medicalcondition:colorectal cancer

  • Offline: Why has global health forgotten cancer? - The Lancet

    Nothing illustrates the embedded irrationality of global health more than our attitudes to cancer. In 2016, according to the Global Burden of Disease, 8·9 million people died from cancer (23% of total worldwide deaths from NCDs, and 16% of deaths from all causes). The leading causes of cancer death are tumours of the trachea, bronchus, and lung (1·7 million deaths); gynaecological cancers (breast, cervix, ovary, and uterus: 1 million deaths); gastric cancer (834 000 deaths); colorectal cancer (829 600 deaths); and liver cancer (828 000 deaths). So why the indifference?

    The NCD community has become trapped in an ideology that privileges prevention over treatment. A similar mistake disfigured the early response to AIDS. I can recall senior WHO leaders two decades ago agreeing that a generation of people living with HIV would have to die before the pandemic could be controlled by prevention. Only anger and activism overturned the complacency of traditional public health practice. But the NCD community has no time for anger or activism

    #cancer #OMS #prévention #traitement (again)

  • Cancer-Detecting Yogurt Could Replace #Colonoscopies

    A spoonful of yogurt could soon offer a cheap and simple way to screen for colorectal #cancer.

    Sangeeta Bhatia, a professor at MIT, is working to replace costly and uncomfortable colonoscopies and MRIs with a helping of yogurt followed by a urine test—a cheap method that could improve the early diagnosis of colorectal cancer.

    Bhatia is developing synthetic molecules that can be introduced into the body via yogurt, and will interact with cancer in a way that produces telltale biomarkers. These molecules can then be detected easily when passed in urine.

  • Lifestyle determines gut microbes

    An international team of researchers has for the first time deciphered the intestinal bacteria of present-day hunter-gatherers


    The research team, composed of anthropologists, microbial ecologists, molecular biologists, and analytical chemists, and led in part by Stephanie Schnorr and Amanda Henry of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, compared the Hadza gut microbiota to that of urban living Italians, representative of a “westernized” population. Their results, published recently in Nature Communications, show that the Hadza have a more diverse gut microbe ecosystem, i.e. more bacterial species compared to the Italians. “This is extremely relevant for human health”, says Stephanie Schnorr. “Several diseases emerging in industrialized countries, like IBS, colorectal cancer, obesity, type II diabetes, Crohn’s disease and others, are significantly associated with a reduction in gut microbial diversity.”


    The Hadza gut microbiota is well suited for processing indigestible fibres from a plant-rich diet and likely helps the Hadza get more energy from the fibrous foods that they consume. Surprisingly, Hadza men and women differed significantly in the type and amount of their gut microbiota, something never before seen in any other human population. Hadza men hunt game and collect honey, while Hadza women collect tubers and other plant foods. Though they share these foods, each sex eats slightly more of the foods they target. “The differences in gut microbiota between the sexes reflects this sexual division of labour”, says Stephanie Schnorr. “It appears that women have more bacteria to help process fibrous plant foods, which has direct implications for their fertility and reproductive success.” These findings support the key role of the gut microbiota as adaptive partners during the course of human evolution by aligning with differing diets.

    Finally, the Hadza gut microbe community is a unique configuration with high levels of bacteria, like Treponema, that in western populations are often considered signs of disease, and low levels of other bacteria, like Bifidobacterium, that in western populations are considered “healthy”. However, the Hadza experience little to no autoimmune diseases that would result from gut bacteria imbalances. Therefore, we must redefine our notions of “healthy” and “unhealthy” bacteria, since these distinctions are clearly dependent on the environment we live in. Genetic diversity of bacteria is likely the most important criterion for the health and stability of the gut microbiome.
