
  • Pendant ce temps-là, au #Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega joue l’esquive et cherche à gagner du temps…

    Ortega se escabulle

    Todo el mundo esta tenso. Todos pendientes de Venezuela. Maduro no tiene perdón y él lo sabe y de ahí su conducta, propia de rata acorralada.

    Y mientras tanto, Daniel Ortega se escabulle, pero sin dejar de seguir las instrucciones del viejo Fidel: no dejar ni ceder el poder por ninguna razón.

    Las noticias desde Nicaragua muestran que la situación si no es peor que la de Venezuela, va camino a ello.

    No está claro cuántos son los muertos, si 325 o 561 y los detenidos entre 340 o 767. El gobierno Ortega-Murillo, admite 199 muertos y 340. Qué bueno.

    A ello se suman cientos de exiliados y de desaparecidos, más la represión permanente y hasta golpizas en las cárceles.

    Todo espantoso. Un juez de nombre Edgard Altamirano, condenó a 216 años de cárcel a Medardo Mairena, líder campesino que participó en el Diálogo Nacional como parte de la Alianza Cívica por la Justicia y la Democracia. Lo acusan de ser el responsable intelectual de la muerte de 5 policías y de 11 secuestros y algunos delitos más, según el magistrado. Este mismo señor Edgard Altamirano por el mismo caso condenó a los dirigentes campesinos Pedro Mena y Orlando Icabalzata a 210 y 159 años de prisión. El señor Altamirano no tiene freno: la fiscal había pedido 73 años para Mairena y 63 y 59 respectivamente para los otros dos dirigentes.

    Altamirano será el juez que juzgará el próximo 18 de marzo a los periodistas Miguel Mora y Lucía Pineda Ubau, presos desde diciembre pasado acusados de terrorismo. Ortega y Murillo los acusan de hacer terrorismo; el delito que cometieron fue informar. Altamirano será el encargado de decidir.

    Miguel Mora es el director y propietario del canal de televisión 100% Noticias, y Lucía Pineda es su jefe de prensa. A fines del año pasado el canal fue allanado por fuerzas policiales y aquellos fueron detenidos y hay otros tres periodistas requeridos ya en el exilio. Los cargos: "fomentar e incitar al odio y la violencia" y «provocación, proposición y conspiración para cometer actos terroristas».

    Como toda dictadura que se precie, la de Ortega-Murillo ha terminado con la libertad de prensa. No quieren que se sepa lo que hacen.

    Y hay noticias que pueden ser peores. Parece que el gobierno nicaraguense ha aceptado discutir con la Secretaría General de la OEA reformas a su sistema electoral, descartando de entrada un adelanto de las elecciones previstas para noviembre de 2021, que es lo que la oposición, la Iglesia, los estudiantes y todo el mundo reclama. Casi 2 años –33 meses– es mucho tiempo: ¿cuántos serán los muertos y los presos y los desaparecidos? ¿Hasta qué límites llegará la represión?

    ¿Y todo ese tiempo sin libertad de prensa, de asociación y de reunión como hasta ahora?

    Ortega-Murillo siguen los pasos de Maduro: ganar tiempo. El venezolano con distintas ayudas en cada momento –Rodríguez Zapatero, el papa Francisco, dos o tres presidentes vecinos, el gobierno uruguayo del izquierdista Frente Amplio y algunos europeos en los que nunca hay que confiar mucho– ha conseguido continuar en Miraflores.

    Aparentemente los de Nicaragua quieren involucrar al secretario general de la OEA con este intento de ganar tiempo . Se supone que no tendrán mucha suerte; el secretario de la OEA ha solicitado para el régimen nicaraguense –acusado ya de delitos de lesa humanidad– la aplicación de la Carta Democrática Interamericana. Y Ortega y Murillo no pasan esa prueba: bastan para desnudarlos los informes de la propia Comisión de Derechos Humanos y del Relator para la Libertad de Expresión, de la OEA.

    Con lo que se vive hoy en Nicaragua, con ese estado de situación, hablar de reformar y reforzar el sistema electoral parece una broma, un chiste de muy mal gusto.

  • Publicaron tarjetón electoral para las elecciones presidenciales

    bulletin de vote pour les élections présidentielles du 20 mai
    pour Caracas et votes à l’étranger

    Este sábado se dio a conocer la posición que tendrán los diferentes partidos politicos nacionales en el tarjetón electoral para las elecciones presidenciales del 20 de mayo.

    El Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV) se mantiene arriba y a la izquierda, seguida por las organizaciones Movimiento Somos Venezuela, Partido Patria para Todos (PPT), Podemos, Movimiento Electoral del Pueblo (MEP) y Alianza Para el Cambio.

    En la segunda línea están el Partido Comunista de Venezuela (PCV), Unidad Popular Venezolana (UPV), la Organización Renovadora Auténtica (RA) y el Movimiento Ecológico de Venezuela. En la tercera línea se encuentran las organizaciones Movimiento Tupamaro, Unidad Política Popular (UPP 89), Copei, Avanzada Progresista, Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) y Esperanza por el Cambio.

    También escogió su posición el candidato independiente Luis Alejandro Ratti, postulado a la Presidencia de la República.

    Las organizaciones indígenas Consejo Nacional Indio de Venezuela (Conive), Parlamento Indígena de Venezuela (Parlive), Agrupación Indígena Evolución, Asociación Civil Cátedra Guaicaipuro, Organización Socialista Indígena Bolivariana de Venezuela y el Movimiento de los Pueblos Indígenas de Venezuela eligieron su posición en la boleta para la elección de legisladores estadales y municipales.

    dans l’état de Monagas

    Les emplacements sont « négociés ».
    Avec le parti au pouvoir (PSUV dit oficialista) en haut à gauche…
    (pour un vote sur écran tactile, la machine à voter délivre un récépissé)

    Así quedó el tarjetón electoral | Noticias Barquisimeto

    Esta vez, representantes de 14 organizaciones políticas se dieron cita en la sede administrativa del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE), ubicada en Plaza Caracas, Caracas, para ubicar a su conveniencia la tarjeta en lo que el ente encargado de los comicios en Venezuela llamó “Instrumento Electoral”.

  • New Release - #Energy #Transitions in the #Gulf: Key Questions on #Nuclear Power - Book Edited by Ali Ahmad

    Despite being among the world’s top oil producers, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the Gulf’s largest economies, have ambitious plans to invest in nuclear power. As the interest in nuclear energy in the region grows, the need to better understand the underlying economic and security issues becomes a necessity.

    In our new edited volume, “Energy Transitions in the Gulf: Key Questions on Nuclear Power” we examine the challenges and opportunities of nuclear power deployment in the Gulf and the wider Middle East region. The book is a result of a workshop held as part of the 2016 Gulf Research Meeting at the University of Cambridge, UK, under the auspices of the Gulf Research Center.

    Introduction by Ali Ahmad
    Download Introduction

    Chapter 1: Economic Determinants of Nuclear Power in the Gulf by Omer Akkaya
    Download Chapter 1

    Chapter 2: Economics of Nuclear and Solar Desalination for the Middle East by Rami W. Bitar and Ali Ahmad
    Download Chapter 2

    Chapter 3: Requirements for High Solar Penetration in Electricity Production in Saudi Arabia by Philippe Chite and Ali Ahmad
    Download Chapter 3

    Chapter 4: Nuclear Energy for the Middle East: Technology Choices and Considerations by Abdalla Abou Jaoude and Anna Erickson
    Download Chapter 4

    Chapter 5: Iran, Uranium, and Future Proliferation Dynamics in the Middle East by Ryan Snyder
    Download Chapter 5

    Chapter 6: Confidence Today, Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone in the Middle East Tomorrow by Marianne Nari Fisher
    Download Chapter 6
    Download Entire Book

  • AIDA Country Report : #Portugal

    The new Country Report on Portugal, the 21st country covered by the Asylum Information Database, provides a detailed account of the country’s legal framework, policy and practice relating to the asylum procedure, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers and content of international protection.

    Portugal has been at the centre of the implementation of the relocation programme from Italy and Greece, with a total 1,507 asylum seekers relocated so far. Asylum seekers arriving in the country through relocation had initially had their cases fast-tracked, though this trend seems to have subsided due to the increasing number of cases before the Aliens and Borders Service (SEF), the authority responsible for examining asylum claims.

    Portugal has also set up a special coordination framework bringing together different reception providers in the context of relocation. Relocated asylum seekers benefit from an 18 to 24-month support programme by service providers such as the Platform for Reception of Refugees (PAR), followed by the Portuguese Refugee Council (CPR), the Municipality of Lisbon, União de Misericórdias, the Portuguese Red Cross, and other municipalities. Provisional figures suggest that one third of relocated asylum seekers in working age who are now coming to the end of the 18-month integration programme have secured employment in Portugal.

    Reception arrangements for relocation run parallel to the reception system already established for spontaneously arriving asylum seekers, whereby reception responsibility is allocated to different actors depending on the type and stage of procedure an applicant is in. Asylum seekers in the regular procedure receive reception conditions from the Institute of Social Security (ISS), in admissibility and accelerated procedures by CPR, in appeal procedures by Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML), and in the border procedure by the SEF.

    The border procedure remains a crucial feature of the Portuguese asylum system, as it foresees systematic detention of asylum seekers pending the examination of inadmissibility and accelerated procedure grounds at the border, which lasts 7 days. A total 260 applicants had their claims processed in detention at borders and transit zones in 2016, the vast majority in Lisbon airport. The border procedure is applied to asylum seekers, with the exception of certain categories of vulnerable groups. Whereas unaccompanied children and families were previously exempted from detention at the border, a change in practice has been witnessed in 2016, whereby these persons are only released from detention and allowed into the territory after a couple of weeks.

    In 2016, Portugal registered 1,469 asylum applications, predominantly from Syria, Eritrea, Ukraine and Iraq. All four nationalities were granted protection at a nearly 100% rate by the SEF. Nationals of Ukraine and Iraq, as well as some Syrian nationals, are only granted subsidiary protection, meaning that they are entitled to shorter residence permits and more stringent rules on travel documents and naturalisation than refugee status holders.
    #asile #migrations #réfugiés #statistiques #chiffres #accueil #logement #hébergement #procédure_d'asile #détention_administrative #rétention #relocalisation #vulnérabilité #travail #santé #éducation

    Lien vers le #rapport :

  • Is Physical Law an Alien Intelligence? - Issue 42: Fakes

    Perhaps Arthur C. Clarke was being uncharacteristically unambitious. He once pointed out that any sufficiently advanced technology is going to be indistinguishable from magic. If you dropped in on a bunch of Paleolithic farmers with your iPhone and a pair of sneakers, you’d undoubtedly seem pretty magical. But the contrast is only middling: The farmers would still recognize you as basically like them, and before long they’d be taking selfies. But what if life has moved so far on that it doesn’t just appear magical, but appears like physics? After all, if the cosmos holds other life, and if some of that life has evolved beyond our own waypoints of complexity and technology, we should be considering some very extreme possibilities. Today’s futurists and believers in a machine “singularity” (...)

  • Menace de coup d’Etat en Equateur ? | L’Humanité

    Le 5 juin, le président Correa, une des figures de la gauche radicale en Amérique latine, a en effet présenté au Parlement une réforme de la fiscalité prévoyant de taxer les héritages supérieurs à 35.400 dollars, l’équivalent de cent salaires de base, abaissant de près de moitié le seuil du montant imposable jusqu’à présent.

    Le projet doit être approuvé en juillet par le Parlement, où le parti présidentiel Alianza Pais (AP) détient la majorité.

    Sur le site de l’Huma, c’est le premier paragraphe qui est en gras. J’ai tendance à trouver que c’est le second qui est important.

  • Femmes compositrices

    Je voulais rebondir sur un billet de @reka en présentant les femmes compositrices méconnues. Je connaissais Germaine Tailleferre et une petite dizaine d’autres compositrices, je souhaitais les présenter ici, et en découvrir d’autres.

    J’ai commencé par l’époque contemporaine, un site m’en a proposé 3 que je ne connaissais pas :

    Yvonne DESPORTES

    Yvonne Desportes : Symphonie n°3 "l’Eternel féminin »

    Adrienne CLOSTRE

    Toute sa vie, elle restera fidèle à cette vocation précoce : elle composera jusqu’à sa dernière semaine où elle termine son opéra Lénine ou la Récréation.
    Passionnée de théâtre, elle imagine de nouvelles formes d’action musicale et puise son inspiration et les livrets de ses œuvres lyriques dans des domaines très variés : littérature nordique (Le chant du Cygne d’après la nouvelle de Tchekov, Julien l’Apostat d’après Empereur et Galiléens d’Ibsen) ou médiévale (Le triomphe de la vertu d’après l’œuvre de la nonneRosvita), faits divers (Cinq scènes de la vie italienne), philosophes (Nietzsche sur un montage de textes de F. Nietzsche, Le Secret, lecture musicale dujournal de S. Kierkegaard), exploits sportifs (Annapurnad’après le roman de MauriceHerzog), poètes (L’Albatros sur un montage de textes de C. Baudelaire, El tigre de oro y sombra, d’après neuf poèmes de Borges), femmes mystérieuses ou passionnées (Garbo la solitaire, suite pour violoncelle seul et voix off inspirée par Greta Garbo, Camille Claudel Sculpteur, action chorégraphique en trois épisodes)…

    Thérèse Brenet

    Sa formation, sa nature, sa recherche constante de la beauté et sa quête de l’absolu font d’elle une musicienne un peu à part, dont l’œuvre, riche et variée, écrite dans un style clair, atteste une parfaite maîtrise du langage. Humble dans son œuvre, elle déclare elle-même : " Le compositeur est un ouvrier, oui, mais non pas un tâcheron : il travaille ordinairement dans la solitude et le secret, sans fard et sans journaliste. Ce qu’il doit, par dessus tout, éviter, ce sont les discours inutiles, abscons et prétentieux sur son oeuvre.

    A partir de celles que je connaissais, j’ai établi une première liste qui s’est considérablement enrichi au fil de mes recherches :

    Lili Boulanger

    Elsa Barraine

    Germaine Tailleferre

    Marguerite Canal

    Claude Arrieu
    de son vrai nom Louise-Marie Simon

    Louise Héritte-Viardot

    Alma Mahler

    Sophie Gail

    Louise Bertin

    Marie Jaëll

    Clara Schumann

    Maude Valerie White

    Louise Farrenc

    Giselle Galos.

    Fanny Mendelssohn

    Pauline Duchambge

    Augusta Holmès

    Cécile Chaminade

    Armande de Polignac

    Amy Beach

    Elisabetta de Gambarini,

    Genovieffa Ravissa et

    Anna Bon di Venezia.

    Wilhelmine de Bayreuth

    Sophie Elisabeth von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel

    Francesca Caccini

    Leonora Duarte

    Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre

    Isabella Leonarda

    Barbara Strozzi

    Maddalena Casulana

    Beatritz de Dia

    Beatritz de Romans

    Azalaïs de Porcairagues


    Hildegarde de Bingen



    Et puis j’ai découvert ce site qui propose une looooongue liste de compositrices dont certains noms sont déjà cités


    XIe siècle
    Hildegard von BINGEN (1098 - 1179)

    XVIIIe siècle
    Wilhelmine Friederike Sophie von Bayreuth (1709 - 1758)
    Amalia, princesse de Prusse (1723 - 1787)
    Anna Amalia, duchesse de Saxe-Weimar (1739 - 1807)

    XIXe siècle
    Fanny MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY (1805 - 1847)
    Johanna KINKEL (1810 - 1858)
    Josephine LANG (1815 - 1880)
    Clara SCHUMANN (1819 - 1896)
    Emilie MAYER (1821 - 1883)

    XIXe / XXe siècle
    Ingeborg von BRONSART (1840 - 1913)
    Sophie MENTER (1846 - 1918)
    Luise Adolpha LE BEAU (1850 - 1927)
    Clara M. FAISST (1872 - 1948)
    Johanna SENFTER (1879 - 1961)
    Ilse FROMM-MICHAELS (1888 - 1986)

    XXe siècle
    Felicitas KUKUCK (1914 - 2001)
    Gertrud FIRNKEES (1925)
    Ruth ZECHLIN (1926)
    Ursula GÖRSCH (1932)
    Barbara HELLER (1936)
    Dorothée EBERHARDT(1952)
    Ursula EUTENEUER-ROHRER (1953)
    Babette KOBLENZ (1956)

    XXe siècle
    Maria Luisa ANIDO (1907-1996)
    Hilda DIANDA (1925)


    XIXe / XXe siècle
    May BRAHE (1885-1956)

    XXe siècle
    Mary MAGEAU (1934) [originaire des États-Unis]


    XVIIIe siècle
    Marianne d’AUENBRUGG ( ? -1786)

    XVIIIe / XIXe siècle
    Maria Anna MARTINEZ (1744-1812)
    Maria Theresia von PARADIS (1759-1824)
    Katharina CIBBINI (1790-1858)

    XIXe / XXe siècle
    Alma MAHLER-WERFEL (1879-1964)
    Grete von ZIERITZ (1899- 2001)
    XXe siècle
    Silvia SOMMER (1944)

    XXe siècle
    Franguiz ALI-ZADE (1947)


    XVe/XVIe siècle
    Marguerite d’Autriche (1480-1530)

    XIXe / XXe siècle
    Eva dell ACQUA (1860-1930)
    Lucie VELLERE (1896-1966)

    XXe siècle
    Rose THISSE-DEROUETTE (1902)
    Claire LEPLAE (1912)
    Berthe DI VITO-DELVAUX (1915)
    Nini BULTERIJS (1929)
    Jacqueline FONTYN (1930)
    Jacqueline NOVA (1937 - 1975)
    Joanna BRUZDOWICZ (1943) [originaire de Pologne]

    XXe siècle
    Teresa LAREDO ( ? )

    XXe siècle
    Vania Dantas LEITE (1945)


    XIXe / XXe siècle
    Sophie-Carmen ECKHARDT-GRAMATTE (1899-1974)

    XXe siècle
    Barbara PENTLAND (1912-2000)
    Elma MILLER (1954)
    Linda BOUCHARD (1957)


    XXe siècle
    Younghi PAGH-PAAN (1945)


    XXe siècle
    Gudrun LUND (1930)
    Birgitte ALSTED (1942- )
    Irène BECKER (1954- )


    XIXe / XXe siècle
    Maria GREVER (1884-1951)

    XXe siècle
    Maria de ALVEAR (1960- )


    XXe siècle
    Ester MÄGI (1922- )


    XIXe / XXe siècle
    Amy BEACH (1867-1944)
    Maria GREVER (1884-1951) [originaire d’Espagne]
    Rebecca CLARKE (1886-1979) [originaire d’Angleterre]

    XXe siècle
    Ruth CRAWFORD-SEEGER (1901-1953)
    Lilian FUCHS (1903- 1991)
    Myriam GIDEON (1906- )
    Louise TALMA (1906- )
    Ann MACMILLAN (1923- )
    Cathy BERBERIAN (1925-1983)
    Marga RICHTER (1926- )
    Mary Jeanne VAN APPLEDORN (1927- )
    Arline DIAMOND (1928- )
    Betty JACKSON KING (1928- )
    Ursula MAMLOCK (1928- )
    Ann Loomis SILSBEE (1930- )
    Nancy VAN DE VATE (1930- )
    Lucia DLUGOSZEWSKI (1931- )
    Joyce MEKEEL (1931- )
    Pauline OLIVEROS (1932- )
    Gitta STEINER (1932-1990)
    Mary MAGEAU (1934- )
    Vivian RUDOW ADELBERG (1936- )
    Katherine HOOVER (1937- )
    Gloria COATES (1938- )
    Joan Peabody TOWER (1938- )
    Barbara KOLB (1939- )
    Ellen Taaffe ZWILLICH (1939- )
    Kay GARDNER (1941- )
    Maryanne AMACHER (1942- )
    Meredith MONK (1942- )
    Alice SHIELDS (1943- )
    Pril SMILEY (1943- )
    Dianda GALAS ( ? )
    Barbara HELD ( ? )
    Janice GITECK (1946- )
    Daria SEMEGEN (1946- )
    Sheila SILVER (1946- )
    Joan LA BARBARA (1947- )
    Faye-Ellen SILVERMAN (1947- )
    Bernadette SPEACH (1948- )
    Jane BROCKMAN (1949- )
    Libby LARSEN (1950- )
    Anne LEBARON (1953- )
    Kate WARING (1953- )
    Kim SHERMAN (1954- )
    Alicyn WARREN (1955- )
    Laura KAMINSKY (1956- )
    Frances WHITE (1960- )
    Augusta Read THOMAS (1964- )
    Vanessa LANN (1968- )


    XXe siècle
    Kaija SAARIAHO (1952- )


    XIIe / XIIIe siècle
    Béatrice de Die (v.1160-1212)
    Blanche de Castille (1188-1252)

    XVIIe / XVIIIe siècle
    Élisabeth JACQUET de LA GUERRE (1666/7-1729)

    XVIIIe siècle
    Marie-Antoinette (1755-1793)

    XVIIIe siècle
    Thérésia DEMAR (1801- ? )
    Louise FARRENC (1804-1875)
    Louise Angélique BERTIN (1805-1877)

    XIXe / XXe siècle
    Pauline VIARDOT-GARCIA (1821-1910)
    Cécile CHAMINADE (1837-1944)
    Augusta HOLMES (1847-1903)
    Guy d’HARDELOT (1858-1936)
    Henriette RENIE (1875-1956)
    Lili BOULANGER (1893-1918)
    Nadia BOULANGER (1887-1979)
    Germaine TAILLEFERRE (1892-1983)
    Marcelle de MANZIARLY (1899-1989)

    XXe siècle
    Marguerite MONNOT ( ? -1961)
    Claude ARRIEU (1903- )
    Madeleine PERISSAS (1906-1971)
    Yvonne DESPORTES (1907-1993)
    Paule MAURICE (1910-1967)
    Yvonne DALY (1918- )
    Adrienne CLOSTRE (1921- )
    Jeanne DEMESSIEUX (1921-1968)
    Janine RUEFF (1922- )
    Monique GABUS (1924- )
    Ida PRESTI (1924-1964)
    Eliane RADIGUE (1924- )
    Jeannine RICHER (1924- )
    Denise ROGER (1924- )
    Ginette KELLER (1925- )
    Betsy JOLAS (1926- )
    Ida GOTKOVSKI (1933- )
    Lucie ROBERT (1936- )
    Isabelle ABOULKER (1938- )
    Michèle BOKANOVSKI (1943- )
    Michèle REVERDY (1943- )
    Françoise BARRIERE (1944- )
    Christine MENNESSON ( ? )
    Joëlle LEANDRE (1951- )
    Karen TANAKA (1961- ) [originaire du Japon]


    XXe siècle
    Erzsébet SZÖNY (1924- )
    Katalin POCS (1963- )


    XXe siècle
    Verdina SHLONSKY (1909/13-1990)
    Zippi FLEISCHER (1946- )
    Shulamit RAN (1949- )


    XXe siècle
    Karolina EIRIKSDOTTIR (1951- )


    XVIe siècle
    Maddalena CASULANA DE MEZARII (v.1540-v.1583)

    XVIe / XVIIe siècle
    Francesca CACCINI (v.1581-v.1640)
    Gracia BAPTISTA (16e - 17e s.)

    XVIIe siècle
    Barbara STROZZI (1619-v. 1664)

    XVIIe / XVIIIe siècle
    Camilla DE ROSSI (fin XVIIe / XVIIIe siècle)

    XVIIIe siècle
    Maddalena SIRMEN LOMBARDINI (v.1735-v.1800)
    Anna BON DI VENEZIA (1738/40-1767)

    XIXe / XXe siècle
    Adelina PATTI (1843-1919)

    XXe siècle
    Ada GENTILE (1947- )
    Serena TAMBURINI (1948- )


    XXe siècle
    Keiko ABE (1937- )
    Toyoko YAMASHITA (1942- )
    Izumi NAKAGAWA ( > 1945)
    Mayako KUBO (1947- )
    Karen TANAKA (1961- )


    XIXe / XXe siècle
    Agathe BACKER-GRONDHAL (1847-1907)

    XXe siècle
    Maj SONSTEVOLD (1917- )
    Ruth BAKKE (1947- )
    Cecilie ORE (1954- )


    XXe siècle

    Annea LOCKWOOD (1939- )


    XIXe / XXe siècle

    Catharina VAN RENNES (1858-1940)
    Elisabeth KUYPER (1877-1953)
    Rosy WERTHEIM (1888-1949)
    Henriette BOSMANS (1895-1952)

    XXe siècle

    Iet STANTS (1903-1968)
    Tera de MAREZ OYENS (1932- )
    Margriet HOENDERDOS (1952- )


    XVIIIe / XIXe siècle
    Maria SZYMANOWSKA (1789-1831)

    XVIIIe siècle
    Tekla BADARZEWSKA-BARANOWSKA (1834-1861)

    XXe siècle
    Grazyna BACEWICZ (1913-1969)
    Janina GARSCIA (1920- )
    Krystyna MOSZUMANSKA-NAZAR (1924- )
    Barbara NIEWIADOWSKA (1938- )
    Joanna BRUZDOWICZ (1943- )
    Marta PTASZYNSKA (1943- )


    XXe siècle
    Jana OBROVSKA (1930- )
    Ivana LOUDOVA (1941- )


    XXe siècle
    Carmen PETRA-BASACOPOL (1926- )
    Myriam MARBE (1931- )
    Adrianna HÖLSZKY (1943- )


    XVIe siècle
    Ann BOLEYN (v.1507-1536)

    XVIIIe siècle
    Elisabetta de GAMBARINI (1731-1765)
    Cecilia Maria BARTHELEMON (v.1770- ? )

    XVIIIe / XIXe siècle
    Mary Hester PARK (1775-1822)

    XVIIIe siècle
    Mary PLUMSTEAD (1805-1890)
    Jane SCOTT-SPOTTISWOODE (1810-1900)

    XIXe / XXe siècle
    Annie FORTESCUE HARRISON (1851-1944)
    Maude Valérie WHITE (1855-1937)
    Ethel Mary SMYTH (1858-1944)
    Amy WOODFORDE-FINDEN (1860-1919)
    Liza LEHMANN (1862-1918)
    Teresa DEL RIEGO (1876-1968)
    Myra HESS (1890-1965)

    XXe siècle
    Priaulx RAINIER (1903-1986)
    Elisabeth POSTON (1905-1987)
    Elisabeth LUTYENS (1906-1983)
    Grace WILLIAMS (Ecosse) (1906-1977)
    Imogen HOLST (1907- )
    Elisabeth MACONCHY (1907-1994)
    Dilys ELWYN-EDWARDS (Ecosse) (1920- )
    Madeleine DRING (1923-1977)
    Thea MUSGRAVE (Ecosse) (1928- )
    Nicola LEFANU (1947- )
    Sylvia HALLET (1953- )
    Judith WEIR (Ecosse) (1954- )
    Evelyn GLENNIE (Ecosse) (1965- )


    XXe siècle

    Galina USTVOLSKAYA (1919- )
    Sofia GUBAÏDULINA (1931- )
    Elena FIRSOVA (1950- )
    Tatiana KOMAROVA (1968- )


    XXe siècle
    Viera JANARCEKOVA (1941- )


    XIXe / XXe siècle
    Amanda MAIER (1853-1894)
    Laura NETZEL (1839-1927)
    Elfrida ANDREE (1841-1929)
    Laura Valborg AULIN (1860-1928)
    Alice TEGNER (1864-1943)

    XXe siècle
    Kerstin JEPPSON (1948- )
    Ase HEDSTROM (1950- )


    XXe siècle
    Marianne SCHROEDER ( ? - )
    Tona SCHERCHEN-HSIAO (1938- )


    XXe siècle
    Graciela PARASKEVAIDIS (1940- )

    #on_ne_les_entend_jamais #musique #femmes

  • Israeli forces kills 14-year-old Palestinian boy in West Bank raid

    The body of 14-year-old Mohammed Jihad Dodeen is seen at Alia Hospital on June 20, 2014 in the West Bank town of #Hebron after reportedly being shot to death by Israeli soldiers in Doura village. (Photo: AFP - Hazem Bader)

    Israeli troops killed a Palestinian teenager in the occupied West Bank on Friday and arrested 25 people, pursuing a weeklong crackdown against Palestinians and house-to-house raids for three Israeli teenagers who went missing eight days ago. Palestinian medics said Mohammed Jihad Dudin was killed in the village of #Dura, near the city of Hebron in the West Bank, Ma’an news agency reported. The Israeli military said troops had fired live ammunition when rocks and firebombs were thrown at them during an arrest raid. read (...)

    #Israel #overnight_raid #Palestine #West_Bank_raids

    • Un adolescent palestinien tué par l’armée israélienne en Cisjordanie

      Hébron (Territoires palestiniens) - Un adolescent palestinien a été tué par l’armée israélienne près d’Hébron, dans le sud de la Cisjordanie, a-t-on appris vendredi de sources hospitalière et sécuritaire palestiniennes.

      Mohammed Doudine , 14 ans, a été tué par balle lors d’affrontements après que des soldats soient entrés dans le village de Doura, au sud d’Hébron, dans le cadre de leur opération de ratissage pour retrouver trois Israéliens disparus il y a huit jours, selon les sources.

      L’adolescent a été touché d’une balle à la poitrine et est décédé dans un hôpital d’Hébron.

      Un autre jeune Palestinien avait été tué par balle lundi matin, dans des circonstances similaires, dans le camp de réfugiés de Jalazone, près de Ramallah.


      13-year-old Palestinian shot dead by Israeli forces in Dura

      HEBRON (Ma’an) — Israeli forces shot and killed a 13-year-old Palestinian boy after clashes erupted early Friday morning during a raid on the southern West Bank village of Dura, near Hebron.

      Local sources told Ma’an that Mahmoud Jihad Muhammad Dudeen was struck by live bullets in the chest before being taken to Hebron Governmental Hospital, where he was shortly pronounced dead.

      The local sources said Israeli forces opened fire directly on Mahmoud during the clashes which occurred in the Haninia neighborhood of Dura.

      The clashes broke out after Israeli forces stormed the village in a dawn raid and began conducting home raids. In response, local youths threw rocks at the soldiers.

      ““““““““““““traduction en français

      Les forces israéliennes ont assassiné un jeune Palestinien de 13 ans, après que des affrontements ont éclaté vendredi matin lors d’une invasion de l’armé d’occupation au sud du village de Dura, près d’Hébron. en Cisjordanie.

      Des sources locales ont déclaré à Ma’an que Mahmoud Jihad Muhammad Dudeen a été abattu par des tirs à balles réelles qui l’ont touché dans la poitrine, puis qu’il avait été transporté à l’hôpital d’Hébron où il a été déclaré mort peu de temps après.

      Les mêmes sources ont déclaré que les forces israéliennes ont ouvert le feu directement sur Mahmoud au cours des affrontements qui ont eu lieu dans le quartier de Doura Haninia.

      Ces affrontements ont éclaté après que les forces israéliennes aient envahi et pris d’assaut le village dans un raid à l’aube et aient commencé à effectuer des raids de maison en maison. En réponse, les jeunes du village ont jeté des pierres sur les soldats.

  • UN #nuclear chief to visit #Iran next week

    UN nuclear agency chief Yukiya Amano is expected to visit Tehran on November 11, Iranian state television said on Tuesday, a possible sign of progress in a long-stalled investigation into suspected nuclear arms research by Tehran. The head of Iran’s atomic energy organisation, Ali Akbar Salehi, said he hoped the two sides would reach an agreement during Amano’s visit, state television said on its web site, without giving details. read (...)


  • #Iran arrests group of alleged saboteurs at #nuclear site

    At least four people have been arrested in Iran for trying to sabotage a nuclear site, an Iranian official was quoted by Iranian media as saying on Sunday. The head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, Ali Akbar Salehi, said officials had monitored and then arrested a “number of saboteurs” before they could carry out their plan. “Some time ago, we uncovered sabotage activities by several people at a nuclear plant,” Salehi said in comments carried by the Mehr news agency. "We let them (...)


  • #Pays_Basque, #prison, #eurodéputé
    El eurodiputado #Demesmaeker denuncia la «falta de respeto» de Madrid al impedirles ver a #Arnaldo_Otegi

    El eurodiputado de la Alianza Libre Europea Mark Demesmaeker ha denunciado ante el Parlamento Europeo el «trato escandaloso» que les brindaron las autoridades españolas al denegarles la visita a Arnaldo Otegi en la cárcel de Logroño y ha pedido a la Eurocámara que interpele al Gobierno español por su «falta de respeto» al trabajo de los europarlamentarios.

  • La répression se poursuit en Azerbaïdjan, fermeture de l’université indépendante du mouvement Ol !, arrestation d’un jeune prédicateur populaire. Entre dénonciation d’ingérence américaine et infiltration des mollahs iraniens, un brin de fantaisie et de contradiction. |

    The March 31 arrest of Bagir-zadeh, the young Shi’a cleric who denounced President Aliyev’s administration in a recent sermon, may be a pivotal moment. The arrest sparked unrest in the militantly Shi’a village of Nardaran, north of Baku and Azerbaijani authorities have tried to use the protest as proof of a pro-Iranian Islamist threat, not least to bolster Western support for Aliyev’s administration. However, many secular intellectuals in Azerbaijan, most of them worlds apart from the Islamists in terms of their values and lifestyles, have expressed support for Bagir-zadeh. The Iranian-incitement hypothesis thus hasn’t been able to gain traction. If authorities continue along this path, the Islamist-tinged opposition to the rule of the President Aliyev may well become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    #azerbaijan #azerbaïdjan #Ol #azad_fikir #iran

  • GayStarNews – 17 nov 2012 « MasterAdrian’s Weblog

    GayStarNews – 17 nov 2012
    November 17, 2012

    New York City’s homeless LGBT teen center finds a temporary home

    Ali Forney Center, New York City’s LGBT homeless center, raising money for new home.

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    DC Comics’ new Knight’s gender shines forth

    The Shining Knight, also known as Ystin, has said: ‘I’m not just a man or woman. I’m both.’

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    Uganda speaker wants anti-gay bill passed by Tuesday

    Speaker Rebecca Kadaga has promised the Anti-Homosexuality Bill will be a ‘Christmas gift’ to the Ugandan people

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    Doctor Who’s crime-fighting lesbian couple returns for Christmas

    Evil snowmen will attack in the British family science fiction television show’s Christmas Day special episode

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    Cuba elects first transgender politician

    Cuba elects transgender woman Adela Hernandez to office in a first for the Caribbean socialist state following local government elections

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    UN rights office blasts Cameroon over persecution of LGBTs

    UN Human Rights High Commissioner’s office urges Cameroon to stop jailing suspected homosexuals on circumstantial evidence and to reconsider its criminalization of sex between men

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    Sally Field shares with Katie Couric her pride in openly gay son, Sam Greisman

    ‘It’s a whole different era, his generation’

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    CBS cancels Partners, sitcom about best friends – one gay, one straight

    Comedy starring out actor Michael Urie struggled in the ratings

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    Gay diver Matthew Mitcham battled addiction to crystal meth after 2008 Olympics

    ‘Taking it was something I did to take my mind off things that were upsetting me – to make me feel better about myself’

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    Ty Burrell gets a gay kiss from Matthew Broderick on Modern Family

    His character of Phil is clueless as he also shares shirtless hug with gay man

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    Gay rights activists criticize Emirates election to UN human rights council

    The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been elected member of the UN human rights council for a three-years, despite its appalling record on the issue, gay rights activists criticize the decision

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    World to remember victims of trans violence

    Vigils, plays and candlelit marches will be held around the world to mark Transgender Day of Remembrance

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    Nations squabble over UN vote on gay and trans killings

    The United Nations is set to vote whether LGBT people should get specific protection from extrajudicial executions and other murders

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    Greek gay Jesus play faces ‘blasphemy’ charges

    Makers of Athens play Corpus Christi could be jailed for depicting Jesus and the Apostles as gay

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    Christian bus driver puts brakes on pro-gay marriage poster

    Passengers in northern England left waiting 20 minutes after bus driver refuses to board over Stonewall’s gay rights advert

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