organization:israeli military

  • George P. Smith, lauréat du prix Nobel est un pro palestinien de longue date et militant de BDS
    AURDIP - 5 octobre | Allison Kaplan Sommer pour Haaretz |Traduction CG pour l’AURDIP

    Le scientifique « antisioniste » dit s’opposer à la « souveraineté ethnique juive sur d’autres peuples » et il apparaît sur le site internet de la controversée Mission Canary

    George P. Smith, un des lauréats du Prix Nobel de chimie 2018 est un vétéran du soutien au mouvement de boycott, désinvestissement et sanctions, dans le cadre de son militantisme pro palestinien.

    Smith, qui est professeur émérite de biologie de l’Université du Missouri à Columbia, a été désigné mercredi comme co lauréat du prestigieux prix pour ses efforts de maîtrise du développement de la production de nouveaux enzymes et anticorps.

    L’activité politique de Smith en a fait une figure controversée à l’Université du Missouri, où il est professeur titulaire et une cible de groupes pro israéliens. On peut le voir sur le site internet controversé de la Mission Canary qui publie des dossiers en ligne sur des professeurs, des étudiants et des intervenants pro palestiniens sur les campus ; et il a été signalé par des représentants d’Israël dans le cadre du refus de laisser entrer des militants dans le pays. (...)

    • Nobel Prize Winner Supports BDS Movement For Palestinian Rights, Ending Military Aid to Israel
      October 6, 2018 5:16 AM IMEMC News

      Dr. Samia Botmeh, Dean at Birzeit University in the occupied Palestinian West Bank and leading activist in the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), said:

      Congratulations to Professor George P. Smith for winning the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. His principled commitments are evident in both his scientific work to protect human life and his support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian rights.

      Professor Smith has consistently spoken out against Israel’s egregious violations of Palestinian human rights, and taken the extremely important step of calling on his government in the United States to end arms sales to the Israeli military. His call to end military aid to Israel is not only deeply principled, but a critical and effective form of solidarity that we hope to see multiplied. The US government should be investing in human needs, including health, education and dignified jobs, rather than giving Israel $3.8 billion in military aid a year to repress and destroy Palestinian life.

      Thank you Professor Smith for your inspiring solidarity.

  • The Germans will ignore Israeli apartheid again

    Each day that has passed since May 1999, Europe in general and Germany in particular have crossed another red line in the normalization of the status quo

    Amira Hass SendSend me email alerts
    Oct 02, 2018

    Angela Merkel is the answer to two questions: 1. Will Israel, “having no alternative,” attack the Gaza Strip before Friday, that being “the only possible response” to the multiplying demonstrations at the border fence? And 2. Now that the Monday-evening deadline given to the residents of the West Bank Bedouin village of Khan al-Ahmar to dismantle their simple structures has passed, will Israel’s Civil Administration raze the entire community Tuesday?
    To really understand Israel and the Middle East - subscribe to Haaretz
    It probably won’t happen this week, so as not to embarrass Merkel. The German chancellor and her cabinet are scheduled to arrive Wednesday for meetings with their Israeli colleagues, the seventh such intergovernmental consultations since the tradition began in 2008. In between, the German delegation will visit an exhibition on technological innovation sponsored by the Foreign Ministry, at which six Israeli companies will present their wares.

    Officially, Germany — like all European Union member states — opposes the demolition of Khan al-Ahmar and the forced eviction of its residents, actions that violate international law and Israel’s obligations as an occupying power. Officially, Germany is concerned by the military escalation and the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza. Therefore, like all European states, it hopes for a nonviolent resolution of the military tension.
    But the consulting cabinet ministers aren’t supposed to delve into the bottomless expectation gap between the parties on the future of the Palestinian territories that were captured in 1967. The Germans are still talking about a two-state solution, even as Israel is realizing the eight-state vision (of defeated, disconnected Palestinian enclaves scattered throughout the expanse of Jewish sovereignty).
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    In any event, the joint consultations address the real issues of mature countries. The parties will discuss their excellent technological, military and intelligence ties, their common place in the advanced industrial world, their cultural and scientific ties — not to mention, of course, the Holocaust and Germany’s eternal obligations to Israel.
    >> Read more: Israel Gives Residents of West Bank Bedouin Village Week to Evacuate
    We can infer, from the slogans inserted in the joint statement after the 2016 consultations, that some German minister will blurt out something about human rights, and the response will be that Israel is the only democracy in the region. An open expression of Israeli military and bureaucratic superiority during the visit wouldn’t go over well with the foreign guests.
    And so, the bulldozers and the deadly armed drones, the pride of Israeli technology, along with our female combat soldiers who operate them remotely, the pride of Israeli feminism, will be forced to wait patiently. Not this week.
    On the other hand, why should they wait patiently? Why shouldn’t it happen this week? The German ministers already ignore that an important part of Israeli technological, military and intelligence development is linked to maintaining the occupation and keeping the permanent conflict on a low flame that occasionally flares up. They must ignore this, mentally and emotionally, to continue cultivating partnerships with Israel. They can also ignore Israel’s use of its military capabilities during their visit.
    Each day that has passed since May 1999 (when the final-status agreement with the Palestinians was to go into effect), Israel has crossed another red line in shaping its unique regime of separation (apartheid, in Afrikaans). None of these crossings or violations of international resolutions led European countries to put genuine political pressure on Israel.
    Each day that has passed since May 1999, Europe in general and Germany in particular have crossed another red line in the normalization of Israeli apartheid. They make a complete separation between their partner in technological, scientific and intellectual progress and the Israel that plans to erase in the near future the small village and other communities, and that for 10 years has imprisoned 2 million people in the biggest concentration facility in the world.
    And the umbrella of the victims and survivors of the Holocaust is used to excuse and explain this intolerable ability to repress and compartmentalize.

  • ‘Criminal negligence’ or disregard to Russia-Israel ties : MoD details chronology of Il-20 downing — RT World News

    A minute-by-minute account of the Il-20 downing shows Israel’s culpability and either its military bosses’ lack of appreciation of relations with Moscow, or their control of commanding officers, the Russian defense ministry said.

    We believe that the blame for the Russian Il-20 aircraft tragedy lies entirely with the Israeli Air Force,” said spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov, before revealing a detailed account of events leading to the downing of the Russian Il-20 military aircraft on September 17. The plane was shot down by the Syrian air defense units as Israeli’s F-16s effectively used it as a cover during the attack on its neighbor.

    The report featured previously undisclosed radar data and details of communications between Russian and Israeli militaries, and concluded that “the military leadership of Israel either has no appreciation for the level of relations with Russia, or has no control over individual commands or commanding officers who understood that their actions would lead to tragedy.

    On the evening of September 17, the Russian Ilyushin IL-20 with 15 crew on board was circling over the Idlib de-escalation zone on a special reconnaissance mission, when four Israeli F-16 fighter jets left their country’s airspace and flew over the neutral Mediterranean waters towards the Syrian coast. The Israeli Air Force gave the Russian side less than a minute’s warning before dropping the precision-guided glide bombs, leaving virtually no time for any safety maneuvers, Konashenkov said, calling such actions “a clear violation of the 2015 Russian-Israeli agreements.

    Moreover, the Israeli military failed to provide the location of their jets or properly specify their targets, claiming they were going to attack several ’industrial facilities’ in northern Syria, close to the Il-20’s area of operation. The misinformation prompted the Russian Command to order the recon plane back to the Khmeimim air base. The Israeli jets, however, instead almost immediately attacked the western Syrian Latakia province.

      (article paru avant la conférence de presse du ministère de la Défense russe)

      It would seem that there were two significant contributory factors here: i) the Israeli ‘bad-faith’ abrogation of the proper protocols for communication between themselves and the Russian Military, in order to attain a deliberate advantage for carrying out their attack; and ii) the regrettable features of outmoded air-defence hardware which ultimately lead to the shoot-down.

      The solution to the second issue is rather straightforward: Russia had earlier proposed selling S-400 systems to Syria – a move which wound up effectively ‘veto’d’ by Israel stating in no uncertain terms that they would carry out airstrikes against any such systems before they had been fully installed, regardless of whether they were still Russian crewed at that point. Given Israeli airstrikes are presently causing Russian casualties anyway; as well as the fact that the Russians have already had their own advanced SAM systems for Russian defence set up in Syria for some time now, in the present situation of Israeli diplomatic weakness created by Monday’s events, now is the ideal time to engage in such technology-transfer directly to Syria with an explicit view to ensuring that Monday’s events do not recur thanks to half-century old hardware malfunctioning.

      The first issue is much more complex, as I would be rather surprised if Russia genuinely wanted to seriously contemplate abandoning its significantly close relationship with Israel – although it may potentially be convinced to ‘downgrade’ it somewhat, assuming that we do not see a repeat of what happened following Turkey’s downing of a Russian military aircraft in 2015 (ironically, a seeming catalyst for the two countries beginning to work more closely together than ever before). Whether Russia chooses to remain on ‘friendly’ ‘terms with Israel in a militaristic sense or not, the plain reality is that the Israelis have demonstrated that they cannot and should not be trusted to behave in an up-front manner when it comes to the communication and co-ordination protocols essential to allowing them to continue to operate with relative impunity above Syrian airspace.

      Russia should therefore suspend this facility they have provided to the Israelis forthwith – and openly state that future instances of Israeli military aircraft turning up unannounced above Syria will simply be treated as hostile, and dealt with accordingly. After all, from the perspective of that IL-20 crew, what else characterizes the Israeli conduct than this designation? Certainly not the actions of something approaching a ‘trusted’ ally! The net effect of this would be to impose a ‘no-fly zone’ of sorts over Syria – thus allowing operational freedom for Russian and Syrian air assets, and denying precious, vital air-cover to the extremist forces which theoretically everybody agrees need to be wiped out.

    • Avec, au passage, l’utile rappel de la possibilité de perte de contrôle des vieux missiles anti-aériens S-200.
      C’était il y a longtemps, le 4/10/2001 époque où il y avait encore des manœuvres communes russo-ukrainiennes.

      Vol 1812 Siberia Airlines — Wikipédia

      Un rapport préliminaire russe confirma les évaluations de responsables militaires américains faites à titre privé : le missile S-200 avait dépassé sa cible téléguidée qui avait été détruite avec succès par un S-300 tiré au même moment. Au lieu de s’autodétruire, le missile S-200 prit pour cible le long courrier qui se trouvait à près de 200 kilomètres ; le projectile explosa en projetant des billes d’acier (shrapnel) 15 mètres au-dessus de l’avion.

      Les responsables militaires ukrainiens nièrent d’abord que leur missile avait abattu l’avion ; ils déclarèrent que le S-200 avait été lancé vers la mer et qu’il avait réussi à s’autodétruire. Le porte-parole du ministère de la Défense Konstantin Khivrenko affirma que « ni la direction ni la portée (des missiles) ne correspondaient à l’endroit réel ou théorique où l’avion avait explosé. » Toutefois, les responsables ukrainiens admirent par la suite que c’était bien leur armée qui avait abattu l’avion de ligne.

  • Sabra and Shatila: New Revelations
    Seth Anziska , The New York Review of Books, le 17 septembre 2018

    Historians try not to audibly gasp in the reading rooms of official archives, but there are times when the written record retains a capacity to shock. In 2012, while working at the Israel State Archives in Jerusalem, I came across highly classified material from Israel’s 1982 War in Lebanon that had just been opened to researchers. This access was in line with the thirty-year rule of declassification governing the release of documents in Israel. Sifting through Foreign Ministry files, I stumbled upon the minutes of a September 17 meeting between Israeli and American officials that took place in the midst of the Sabra and Shatila massacre.

    The startling verbatim exchange between Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon and US diplomat Morris Draper clearly demonstrated how the slaughter of civilians in the Palestinian refugee camps of south Beirut was prolonged by Draper’s acquiescence in the face of Sharon’s deceptive claim of “terrorists” remaining behind. This made the US unwittingly complicit in the notorious three-day massacre carried out by militiamen linked to the Phalange, a right-wing political party of Lebanese Maronite Christians that was allied with Israel.

    Some critics have always suspected, and hoped to uncover evidence, that Israeli officials explicitly ordered the massacre or directly colluded in its execution. These new documents don’t supply that smoking gun. What they do show is a pattern of extensive cooperation and planning between Israeli and Maronite leaders in the aims and conduct of the war that provides a more comprehensive framework for judging moral accountability. These sources suggest a line of thinking about the political and military defeat of Palestinian nationalism that built on the legacy of the Nakba itself, reaching tragic ends through the destruction wrought in Beirut.

    The excerpts from the Kahan Appendix do, however, underscore the fact that members of the Israeli military and intelligence organizations knew in advance what the Phalange was intending to do to the Palestinians—at a minimum, forced expulsion through threatened or actual deadly violence, and the subsequent razing of the refugee camps. According to the testimony of Colonel Elkana Harnof, a senior Israeli military intelligence officer, the Phalange revealed that “Sabra would become a zoo and Shatilah Beirut’s parking place.” Harnof added details about acts of brutality and massacres that had already taken place, inflicted by Maronite forces with “specific references to acts of elimination of locals ‘most likely Palestinians.’” This was relayed to Defense Minister Sharon as early as June 23, little more than two weeks after the start of the Israeli invasion (II: 78). On that day, a report was passed to Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir and Defense Minister Sharon that described the Christian militia’s “terminating” 500 people in the evacuation of West Beirut. The Mossad Director Nahum Admoni and others met with Bashir Gemayel and the description of the meeting contains harrowing evidence of what was planned for the Palestinians throughout Lebanon.

    #Palestine #Liban #Sabra #Chatila

  • Conscientious objector to mark Jewish new year in prison
    +972 Magazine | Published September 7, 2018

    Hilel Garmi is in prison for the third time, for refusing to serve in the Israeli military. His decision was partly inspired by one of the lead organizers of the Great Return March in Gaza.

    Conscientious objector Hilel Garmi was sentenced to 10 days in prison on Monday, after he again refused to serve in the Israel Defense Forces, in protest of Israel’s policies in the occupied territories. This is Garmi’s third detention, at the end of which he would have served 37 days in military prison.

    Garmi, 18, from Kibbutz Yodfat in northern Israel, was first imprisoned in late July, after military police forces arrived at his home to arrest him. “I know I will be proud of this decision for the rest of my life, knowing that in the moment of truth, I was loyal to my beliefs, and did the only thing that seems moral to me. The way I see it, I chose to be on the right side of history,” said Garmi, upon his entry to prison.


  • Did IDF admit giving weapons to Islamists in Syria? Explosive Israeli news report vanishes — RT World News

    One of at least seven groups believed to have received weapons from Israel, Fursan al-Joulan, or ‘Knights of Golan,’ reportedly participated in the Israeli-led operation to evacuate hundreds of members of the controversial White Helmets group out of Syria. The group is also believed to have received upwards of $5,000 per month from Israel.

    The deleted report comes on the heels of another major disclosure: On Monday the IDF announced that Israel has carried out more than 200 strikes in Syria in the past year and half.

    The Israeli military usually declines to comment on missile strikes attributed to Israel, although Tel Aviv has repeatedly claimed that it has the right to attack Hezbollah and Iranian military targets inside Syria. Damascus has repeatedly claimed that Israel uses Hezbollah as a pretext to attack Syrian military formations and installations, accusing Tel Aviv of “directly supporting ISIS and other terror organizations.”

    Le lien vers l’article en cache :

    #israël #syrie

    • Le Wall Street Journal en parlait l’an dernier,

      Report: Israel Gives Secret Aid to Syrian Rebels | Israel Defense

      “Israel stood by our side in a heroic way,” a spokesman for the rebel group #Fursan_al-Joulan, or Knights of the Golan, Moatasem al-Golani, told the Journal. “We wouldn’t have survived without Israel’s assistance.”

      Abu Suhayb, a nom de guerre of the commander who leads the group, told the newspaper he receives approximately $5,000 a month from Israel. According to the report, the group made contact with Israel in 2013 after a raid on regime forces and turned to Israel for help with its wounded. The group said it was a turning point as Israel then began sending funds and aid, assistance soon extended to other groups.

      In response to the Wall Street Journal report, the IDF said Israel was “committed to securing the borders of Israel and preventing the establishment of terror cells and hostile forces… in addition to providing humanitarian aid to the Syrians living in the area.”

  • [#Vidéo] Le retour de Sarah Katz à Marseille salué en gare St-Charles - Journal La Marseillaise
    Écrit par La Marseillaise jeudi 2 août 2018 21:12

    Après quatre jours d’incarcération à la prison Givon à Ramleh, Sarah Katz, militante de l’Union juive française pour la paix (UJFP), est rentrée ce jeudi en France. Des soutiens sont venus l’accueillir en gare Saint-Charles à Marseille.

    Premier bateau de la flottille de la liberté, partie de Scandinavie le 15 mai dernier, le Al-Awda (« le retour ») sur lequel se trouvait Sarah Katz, militante de l’Union juive française pour la paix (UJFP), avait été intercepté dimanche par la Mmarine israélienne.

    France - 2 août 2018
    Retour de Sarah, après l’attaque de la Flottille de la Liberté pour Gaza
    Après avoir vécu l’arraisonnement du bateau Al-Awda de la Flottille pour Gaza et l’attaque violente des passagers par la marine israélienne, puis 4 jours d’incarcération à la prison Givon, à Ramleh, Sarah Katz est rentrée en France ce matin. Premier témoignage.

    Merci à Front Social 75 de nous avoir permis de retrouver notre amie sans être sur place.

    #Flottille #gaza

    • « Israël a soustrait deux millions de personnes à l’humanité » déclare Sarah Katz
      vendredi 3 août 2018
      Article paru dans le journal La Marseillaise du 3 août 2018 page 20

      Sarah Katz, militante de l’Union juive française pour la paix (UJFP) a retrouvé le sol français après avoir passé quatre nuits dans les prisons israélienness. Elle a été ensuite expulsée du territoire ou elle était venue porter assistance à la population palestinienne via une flottille internationale.

    • Sarah Katz : « j’ai entrevu les méthodes d’un Etat fasciste »
      Dimanche, 5 Août, 2018 - Eugénie Barbezat

      De retour en France après 3 jours dans les geôles israéliennes, la passagère française de l’un des bateaux de la flottille pour la liberté, arraisonné illégalement en eau internationales à une quarantaine de miles de Gaza, témoigne de la violence des soldats qui ont intercepté le bateau et de l’arbitraire total qui règne dans la prison de l’office d’immigration où elle a été incarcérée et interrogée avant d’être « déportée » (selon le terme de l’administration israélienne) en France.

      Sarah Katz nous a raconté raconte par le menu l’arraisonnement musclé de l’al Awda ainsi que ses conditions de détention ans la prison de Givon, après que la marine militaire israélienne ait pris illégalement les commandes du navire, en eaux internationales, pour amener ce bateau humanitaire pourrir avec d’autres embarcations, « capturées » dans le port d’Ashdod près de Tel Aviv. Malgré cette expérience douloureuse, et cette nouvelle tentative avortée de briser le blocus que asphyxie gaza depuis plus d’une décennie, Sarah Katz reste déterminée à « ne pas oublier » les palestinien et à repartir s’il le faut. Elle va entamer une action en justice contre la capture illégale du bateau, un acte de piraterie, selon la loi, et son enlèvement.

  • Israeli Druze commander quits army over nation-state law in open letter to Netanyahu

    In a Facebook post, Capt. Amir Jmall calls on leaders of his community to work toward putting an end to the compulsory conscription of Israeli Druze

    Yaniv Kubovich
    Jul 30, 2018 5:36 PM

    In the letter, Jmall also called on leaders of his community to work toward putting an end to the compulsory conscription of Israel’s Druze. The Facebook post has since been removed.
    “This morning, when I woke up to drive to the [army] base, I asked myself, why? Why do I have to serve the State of Israel, a state that my two brothers, my father and I have served with dedication, a sense of mission and a love of the homeland, and, in the end, what do we get? To be second-class citizens,” Jmall wrote.
    >> ’When we’re in uniform they treat us well’: Israel’s Druze no longer feel like blood brothers
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    "Continue serving the country? I do not want to continue and I am sure that hundreds more people will stop serving and will be discharged from the army following your decision, Netanyahu, that of you and your government,” he continued.
    "After many thoughts ran through my head, I decided to let go and to discontinue serving the country, a country that has a government that takes and does not give back.”
    In conclusion, Jmall wrote: “I ask everyone who is against the nation-state law to share and share my proposal to community leaders to stop the conscription law for members of the Druze community.”
    The Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People, also known as the nation-state law, approved by the Knesset on July 19, affirmed that only Jews have the right to self-determination in Israel. It also downgraded Arabic to a language with “special status,” among several other controversial measures that affect the Israeli Druze.
    The nation-state law is designed to alter the application of the Basic Law on Human Dignity and Liberty in court rulings, and permits judges to give priority to Israel’s Jewish character in their rulings.

    Last week, Druze lawmakers were the first to file a High Court of Justice petition against the legislation. A hundred Druze Israel Defense Forces reserve officers added their voices to that effort on Wednesday, prompting Education Minister Naftali Bennett to speak out in support of “our blood brothers” on Twitter.
    Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon echoed similar sentiments on Thursday, telling Israeli Army Radio, “The enactment of the nation-state law was done hastily,” and adding: “We were wrong and we need to fix it.”
    On Saturday, Israeli Arab lawmaker Zouheir Bahloul (Zionist Union) announced his intention to resign from the Knesset in protest of the law. "The law oppresses me and oppresses the population that sent me to the Knesset,’’ he said.

    • Haaretz, 1er août
      Nation-state Law Backlash: Druze Leaders Say Netanyahu’s Offer May Set ’Historical Precedent’

      Representatives of the Druze community said Thursday night that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s proposal to pass a law to strengthen the status of the Druze and Circassian communities is “a window of opportunity to set a historical precedent for the advancement of the Druze community and its status in the State of Israel.”
      Representatives, headed by Sheikh Muwafak Tarif, will continue talks with Netanyahu’s team, which has been appointed to make an agreement on both sides.
      Netanyahu’s proposed law follows the protest sparked by the nation-state law. The plan outlines a Basic Law and a regular law that will recognize the contribution of minorities who defend the country by “enshrining eligibility for the benefits of minority members of all religions and communities who serve in the security forces, for the purpose of closing gaps and promoting social equality.”
      Benjamin Netanyahu and the Druze representatives, August 1, 2018.
      Benjamin Netanyahu and the Druze representatives, August 1, 2018.
      >> Israeli Druze in Golan welcome end of Syrian war but fear future in Jewish nation-state
      Another demonstration against the nation-state law is slated for Saturday evening in Tel Aviv.
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      According to the plan submitted by the prime minister’s representatives, “the law will recognize the contribution of the Druze community to the security of the state, and will include support for community institutions (religion, education and culture), will strengthen Druze residential settlements, and establish new towns if needed. It will also preserve and cultivate Druze heritage.”
      Tourism Minister Yariv Levin (Likud) congratulated “the agreement we have reached with the Druze leadership. Recognizing the rights of those who serve in the security forces is an achievement.” Tamar Zandberg (Meretz) said in response: “The Prime Minister ranks Israel’s citizens, and he divides and rules the minorities from whom he has stolen equality in his Basic Law. He got scared after the fact. Netanyahu’s government has torn apart the Declaration of Independence and the values of equality on which the state was founded. Now they’re making laws in honor of the Druze community, as if equality is a prize and not a right that all of us have.”
      The proposal drew mixed reactions from the Druze community, MK Hamad Amar (Yisrael Beiteinu), one of the two Druze MKs who petitioned the Supreme Court against the nation-state law, congratulated the plan. MK Saleh Saad (Zionist Union) said he will continue with the petition and said: “I am sad that my friends have succumbed to pressures and withdrew from the petition.”
      The negotiating team of the Druze community, which includes their spiritual leader, Sheikh Muwafak Tarif, former security officials and civil servants, has had strong disagreements over the proposal. One of the team members told Haaretz that the representatives who have security backgrounds tend to accept the spirit of the plan, while others – including local council heads – oppose it.
      The source added that some of the representatives accused the prime minister of trying to implement a policy of “divide and conquer.” They said that they would settle only for annulling the nation-state law or adding to it the value of equality. The source added that the Prime Minister’s Office is concerned about the protest rally scheduled for Saturday night, and therefore is exerting heavy pressure on the representatives of the community to accept the plan and cancel the rally.

      >> ’When we’re in uniform they treat us well’: Israel’s Druze no longer feel like blood brothers
      The plan was drafted by a team formed by the prime minister on the issue of the Druze, headed by the acting Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister’s Bureau, Yoav Horowitz, and including Sheikh Tarif, ministers Ayoub Kara and Yariv Levin, MK Hamad Amar (Yisrael Beiteinu), former MK Shakib Shenan, heads of the Druze local authorities and the forum of reservist senior officers.
      The prime minister’s office called the plan “historic” in a press release, saying it “represents a revolution in the legal status of minority group members who serve in the security forces, and members of the Druze community in particular.” Sheikh Tarif welcomed the work of the team and thanked the prime minister for his quick and serious activity. The plan will be presented to the Druze community’s dignitaries.
      The plan offers to enshrine a Basic Law - Israeli constitutional equivalent - for the status of the Druze and Circassian communities, “paying respect to the contribution of the Druze community to the State of Israel in building the land, strengthening security and shaping the face of Israeli society as an egalitarian and diverse society.”
      The plan also suggests enshrining in law that members of minority groups, from all religions and ethnic groups will be eligible for benefits if they serve in the security forces. The law will also recognize their contribution if they serve.
      >> Analysis: Druze nation-state crisis: Israeli army chief forced to put out fire Netanyahu started
      Several Druze officers have left the Israeli military in recent days over the nation-state law.
      The Basic Law on Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People, also known as the nation-state law, approved by the Knesset on July 19, affirmed that only Jews have the right to self-determination in Israel. It also downgraded Arabic to a language with “special status,” among several other controversial measures that affect the Israeli Druze.
      The nation-state law is designed to alter the application of the Basic Law on Human Dignity and Liberty in court rulings, and permits judges to give priority to Israel’s Jewish character in their rulings.
      Earlier this month, Druze lawmakers were the first to file a High Court of Justice petition against the legislation. A hundred Druze Israel Defense Forces reserve officers added their voices to that effort on Wednesday, prompting Education Minister Naftali Bennett to speak out in support of “our blood brothers” on Twitter.
      Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon echoed similar sentiments, telling Israeli Army Radio, “The enactment of the nation-state law was done hastily,” and adding: “We were wrong and we need to fix it.”
      The acting Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister’s Bureau announced the formation of a ministerial committee to deal with the issue of the Druze community, to be headed by the prime minister, which will work to promote the plan and to supervise its implementation - among other things.
      Details of the plan will be formulated and worded within 45 days, in the context of a joint team of the cabinet and representatives of the community, all subject to the instructions of the law and the approval of the attorney general. Legislative activities will begin immediately with the convening of the coming winter session of the Knesset and will be concluded within 45 days from the start of the session.
      Jonathan Lis

    • Rare manifestation de la communauté druze contre une loi controversée définissant Israël

      Une foule immense de Druzes israéliens et leurs sympathisants a manifesté samedi à Tel-Aviv contre une nouvelle loi controversée qui, disent-ils, fait d’eux des citoyens de seconde classe. Selon les médias israéliens, quelque 50 000 personnes ont pris part à la manifestation.
      Arborant des drapeaux druzes et israéliens, les protestataires ont défilé dans le centre de Tel-Aviv an scandant « égalité ». « Malgré notre loyauté illimitée à l’Etat, celui-ci ne nous considère pas comme des citoyens égaux », a affirmé le chef spirituel de la communauté druze, cheikh Mouafak Tarif dans un discours.

  • » One Israeli Killed, Two Wounded by Palestinian Teen; Assailant Killed on Site
    IMEMC News - July 27, 2018 5:53 AM

    A seventeen-year old Palestinian allegedly carried out a stabbing attack in Geva Binyamin (Adam) Israeli colony, in the Occupied West Bank, killing one Israeli and wounding two others before he himself was killed by an armed paramilitary Israeli settler.

    Update: 8:40 AM: Israeli daily Haaretz has reported that the slain Israeli settler has been identified as Yotam Ovadia, 31, and added that Yotam succumbed to stab wounds.

    On its part, the “Times Of Israel” said Ovadia, a father a child, 2 years of age, and a 7-month-old infant, worked as a technician with “Brinks Security Company”.

    The Palestinian, identified as Mohammad Tareq dar Yousef , 17, allegedly managed to climb over the fence into the illegal Israeli settlement of “Adam”, which had been built on stolen Palestinian land which was taken from his village, Kobar, near Ramallah. He then stabbed three people before he was shot and killed.

    |Lieberman Decides To Expand “Adam” Illegal Colony|

    A 31-year old Israeli colonial settler was killed, but he has not yet been identified. Another unnamed Israeli settler, age 50, is in critical condition with stab wounds to the upper body, according to Israeli media sources.

    Before going to the settlement to carry out the attack, the young Palestinian wrote on his Facebook page, “After all of the injustice the Palestinians continue to face: the killing, the diaspora, the theft of land by force, this injustice still prevails, and many Palestinians are silent – including those who have weapons, and are watching the massacres. Those are the traitors.”

    He goes on to say, “You [Palestinians] who own a weapon, remember this is for your enemy, not for use against your own people. Remember the children of Gaza, suffering and dying.” The statement ends, “A salute to the people who defend their land and their honor. And to those who sold their land and betrayed their country, those cowards, you must be ashamed of yourselves. The people of Gaza and Jerusalem are resisting, and you are trying to silence them.”

    Dozens of soldiers in armored vehicles surrounded and invaded Kobar, near Ramallah, in the hours following this incident. Protests broke out in the village, and some teens threw stones at the invading soldiers.

    The troops invaded Mohammad’s home, surrounding it and demanding that the family leave. It is unknown at the time of this report if the soldiers are planning to carry out a punitive demolition of the alleged assailant’s home, but this is a known and common practice by the Israeli military.


    • Israel to demolish home of killed Palestinian as punishment
      Aug. 13, 2018 12:46 P.M. (Updated: Aug. 13, 2018 3:21 P.M.)

      RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — Israeli forces informed on Monday the Palestinian family of Muhammad Tareq Ibrahim Dar Yousef that their home in the Kobar village, in the central occupied West Bank Ramallah district, will be demolished.

      Local sources said that Israeli forces raided the Kobar village on predawn Monday and hung the demolition notice on the Dar Yousef home.

      The notice mentions that the family has two days to appeal against it.

      Sources mentioned that the demolition comes as a punishment for the actions of the family’s 17-year-old killed son, who carried out a stabbing attack in July in the illegal Israeli Adam settlement, in which one Israeli settler was killed and two others suffered light to moderate injuries.

      Sources added that the Dar Yousef family had already abandoned their home following the stabbing attack in anticipation of the demolition.

      Puntive home demolitions are a collective punishment policy, which Israel has always implemented against relatives of Palestinians who were involved in attacks against Israelis.

  • » Israeli Army Kills A Palestinian, Injures Three, Then Abducts Two Of Them
    IMEMC News - July 3, 2018 4:02 AM

    Israeli soldiers killed, on Monday evening, at least one Palestinian, and injured three others, including two who were then abducted by the soldiers after being injured, and one teenager who was rushed to a Palestinian hospital in Rafah, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

    The Israeli news agency Haaretz reports that the four young men were trying to cross the border into Israel when the Israeli army spotted them and began shooting.

    But video footage of the incident published by Quds News shows that the soldiers had invaded the Gaza Strip and were well within Palestinian territory when they grabbed the young men and dragged them across to their military base.

    (...) Only one of the wounded Palestinians, a 16 year old child, managed to escape the army’s attempt to abduct him, and was rushed to Abu Yousef Najjar Hospital, in Rafah, suffering a gunshot wound to his shoulder.

    The three other Palestinians were taken by the soldiers who invaded the Palestinian lands, near the border fence, and took them away.

    A Palestinian medic said the Palestinians (as confirmed by the video footage) did not cross the fence, and that he and his colleagues were only twenty meters away from the wounded Palestinians.

    “We tried to provide aid to the wounded Palestinians; we were just twenty meters away from them,” the medic said, “but the soldiers threatened to shoot us, and forced us away.”

    It is worth mentioning that some media outlets have reported that two of the young Palestinians were killed, while others report that one was killed. Because the Israeli military is holding three of them, the extent of their wounds is unknown, and it is unclear whether one or two of them are dead.

    The Israeli army claimed that the Palestinians were carrying cutters and flammable materials, and “were attempting to set fire to a vacant Israeli military sniper post along the border fence.

    The Israeli army issued a statement holding the Hamas movement in Gaza fully responsible for “all attempts to cross the border fence and attack military installations.”

    So far, the names of the Palestinians, including the deceased, remain unknown as they, except the wounded teen who was rushed to a Palestinian hospital, have been captured by the army.


  • The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب: The Israeli former minister spying for Iran: much bigger than Elie Cohen of Damascus

    Notice that intelligence successes and breakthroughs of Israeli enemies never get any coverage of hype that alleged Israeli successes get. There were some four movies and plays about Elie Cohen (whose tale was largely fictitious and whose contributions were very highly exaggerated and whose exploits were really invented by the Mossad to cover up their failures) and I doubt that there will be one movie about this Israeli spy for Iran. Notice how muted the Western coverage of the case has been. This is the biggest but certainly not the only intelligence penetration of the Israeli military-political establishment. The New York Times in its coverage today made the story about the great Mossad adventure in...arresting the guy and not in Iran’s recruitment of the former Israeli minister.

  • ’The Israeli military said,’ the #New_York_Times reports

    New York Times reporter David M. Halbfinger didn’t know whether the demonstrations in Gaza were “peaceful protests or violent riots.” So he embedded himself with Israeli snipers poised on the perimeter of Gaza concentration camp to find out (“At Gaza Protests: Kites, Drones, Gas, Guns and the Occasional Bomb,” June 8, 2018).

    One might suppose if he wanted an answer to that question, the obvious place to go would be among the demonstrators. But never mind.

    #inconditionnel #sionisme

  • #Israel deliberately provoked the latest #violence in #Gaza, but you won’t learn that in the ’NY Times’

    You can turn to Haaretz, the distinguished Israeli newspaper, to see how the #New_York_Times slanted today’s article about the increase in violence inside Gaza and across the border in Israel. Haaretz quotes Jamal Zahalka, a Palestinian member of the Israeli Knesset, who blames Benjamin Netanyahu’s government for the escalation:

    The Israeli government is being pushed into a corner by the non-violent demonstrations in Gaza and is initiating a military confrontation to stop them.

    The timeline proves that Israeli is provoking the latest violence. On Sunday, Israeli tanks killed 3 members of the small Islamic Jihad group who were inside Gaza. (The Israeli military said it killed the 3 because a bomb had been planted overnight near the border; it offered no proof the dead had anything to do with the alleged bomb.)

  • Top IDF spokesperson tells U.S. Jews: Israel failed to minimize Gaza casualties, Hamas won PR war by knockout

    Israeli military’s international spokesman says some Palestinians ‘that weren’t the target’ were hit, but fiercely defended the military’s response
    Uri Blau | May 17, 2018 | 3:28 PM

    A senior Israeli army spokesman admitted Tuesday that Israel failed to minimize the number of Palestinian casualties during the recent deadly protests on the Gaza border, and that some were hit by mistake. He added that Hamas won the PR war by a “knockout.”

    Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus, the international spokesman and head of social media for the Israel Defense Forces, made the comments during a Jewish community briefing organized by the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA).

    The officer fiercely defended the military’s response to the recent protests along the Gaza border, in which more than 100 Palestinians were killed and thousands more wounded, most of them by live fire.

    Many commentators have said Hamas won a PR victory following the worldwide media coverage given to the bloody scenes, especially following Monday’s juxtaposition of scenes on the Gaza border and the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem.

    Conricus said Israel hasn’t been able to explain the situation on the border well enough to the international media.

    “We haven’t been able to get that message out of how it is from our side, what we are defending – and the ‘winning picture’ overwhelmingly, by a knockout, unfortunately, have been the graphics from the Palestinian side. The amount of casualties has done us a tremendous disservice, unfortunately, and it has been very difficult to tell our story.”

    Conricus acknowledged that the IDF had failed to minimize the number of casualties. However, he noted that “Hamas wanted the casualties. Hamas wanted people to die. Hamas wanted the pictures of the wounded and the overflowing hospitals ... and they had no problems sending the human shields forward. That is the sad reality of what we have been facing,” he said.

    While blaming Hamas for sending “rioters” to the border area and using civilians as human shields, Conricus also conceded that the army snipers didn’t always hit their intended targets.(...)

  • A Grotesque Spectacle in Jerusalem
    by Michelle Goldberg

    On Monday, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner and other leading lights of the Trumpist right gathered in Israel to celebrate the relocation of the American Embassy to Jerusalem, a gesture widely seen as a slap in the face to Palestinians who envision East Jerusalem as their future capital.

    The event was grotesque. It was a consummation of the cynical alliance between hawkish Jews and Zionist evangelicals who believe that the return of Jews to Israel will usher in the apocalypse and the return of Christ, after which Jews who don’t convert will burn forever.

    Religions like “Mormonism, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism” lead people “to an eternity of separation from God in Hell,” Robert Jeffress, a Dallas megachurch pastor, once said. He was chosen to give the opening prayer at the embassy ceremony. John Hagee, one of America’s most prominent end-times preachers, once said that Hitler was sent by God to drive the Jews to their ancestral homeland. He gave the closing benediction.

    This spectacle, geared toward Donald Trump’s Christian American base, coincided with a massacre about 40 miles away. Since March 30, there have been mass protests at the fence separating Gaza and Israel. Gazans, facing an escalating humanitarian crisis due in large part to an Israeli blockade, are demanding the right to return to homes in Israel that their families were forced from at Israel’s founding. The demonstrators have been mostly but not entirely peaceful; Gazans have thrown rocks at Israeli soldiers and tried to fly flaming kites into Israel. The Israeli military has responded with live gunfire as well as rubber bullets and tear gas. In clashes on Monday, at least 58 Palestinians were killed and thousands wounded, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.

    The juxtaposition of images of dead and wounded Palestinians and Ivanka Trump smiling in Jerusalem like a Zionist Marie Antoinette tell us a lot about America’s relationship to Israel right now. It has never been closer, but within that closeness there are seeds of potential estrangement.

  • Killing in Palestine, Killing in America, two mass-murders.

    Mass murder in Gaza - World Socialist Web Site

    Mass murder in Gaza
    15 May 2018

    The Israeli military slaughtered dozens of unarmed Palestinian demonstrators and wounded thousands more in Gaza on Monday. As this atrocity was being carried out, a grotesque ceremony was unfolding barely 50 miles away to mark the formal opening of a US embassy in the divided and occupied city of Jerusalem.

    The two events—occurring on the 70th anniversary of Israel’s declaration of independence—were juxtaposed by the media, broadcast simultaneously on split screens by television networks. What could not be concealed was the fact that the opening of the American embassy was entirely in line with and, indeed, a statement of political support for the massacre taking place at the security fence separating the impoverished occupied territory from Israel.


    Unarmed youth shot down in Detroit suburb as US police killings continue - World Socialist Web Site

    Unarmed youth shot down in Detroit suburb as US police killings continue
    By Tom Hall
    15 May 2018

    Early Monday morning, police in the Detroit suburb of Royal Oak shot and killed Cody Reynolds, a 20-year-old white youth, while responding to reports of a domestic assault. While Reynolds had allegedly stabbed his mother and hit his father with a guitar, he was unarmed when he encountered police. Reynolds was killed less than 30 seconds after police first arrived on the scene.

    #killing #meurtres_de_masse #meurtres #violence #police #états-unis #israël #occupation #colonisation

  • » UPDATE: DEATH TOLL 58 in Israeli Military Assault on Gaza Protests
    IMEMC News - May 14, 2018 11:01 PM

    Updated: The Palestinian Health Ministry has confirmed that Israeli soldiers killed, Monday, 58 Palestinians, including six children and four officers of the Palestinian Ministry of Interior and National Security, in the Gaza Strip, and injured 2771.

    Among the slain Palestinians are six children, including one girl, and among the wounded are 122 children, and 44 women.
    The Palestinian Health Ministry reports that 1,204 Palestinians were injured with live ammunition. 79 were shot in their necks, 161 in their arms, 62 in the back and chests, 52 in their stomachs, and 1055 in their lower limbs.
    At least 203 of the injured were reported to be children, and 78 women.

    27 of the wounded Palestinians suffered very serious wounds, 59 serious injuries, 735 moderate wounds, and 882 suffered light wounds.

    Other injuries were as follows: three with rubber-coated steel bullets, 91 with shrapnel, 100 cuts and bruises and 737 suffered the effects of teargas inhalation.

    The Ministry of Interior and National Security said the four slain officers were performing their duties and national services when the soldiers shot them dead.

  • » Six Palestinians Killed in Gaza Explosion
    IMEMC News | : May 6, 2018 00:18

    On Saturday evening in az-Zawayda neighborhood in Dir al-Balah, in central Gaza, an explosion killed five Palestinians, according to local medical sources. The Hamas party blamed Israel for the explosion, but the Israeli military spokesperson denied that the Israeli military was involved.

    The six men were brought to the al-Aqsa Hospital in Dir al-Balah, where they were pronounced dead.

    Three other men were wounded and were brought to the al-Aqsa Hospital.

    The six men killed in the explosion were identified as Taher Issam Shahin, 29, Wisam Ahmad Abu Mahrouq, 37, Mousa Ibrahim Salman, 30, Mahmoud Walid al-Ostath, 34, Mahmoud Mohammad at-Tuwashi, 27, and Mahmoud Sa’id al-Qishawi, 27.

    The Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, issued a preliminary statement accusing Israel of standing behind the explosion. The Brigades said it will be releasing a detailed statement regarding the incident once its concludes its investigation, which its described as a “serious, massive crime.”

    The killed and wounded were members of the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of the Hamas party, which is the democratically-elected party that rules inside Gaza.

    • Updated: Six Palestinians Killed in Gaza Explosion
      May 6, 2018 10:50 PM

      The six men killed in the explosion were identified as:

      1. Mahmoud Waleed al-Ostath , 34, from Deir al-Balah – Central Gaza.

      2. Wisam Ahmad Abu Mahrouq, 27, from Deir al-Balah – Central Gaza.

      3. Taher Issam Shahin, 29, from Deir al-Balah – Central Gaza.

      4. Mousa Ibrahim Salman , 30, from Deir al-Balah – Central Gaza.

      5. Mahmoud Mohammad at-Towashi, from Deir al-Balah – Central Gaza.

      6. Mahmoud Sa’id al-Qeeshawi, 29, from Gaza City.

      The Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, issued a preliminary statement saying that the six Palestinians were senior members of the group, and accused Israel of standing behind the explosion.

      It added that the six Palestinians “managed to track and uncover one of the largest spy and surveillance systems planted by Israel is the coastal region, and that the located spying device was designed to automatically explode once it is uncovered.

      The Brigades described the explosion a “serious, massive crime,” adding that the fighters sacrificed their lives in dismantling and uncovering this surveillance system.

      It held Israel directly responsible for the death of its fighters, and added that “payback will be coming, and will be very painful to the enemy, for this crimes and many previous crimes.”

      Gaza’s air, sea and borders are all controlled by the Israeli military occupation, which has implemented a deadly siege on the tiny coastal Strip since 2007 – preventing the entry of building materials, medical supplies, food and basic necessities, while preventing the exit of Palestinians from Gaza.

      Since March 30th, Palestinian protesters have engaged in weekly demonstrations at the Gaza-Israel border. These demonstrations have been attacked by Israeli sharpshooters stationed at the border, who have killed 45 Palestinians and wounded more than 7,000 – many of whom were wounded with live ammunition fired by Israeli forces at the unarmed demonstrators.


  • Jadaliyya Co-Editor Noura Erakat Discusses the History and Rage Behind the Deadly Protests in Gaza with Vice.

    Reports of violent encounters with Israeli forces are not exactly rare in the deeply contested Palestinian territory. But this time feels different.

    Last Friday, Israeli soldiers opened fire on a gathering of thousands near the border between Gaza and Israel, ultimately killing 18 Palestinians andreportedly wounding some 700 more. The demonstration was organized to mark “Land Day,” an annual commemoration of Palestinian civil resistance, and video evidence has since emerged indicating that at least some of the protestors gunned down from a distance on Friday were either carrying no weapons or actively fleeing—or both.

    The incident has drawn pointed criticism from NGOs like Human Rights Watch—which called them “unlawful” and “calculated”—and American politicians like Bernie Sanders, who tweeted, “The killing of Palestinian demonstrators by Israeli forces in Gaza is tragic. It is the right of all people to protest for a better future without a violent response.”

    The Israeli government has tried to assert it was acting in self defense, claiming protestors had links to Hamas and that activists were throwing molotov cocktails and stones, among other projectiles. The Foreign Affairs Director of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party, Eli Hazan, went so far as to assert that “all 30,000” of the protestors were “legitimate targets.” Still, even before last Friday’s protests, an officer in the Israeli military tweeted what critics suggested was a damning video in anticipation of Land Day featuring images of Israeli soldiers loading and firing sniper rifles along with Arabic captions warning Palestinians to stay away from the border.

  • Revealed: Israel ’struck advanced Iranian air-defense system’ in Syria - Israel News -

    The Israeli military targeted an advanced Iranian air-defense system at the T4 base in Syria last week and not just attack drone deployment, the Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday.
    The report noted that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the strike after conferring with U.S. President Donald Trump, in hopes of preventing Iran from using the anti-aircraft battery against Israeli jets carrying out strikes in Syria.

    Haaretz previously reported that the strike apparently targeted armaments aside from the drones, which could have reduce the Israel Air Force’s freedom of operation in Syrian airspace.
    Earlier this week, a senior Israeli military official admitted to New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman that Israel targeted T4, adding that “it was the first time we attacked live Iranian targets - both facilities and people.

    According to the Wall Street Journal, Iran began bolstering air defenses following an escalation triggered by Iran sending an armed drone into Israeli airspace that resulted in retaliatory Israeli strikes in Syria. An Israeli F-16 war plane that carried out airstrikes on the Syrian base was shot down during retaliatory strikes.

    The Israeli official told the New York Times that the incident “opened a new period,” adding that “this is the first time we saw Iran do something against Israel - not by proxy.

  • » Israeli forces bomb Gaza, killing one Palestinian
    IMEMC News | April 12, 2018 12:30 PM

    After Israeli tanks spent the day on Wednesday firing artillery shells at numerous sites in northern and eastern Gaza, the Israeli military stepped up its assault on the coastal enclave Wednesday night with bombs dropped by the Israeli airforce which killed one Palestinian and injured another.

    The Palestinian who was killed was identified as Mohammad Hjeila , 31.
    He was hit by a bomb dropped by an Israeli fighter jet Wednesday night east of al-Shejaiyya neighborhood, in the eastern part of Gaza City.

    Hjeila was with the al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of the Hamas party. His brother, Adham Hjeila, had been killed by Israeli forces in 2004.

    The airstrikes on Gaza followed a day of shelling by the Israeli military. On Wednesday morning, a number of Israeli military vehicles and bulldozers invaded Gaza near the al-Mintar (Karni) crossing, an invasion that the Israeli military spokesperson described as ‘routine’. (...)


  • » Palestinian Dies From Serious Wounds Suffered On March 30th
    IMEMC News | April 9, 2018

    Palestinian medical sources have reported, on Monday morning, that a man who was shot by Israeli army fire on March 30th, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, has succumbed to his wounds.

    Dr. Ashraf al-Qedra, spokesperson of the Health Ministry in Gaza, identified the Palestinian as Marwan Odah Qdeih , 45, from Khuza’a town, east of Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

    He added that his death brings the number of Palestinians who were killed by the Israeli military since the “Great Return March” on March 30th, to thirty Palestinians, (excluding a farmer who was killed on his land that morning), while at least 2860 have been injured, including dozens who suffered serious wounds.

    On the same day of his serious injury, the first day of massive nonviolent protests marking the Palestinian Land Day, the soldiers killed 16 Palestinians, including a farmer who was killed on his land during morning hours, hours before the protests took place.

    On Friday, April 6, one of Marwan’s relatives, identified as Osama Khamis Qdeih, 38, was among seven Palestinians, including one child, who were killed by Israeli forces during protests at the Gaza-Israel border.

    #Palestine_assassinée #marcheduretour

  • » Palestinian Shot in Head by Israeli Settler on Sunday Dies of His Wounds– IMEMC News - April 10, 2018 12:07 PM

    Palestinian medical sources reported on Monday evening that a man died from serious wounds he suffered Sunday when an Israeli colonial settler shot him near Mishor Adumim colony between Jerusalem and Jericho.

    The sources said that Mohammad Abdul-Karim Marshoud , 30, died from his serious wounds on Monday evening. The Israeli army claimed that the Palestinian attempted to carry out a stabbing attack with a screwdriver near Mishor Adumim colony.

    Israeli media sources said that an Israeli settler claims that he was driving in his car near the settlement when he saw a Palestinian allegedly holding a screwdriver and chasing an Israeli man. The unnamed Israeli settler told the reporters that he then pulled his car over and shot the Palestinian in the head.
    mohammad family

    The Israeli colonial settler who shot Mohammad Marshoud in the head has not been taken into custody for the killing, and has not been identified by Israeli authorities.

    Initially, the Israeli military tried to claim that Mohammad was holding a knife – a claim which had to be retracted when it was proven untrue.

    In addition, photos released by the Israeli military show Mohammad Marshoud lying bleeding on the street, but no screwdriver can be seen anywhere in the scene. No gas station is visible in the area either.

    The Palestinian father of three was critically injured by the gunshot to his head and left to bleed on the ground as Israeli soldiers were called to the scene and took their time to secure the area before calling in an ambulance.

    Eventually, he was taken by ambulance to the intensive care unit in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem. He remained in critical condition on life support until he died of his wounds on Monday.

    Mohammad was from Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus. He was the father of three young children, and had no political affiliation or indication in any way that he would engage in any kind of attack.


  • Israeli fire kills Palestinian at #Gaza border, with more protests ahead | Article [AMP] | Reuters

    (((YousefMunayyer))) on Twitter: “THERE IS NO BORDER BETWEEN #ISRAEL AND GAZA. There is a fence and checkpoints patrolled by the Israeli military all aimed at denying freedom of movement indiscrininantly to a civilian population under #occupation.

    #msm #terminologie #complicité de #crimes