organization:melinda gates foundation

  • The Highest Bidder Takes It All: The World Bank’s Scheme to Privatize the Commons | The Oakland Institute

    The Highest Bidder Takes It All: The World Bank’s Scheme to Privatize the Commons details how the Bank’s prescribes reforms, via a new land indicator in the Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA) project, promotes large-scale land acquisitions and the expansion of agribusinesses in the developing world. This new indicator is now a key element of the larger EBA project, which dictates pro-business reforms that governments should conduct in the agricultural sector. Initiated as a pilot in 38 countries in 2017, the land indicator is expected to be expanded to 80 countries in 2019. The project is funded by the US and UK governments and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

    The EBA’s main recommendations to governments include formalizing private property rights, easing the sale and lease of land for commercial use, systematizing the sale of public land by auction to the highest bidder, and improving procedures for expropriation. Countries are scored on how well they implement the Bank’s policy advice. The scores then help determine the volume of aid money and foreign investment they receive.

    Amidst myriad flaws detailed in the report is the Bank’s prescription to developing countries’ governments, particularly in Africa, to transfer public lands with “potential economic value” to private, commercial use, so that the land can be put to its supposed “best use.” Claiming that low-income countries do not manage public land in an effective manner, the Bank pushes for the privatization of public land as the way forward. This ignores the fact that millions of rural poor live and work on these lands, which are essential for their livelihoods while representing ancestral assets with deep social and cultural significance.

    The Highest Bidder Takes It All is released as part of the Our Land Our Business campaign, made up of 280 organizations worldwide, demanding an end to the Enabling Business of Agriculture program.

    merci @fil #terres

  • The Highest Bidder Takes It All: The World Bank’s Scheme to Privatize the Commons

    The Highest Bidder Takes It All: The World Bank’s Scheme to Privatize the Commons details how the Bank’s prescribes reforms, via a new land indicator in the #Enabling_the_Business_of_Agriculture (#EBA) project, promotes large-scale land acquisitions and the expansion of agribusinesses in the developing world. This new indicator is now a key element of the larger EBA project, which dictates pro-business reforms that governments should conduct in the agricultural sector. Initiated as a pilot in 38 countries in 2017, the land indicator is expected to be expanded to 80 countries in 2019. The project is funded by the US and UK governments and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

    The EBA’s main recommendations to governments include formalizing private property rights, easing the sale and lease of land for commercial use, systematizing the sale of public land by auction to the highest bidder, and improving procedures for #expropriation. Countries are scored on how well they implement the Bank’s policy advice. The scores then help determine the volume of aid money and foreign investment they receive.

    Amidst myriad flaws detailed in the report is the Bank’s prescription to developing countries’ governments, particularly in Africa, to transfer public lands with “potential economic value” to private, commercial use, so that the land can be put to its supposed “best use.” Claiming that low-income countries do not manage public land in an effective manner, the Bank pushes for the privatization of public land as the way forward. This ignores the fact that millions of rural poor live and work on these lands, which are essential for their livelihoods while representing ancestral assets with deep social and cultural significance.

    The Highest Bidder Takes It All is released as part of the Our Land Our Business campaign, made up of 280 organizations worldwide, demanding an end to the Enabling Business of Agriculture program.
    #Banque_mondiale #privatisation #terres #commons #communs #rapport #agriculture #industrie_agro-alimentaire #agro-business #land_grabbing #accaparement_des_terres #réformes #aide_au_développement #développement #commodification #économie #marchandisation #valeur_économique #néo-libéralisme

    signalé par @fil
    cc @odilon

  • *A question of consent: Exterminator mosquitoes in Burkina Faso", ETC group

    Target Malaria, a research consortium funded largely by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Open Philanthropy Project, aims to introduce ’gene drive’ mosquitoes in Burkina Faso supposedly to eliminate malaria. Gene drives are new gene-editing tools that can force genetically engineered traits, including extinction traits, through entire populations of insects, plants, animals and other organisms. As a first stage in their experiment, Target Malaria will release 10 000 genetically engineered mosquitoes in two villages in Burkina Faso. The film, “A Question of Consent: Exterminator Mosquitoes in Burkina Faso” documents conversations with residents of the areas where Target Malaria is conducting tests, as well as opposition from civil society groups in the region.

    Here is a link to the film:

    And more context on the topic:

    We are trying to share the film widely (especially given the well funded PR by Target Malaria), so please do feel free to share with those who might be interested.

  • United Nations considers a test ban on evolution-warping gene drives - MIT Technology Review

    he billionaire Bill Gates wants to end malaria, and so he’s particularly “energized” about gene drives, a technology that could wipe out the mosquitoes that spread the disease.
    Recommended for You

    Gates calls the new approach a “breakthrough,” but some environmental groups say gene drives are too dangerous to ever use.

    Now the sides are headed for a showdown.

    In a letter circulated today, scientists funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and others are raising the alarm over what they say is an attempt to use a United Nations biodiversity meeting this week in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, to introduce a global ban on field tests of the technology.

    At issue is a draft resolution by diplomats updating the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, which—if adopted—would call on governments to “refrain from” any release of organisms containing engineered gene drives, even as part of experiments.

    The proposal for a global gene-drive moratorium has been pushed by environmental groups that are also opposed to genetically modified soybeans and corn. They have likened the gene-drive technique to the atom bomb.

    In response, the Gates Foundation, based in Seattle, has been funding a counter-campaign, hiring public relations agencies to preempt restrictive legislation and to distribute today’s letter. Many of its signatories are directly funded by the foundation.

    “This is a lobbying game on both sides, to put it bluntly,” says Todd Kuiken, who studies gene-drive policy at North Carolina State University. (He says he was asked to sign the Gates letter but declined because he is a technical advisor to the UN.)

    It’s the ability of a gene drive to spread on its own in the wild that accounts for both the technology’s promise and its peril. Scientists already take elaborate precautions against accidental release of gene-drive mosquitoes from their labs.

    Burt says for now the biggest unknown is whether the technology will work at all. “The risk we are trying to deal with is that it doesn’t work, that it falls over when we release it, or resistance develops very quickly,” he says.

    That means both opponents and supporters of gene drives may be overestimating how soon one could be ready.

    “The member states are hearing and thinking that these are sitting in the lab ready to be released, and that is not the case,” says Kuiken. “Nothing I have seen suggested these things are literally ready to go out the door tomorrow. We could have better decisions if everyone knew they could take a breath.”

    #Gene_drive #Hubris #Bill_Gates #Malaria

  • Melinda Gates’ New Research Reveals Alarming Diversity Numbers | WIRED

    Point de vue de milliardaire : Nous sommes en mal d’ engineers (à l’américaine) pour nos boîtes et mes copines n’arrivent toujours qu’avec les armes d’une femme traditionnelle à contrôler les affaires de leurs maris. En plus nous rendons les system instable qui nous nourrit si nous acceptons que les différences de race freinent la promotion des êtres les plus doués.

    C’est très bien si MG met à disposition une petite partie de ses milliards pou aider les femmes défavorisées. C’est déjà moins bien quand c’est fait dans la perspective de pouvoir encore mieux nous contrôler et exploiter. Elle est peut-être en train de préparer le chemin pour la première femme présidente des États Unis qui ne sera toujours que la représentante d’une association de malfaiteurs et de ses bandes armées.

    Alors que faire pour récupérer sa fondation afin de former les révolutionnaires dont nous, les petits gens avons besoin ? Il ne faut pas se contenter d’une part de gateau. Il faut mettre la main sur la pâtisserie entière ;-)

    The report arrives two years after Melinda Gates announced plans to build up a personal office, Pivotal Ventures, to dedicate resources and attention to supporting women in tech.

    EXECUTIVES AT TECH companies say gender diversity matters. They opine that there aren’t enough women in tech, and express outrage and frustration that just 11 percent of senior tech leaders are women. But in reality they spend very little of their philanthropic dollars attempting to close this gender and race gap, according to new research released today by Melinda Gates in partnership with McKinsey & Company.

    Last year, according to the report, only 5 percent of companies’ philanthropic giving went to programs that focused explicitly on women and girls in tech. And less than 0.1 percent of their grants went to programming for women of color—a group whose representation in tech is getting worse. Over the past decade, the ratio of black, Latina, and Native American women receiving computing degrees has dropped by a third, from 6 percent to just four percent.

    The companies investigated found that last figure so alarming that twelve of the 32 participants are taking immediate action. They’re uniting to form the Reboot Recognition Tech Coalition, a joint effort by companies like Microsoft, Qualcomm, and LinkedIn to close the gender gap for women of color in tech. They aim to double the number of underrepresented women of color graduating with computer science degrees by 2025, and they’re collectively pledging $12 million toward this goal over three years. This group will coordinate to direct their giving collectively, with the twin goals of creating a set of guidelines that will revamp the computer science major to appeal more to women of color and while building dedicated communities that will support these women within the industry, among other things.

    Gates has long contended that collecting data is critical to addressing the social challenges she has spent the second part of her career tackling as a philanthropist; companies may say they care deeply about problems, but until the research exists to show them exactly what the problem looks like, how it’s changing, and what measures have been shown to be effective in addressing it, not much changes. It’s the same insight Tracy Chou had when, as a programmer at Pinterest in 2013, she published a Medium post asking her peers to contribute the number and percentage of female engineers they employed.

    The report arrives two years after Gates announced plans to build up a personal office, Pivotal Ventures, to dedicate resources and attention to supporting women in tech—in addition to the work she does with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. When we spoke about it then, she voiced the need for more research. “I can’t go convince governments to work on female issues unless I have data,” she said, adding, “Transparency is one of the first things that makes change.”

    Entitled “Reboot Representation: Using CSR and Philanthropy to Close the Gender Gap in Tech,” the report reviews how 32 large tech companies, including Google, eBay and Salesforce have worked internally to support women and close the gender gap. Taken together, these companies brought in $500 billion in sales last year, and they spent more than $500 million on philanthropy. Of that, $24 million went to support programming for women and girls and just $335,000 targeted at programs aimed at women of color.

    In addition to surveying companies about their existing strategies, researchers spoke with more than 100 leaders in the field to determine what strategies were proving effective. The resulting research forms a playbook for companies interested in promoting and supporting gender diversity more effectively. It includes tips for what makes programs successful, advice on how to pick and set a strategy that is in line with a company’s business objectives, and a self-assessment to help companies figure out whether their efforts are working.

    Researchers discovered that companies often didn’t spend their money in data-driven research-underlined ways: Two-thirds of the the companies surveyed concentrated their funding on programs for kids between kindergarten and 12th grade, while research suggests that programs targeting college-age women to bolster their enthusiasm for the field before they choose majors and commit to a career, were more effective. “Few invest philanthropically earlier in higher education to build the cohort they will ultimately recruit from,” write the reports’ authors.

    What’s more, companies rarely coordinate these philanthropic efforts. Within an institution, there are often multiple people working on gender and racial parity, within in human resources, diversity and inclusion teams, or as part of a corporate social responsibility strategy. Yet there’s rarely one person overseeing it all.

    The most important things companies can do, according to Gates, is coordinate these efforts. That’s why she’s excited about the potential of the coalition. As she blogged today, “By working together, they will be able to reach more young women.” The answer to the everyone-in-hoodies problem is not a silver bullet, but a concentrated, industry-wide effort to solve problems the way computer scientists solve problems: methodically, by collecting data, understanding the issues, and testing strategies until the problem is solved.

    #féminisme_de_droite #nantis #ONG

  • The Tech Industry’s Gender-Discrimination Problem

    “Men who demean, degrade or disrespect women have been able to operate with such impunity—not just in Hollywood, but in #tech, venture capital, and other spaces where their influence and investment can make or break a career,” Melinda Gates, the co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, told me. “The asymmetry of power is ripe for abuse.”

    #pouvoir_asymétrique #abus_de_pouvoir

  • PIATA : A New Way of Doing Business - The Rockefeller Foundation

    #Piata, le nouveau partenariat qui veut transformer l’agriculture africaine #Rockfeller, #Fondation_Gates et #Usaid... #agra étant déjà un partenariat impliquant Rockfeller et Gates

    Last week at this year’s African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF), the Rockefeller Foundation, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and the Alliance for Africa’s Green Revolution (AGRA) launched a new $280 million Partnership for Inclusive Agricultural Transformation in Africa (PIATA).

    PIATA is a five year partnership that will spur an inclusive agricultural transformation for at least 11 countries in Africa, to increase incomes and improve the food security of 30 million smallholder farm households. Countries include Ghana, Nigeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Malawi, and Mozambique.

    Agriculture in Africa is the continent’s heartbeat—its most important sector, and its ticket out of poverty. With rising public investments in agriculture, increasing yields and better prospects for farmers, the past decade has yielded significant progress.

    #agriculture #business #agro-industrie

  • Ethiopian Immigrants Protest Gates Foundation Funding Of Projects In Ethiopia | KNKX

    Ethiopian immigrants marched through downtown Seattle Tuesday afternoon to protest the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funding of projects in Ethiopia. Protesters say humanitarian aid going to Ethiopia is being used to support a brutal regime.

    Holding bright green, yellow and red flags, around 200 marchers chanted, ’America, America, America, listen to the cry of the people,’ and ’The media doesn’t tell the truth.’

    The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is funding 150 development projects, mainly in health and agriculture, to the tune of $50 million U.S. dollars in Ethiopia. In July, Bill Gates met with Ethiopian leaders to talk about continuing working together.

    But protester Ashe Nafi Gossaye, chairman of the Ethiopian Public Forum in Seattle, said the humanitarian aid is being abused.

    "It is being used for killing people, to buy weapons and for security purposes and to silence the people of Ethiopia,” he said.

    #aide #fondation_gates #développement #Éthiopie #contestation

  • Gates Foundation research can’t be published in top journals : Nature News & Comment

    Scientists who do research funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are not — for the moment — allowed to publish papers about that work in journals that include Nature, Science, the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

    #open_access #bill_gates (cette fois du bon côté !)

  • Gates Foundation failures show philanthropists shouldn’t be setting America’s public school agenda - LA Times

    Tucked away in a letter from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation last week, along with proud notes about the foundation’s efforts to fight smoking and tropical diseases and its other accomplishments, was a section on education. Its tone was unmistakably chastened.

    “We’re facing the fact that it is a real struggle to make systemwide change,” wrote the foundation’s CEO, Sue Desmond-Hellman. And a few lines later: “It is really tough to create more great public schools.”

    (...) the Gates Foundation has spent so much money — more than $3 billion since 1999 — that it took on an unhealthy amount of #power in the setting of #education policy. Former foundation staff members ended up in high positions in the U.S. Department of Education — and, in the case of John Deasy, at the head of the Los Angeles Unified School District.

    #gates_foundation #philanthrocapitalisme

  • The Unholy Alliance, Five Western Donors Shape a Pro-Corporate Agenda for African Agriculture

    The Unholy Alliance, Five Western Donors Shape a Pro-Corporate Agenda for African Agriculture, exposes how a coalition of four donor countries and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is shaping a pro-business environment in the agricultural sector of developing countries, especially in Africa.

    #agriculture #Fondation_Gates #agro-industrie #Afrique

    • le tableau de la page 17 est intéressant en ce qu’il montre comment le #benchmarking sert à faire passer des choix (discutables) pour des évidences statistiques

  • Gates Foundation : Spearheading the neoliberal plunder of African agriculture - TruePublica

    The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) is dangerously and unaccountably distorting the direction of international development, according to a new report by the campaign group Global Justice Now. With assets of $43.5 billion, the BMGF is the largest charitable foundation in the world. It actually distributes more aid for global health than any government. As a result, it has a major influence on issues of global health and agriculture.

    ‘Gated Development – Is the Gates Foundation always a force for good?’ argues that what BMGF is doing could end up exacerbating global inequality and entrenching corporate power globally. Global Justice Now’s analysis of the BMGF’s programmes shows that the foundation’s senior staff are overwhelmingly drawn from corporate America. As a result, the question is: whose interests are being promoted – those of corporate America or those of ordinary people who seek social and economic justice rather than charity?

    According to the report, the foundation’s strategy is intended to deepen the role of multinational companies in global health and agriculture especially, even though these corporations are responsible for much of the poverty and injustice that already plagues the global south. The report concludes that the foundation’s programmes have a specific ideological strategy that promotes neo-liberal economic policies, corporate globalisation, the technology this brings (such as GMOs) and an outdated view of the centrality of aid in ‘helping’ the poor.

    #Fondation_Gates #philanthropie #santé #agriculture

  • Gated Development - is the Gates Foundation always a force for good? | Global Justice Now

    Gated Development demonstrates that the trend to involve business in addressing poverty and inequality is central to the priorities and funding of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. We argue that this is far from a neutral charitable strategy but instead an ideological commitment to promote neoliberal
    economic policies and corporate globalisation. Big business is directly benefitting, in particular in the fields of agriculture and health, as a result of the foundation’s activities, despite evidence to show that business solutions are not the most effective.

    Il y a un rapport à téléchager (mais pas encore lu)

    #fontation_gates #capitalisme #big_business

  • #Haiti : Everyone wants to fight #cholera, but no one can agree on how

    There was a vaccine available. Although the cache was not nearly large enough — and still not fully approved by the World Health Organization — Ivers and others appealed to Haitian officials to allow them to distribute the drug.The government said no.“This was a missed opportunity to save lives,” Ivers, who ran a clinic in Haiti for the nonprofit Partners in Health, recalled in a recent interview.Today, the epidemic is seen as a pivotal moment in a dispute over the best way to counter cholera.

    On one side are public health advocates, backed by the powerful Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, who have been galvanized in their enthusiasm for vaccines. Those vaccines, they believe, can be used to make major strides against a disease that is thousands of years old, easily treated, and entirely preventable.On the other are public health officials who argue that the vaccines are not effective enough and are a Band-Aid diverting attention from the water and sanitation issues that are at the root of cholera.

    “This is a disease of poverty,” said Shafiqul Islam, director of the Water Diplomacy Program at Tufts University. “There is a group of people who think vaccines will solve the problem. I don’t think it will.”Experts on both sides acknowledge the disagreement has undermined unity in the fight against cholera. The WHO has tried to straddle the divide by supporting both approaches, without settling how to pay for both.

    #vaccins ou #pauvreté ? (Je ne crois pas que la question soit bien posée. Quant à l’argent faut pas déconner…)


  • Carving up Africa - aid donors plot the great agribusiness takeover - The Ecologist

    A secretive conference, co-organised by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), one of the world’s largest donors, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) took place in London on Monday this week.

    The meeting bears the ludicrously long sobriquet ’Multiple Pathways for Promoting the Commercial and Sustainable Production and Delivery of Early Generation Seed of Food Crops in Sub-Saharan Africa.’

    To give it a more succinct description, this was a meeting for free market obsessed ’aid’ donors and corporations to discuss how to increase their control of the global seed sector. The list of invited participants reads like a roll call for some of the most renowned actors in the agribusiness world.

    The invite list is entirely made up of corporations, development agencies and aid donors. Not a single farmer organisation was invited. But then, why invite a farmer organisation when your aim is helping companies sell new seed varieties? Why invite civil society representatives when your aim is to impose a pre-determined profit-driven agenda?

    #semences #aides #usaid #Afrique #agro-technologie

  • Bean breakthrough bodes well for climate change challenge | Global development | The Guardian

    Earlier in the week, protestors gathered outside the London office of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to demonstrate against a meeting they said would promote corporate interests in Africa’s seed sector.

    Dangling a cage full of seeds in front of passersby, they yelled, “Come and free the seeds!” before smashing open the cage, which they said symbolised the corporate takeover of Africa’s seed markets.

    As seeds spilled on to the pavement, the meeting, hosted by the Gates Foundation and the US Agency for International Development (USAid), promoted production and distribution in Africa’s seed sector. The attendees were listed as key donor organisations, private seed companies and agricultural research centres, but did not include any groups representing farmers, according to a leaked document seen by the Guardian.

    The Gates Foundation and USAid have said they are working to improve food security in the world’s poorest countries. USAid’s flagship programme, the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, has been criticised for requiring African governments to change laws and policies in favour of businesses.

    #semences #climat #biotechnologie #Fondation_gates #business #nasan

  • New Cornell Alliance for Science gets $5.6 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to “depolarize” the #GMO debate | Cornell Chronicle

    A new international effort led by Cornell will seek to add a stronger voice for science and depolarize the charged debate around agricultural biotechnology and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

    Supported by a $5.6 million grant from the Bill & Melinda #Gates_Foundation, the Cornell Alliance for Science will help inform decision-makers and consumers through an online information portal and training programs to help researchers and stakeholders effectively communicate the potential impacts of agricultural technology and how such technology works.

    The project will involve developing multimedia resources, including videos of farmers from around the world documenting their struggles to deal with pests, diseases, crop failure and the limited resources available in the face of poverty and climate change.

    “Proponents and opponents alike speculate whether biotech crops are of benefit to farmers, but rarely are those farmers engaged in the biotech discourse or their voices heard,” said Sarah Evanega, senior associate director of International Programs in Cornell’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS), who will lead the project.

    “Our goal is to depolarize the GMO debate and engage with potential partners who may share common values around poverty reduction and sustainable agriculture, but may not be well informed about the potential biotechnology has for solving major agricultural challenges,” Evanega said. “For instance, pro-biotech activists share a lot of the same anti-pesticide, low-input, sustainable-agriculture vision as the organic movement.”

    (...) “Like elsewhere in the world, African scientists still find it challenging to effectively inform the public about their work and its relevance to society,” said Barbara M. Zawedde, coordinator of the Uganda Biosciences Information Center at the National Agricultural Research Organization. “Our effective communication will enable African farmers and citizens to exercise their sovereign right of informed decisions on whether to adopt certain crops and technologies depending on their needs and priorities.”

    #OGM #science ou #propagande

  • When research harms those it seeks to help

    This is exemplified in three randomized controlled trials evaluating cheap screening methods for cervical cancer, a disease that kills at least 70,000 women every year in India and four times that number the world over.

    Over 350,000 women in villages in Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra and in Mumbai slums were recruited for these trials which were funded by the Bill and Melinda #Gates Foundation and the US National Cancer Institute. The three trials started in 1998 and 2000 and the first results were presented in 2007, the most recent in 2013.


    The 136,000 women in the comparison or control arms of these trials were not given any screening. Instead, they were educated on the importance of screening and told where it could be obtained. The researchers describe this as ’standard care’ in India.


    Some researchers in these trials have stated that these studies looked at interventions relevant to poor Indians; the women in the control group were not deprived of anything since they would not have not have had access to screening. It was necessary to have a no screening control to evaluate the true impact of the screening techniques. And misconceived criticism of the trials’ ethics harms the cause of science. To this, one really has just two questions: Would these studies have been possible in the US? And would the researchers have recommended these trials to people they knew?

    As much as it is the job of scientists to seek knowledge through research, they have an ethical responsibility to their research participants.

    #recherche #santé

  • CU-Boulder develop Innovative solar-powered toilet - Medical News Today


    CU-Boulder develop Innovative solar-powered toilet - Medical News Today -

    1 hour ago

    from Bookmarklet



    “The self-contained, waterless toilet, designed and built using a $777,000 grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has the capability of heating human waste to a high enough temperature to sterilize human waste and create biochar, a highly porous charcoal, said project principal investigator Karl Linden, professor of environmental engineering. The biochar has a one-two punch in that it can be used to both increase crop yields and sequester carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas.” - (...)

  • The Gates Foundation’s Hypocritical Investments | Mother Jones

    With an endowment larger than all but four of the world’s largest hedge funds, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is easily one of the most powerful charities in the world. According to its website, the organization "works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives." So how do the investments of the foundation’s $36 billion investing arm, the Gates Foundation Trust, match up to its mission? We dug into the group’s recently released 2012 tax returns to find out.

  • Le meilleur des mondes d’aprés Bill Gates

    Bill Gates : Here’s My Plan to Improve Our World — And How You Can Help |

    Thanks to inventions like these, life has steadily gotten better. It can be easy to conclude otherwise—as I write this essay, more than 100,000 people have died in a civil war in Syria, and big problems like climate change are bearing down on us with no simple solution in sight. But if you take the long view, by almost any measure of progress we are living in history’s greatest era. Wars are becoming less frequent. Life expectancy has more than doubled in the past century. More children than ever are going to primary school. The world is better than it has ever been.

    Bill Gates et son copain Bill Clinton s’engagent pour sauver le monde qui est quand même en danger.

    Bill Gates and President Bill Clinton on the NSA, Safe Sex, and American Exceptionalism

    As founder of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, the former president is a forceful explainer in chief, elucidating what needs to be done to alleviate poverty and treat AIDS. And to the surprise of many who followed Gates as a full-tilt techie devoted to preserving Microsoft’s dominance, he has pursued philanthropy with the same passion he once channeled into software. At the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, he approaches problem-solving—particularly the scientific arcana of health and agriculture—with an appreciation of scale honed by years of living under Moore’s law.

    Both organizations have made a staggering impact. The Clinton Global Initiative, part of the former president’s foundation, claims to have improved the lives of more than 430 million people in 180 countries. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has by some estimates saved some 6 million lives and delivered a higher-quality existence to many, many more.

    The foundations are at the forefront of a new era in philanthropy, in which decisions—often referred to as investments—are made with the strategic precision demanded of business and government, then painstakingly tracked to gauge their success.

    Heureusement qu’il est possible de gérer l’avenir avec des méthodes technocratiques. C’est la vision qui s’impose aux vainqueurs d’aujourd’hui. Une fois qu’on est arrivé à éliminer ses adversaires on n’a plus qu’á étendre au reste du monde la méthode qui a garanti le succès du projet de la première moitié de sa propre vie - au moins pendant le deuxième moitié de sa vie personnelle.

    Il est intéressant de voir comment une pensée simpliste qui a triomphée dans le passée par sa brutalité sans scrupules se transforme en projet philanthropique dans la bouche des grandseigneurs impérialistes. Ils ne font pas peur les deux papies. C’est contre leurs adeptes qui sont en train d’appliquer leurs recettes au monde en détruisant les aquis des « trente glorieuses » qu’il faut se battre - sans cesse partout et tous les jours.


  • Gates Foundation backs toilet pioneers | Nature

    The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has announced the winners of this year’s Reinvent the Toilet Challenge, handing over a US$100,000 first prize to the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, for work on a solar-powered toilet (right) that recycles water and generates hydrogen and electricity

    The Reinvent the Toilet Fair brought together participants from 29 countries, including researchers, designers, investors and representatives of the communities who will ultimately use the new inventions. At the event, Loughborough University, UK, was awarded the $60,000 second-place prize for a toilet that produces biological charcoal, minerals, and clean water, while the University of Toronto in Canada won the third place prize of $40,000 for a toilet that sanitizes faeces and urine, while transforming waste products into resources and clean water.

    #toilettes #développement #santé

  • Bill Gates invests in solar-powered toilet

    US billionaire and philanthropist Bill Gates is investing in a solar-powered toilet for the developing world that will use little or no water.

    The need for a new type of toilet is an important part of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s push to improve health in the developing world, officials familiar with the project said.

    Pour @fil