• #How_To Mirror Your #iphone’s screen on Ubuntu Desktop

    Want to mirror your iPhone screen on your Ubuntu desktop? There’s a free, open-source app you can install from the Ubuntu repos to do exactly that. If you’re looking to mirror your iPhone or iPad to Ubuntu #UxPlay is the easy way to do it — and it’s free, open-source software The app is called UxPlay and once it’s installed you can quickly share your iPhone or iPad screen to Ubuntu (with audio) — and you don’t need to install an app on your #Apple device to use it. Whatever shows on your Apple device screen is streamed to your […] You’re reading How to Mirror Your iPhone’s screen on Ubuntu Desktop, a blog post from OMG! Ubuntu. Do not reproduce elsewhere without (...)


  • Les corps sont devant les écrans - Contre Attaque

    « Toutes les raisons de faire une révolution sont là. Il n’en manque aucune. Le naufrage de la politique, l’arrogance des puissants, le règne du faux, la vulgarité des riches, les cataclysmes de l’industrie, la misère galopante, l’exploitation nue, l’apocalypse écologique – rien ne nous est épargné, pas même d’en être informés. Toutes les raisons sont réunies, mais ce ne sont pas les raisons qui font les révolutions, ce sont les corps. Et les corps sont devant les écrans. »
    Le comité invisible

  • La Chine envisage de limiter les mineurs à deux heures par jour sur leur téléphone La Tribune - reuters.com - Reportage Josh Ye à Hong Kong, rédaction de Pékin et Liz Lee ; version française Gaëlle Sheehan, édité par Kate Entringer

    L’Administration chinoise du cyberespace (CAC) a exprimé le souhait que les fournisseurs de smartphone introduisent des programmes comprenant des « modes mineur », interdisant aux utilisateurs de moins de 18 ans d’accéder à Internet sur des appareils mobiles entre 22 heures et 6 heures du matin.

    Les fournisseurs devraient également fixer des limites de temps dans le cadre des réformes proposées, a déclaré la CAC.

    Les utilisateurs âgés de 16 à 18 ans auraient droit de passer jusqu’à deux heures par jour sur leur smartphone, les enfants âgés de 8 à 16 ans, une heure, et les enfants de moins de 8 ans à seulement huit minutes.

    HONG KONG (Reuters) - Le régulateur chinois du cyberespace a déclaré mercredi que les mineurs devraient être limités à un maximum de deux heures par jour sur les smartphones, ce qui a fait chuter les actions des entreprises technologiques.

    Toutefois, la CAC estime que les fournisseurs de services devraient permettre aux parents de contrôler ces limites de temps.

    Les actions des entreprises technologiques chinoises ont pour la plupart chuté dans les échanges de l’après-midi à Hong Kong.

    La CAC s’est déclarée ouverte aux commentaires du public jusqu’au 2 septembre.

    Ces dernières années, les autorités se sont montrées de plus en plus préoccupées par les taux de myopie et d’addiction à l’Internet chez les jeunes.

    En 2021, le gouvernement a imposé un couvre-feu aux joueurs de jeux vidéo de moins de 18 ans. Cette mesure a porté un coup dur aux géants du secteur comme Tencent.

    Des plateformes de partage de vidéos comme Bilibili, Kuaishou et ByteDance proposent depuis 2019 des « modes adolescents » qui limitent l’accès des utilisateurs aux contenus et la durée d’utilisation.

    L’application Douyin de ByteDance, qui s’apparente à TikTok, interdit aux adolescents de l’utiliser pendant plus de 40 minutes.

    #enfants #myopie #addiction #jeux_vidéo #smartphone #surveillance #algorithme #géolocalisation #bigdata #facebook #technologisme #iphone

    Source : https://www.latribune.fr/depeches/reuters/KBN2ZD0W3/la-chine-envisage-de-limiter-les-mineurs-a-deux-heures-par-jour-sur-leur-t

  • Election of the chair of the #IPCC – The Economist

    Editor’s note: the ipcc’s new chair will be elected at its 59th session in Nairobi on July 25th-28th. Three weeks ago we invited all four candidates for the post to contribute a piece to this section; Dr Roberts and Jean-Pascal van Ypersele agreed to do so.

    • Debra Roberts on why she is running to be chair of the IPCC

    The organisation should be more inclusive, and more focused on assessing climate measures’ effectiveness, she says

    • Jean-Pascal van Ypersele on why he is running to be chair of the IPCC

    He believes that the climate panel can serve policymakers’ needs better


    • Debra Roberts on why she is running to be chair of the IPCC
      The organisation should be more inclusive, and more focused on assessing climate measures’ effectiveness, she says

      D. R. :
      REFLECTING ON THE Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC’s) sixth assessment cycle, known as AR6, I am struck by the extent to which global challenges, once distant or abstract, are now immediate and personal. Global crises made me caregiver to my 100-year-old father during the covid pandemic; contributed to a week of poverty-fuelled civil unrest where I live in South Africa; and saw flood waters engulf our home because of the ever-warming atmosphere.

      These experiences remind us why science is so important. Evidence-based decision-making has allowed the world to respond to the pandemic, attribute extreme events to climate change and understand that inequity anywhere undermines a safer, more sustainable future for everyone.

      For the past 35 years the IPCC has provided decision-makers with scientific evidence to inform policy. Over the first five assessment cycles the panel explained the causes and impacts of climate change, whereas the most recent cycle has focused on identifying solutions.

      But during the United Nations’ “decade of action”—aimed at stepping up action to tackle the world’s biggest challenges—it is clear that we need not only solutions, but also an assessment of their feasibility and effectiveness to inform ambitious short-term action. And action is critical as the AR6 reports conclude that the pace and scale of what has been done so far are insufficient to tackle climate change. This is the challenge for the seventh assessment cycle, AR7.

      Having worked at the interface between science, policy and practice for more than 30 years in the fields of climate change, biodiversity, sustainability and resilience, I know how difficult it is to turn science into action. Experience has taught me that the best outcomes come from working together to prioritise equity and shared responsibility.

      My priority as chair of the IPCC would be to build a strong leadership team. I would harness the strengths of the vice-chairs and the Working Group and Task Force/Group co-chairs and bureaus to strategically plan the scientific workflow of the cycle and determine how we make IPCC operations more sustainable. That will involve assessing and reducing the carbon footprint of IPCC’s own activities. An AR7 leadership team with a shared vision and clear roles would drive even stronger scientific integration than we saw in AR6. The Special Report on Cities offers an early opportunity to put increased integration into practice.

      Ensuring more balanced representation of women and scientists from the global south, and addressing data gaps for the south, should be priorities for AR7. My appointment as the first female chair, and the first from Africa, would encourage more women and global-south scientists to volunteer their time. I would also work with the IPCC vice-chairs to liaise more closely with member governments, who are responsible for identifying national experts, to ensure that a more representative range of authors are nominated for AR7 reports.

      In addition, we need to make the work environment more inclusive, for instance by training people to work effectively in diverse, multicultural teams. Ensuring that the Gender Action Team concludes the work on a code of conduct and complaints process should also help.

      Engaging more young scientists is critical. By involving early-career scientists and IPCC scholarship recipients, and providing clear roles for Chapter Scientists, who give technical and logistical support to authors, we can help ensure the longevity of the organisation.

      Strengthening the organisation must be accompanied by actions that enhance the scientific leadership of the IPCC. Given the increase in climate-change-related literature, I believe AR6 was the last assessment cycle in which it was possible to produce a comprehensive assessment of the literature using traditional means. In AR7 we should evaluate new tools such as AI and machine learning, which can potentially assist the assessment process and increase access to non-English literature. We must ensure that authors from the global south have equal access.

      AR7 will require broader engagement with those who hold indigenous and local knowledge, which will be crucial in developing strategies that improve stewardship of ecosystems, increase biodiversity and improve resilience. Better co-ordination with the work of other global initiatives, such as the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, which was created to bridge the gap between biodiversity science and policy, should also be prioritised.

      Finally, if IPCC reports are to inform fast and far-reaching implementation, we must be willing to question whether lengthy assessment reports delivered at the end of the decade of action are the best approach. Shorter, more focused special reports may better support ambitious action and the second Global Stocktake—the process that enables governments and other stakeholders to assess progress made in meeting the goals of the Paris agreement on climate change. We should step up regionally focused communication efforts and encourage other networks, including NGOs, to produce their own reports based on IPCC material. The chair should play a central role in IPCC communications. As a skilled science communicator, I am well placed to do that.

      In the decade of action, we need IPCC leadership with the right experience. As an active publishing scientist and skilled practitioner, I bring a practical approach to the science. My experience would help me to build bridges inside and outside the IPCC. I would ensure that the panel’s work stays independent of politics, is fair and balanced, prioritises scientific integrity and creates a work environment that values all voices. The science of AR7 will be critical to ensuring we leave no person, place or ecosystem behind.■

      Debra Roberts is IPCC Co-Chair of Working Group II (Sixth Assessment Cycle); heads the sustainability and resilience function in eThekwini municipality in Durban; and holds the Professor Willem Schermerhorn Chair in Open Science from a Majority World Perspective at the University of Twente.

    • Jean-Pascal van Ypersele on why he is running to be chair of the IPCC
      He believes that the climate panel can serve policymakers’ needs better

      J.-P. Y :
      THIS YEAR marks the 35th anniversary of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the halfway point to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Our planet is facing challenges that have no historical equivalent. Action, based on the best scientific assessments, is needed on a number of fronts: to stay on track with the 1.5°C goal and accelerate reductions in emissions; to engineer a just transition to more climate-resilient economic development; to put the most climate-vulnerable countries on a stronger footing and provide funding for a broader set of developing countries; and to find the right mix of climate-change mitigation, adaptation and other societal objectives.

      Action means alerting the world to the consequences of inaction while looking for ways to tackle the climate crisis. The IPCC has been doing this consistently, for example providing lists of technologies and measures that could help reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by 2030, with a clear indication of their lifecycle costs.

      I am convinced that the IPCC can serve policymakers’ needs even better. Scientists and policymakers need to discuss issues freely before any IPCC report is written, to increase the policy relevance of such documents. Many of the policymakers I met during my campaign to chair the IPCC told me their job would be easier if climate action (SDG 13) was better integrated into the 2030 agenda and the 16 other SDGs. We must let the IPCC help those policymakers.

      In its most recent reports, the IPCC helped to break down the barriers between different, siloed objectives by demonstrating links and synergies between them. Eradicating poverty (SDG 1), for example, is essential while adapting to climate change, reducing net CO2 emissions and improving people’s health. I intend to continue on this track if I become chair and I propose the preparation of a special report on climate change and sustainable development, with a full assessment of the many synergies (and the trade-offs) between the 17 SDGs. The world needs more solutions and more inspiration, rather than another doom-and-gloom report.

      The IPCC has transformed the production and communication of climate-change knowledge, greatly enhancing awareness and acceptance of the global emergency. I want to reinforce this authority by making the IPCC the global voice of climate. This requires a comprehensive communication strategy. I initiated work on this when I was vice-chair between 2008 and 2015. But getting the message across remains a challenge. I want to improve the readability of report conclusions and make it easier for decision-makers and the public to digest the IPCC’s output. And I want to encourage feedback from both constituencies. Our reports should not only disseminate knowledge but also spark dialogue.

      Inclusivity will be central to my programme as chair. During my campaign visits to more than 25 countries, I was struck by the diversity of human experience. I met many people who had been deeply affected by climate change, ranging from vulnerable women in fishing communities in Bangladesh, to a boy who had seen his friend drowned in a Belgian river swollen by torrential rains, to ministers from small islands that had seen a quarter of their annual GDP wiped out by a hurricane. I also met those trying to help, from experts in carbon capture and storage in Saudi Arabia to remote-sensing scientists monitoring disasters at the European Space Agency. I have talked to climate modellers trained in physics, just as I am; to social and behavioural scientists studying the mental and sociological obstacles to further climate action; and to pension-fund managers trying to make their portfolios greener.

      Climate change experienced in Alaska, France, Vanuatu or Zimbabwe differs in ways we can only grasp and respond to if we study the situations of those on the frontline in different parts of the world. The IPCC is a global organisation, and to continue to be respected globally it must be even more inclusive than it is today.

      I aim to increase the participation of experts from developing and climate-vulnerable countries, particularly women and early-career scientists, from all relevant disciplines, including economic and social sciences. There is evidence that women are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. It cannot be acceptable that they make up only one-third of IPCC report authors. And we need more young experts—who will have more time to make a difference—just as much as we need the knowledge of indigenous people. We also need to remedy the under-representation of experts from the global south.

      The IPCC is well established as an epistemic authority in climate science and serves as a model of international expertise. But it needs to evolve if it wants to stay ahead of the climate emergency and a fast-changing social and geopolitical context. In the next assessment period, our work must be characterised by greater relevance, stronger communication and, above all, inclusivity. I am determined to serve as the chair who makes the IPCC the most solid, most scientific and most eloquent voice on climate, leaving no one unaware, no one behind.■

      Jean-Pascal van Ypersele is professor of climatology and sustainable development sciences at UCLouvain. He was vice-chair of the IPCC between 2008 and 2015.

  • ‘Shadow Libraries’ Are Moving Their Pirated Books to The Dark Web After Fed Crackdowns

    30.11.2022 by Claire Woodcock - Academic repositories like LibGen and Z-Library are becoming less accessible on the web, but finding a home on alt-networks like Tor and IPFS.

    Library Genesis (LibGen), the largest pirate repository of academic papers, doesn’t seem to be doing so hot.

    Three years ago, LibGen had on average five different HTTP mirror websites backing up every upload, to ensure that the repository can’t be easily taken down. But as Reddit users pointed out this week, that number now looks more like two. After the recent takedown of another pirate site, the downturn has caused concern among “shadow archivists,” the term for volunteer digital librarians who maintain online repositories like LibGen and Z-Library, which host massive collections of pirated books, research papers, and other text-based materials.

    Earlier this month, the head librarians of Z-Library were arrested and charged in federal court for criminal copyright infringement, wire fraud, and money laundering. After the FBI seized several websites associated with Z-Library, shadow archivists rushed to create mirrors of the site to continue enabling user access to more than 11 million books and over 80 million articles.

    For many students and researchers strapped for cash, LibGen is to scholarly journal articles what Z-Library is to books.

    “It’s truly important work, and so sad that such a repository could be lost or locked away due to greed, selfishness, and pursuit of power,” one Reddit user commented on r/DataHoarder. “We are at a point in time where humanity could do so very much with the resources and knowledge that we have if it were only organized and accessible to all instead of kept under lock and key and only allowed access by a tiny percentage of the 8 billion people on this planet.”

    There isn’t one clear explanation for what’s happening with LibGen’s HTTP mirrors. However, we do know that maintaining a shadow library is time-consuming and often isolating for the librarian or archivist. It makes perfect sense why a shadow librarian involved in this work for years may throw in the towel. This could also be the seed of a recruitment effort underway, much like we saw several years ago when archivists enacted a rescue mission to save Sci-Hub from disrepair.

    When news circulated that Z-Library was seized by the feds, some supporters stepped in with monetary donations to restore the repository. Members of the Z-Library team also expressed sadness about the arrests and thanked supporters in an official response, as reported by Torrent Freak.

    “Thank you for each donation you make. You are the ones who making the existence of the Z-Library possible,” the Z-Library members wrote in the statement, which was posted to a site on the anonymized Tor network. “We believe the knowledge and cultural heritage of mankind should be accessible to all people around the world, regardless of their wealth, social status, nationality, citizenship, etc. This is the only purpose Z-Library is made for.”

    The usage of the anonymized network follows the movement of shadow libraries to more resilient hosting systems like the Interplanetary File System (IPFS), BitTorrent, and Tor. While there might be fewer HTTP mirrors of shadow libraries like LibGen, there are likely more mirrors on alternative networks that are slightly harder to access.

    It’s unclear if LibGen will regain the authority it once had in the shadow library ecosystem, but as long as shadow librarians and archivists disagree with current copyright and institutional knowledge preservation practices, there will be shadow information specialists.

    “Shadow library volunteers come and go, but the important part is that the content (books, papers, etc) is public, and mirrored far and wide,” Anna, the pseudonymous creator of Anna’s Archive, a site that lets users search shadow archives and “aims to catalog every book in existence,” told Motherboard in a statement. “As long as the content is widely available, new people can come in and keep the flame burning, and even innovate and improve—without needing anyone’s permission.”

    Anna says the job of shadow librarians closely follows the ethos “information wants to be free,” which was famously put into practice by information activists like Aaron Swartz.

    “Once the content is out there, it’s hard to put the genie back in the bottle,” she added. “At a minimum, we have to make sure that the content stays mirrored, because if that flame dies, it’s gone. But that is relatively easy to do.”

    #IPFS #culture #information #monopoles #copyrightmadness

  • Reçu ce matin un mail de la part de Wikimedia en tant que contributeur pour une photo de la tombe de Jim Morrison (faite dans les années 80) qui propose de supprimer ce fichier sous prétexte qu’il n’y a pas de liberté de panorama en France :


    Je n’ai même pas envie de discuter la stupidité de l’argument...

  • C’est la fin du téléphone Alain McKenna - Le Devoir

    Photo : Apple Si un message est laissé dans la boîte vocale, l’iPhone proposera de transposer à l’écrit ce que l’appelant aura enregistré, et le transmettra à l’utilisateur pour qu’il puisse lire le tout à tête reposée. Plus besoin de porter l’oreille au combiné pour prendre des messages. En fait, même plus besoin de répondre aux appels : laissez un message vocal après le bip, nous le lirons plus tard…

    Le téléphone est mort. Vive… vive quoi, au juste ? Il a souvent été dit et écrit que le téléphone intelligent avait fini par enterrer l’agenda numérique, l’appareil photo, le réveille-matin… et voilà qu’il menace l’existence même du téléphone.

    C’est fou ce qui peut se passer en un mois dans le monde des technologies. Entre les mois de mai et de juin, Apple et Google, qui forment le monopole de la téléphonie mobile mondiale avec l’iPhone et le système Android, ont présenté les nouveautés qu’ils comptent ajouter à leurs appareils mobiles au cours de la prochaine année.

    Pour les gens qui aiment passer des heures au téléphone, les nouvelles ne sont pas bonnes. Pour les gens qui attendent impatiemment un appel après avoir laissé un message dans la boîte vocale d’un proche, ça s’annonce mal. Pour les professionnels du télémarketing aussi. Au moins, ceux-là, personne ne regrettera de ne plus leur parler…

    Lisez à haute voix
    Apple vient de passer quelques jours à présenter aux programmeurs et aux créateurs d’applications en tout genre les nouveautés à venir pour ses nombreux produits informatiques. L’iPhone a eu droit à sa juste part de nouveautés. La plupart ciblent les trois principales fonctions de communication de l’appareil.

    « Le téléphone, la messagerie et les appels vidéo de FaceTime reçoivent dans cette mise à jour une tonne de nouvelles fonctions que nos utilisateurs vont adorer », a assuré sur scène le grand manitou des logiciels pour Apple, Craig Federighi. « Nous espérons rendre l’iPhone plus personnalisé et plus intuitif que jamais. »

    Une des façons de personnaliser son expérience mobile sera d’ajouter à sa propre fiche de contact une grande photo de soi-même (ou n’importe quelle autre image, en fait) et d’y écrire son nom en choisissant parmi une sélection de polices de caractères et de couleurs qui visent à rendre unique la façon dont on apparaîtra à l’écran des gens qu’on appelle.

    La personne à l’autre bout du fil (ou du sans-fil ?) verra tout ça au moment de décrocher. Elle pourra répondre, à l’oral ou par messagerie texte, ou transférer l’appel à la boîte vocale.

    C’est là où ça devient intéressant : si un message est laissé dans la boîte vocale, l’iPhone proposera de transposer à l’écrit ce que l’appelant aura enregistré, et le transmettra à l’utilisateur pour qu’il puisse lire le tout à tête reposée. Plus besoin de porter l’oreille au combiné pour prendre des messages. En fait, même plus besoin de répondre aux appels : laissez un message vocal après le bip, nous le lirons plus tard…

    Votre appel est important pour nous
    Apple n’invente rien avec cette nouvelle fonction. Google propose sensiblement la même chose depuis plusieurs mois sur certains appareils Android, y compris la plus récente version de sa gamme de téléphones Pixel. Dans les deux cas, la fonction se limite toutefois à l’anglais. Pour en profiter, il faut régler la langue de son téléphone en anglais, bien sûr, mais il faut aussi que les messages déposés dans la boîte vocale soient en anglais. On nous assure, tant chez Apple que chez Google, que la transcription des messages vocaux et même des appels en direct sera offerte dans d’autres langues — y compris le français — le plus tôt possible.

    Cela dit, Google pousse un peu plus loin la prise en charge automatisée des appels pour rendre l’expérience moins pénible. Peut-être est-ce là la raison pour laquelle tant de gens ont hâte de confier à des outils automatisés la gestion des conversations vocales en direct : parce que ce n’est pas aussi plaisant qu’on veut nous le laisser croire.

    Du côté de Google, on semble avoir compris que certains appels sont plus désagréables que d’autres. Par exemple, quand on nous met en attente. Votre appel est important pour nous, nous assure-t-on trop souvent avant de rejouer une énième fois la même chanson particulièrement médiocre, mais libre de droits. Imaginez si en plus c’était un ver d’oreille…

    L’Assistant Google se propose donc de garder la ligne pour nous. Quand quelqu’un à l’autre bout décroche à son tour, le téléphone émet une alerte sonore ou vibrante. On peut revenir à l’appel sans avoir perdu plusieurs minutes d’une vie autrement mieux occupée ailleurs que dans la salle d’attente virtuelle d’une multinationale pas si pressée que ça de nous parler de vive voix.

    L’Assistant Google peut aussi répondre à notre place. Pratique quand on ne reconnaît pas le numéro (ou, bientôt, la grande image personnalisée plein écran avec nom en couleur…). On peut donc confier à l’Assistant la tâche de décrocher, et de demander qui appelle. On peut ensuite décider de répondre en personne ou de passer son tour.

    Comment raccrocher son téléphone  
    Si vous êtes sur Android, vous pourrez vous aussi personnaliser encore un peu plus votre fond d’écran plus tard cette année. Si votre téléphone est assez récent, vous pourrez le déposer sur un socle de chargement et laisser son affichage allumé pour le voir se transformer en un cadre photo dynamique, en un agenda numérique, en un réveille-matin, en un terminal pour des appels vidéo, et quoi encore… La même chose sera possible sur iPhone cet automne.

    Il deviendra tout à coup pas mal plus agréable de laisser son téléphone sur son bureau ou sur sa table de chevet que de le porter à son oreille… Car même si on parle encore aujourd’hui de « téléphone » intelligent, il semble que la fonction téléphonique de ces ordinateurs de poche soit de moins en moins importante.

    #téléphone #mobile #smartphone #iPhone #messagerie #surveillance #espionnage #assistant #écoute #fadettes automatiques #google #Apple #tech #technologies

    Source : https://www.ledevoir.com/societe/consommation/792625/completement-debranche-c-est-la-fin-du-telephone

  • #IPFS - un protocole pour archiver et partager des fichiers | TheBidouilleur

    L’IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) est un protocole P2P (Peer to Peer) permettant de diffuser des fichiers de manière décentralisée.

    La mention « InterPlanetary » nous donne l’objectif premier de l’IPFS : surmonter les difficultés techniques et les contraintes de la communication entre planètes.

    En effet, le jour où Mars sera colonisée, le web devra s’adapter pour permettre à tous de pouvoir accéder au même internet. Car si nous arrivons à afficher Wikipédia en quelques millisecondes sur nos ordinateurs, 4min seront nécessaires depuis Mars dans les meilleures conditions et 48 min si vous êtes malchanceux.

    Ces 48 minutes serviront uniquement à afficher une seule page, imaginez alors pour une vidéo YouTube ou une série.

    C’est à ce moment précis que l’IPFS entre en scène. Comme c’est un système de partage de fichiers entre ordinateurs qui fonctionne sans serveurs centraux, il ne sera pas toujours nécessaire de communiquer avec un serveur terrien pour lire une page web. Il suffira de demander à un ordinateur proche de nous d’envoyer le fichier.

    Ce protocole est un mélange entre le World Wide Web et Bit Torrent avec lequel un même fichier peut être partagé par plusieurs ordinateurs. Le réseau IPFS est donc une carte depuis laquelle nous allons demander un fichier (ou site) et le télécharger depuis un serveur qui n’est pas forcément le serveur dont provient la donnée.

  • Une #enquête explosive sur les #impôts des #milliardaires - Challenges

    L’#Institut_des_politiques_publiques #IPP (Ecole d’Economie de Paris), en collaboration avec l’#administration_fiscale à #Bercy, finalise une étude qui devrait démontrer que les #ultra_riches évitent massivement l’#
    impôt en France par rapport au reste de la population. Un constat qui va raviver la polémique sur la suppression de l’#ISF par Emmanuel Macron.

  • Covid : un tsunami épidémique chinois qui aura des répercussions mondiales | Les Echos


    Des rues de Shanghai désertées par ses 23 millions d’habitants, des usines autour de Canton qui tournent au ralenti faute d’employés aptes à travailler, des tours de bureaux de Pékin désertés par des cols blancs restant à domicile… La flambée épidémique qui sévit en Chine paralyse l’activité de la deuxième puissance économique mondiale et met sous tension les chaînes de valeur mondiale.


  • #bonne_nouvelle : La Chine confine la zone autour de la plus grande usine d’iPhone au monde Le Temps.ch

    Les autorités chinoises ont décrété mercredi le confinement de la zone autour de la plus grande usine d’iPhone au monde, après la fuite d’employés inquiets par la découverte d’un foyer de covid-19. La zone économique autour de l’aéroport de Zhengzhou (centre), où se trouve l’usine gérée par le groupe taïwanais Foxconn, devra observer un confinement de sept jours, selon un communiqué officiel.

    L’usine, qui emploie plus de 200 000 personnes, est affectée depuis mi-octobre par des cas positifs au covid-19. Le site se trouve à quelque 600 km au sud-ouest de Pékin. Selon des analystes cités dans la presse, le complexe industriel, qui compte trois usines et emploie environ 350 000 personnes, assure l’assemblage d’environ 80% des iPhone 14, le dernier modèle du géant américain Apple.

    Des images sur les réseaux sociaux ont montré ce week-end de nombreux employés s’enfuir de l’usine, certains en sautant par-dessus un grillage, et rentrer à pied chez eux sur de longues distances. Des vidéos de salariés se plaignant de leurs conditions de travail et d’un manque de protection face au virus ont également été partagées.

    A compter de ce mercredi, les plus de 600 000 habitants de la zone économique « ne doivent pas quitter leur domicile » sauf raison impérative, ont indiqué les autorités locales. Seules les « entreprises essentielles » pourront continuer à fonctionner, les autres devant instaurer le télétravail. Les autorités ont averti qu’elles seraient « intransigeantes envers tout type de violation » du confinement.

    La Chine est la dernière grande économie à appliquer une politique zéro Covid, qui se traduit par des confinements à répétition, des tests PCR quasi obligatoires plusieurs fois par semaine et le placement en quarantaine des personnes issues de zones à risques.

    « Longue bataille »
    Pour retenir ses salariés, Foxconn avait annoncé mardi multiplier par quatre le bonus quotidien de présence au travail, soit 400 yuans (environ 55 euros). Le personnel recevra un bonus supplémentaire en cas de présence à l’usine pour au moins 15 jours en novembre. Ce bonus pourra atteindre 15 000 yuans (2,07 euros) en cas de présence le mois entier, a précisé l’entreprise taïwanaise. Foxconn a admis faire face à une « longue bataille » contre le Covid.

    Le groupe n’a pas précisé le nombre d’employés testés positifs ou confinés sur son site de Zhengzhou. Un responsable de l’usine a cependant affirmé à l’hebdomadaire China Newsweek qu’aucun cas grave n’avait été enregistré et que la situation était pour le moment « contrôlable ». Bien que peu élevé, le nombre de cas de Covid en Chine est en hausse ces derniers jours. Mercredi, plus de 2000 nouveaux cas positifs ont été annoncés sur le territoire pour le troisième jour consécutif.

    Tout au sud, le territoire semi-autonome de Macao a annoncé mardi un dépistage général de ses 680 000 habitants après la découverte d’une poignée de cas. L’un des casinos de la ville a par ailleurs été confiné. A Canton (sud), des confinements partiels ont été décrétés lundi dans plusieurs quartiers. A l’autre bout du pays, des foyers ont été détectés dans des villes du nord-est, près de la frontière avec la Russie et la Corée du Nord.

    #iphone #Foxconn #Zhengzhou #covid #tests_pcr #esclavage #sante #santé #coronavirus #iphone #apple #esclavage #smartphone #surveillance

  • Des dizaines d’employés de la plus grande usine au monde d’iPhone s’enfuient La Libre - AFP

    Des dizaines d’employés de la plus grande usine au monde d’iPhone, en Chine, ont pris la fuite pour échapper au confinement du site après la détection d’un foyer de cas de Covid, selon des images diffusées sur les réseaux sociaux.

    Située dans la ville de Zhengzhou (centre), l’usine, gérée par le groupe taïwanais Foxconn, emploie plus de 200.000 personnes.

    Un « petit nombre » de cas a été détecté, avait indiqué l’entreprise la semaine dernière, sans préciser combien. Elle avait qualifié de « complètement fausses » les rumeurs sur internet faisant état de dizaines de milliers de contaminations.

    Foxconn a assuré que les employés étaient testés chaque jour et placés en confinement sur place.

    Mais des vidéos circulant sur les réseaux sociaux ce week-end ont montré des dizaines de salariés, certains portant des valises, en train de s’enfuir du site en grimpant par-dessus le grillage puis en marchant le long de la route pour rentrer chez eux à pied.

    Les autorités locales ont demandé aux employés fuyards de s’enregistrer à leur arrivée puis d’observer une quarantaine de plusieurs jours chez eux.

    Le groupe taïwanais a dit « coopérer avec le gouvernement pour organiser le personnel et les véhicules » et permettre aux employés de partir s’ils le souhaitent.

    « Longue bataille »
    Foxconn, dont l’usine de Zhengzhou est celle qui fabrique le plus d’iPhone au monde, a dit affronter une « longue bataille » contre le foyer de Covid détecté, sans préciser le nombre d’employés confinés.

    La province de Henan, où se trouve Zhengzhou, n’a déclaré officiellement que 42 nouveaux cas lundi.

    L’ONG China Labor Watch a accusé le groupe Foxconn de cacher le nombre réels de cas parmi ses salariés et de forcer ceux qui sont malades à continuer à travailler, citant un message interne envoyé au personnel ainsi que des témoignages d’employés.

    Foxconn assure de son côté « faire tout son possible » pour prendre soin de ses travailleurs.

    La Chine est la dernière grande économie à appliquer une politique zéro Covid, qui se traduit par des confinements dès l’apparition de cas positifs, des tests PCR quasi obligatoires plusieurs fois par semaine ou encore le placement en quarantaine des personnes issues de zones à risques.

    Ces mesures, qui entraînent la fermeture inopinée d’entreprises et d’usines, pèsent lourdement sur l’économie.

    Source : https://www.lalibre.be/economie/digital/2022/10/31/des-dizaines-demployes-de-la-plus-grande-usine-au-monde-diphone-senfuient-NM

    #iphone #Foxconn #Zhengzhou #covid #tests_pcr #esclavage #sante #santé #coronavirus

  • En #Turquie, la #dissidence a une voix de femme

    Alors que le régime du Président #Recep_Tayyip_Erdogan réprime les avocats, les médecins, les journalistes, les Kurdes, la communauté LGBT… les femmes donnent de la voix dans la rue, les médias et sur les réseaux sociaux.

    En savoir plus

    Invisibles sur le marché du travail, elles sont quantité négligeable au gouvernement, avec deux ministres femmes sur seize, et, à peine plus visible au Parlement, avec 17 % de députés femmes. Fortement incitées à mettre au monde trois enfants minimum, mariées à leurs violeurs, harcelées, trainées devant la justice, régulièrement emprisonnées et rouées de coups pour un tweet, le régime fait tout pour étouffer leur désir d’émancipation.

    Elles ont beau être systématiquement qualifiées de terroristes dès lors qu’elles expriment un avis contraire à celui du gouvernement, les gaz lacrymogènes ne les font pas taire. Elles sont à la pointe de la dissidence qui dépasse les clivages entre religieuses et laïques, et inclut dans ses rangs des femmes conservatrices, ayant voté ou non pour l’AKP. Zynep Duguy témoigne du ralliement toujours plus nombreux de femmes de toutes catégories sociales et religieuses dans les manifestations : “Auparavant, les femmes musulmanes ne participaient pas aux manifestations, mais maintenant on en voit de plus en plus. Il y a aussi des femmes de différentes classes sociales qui y viennent. C’est devenu un lieu où même les femmes de ménage sentent qu’elles ont leur place. Alors, elles viennent manifester, parce que désormais, avec la crise, la charge économique pèse encore plus sur les épaules des femmes. La crise économique ainsi que toutes les politiques prohibitives ont poussé les femmes à se rassembler. Elles sont de plus en plus nombreuses aux opinions et aux identités différentes, issues de tous les milieux sociaux.”

    Ipek Bozkurt, explique l’importance de ces manifestations pour les femmes : “L’espace public donne aux femmes et à toutes les minorités une chance de se connecter, de discuter de leurs problèmes et de produire de la solidarité. Face à ce système qui veut nous faire croire que nous sommes seuls face à nos soucis individuels. L’occupation de l’espace public est certainement la condition nécessaire à l’émancipation des femmes. “

    Peut-être est-ce pour cette détermination infaillible que les femmes font peur aux hommes au pouvoir en Turquie. Cette peur expliquerait la décision du président Recep Tayyip Erdogan, décrétée en mars 2021 de faire sortir la Turquie de la Convention d’Istanbul, un traité international qui engage les signataires à prendre des mesures contre les violences faites aux femmes.

    Une décision de se retirer de la Convention qui est très politique pour Ipek Bozkurt :"Le taux de féminicides est en corrélation avec celui des inégalités de genre. Les hommes turcs savent qu’ils peuvent s’en tirer avec peu ou pas de punition s’ils tuent ou blessent une femme, et que ce ne sera pas la fin de leur vie. Cette confiance dans le système vient de ces politiques qui ne protègent pas les femmes. En décidant de se retirer de la Convention d’Istanbul ils rendent possible la violence et la favorisent. Voilà pourquoi c’est politique”.

    Des dizaines de milliers de manifestantes sont alors descendues dans la rue pendant plusieurs semaines à travers la Turquie pour protester contre cette décision. Depuis, la mobilisation continue et leurs combats transversaux se rejoignent sur la place publique pour dénoncer les politiques économiques, sanitaires, les violences faites aux femmes, et la répression envers les minorités kurdes ou LGBT.

    Ensemble elles crient, elles rient, elles pleurent, elles chantent face à la Police. Et ce mouvement puissant et courageux fait peur aux hommes comme l’explique Zeynep Dupuy : “Il fait peur à Erdogan, à l’ensemble du parti de l’AKP et au-delà à la majorité des hommes hétérosexuels. Ils craignent les femmes turques en Turquie. Même dans les périodes les plus dures où personne n’avait le droit de sortir dans la rue, les organisations de femmes n’ont pas cessé de manifester. Malgré de multiples intimidations, les femmes sont encore dans la rue et je suis sûre qu’ils ont peur des femmes, car ils nous voient comme dangereuses”.

    Une affirmation que soutient aussi Fatma Cetinkaya : “Le gouvernement a très peur des femmes, et c’est tant mieux. Qu’il tremble ! Si les femmes font entendre leur voix, croyez-moi, ce gouvernement patriarcal ne tiendra pas.” Néanmoins, elle rappelle que le combat est loin d’être fini : “Nous devons crier plus fort encore pour nous faire entendre. Si les femmes font entendre leur voix, elles ne seront plus persécutées à la maison. Si les femmes font entendre leur voix, elles ne seront plus tuées. Si elles se taisent, elles seront reléguées au second plan. Les femmes doivent faire entendre leur voix. Et je serai de tous les endroits où les femmes feront entendre leur voix”.

    Un documentaire de Pauline Maucort, réalisé par Julie Beressi.

    Avec :

    #Zeynep_Duguy, féministe musulmane, militante des droits humains, activiste sur tweeter et dans la rue

    #Ipek_Bozkurt, avocate pour la plateforme Stop aux féminicides

    #Fatma_Çetinkaya, mère de famille dénonçant la vie chère et harcelée sur les réseaux sociaux

    #Filiz_Demiral, mère d’une jeune femme victime de féminicide


    #femmes #résistance #répression #religion #féminisme #Erdogan #liberté #dette #pauvreté #inégalités
    #podcast #audio

  • Sources: Unity Laying Off Hundreds Of Staffers [Update]

    Layoffs have afflicted Unity’s offices across the globe. Sources tell Kotaku that pretty much every corner of the company has taken some sort of hit, though there’s a concentration in the AI and engineering departments. On Blind, the anonymous messaging board commonly used by employees in the tech industry, Unity staffers say that roughly 300 or 400 people have been let go, and that layoffs are still ongoing. Kotaku’s sources have said the same.

    #jeu_vidéo #jeux_vidéo #unity #ressources_humaines #business #finance #licenciements #ia #développement #weta #peter_jackson #film_avatar #film_lord_of_the_rings #parsec #john_riccitiello #ea #electronic_arts #ipo #sec #securities_and_exchange_commision

  • Des prix d’abonnement pourront être augmentés sans consentement sur l’App Store Radio Canada

    De nouvelles règles pour la boutique d’applications d’Apple, l’App Store, ont été annoncées cette semaine et elles pourraient avoir un effet sur votre portefeuille : les développeurs pourront dorénavant augmenter le prix d’abonnement à une application sans obtenir le consentement manifeste des utilisateurs et utilisatrices.

    Dans un billet de blogue destiné aux développeurs, Apple argue que cette mesure permettra aux personnes de ne pas voir leur accès à ces applications coupé si elles ont oublié d’appuyer sur un bouton donnant expressément leur aval à une hausse du prix.

    Apple a annoncé ces nouvelles règles en même temps que le déploiement d’une mise à jour iOS. - Photo : afp via getty images / CHRIS DELMAS

    Les entreprises devront seulement s’assurer d’aviser les utilisateurs et utilisatrices du changement de prix, mais elles pourront aller de l’avant avec des frais plus élevés pour les abonnements renouvelables automatiquement, sans avoir l’obligation d’obtenir un “oui ” ou un “non”, comme c’était le cas jusqu’à maintenant.

    Apple met une limite aux hausses de prix qui peuvent être appliquées de cette manière : elles ne doivent pas dépasser les 50 % du prix de l’abonnement précédent. L’augmentation ne doit pas être de plus de 7 $ pour les forfaits mensuels, et de 70 $ pour les formules annuelles.

    Cette nouvelle mesure entre en vigueur sur la majorité des territoires où l’App Store fait des affaires, dont le Canada.

    #apple #abonnement #app_store #smartphone #algorithme #bigdata #iphone #domination #gafam #bénéfices #publicité #technologisme #profiling

  • Réparer soi-même son iPhone, un rêve qui vire au cauchemar as/gma

    Après plusieurs mois d’attente, Apple a lancé fin avril un programme permettant à chacun de réparer son iPhone ou son Mac avec des pièces détachées. Ce nouveau service, coûteux et compliqué, peine toutefois à convaincre.
    Avec ce nouveau projet, le grand public peut lui-même acheter des pièces et réparer son téléphone ou son ordinateur en suivant les instructions du manuel.

    C’est une vraie révolution chez Apple. Jusqu’à présent, les clients n’avaient pas le choix : en cas de problème, ils devaient déposer leur appareil en boutique ou le confier à un réparateur agréé.

    Un vrai casse-tête
    Pour retaper soi-même son téléphone, il faut avant tout s’inscrire en ligne et préciser à Apple l’élément à réparer. Quelques jours plus tard, l’entreprise livre du matériel pour un poids total de... 35 kilos. Des appareils pour chauffer la colle et détacher les pièces sont fournis, ainsi que des presses puissantes et des outils de pointe. Le client dispose d’une semaine pour utiliser les machines.

    Sur YouTube, même des bricoleurs avertis ont montré toute la difficulté de manier ces appareils. Apple livre du matériel professionnel, mais malgré des modes d’emploi détaillés, utiliser ces machines relève du cauchemar. Les bricoleurs maladroits risquent en plus de détruire totalement le smartphone.

    Pression des consommateurs
    Si cela peut paraître paradoxal, réparer soi-même son téléphone n’est pas moins cher que de le déposer en magasin. Le coût est plus ou moins similaire, sans compter les frais additionnels en cas de dégâts sur le matériel prêté.

    Avec ce nouveau programme, Apple répond à des associations de consommateurs qui font pression depuis de nombreuses années pour que les notices de réparation et les pièces d’origine soient plus largement accessibles. Mais la solution proposée s’apparente plus à une sinistre blague, où les fabricants font tout pour décourager les réparations.

    Le service de réparation en libre-service a déjà débuté aux Etats-Unis et s’étendra en Europe et en Suisse d’ici la fin de l’année. Samsung lancera aussi une offre similaire.

    #iPhone #iMac #apple #réparation Bon, faut pas rêver avec le #doityourself #DIY #technologie #Réparation

  • Venomous Concept / Ipecac Recordings

    Shane Embury
    Buzz Osbourne
    Kevin Sharp
    Danny Herrera

    We are #Venomous_Concept… definition hardcore punk, by men who created the forum. Napalm Death, Brutal Truth, the Melvins, Fantômas, Brujeria, Damaged… the list goes on for some 20 years of recording and a combined total of 80 years of punk rock history. I think it is safe to say we know what we are doing. We are the sum total — Japanese, Swedish, Finish, English, West Coast... a nonstop assault of raw noise… From the Gauze riffing to the brutal abuse of the Discharge beat... the GISM inspired art to the Poison Idea attitude, we make no apologies... fuck you if you’re asking…

    Over the years I had talked off and on about doing a record with Buzz. My old band had done a split 7” with his and I tracked some stuff with the Melvins, but it wasn’t until I went out with Napalm a bit ago that the light switch went off in my head. A few calls later – Venomous Concept. Which, by the way, is a play on Poison Idea… quite possibly the heaviest punk band to ever grace a stage. Originally, Shane and I were talking with Mick Harris – Shane’s old drummer. I had done some stuff with him in a band called Pain Killer and it seemed like a good idea. At the last minute, Mick committed to a straight job teaching recording to the next generation and raising his family. Could have been a problem, but fortunately for us, Napalm’s Danny Herrera was visiting family in LA and seized the Discharge beat. We got together in October, and worked it out flawlessly.

    We recorded our debut, Retroactive Abortion in this LA sweatbox for pocket change on our own… As Shane says, “You want perfection, fuck off!” I didn’t want any record label dictating terms… “Oh you got to use this producer… and this $1,200 dollar a day studio is a must.” That is an excellent way for some failed musician to enslave you to a contract that can never be fulfilled. A bitter note in my past history with the game. So we abused this freak engineer, Huey Dee, with nonstop noise for I believe 5 days… It is raw, hurtful and very true to the music that inspired us, but it is ours and I think it’s beautiful.

    Buzz suggested his current label, #Ipecac_Recordings. To be honest, they were the only ones we considered. And given our past track record with countless labels, none of which a clue, Ipecac was obvious. Patton had worked with Zorn in both Naked City and Pain Killer, as I… It was all in the family and better off that way. Let’s face it, if you’re going to run a bowling alley, there is a good chance you should bowl a game or two. Mike’s game is flawless… He knows his shit and that’s good enough for me.

    Make no bones about it, we are outlaws…. Ain’t a crime we haven’t committed, drink ever refused and gig we never crushed. Believe it, we are for real and Retroactive Abortion is the rebirth of outlaw punk…


  • COLONIALISMO. In Libia la strategia italiana della “terra bruciata”

    Non appena l’impiego operativo dell’aereo come fattore preponderante di superiorità nei conflitti venne teorizzato da #Giulio_Douhet nel 1909, gli italiani divennero i primi a livello mondiale ad utilizzare questa arma bellica durante la Guerra italo-turca della #Campagna_di_Libia.

    ll 1º novembre 1911 il sottotenente #Giulio_Gavotti eseguì da un velivolo in volo il primo bombardamento aereo della storia, volando a bassa quota su un accampamento turco ad #Ain_Zara e lanciando tre bombe a mano.

    Pochi anni dopo entrarono in servizio nuovi aerei, tecnicamente più capaci di svolgere il ruolo offensivo al quale erano stati predisposti e le azioni assunsero l’aspetto di un’inarrestabile escalation militare.

    Tra il mese di aprile e l’agosto del 1917 furono eseguite contro le oasi di Zanzour e Zavia, un centinaio di azioni con il lancio di 1.270 chilogrammi di liquido incendiario e 3.600 chili di bombe.

    Dal 1924 al 1926 gli aerei ebbero l’ordine di alzarsi in volo per bombardare tutto ciò che si muoveva nelle oasi non controllate dalle truppe italiane.

    Dal novembre 1929 alle ultime azioni del maggio 1930, l’aviazione in Cirenaica eseguì, secondo fonti ufficiali, ben 1.605 ore di volo bellico lanciando 43.500 tonnellate di bombe e sparando diecimila colpi di mitragliatrice.

    La strategia aerea e la politica della terra bruciata, spinse migliaia di uomini, donne e bambini terrorizzati a lasciare la Libia, chi verso la Tunisia e l’Algeria, chi in direzione del Ciad o dell’Egitto e i bombardamenti diventarono sempre più violenti, scientifici e sperimentali.

    Cirenaica pacificata, uno dei libri con i quali il generale Graziani volle giustificare la sua azione repressiva e rispondere alle accuse di genocidio, c’è un breve capitolo sul bombardamento di Taizerbo, una delle roccaforti della resistenza anti italiana capeggiata dall’imam Omar el Mukhtar, avvenuto il 31 luglio 1930, sei mesi dopo l’esortazione di Pietro Badoglio all’uso dell’iprite: “Per rappresaglia, ed in considerazione che Taizerbo era diventata la vera base di partenza dei nuclei razziatori il comando di aviazione fu incaricato di riconoscere l’oasi e – se del caso – bombardarla. Dopo un tentativo effettuato il giorno 30 -non riuscito, per quanto gli aeroplani fossero già in vista di Taizerbo, a causa di irregolare funzionamento del motore di un apparecchio, la ricognizione venne eseguita il giorno successivo e brillantemente portata a termine. Quattro apparecchi Ro, al comando del ten.col. Lordi, partirono da Giacolo alle ore 4.30 rientrando alla base alle ore 10.00 dopo aver raggiunto l’obiettivo e constatato la presenza di molte persone nonché un agglomerato di tende. Fu effettuato il bombardamento con circa una tonnellata di esplosivo e vennero eseguite fotografie della zona. Un indigeno, facente parte di un nucleo di razziatori, catturato pochi giorni dopo il bombardamento, asserì che le perdite subite dalla popolazione erano state sensibili, e più grande ancora il panico”.

    Vincenzo Lioy, nel suo libro sul ruolo dell’aviazione in Libia (Gloria senza allori, Associazione Culturale Aeronautica), ha aggiunto un’agghiacciante rapporto firmato dal tenente colonnello dell’Aeronautica Roberto Lordi, comandante dell’aviazione della Cirenaica (rapporto che Graziani inviò al Ministero delle colonie il 17 agosto) nel quale si apprende che i quattro apparecchi Ro erano armati con 24 bombe da 21 chili ad iprite, 12 bombe da 12 chili e da 320 bombe da 2 chili, e che “(…) in una specie di vasta conca s’incontra il gruppo delle oasi di Taizerbo. Le palme, che non sono molto numerose, sono sparpagliate su una vasta zona cespugliosa. Dove le palme sono più fitte si trovano poche casette. In prossimità di queste, piccoli giardini verdi, che in tutta la zona sono abbastanza numerosi; il che fa supporre che le oasi siano abitate da numerosa gente. Fra i vari piccoli agglomerati di case vengono avvistate una decina di tende molto più grandi delle normali e in prossimità di queste numerose persone. Poco bestiame in tutta la conca. II bombardamento venne eseguito in fila indiana passando sull’oasi di Giululat e di el Uadi e poscia sulle tende, con risultato visibilmente efficace”.

    II primo dicembre dello stesso anno il tenente colonnello Lordi inviò a Roma copia delle notizie sugli effetti del bombardamento a gas effettuato quel 31 luglio sulle oasi di Taizerbo “ottenute da interrogatorio di un indigeno ribelle proveniente da Cufra e catturato giorni or sono”.

    È una testimonianza raccapricciante raccolta materialmente dal comandante della Tenenza dei carabinieri reali di el Agheila: “Come da incarico avuto dal signor comandante l’aviazione della Cirenaica, ieri ho interrogato il ribelle Mohammed abu Alì Zueia, di Cufra, circa gli effetti prodotti dal bombardamento a gas effettuato a Taizerbo. II predetto, proveniente da Cufra, arrivò a Taizerbo parecchi giorni dopo il bombardamento, seppe che quali conseguenze immediate vi sono quattro morti. Moltissimi infermi invece vide colpiti dai gas. Egli ne vide diversi che presentavano il loro corpo ricoperto di piaghe come provocate da forti bruciature. Riesce a specificare che in un primo tempo il corpo dei colpiti veniva ricoperto da vasti gonfiori, che dopo qualche giorno si rompevano con fuoruscita di liquido incolore. Rimaneva così la carne viva priva di pelle, piagata. Riferisce ancora che un indigeno subì la stessa sorte per aver toccato, parecchi giorni dopo il bombardamento, una bomba inesplosa, e rimasero così piagate non solo le sue mani, ma tutte le altre parti del corpo ove le mani infette si posavano”.

    L’uso dell’iprite, che doveva diventare un preciso sistema di massacro della popolazione civile in Etiopia qualche anno più tardi, fu certamente una scelta sia militare che politica così come i bombardamenti dovevano corrispondere a scelte di colonizzazione ben precise e sistematiche di quella che Gaetano Salvemini, quando ebbe inizio l’avventura coloniale italiana in Libia definì “Un’immensa voragine di sabbia”:

    Benito Mussolini volle che fosse il gerarca Italo Balbo ad occuparsene dopo averlo sollevato dall’incarico di Ministro dell’Aeronautica del Regno d’Italia e inviato in qualità di Governatore nel 1934.

    Balbo dichiarò che avrebbe seguito le gloriose orme dei suoi predecessori e avviò una campagna nazionale che voleva portare due milioni di emigranti sulla Quarta Sponda Italiana del Mediterraneo.

    Ne arrivarono soltanto 31mila, ma furono un numero sufficiente da trincerare dietro un muro militare, costruito nel 1931 in Cirenaica, per contrastare la resistenza delle tribù beduine degli indipendentisti libici.

    Quel muro, il muro italiano di Giarabub, è tuttora presente e in funzione come barriera anti-immigrazione: una doppia linea di recinzione metallica lunga 270 chilometri, larga quattro metri, alta tre, visibilmente malandata ma resa insuperabile da chilometri di matasse di filo spinato che si srotolano dalle regioni a ridosso del porto di Bardia, lungo le sterpaglie desolate della Marmarica, fino a perdersi nel Grande Mare di Sabbia del Deserto Libico.

    Questa grande opera venne commissionata alla Società Italiana Costruzioni e Lavori Pubblici di Roma, che la realizzò in sei mesi, dal 15 aprile al 5 settembre 1931, ad un costo complessivo di circa venti milioni di lire, impegnando nella costruzione 2.500 indigeni sorvegliati da 1.200 soldati e carabinieri, lungo un percorso totalmente privo di strade e di risorse idriche.

    Il reticolato di filo spinato è sostenuto da paletti di ferro con base in calcestruzzo, vigilato dai ruderi fatiscenti di tre ridotte e sei ridottini; lungo il suo percorso vennero costruiti tre campi d’aviazione, una linea telefonica, 270 milioni di paletti di ferro e ventimila quintali di cemento.

    Il compito di sorveglianza e controllo è sempre stato garantito dall’innesco di migliaia di mine antiuomo, ma per un certo periodo fu oggetto di ricognizioni aeree audacemente condotte, oltre che dai piloti dell’Aeronautica Militare, anche e direttamente dal loro capo supremo e Maresciallo dell’Aria Italo Balbo a bordo di veivoli derivati dai trimotori Savoia Marchetti da lui impiegati nelle transvolate atlantiche e che divennero caccia bombardieri siluranti chiamati Sparvieri.

    Nei sei anni che Balbo visse e volò in Libia, lo Sparviero abbatté tutti i record e tutti i primati di volo civile, velocità, trasporto, durata, distanza, poi il salto di qualità e da civile divenne aereo militare: nella versione S.79K, l’impiego operativo di questo modello avvenne con l’intervento italiano nella guerra civile spagnola e il 26 aprile 1937, tre S.M.79 dell’Aviazione Legionaria presero parte al bombardamento della cittadina basca di Guernica, un’incursione aerea compiuta in cooperazione con la Legione Condor nazista, che colpì nottetempo la popolazione civile inerme e ispirò il celeberrimo dipinto di denuncia di Pablo Picasso.

    Sette anni prima era alla guida di grandi imprese di voli transatlantici: il primo nel 1930 da Orbetello a Rio de Janeiro; il secondo tre anni dopo, da Orbetello a Chicago. Questa seconda crociera, organizzata per celebrare il decennale della Regia Aeronautica Militare Italiana nell’ambito dell’Esposizione Universale Century of Progress che si tenne a Chicago tra il 1933 e il 1934, lo aveva coperto di gloria.

    Il governatore dell’Illinois e il sindaco della città di Chicago riservarono ai trasvolatori un’accoglienza trionfale: a Balbo venne intitolata una strada, tutt’oggi esistente, e i Sioux presenti all’Esposizione lo nominarono capo indiano, con il nome di Capo Aquila Volante. Il volo di ritorno proseguì per New York, dove il presidente Roosevelt organizzò, in onore agli equipaggi della flotta di 25 idrotransvolanti italiani, una grande street parade.

    Gli esaltatori delle trasvolate atlantiche non mancano di citare ogni tipo di manifestazione organizzata a Chicago in onore del grande pilota, ma omettono sempre di citare lo striscione che pare recitasse “Balbo, don Minzoni ti saluta” e che commemorava l’onore da lui acquisito come pioniere dello squadrismo fascista.

    Là, in Italia, partendo dalle valli del delta padano, aveva visto portare a compimento grandi opere di bonifiche che strapparono alle acque nuove terre da coltivare e nuove forme di diritti sindacali da reprimere grazie all’”esaltazione della violenza come il metodo più rapido e definitivo per raggiungere il fine rivoluzionario” (Italo Balbo, Diario 1922, Mondadori).

    Sempre là, nella bassa provincia Ferrarese, aveva inaugurato la strategia criminale delle esecuzioni mirate come responsabile diretto, morale e politico dei due omicidi premeditati, da lui considerati ’bastonate di stile’, che significavano frattura del cranio, somministrate al sindacalista Natale Gaiba e al sacerdote don Giovanni Minzoni.

    Natale Gaiba venne assassinato per vendicare l’offesa, compiuta quando il sindacalista argentano era assessore del Comune di Argenta, di aver fatto sequestrare l’ammasso di grano del Molino Moretti, imboscato illegalmente per farne salire il prezzo, venisse strappato ai latifondisti agrari e restituito al popolo che lo aveva prodotto coltivando la terra, ridotto alla fame.

    Don Minzoni, parroco di Argenta, venne assassinato dai fascisti locali: Balbo non volle ammettere che fossero stati individuati e arrestati i colpevoli e intervenne in molti modi, anche con la costante presenza in aula, per condizionare lo svolgimento e il risultato sia delle indagini che del processo penale, garantendo l’impunità del crimine.

    Qui, in Libia, Italo Balbo non riuscì a trovare, nemmeno con la forza, l’acqua sufficiente da donare alla terra di quei pochi coloni veneti e della bassa ferrarese che, sotto l’enfasi propagandistica del regime, lo avevano raggiunto, si erano rimboccati le maniche e si erano illusi di rendere verde il deserto “liberato”.

    Fu sempre qui, in Libia, che italo Balbo, per tragica ironia della sorte o per fatale coincidenza, precipitò realmente in una voragine di sabbia e trovò la morte, colpito dal fuoco amico della artiglieria contraerea italiana nei cieli di Tobruk il 28 giugno 1940. Evidentemente mentre lui seguiva le orme dei grandi colonizzatori italiani, qualcos’altro stava seguendo le sue tracce, poiché la responsabilità storica di quanto avvenuto per sbaglio, come tragico errore e incidente di guerra, venne assunta in prima persona da un capo pezzo del 202 Reggimento di Artiglieria, che ammise di aver sparato raffiche di artiglieria contraerea all’indirizzo del trimotore Savoia Marchetti 79 pilotato dal suo comandante supremo nonché concittadino Italo Balbo, essendo significativamente pure lui, Claudio Marzola, 20enne, un ferrarese purosangue.

    I colpi letali partirono da una delle tre mitragliatrici da 20 mm in dotazione a un Incrociatore Corazzato della Marina Regia che permaneva in rada semiaffondato e a scopo difensivo antiaereo, varato con lo stesso nome del santo patrono della città di Ferrara: San Giorgio.

    #colonialisme #Italie #terre_brûlée #colonisation #histoire_coloniale #Italie_coloniale #colonialisme_italien #aviation #Zanzour #Zavia #oasis #bombardement #Cirenaica #Graziani #Rodolfo_Graziani #Taizerbo #iprite #Pietro_Badoglio #Badoglio #Roberto_Lordi #Italo_Balbo #fascisme #Giarabub #Balbo #Legione_Condor #violence #Natale_Gaiba #Giovanni_Minzone #don_Minzoni #Claudio_Marzola

    Un mur construit à l’époque coloniale et encore debout aujourd’hui et utilisé comme barrière anti-migrants :

    Quel muro, il muro italiano di Giarabub, è tuttora presente e in funzione come barriera anti-immigrazione: una doppia linea di recinzione metallica lunga 270 chilometri, larga quattro metri, alta tre, visibilmente malandata ma resa insuperabile da chilometri di matasse di filo spinato che si srotolano dalle regioni a ridosso del porto di Bardia, lungo le sterpaglie desolate della Marmarica, fino a perdersi nel Grande Mare di Sabbia del Deserto Libico.
    Questa grande opera venne commissionata alla Società Italiana Costruzioni e Lavori Pubblici di Roma, che la realizzò in sei mesi, dal 15 aprile al 5 settembre 1931, ad un costo complessivo di circa venti milioni di lire, impegnando nella costruzione 2.500 indigeni sorvegliati da 1.200 soldati e carabinieri, lungo un percorso totalmente privo di strade e di risorse idriche.
    Il reticolato di filo spinato è sostenuto da paletti di ferro con base in calcestruzzo, vigilato dai ruderi fatiscenti di tre ridotte e sei ridottini; lungo il suo percorso vennero costruiti tre campi d’aviazione, una linea telefonica, 270 milioni di paletti di ferro e ventimila quintali di cemento.

    #murs #barrières_frontalières


    ajouté à la métaliste sur le colonialisme italien :

    • #Balbo street à #Chicago —> une rue est encore dédiée à #Italo_Balbo :

      Nei sei anni che Balbo visse e volò in Libia, lo Sparviero abbatté tutti i record e tutti i primati di volo civile, velocità, trasporto, durata, distanza, poi il salto di qualità e da civile divenne aereo militare: nella versione S.79K, l’impiego operativo di questo modello avvenne con l’intervento italiano nella guerra civile spagnola e il 26 aprile 1937, tre S.M.79 dell’Aviazione Legionaria presero parte al bombardamento della cittadina basca di Guernica, un’incursione aerea compiuta in cooperazione con la Legione Condor nazista, che colpì nottetempo la popolazione civile inerme e ispirò il celeberrimo dipinto di denuncia di Pablo Picasso.

      Sette anni prima era alla guida di grandi imprese di voli transatlantici: il primo nel 1930 da Orbetello a Rio de Janeiro; il secondo tre anni dopo, da Orbetello a Chicago. Questa seconda crociera, organizzata per celebrare il decennale della Regia Aeronautica Militare Italiana nell’ambito dell’Esposizione Universale Century of Progress che si tenne a Chicago tra il 1933 e il 1934, lo aveva coperto di gloria.

      Il governatore dell’Illinois e il sindaco della città di Chicago riservarono ai trasvolatori un’accoglienza trionfale: a Balbo venne intitolata una strada, tutt’oggi esistente, e i Sioux presenti all’Esposizione lo nominarono capo indiano, con il nome di Capo Aquila Volante. Il volo di ritorno proseguì per New York, dove il presidente Roosevelt organizzò, in onore agli equipaggi della flotta di 25 idrotransvolanti italiani, una grande street parade.


      #toponymie #toponymie_politique #toponymie_coloniale

      Et un #monument :
      Balbo Monument

      The Balbo Monument consists of a column that is approximately 2,000 years old dating from between 117 and 38 BC and a contemporary stone base. It was taken from an ancient port town outside of Rome by Benito Mussolini and given to the city of Chicago in 1933 to honor the trans-Atlantic flight led by Italo Balbo to the #Century_of_Progress_Worlds_Fair.



      ping @cede

  • War of words over migrant deaths at Greece-Turkey border

    In early February, 19 migrants froze to death at the Greek-Turkish border. Ever since, both Ankara and Athens have been blaming each other for the deaths, yet providing no evidence of what actually happened.

    On February 2, Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu published four disturbing images on his Twitter account. The pictures showed several men, seemingly unconscious, lying in the mud on a dirt track in the middle of nowhere.

    Soylu wrote: “12 of the 22 migrants pushed back by Greek Border Units, stripped off from their clothes and shoes have frozen to death. EU is remediless, weak and void of humane feelings.”

    It did not take long for Greek Migration and Asylum Minister Notis Mitarachi to respond. In a video message, he said: “The statements of the Turkish leadership regarding the tragic incident in which people lost their lives in Turkey were unacceptable. It is Turkey’s responsibility to prevent illegal departures.” He later added that the “migrants in questions never reached the border.”

    How Mitarachi can be sure of that remains unclear. A source within the Greek Ministry told DW “that there were absolutely no records of these people at all.” This, however, does not prove whether or not the victims set foot on Greek soil.

    For its part, Turkey has not provided any evidence to back up its allegations against Greece either. In the meantime, seven more people discovered near the Evros River along the border have died, bringing the death toll to 19.

    Lack of transparency

    Independent researcher Lena Karamanidou is reluctant to believe either side. She feels that there are too many allegations and a lack of transparency. Having grown up in the Evros region, she is now based in Glasgow and has been monitoring migration movements at the Greek-Turkish border for many years.

    Karamanidou pointed out that there is a history of pushbacks in the Evros region dating back to the 1980s.

    She told DW that people regularly lose their lives either while attempting to cross the border or during a pushback. “The unusual element of this incident is not that people lost their lives,” she explains, “but the high number of deaths.”
    Increased anti-migrant sentiment in Greece

    Karamanidou does not share the Greek interior minister’s theory that the victims failed to reach Greece. “We know from multiple reports by human rights organizations and NGOs [nongovermental organizations] that people who cross the border are not necessarily registered, especially prior to pushbacks.”

    She said that political discourse on migration in Greece has always been “hostile, nationalist, and racist” — but that anti-migrant sentiment has intensified over the past two years.

    Karamanidou believes that the government and mainstream media close to the government share responsibility for this: “They actively promote such discourse, including through representations of migration as a national security threat linked to Turkey,” she said.

    According to Karamanidou, this ongoing propaganda war between Athens and Ankara, which is being fought at the expense of asylum-seekers, has a long history in both countries.

    “Greek and Turkish national identities have been shaped through narratives of this enmity [...] responses to migration in Greece have long blamed Turkey for not controlling migration or not cooperating on migration control,” she asserted.

    EU divided on migration policy

    Meanwhile, the European Union continues struggling to find common ground on matters of migration. Several member states are not willing to take in asylum-seekers at all. As a result, the EU is now focusing on keeping its borders closed.

    With regard to Greece, countless media reports have documented illegal pushbacks, irregularities in the country’s asylum system and police violence against migrants.

    But despite evidence of this and numerous indications of Greece’s mishandling EU funds, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson has refrained from officially reprimanding Athens or launching an infringement procedure.

    Her only reaction so far has been to express “great concern,” insisting that Athens investigate cases of illegal practices, and to state publicly that border protection must be in accordance with EU law.

    Carefully timed tweet?

    Soylu’s tweet about the dead migrants at the Greek-Turkish border came during an informal meeting of the European Home Affair Ministers in Lille, France — an event attended by both Johansson and Mitarachi.

    Given the political turmoil between Ankara and Athens, and also between Ankara and the EU, it is hard to imagine that the timing was a coincidence.

    When asked that evening at a press conference about the incident at the Greek-Turkish border, Commissioner Johansson said: “This should never have happened, that migrants who try to enter the European Union lost their lives.”

    She added that Mitarachi had assured her that the victims had not entered Greece, but said that the incident needed to be investigated further.

    DW got in touch with her office for an update regarding this investigation, but the commissioner was not available for an interview.

    German response to the migrant deaths

    Human rights organizations were hoping that Germany’s new government and its new foreign minister, Annalena Baerbock of the Green Party, would be more vocal regarding the situation at the EU’s external borders.

    The German Foreign Office issued a statement about the death of the migrants, saying: “It’s important to find out the actual circumstances of the incident.”

    Experts have been demanding installation of an independent border-monitoring system in Greece, which would assure that authorities there play by the rules. Athens, however, refuses such a mechanism, saying that the situation is under control.

    The German Foreign Office told DW that the German government “generally supports the installation of an independent border mechanism,” adding that it is “important that nongovernmental actors, e.g. NGOs, are also granted access in order to observe the situation at the external borders of the EU.”

    #décès #morts #mourir_aux_frontières #asile #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #Grèce #Turquie #Evros

    • 12 people found frozen to death near Turkey’s border with Greece

      Turkish minister claims Greek border guards pushed back people whose bodies were ‘stripped of shoes and clothes’

      The bodies of 12 refugees believed to have frozen to death have been found in an area straddling Turkey’s frontier with Greece, igniting a war of words between the two countries.

      After the bodies were found on Wednesday, Ankara’s interior minister, Süleyman Soylu, accused Greek guards of deliberately pushing the refugees back across the border. Several reportedly showed signs of frostbite while some were found near the İpsala crossing point “without shoes and stripped of their clothes”, he tweeted.

      Soylu said the dead had been among a group of 22 people pushed back into Turkey, and shared blurry photographs of eight of the recovered bodies, including three in just shorts and T-shirts.

      “They behave like thugs,” he said of the Greek border patrols, while accusing the EU of being “helpless, weak and inhumane”.

      Greece’s migration minister, Notis Mitarachi, rejected any suggestion of Hellenic frontier units forcibly expelling the refugees.

      “The death of 12 migrants at the Turkish border near Ipsala is a tragedy. But the truth behind this incident bears no resemblance to the false propaganda pushed out by my counterpart,” he said in a statement.

      “These specific migrants never made it to the border. Any suggestion they did, or indeed were pushed back into Turkey, is utter nonsense.”

      Mitarachi said that instead of making “baseless claims” Ankara should uphold its commitment to stop such “dangerous journeys”, referring to a deal reached between the EU and Turkey to stem migrant flows. “Turkey should assume its responsibilities if we want to prevent such tragedies from occurring again,” he said.

      Information on where the refugees were from, or when they had made the perilous crossing, was not released. But officials in the Turkish border city of Edirne clarified that among the dead was a migrant who had submitted to frostbite after being rushed to the local hospital.

      This is not the first time that the two regional adversaries – long at loggerheads over an array of disputes – have argued over the fate of migrants crossing their shared land and sea frontiers.

      But friction over the problem has worsened since early 2020, when a border crisis erupted after Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, encouraged thousands of asylum seekers to enter Europe via Greece.

      NGOs have also stepped up criticism of Athens, saying despite persistent denials they have collated ever more proof of the pushbacks.

      The practice of turning away people seeking international protection is illegal under domestic, EU and international law.

      On Wednesday Nils Muižnieks, Amnesty International’s Europe director, said the group had documented evidence of collective expulsions occurring since 2013, describing them as de facto migration policy.

      Greece had always rejected the accusations with “anger, frustration and denial”, he told a virtual conference organised by the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights. “But my own view is that pushbacks have become more brazen, not just at borders but deep into Greek territory,” said Muižnieks, a former commissioner for human rights at the Council of Europe.

      In an atmosphere that had become ever more permissive because of limited monitoring, reports of people being injured or strip-searched had also increased. “Much more violence is being used. We’re hearing of broken spines, hands and strip searches,” he added.

      While Turkey hosts about 3.7 million Syrian refugees and is regarded as a major transit route for those fleeing poverty and war in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, Greece is seen as the easiest gateway into the EU.

      Since Athens reinforced Aegean sea borders after the 2020 crisis, growing numbers of refugees have elected to cross into the country via its north-eastern land frontier with Turkey, despite Greek authorities also erecting a 40km steel wall last year along the border.


    • Turkish interior minister accuses Greek authorities of pushbacks resulting in death

      Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu has lashed out at Greek authorities repeatedly in recent days, accusing the country of the deliberate mistreatment of migrants. Soylu has slammed Greece for committing acts of gross negligence amounting to manslaughter on at least two recent occasions.

      Soylu’s verbal attack on Greece started after he supported claims being discussed by the Turkish public accusing Greece of throwing three migrants into the Aegean Sea, alleging this resulted in the death of one. It was not clear when exactly this event was supposed to have taken place but appeared to be of a recent nature:

      At the end of January on Twitter, Soylu had specified that two of the migrants had been rescued while the other one had died. The alleged incident, which Soylu said amounted to “barbarism” and “murder,” took place off the Aegean coast near the tourist resort town of Çeşme.

      In his tweet, Soylu also said that “the European Union, that beacon of freedom and human rights, continues to sleep,” adding that the “murderous Frontex will have to answer for this.”

      Last words: ’I can’t swim’

      In the tweet, an Arabic-speaking man, whose identity is concealed, is seen recounting the alleged series of events with the help of an interpreter.

      The migrant claims that after all his belongings were confiscated by the Greek Coast Guard, he and the other two family members he was traveling with, were given life jackets which were too small for them.

      Despite protesting that some of them didn’t even know how to swim, they reportedly were left to fend for themselves in the cold waters of the Aegean Sea, the migrant says. He also specified that the individual who was reported to have drowned was his cousin.

      “The Greek Coast Guard gave us lifejackets before they left us in the sea, but they were for children and did not fit us. My cousin told them that he did not know how to swim. But they didn’t listen to him. They threw us into the water, where he drowned,” the unidentified man said.

      Politicized suffering

      Soylu lashed out one more time on Twitter at Greece on Wednesday, alleging that 12 migrants at the Greek-Turkish Ipsala land border near the Evros River had frozen to death after being pushed back and stripped naked by Greek border forces.

      The tweet was accompanied by images of blurred out people, who appeared to be dead.

      Soylu further politicized the alleged incident by saying that the EU is “void of humane feelings,” and adding that “Greek border units are heartless towards victims, but tolerant towards FETO,” referring to the infamous Turkish religious movement which Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accuses of having orchestrated a coup attempt against him in 2016.

      FETO is the Turkish government’s name for the so-called Hizmet Movement, spearheaded by exiled preacher Fethullah Gülen. The organization is banned in Turkey as a terrorist group; hundreds of its adherents have fled Turkey to neighboring Greece and other countries in a bid to avoid arrest in recent years.

      Turkey has been under a constant state of emergency for over five years now, ever since the failed coup, giving police, military, judges and courts extraordinary powers to prosecute Gülen’s supporters.

      Illegal pushbacks at sea

      In the past year, the Turkish government has repeatedly accused Greece of pushing back asylum seekers, which would be in clear violation of international law and human rights.

      Several NGOs have also made statements claiming that Greece, with help from the EU, is trying to keep migrants away from entering Greek waters, and even of returning migrants to Turkish waters. However, there have also been counterclaims, saying Turkey moves migrants it intercepts in its own waters to Greek waters.

      The EU has also voiced concern over allegations of such pushbacks at sea, but in a series of investigations, Brussels has exonerated its Frontex agency from any complicity in the alleged pushbacks.

      Bot the Greek and the Turkish government have repeatedly denied conducting such pushback tactics.



  • Le saviez-vous ? L’IPS est un indice fortement genré. – Affelnet
    Affelnet est l’algorithme d’affectation des élèves au lycée (l’équivalent de Parcoursup pour les études supérieures) qui utilise (entre autres) l’IPS, Indice de Position Sociale créé par la Direction de l’Evaluation, de la Prospective et de la Performance (!)

    Quelques exemples d’indices IPS genrés :

    Les éléments suivants sont tirés des deux éléments de définition de la norme IPS :

    Exemples relatifs à l’indice Croisé (Couples) :
    Il y a une décote de 58,2% de points (soit 53 points) de moins quand c’est la mère qui est « Chômeurs n’ayant jamais travaillé » et le père qui est « Non renseignée (inconnue ou sans objet) » que dans le cas symétrique ;
    Il y a une décote de 52,6% de points (soit 51 points) de moins quand c’est la mère qui est « Personnes diverses sans activité professionnelle » et le père qui est « Anciens employés et ouvriers » que dans le cas symétrique ;
    Il y a une décote de 40,3% de points (soit 27 points) de moins quand c’est la mère qui est « Personnes diverses sans activité professionnelle » et le père qui est « Ouvriers agricoles » que dans le cas symétrique ;
    Il y a une décote de 39,2% de points (soit 38 points) de moins quand c’est la mère qui est « Chômeurs n’ayant jamais travaillé » et le père qui est « Anciens employés et ouvriers » que dans le cas symétrique ;
    Il y a une décote de 34,4% de points (soit 42 points) de moins quand c’est la mère qui est « Ouvriers qualifiés » et le père qui est « Contremaîtres, agents de maîtrise » que dans le cas symétrique.

    #IPS #Indice_de_Position_Sociale #Affelnet #éducation

  • Pédophilie : en un an, 3 600 appels au numéro national pour les personnes attirées sexuellement par les enfants

    Selon elle, une grande partie de ces appelants s’engagent ensuite dans un parcours de soins, mais certains hésitent par crainte de poursuites judiciaires. Les soignants sont en effet tenus de faire un signalement lorsque des enfants sont en danger, rappelle Magali Teillard-Dirat, psychologue à Montpellier. « Les auteurs, qui sont malgré tout en souffrance et qui ont besoin de parler de ce qu’ils ont fait, se retrouvent un peu pris au piège de se dire ’si je viens le risque va être effectivement d’engager une procédure judiciaire’. »

    #CRIAVS #signalement #justice #soin #IP #Information_Préoccupante #pédophilie #pédocriminalité