they use and care about.

    Software licenses can only restrict what people can do when they distribute the source code, and that’s it. It cannot force someone to have a bug tracker, or a code of conduct, or accept your patch. Copyleft can force an absolute minimal “contribution” back to your project, but it can’t force a good-faith one. This makes it an inadequate tool towards building something with the kinds of values that many developers care about.


    This image on a product is part of a process called “certification.” The image itself is referred to as a “certification mark.” In order to use this image on your product, you apply to a “certification body”, in this case, the USDA. This body has set up some kind of tests, and if your product passes them, you gain the ability to say that you’ve passed the certification. I chose organic food on purpose here; most aspects of this certification are about the process by which the food is produced.

    Technology is no stranger to these kinds of processes:

    So in theory, one could imagine an organization that produces a different kind of document. Instead of a license for the source code, they would provide a way to say uh, let’s go with “Open Development Certified.” Projects could then submit for certification, they’d get accepted or rejected.

    #free_software #logiciel_libre #open_source

    • Résumé très rapide : autant la FSF que l’OSI décrivent les logiciels libre/OS en terme de licence uniquement. Comme c’est distribuer donc.

      Mais les devs (et là je ne suis pas d’accord : pas que les devs, TOUTE personne contributrice et/ou utilisatrice) se préoccupent de plus en plus de comment c’est fabriqué.

      Dans le réseau Libre-Entreprise, et aux RMLL, on a régulièrement parlé de ce problème : un vrai logiciel libre devrait être plus que la licence. C’est aussi avoir une bonne documentation, construire une communauté inclusive, qui permet à des nouvelles personnes de s’intégrer et modifier autant le noyau que les extensions, etc.

      Semi HS : Après il y en a même qui vont encore plus loin hein : qu’est-ce que fait le logiciel ? Peut-on considérer qu’un logiciel en licence libre qui permet de guider un missile, ou qui est un ERP très pyramidale qui permet de contrôler ses salariés, et qui impose un management et des méthodes de travail pas cool, c’est un logiciel libérateur ?

    • cf.

      Les deux critiques du capitalisme numérique par Sébastien Broca

      L’hypothèse de l’article est ainsi que la critique de la propriétarisation de l’information, portée par les acteurs du logiciel libre, des Creative Commons ou de l’open access, a été largement incorporée par l’économie numérique, comme le montre le succès actuel de business models reposant moins sur l’appropriation privative des ressources informationnelles que sur la participation gracieuse des utilisateurs à la création de valeur. Cette « incorporation » a ouvert la voix à un deuxième type de critique, celle du digital labour, qui ne porte plus sur les entraves à la circulation de l’information et du savoir, mais sur les formes de travail et les modalités de répartition de la valeur qui sont au cœur du (nouveau) capitalisme numérique. L’article analyse les ressorts (et certaines limites) de cette deuxième critique d’inspiration marxiste, qui substitue à un discours axé sur les libertés individuelles et le droit un discours centré sur le travail et les structures économiques.

      La troisième critique est bien sur celle de la valeur elle-même (avant de discuter de sa répartition) et du lien intrinsèque qu’elle entretient avec le numérique... :)

  • French Gendarmerie : « Open source desktop lowers TCO by 40% »

    Using an open source desktop lowers the total cost of ownership by 40%, in savings on proprietary software licences and by reducing costs on IT management. Using Ubuntu Linux massively reduces the number of local technical interventions, says Major Stéphane Dumond. “The direct benefits of saving on licences are the tip of the iceberg. An industrialised open source desktop is a powerful lever for IT governance.”

    #gendbuntu #opensource #gendarmerie