organization:national rifle association

  • Launching a National Gun-Control Coalition, the Parkland Teens Meet Chicago’s Young Activists | The New Yorker

    “The Road to Change,” as the tour is called, Parkland students will educate young voters about the March for Our Lives platform and visit politicians who oppose their agenda. The students will also, according to their Web site, “meet fellow survivors and use our voices to amplify theirs.” The Parkland students were leaders, but uncomfortable ones. The kind of attack they experienced, although far too common, is still a rare and extraordinary thing—two-thirds of the firearm deaths in the United States are suicides, and most others are homicides, with only a fraction of those being mass shootings. The students understood that they are examples of America’s gun problem but also outliers. As such, their intention to let other activists speak to their own circumstances was both honest and good. On the other hand, a movement needs leaders. In advertising for the first march of the summer, the former Parkland student Emma González was listed as a headliner, alongside Chance the Rapper, Jennifer Hudson, Gabby Giffords, and

    When McDade emerged, he was dressed formally, in a summery pink button-down shirt, black trousers, and velvet loafers. At the March for Our Lives rally this spring, he and another North Lawndale student, Alex King, had walked onstage wearing matching blue sweatshirts and with their fists raised. They wore tape over their mouths, which they then removed to talk about the six hundred and fifty people who died from gun violence in Chicago last year, the seven hundred and seventy-one who died in 2016, and their own experiences of fear and death. It may not have been obvious from their speeches, but McDade and King come from a different tradition of activism than that of the Parkland students, who cleverly troll the National Rifle Association on social media, rattle off statistics, and seek out discussion with politicians. McDade, King, Wright, and their classmates are more likely to quote the speeches of M

    artin Luther King, Jr., than a SpongeBob meme or a study from the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Their policy priorities reflect their immediate circumstances—they speak less of gun control than the need for more youth-employment opportunities, mental-health resources, and funding for the public schools they attend. Their experience of gun violence is not of a single traumatic emergency but of a chronic problem that is only one instance of the social inequality around them. McDade told me that, during a school town-hall meeting on violence, when the audience was asked who knew at least thirty people who had been shot, eighty-five per cent of the people in the room had raised their hands. Although they have more reasons to be angry than most people their age, they radiate peace and compassion. As this movement begins to form a national coalition, they are its philosophers, its bodhisattvas.❞

    “Democrats can’t listen to the Parkland students supporting the prevention of gun violence but not listen to these children,” a student from the North Side named Juan Reyes told me. “Why does the country only listen when white bodies drop?” one sign read.

    A South Side student named Trevon Bosley gave a long list of examples of people who had been killed at home getting ready for school, on a bus coming home from school, in a park after school, playing basketball, celebrating the Fourth of July outside, and, in the case of his own brother, standing on church grounds. “The next time someone else asks you what makes you a possible victim of gun violence in Chicago, you tell them ‘living,’ ” he concluded. Maria Hernandez, an organizer with Chicago Black Lives Matter, criticized local politicians. “These people say they represent us—they don’t talk to us!” she said. Further actions were announced, including a shutdown of the Dan Ryan Expressway, on July 7th, and a hunger strike called Starve for Change.

    In interviews leading up to the Peace Rally, Parkland students had insisted on speaking to the media only in tandem with a kid from Chicago. They claimed that the press was biased toward the privileged children of Parkland, paying too much attention to them and to school shootings, instead of focussing on the coalition they were trying to build, in which every gun death was equal in its tragedy and emergency, no matter the cause or context. They were right about the press focus; a local CBS report I watched emphasized the presence of the Parkland students instead of the home-town base, neglecting to mention Saint Sabina, North Lawndale, the local organizers of March for Our Lives, and their respective messages.

    “Part of the reason we didn’t speak last night was because we can’t,” Hogg said. “We don’t know what it’s like to go to school and have to worry about being shot at. We have to worry about bullets coming from inside of our school, not outside of it. But across America we have to deal with both issues and reconcile that there’s inner-city gun violence, there’s Native American gun violence in the form of suicides, and there’s suburban gun violence in the form of mass shootings. We have to work together to solve these issues as an American community.” This was a good point, and one that I thought might have been more effective if it had been made in front of national reporters and a large crowd of people from different walks of life. I asked if white people in the suburbs could be trusted to listen to the experiences of black people in the cities, to see them as part of a shared national problem.

    “I know they will,” Hogg said. “I have faith that they will.”

    “Exactly,” King said. “No matter the color of skin, no matter where you’re from, pain is pain, so I feel like they will listen.”

    #Gun_control #Racisme #USA #Chicago #Activisme

  • YouTube’s New Moderators Mistakenly Pull Right-Wing Channels - Bloomberg

    The Google division said in December it would assign more than 10,000 people to moderate content after a year of scandals over fake and inappropriate content on the world’s largest video site.

    In the wake of the Feb. 14 school shooting in Parkland, Florida, some YouTube moderators mistakenly removed several videos and some channels from right-wing, pro-gun video producers and outlets.

    The misstep pulls YouTube, Google and parent Alphabet Inc. deeper into a toxic political fights over gun control, fake and extreme content, and whether internet companies should be responsible for what third parties post on their services. The episode also shows how the huge video site continues to struggle with policing the service and how difficult it is to spot troubling content and decide whether the material should be taken down.

    Gun reform calls since the shooting have sparked a rash of conspiracy theories on the web about the student activists. YouTube was criticized last week after promoting a video with a title that suggested Hogg, the teen survivor of the Florida school shooting, was a paid actor. The clip contained footage from an authoritative news source, leading YouTube’s software-based screening system to misclassify it. After YouTube was alerted to the video, it was pulled.

    In the wake of the Florida shooting, Google and other internet companies are facing external pressure to remove the National Rifle Association’s NRA TV channel from their video streaming services. To date, YouTube and other services haven’t pulled the NRA’s official channel.

    YouTube’s official policy says that “harmful or dangerous” and “hateful” content can violate its guidelines. If video creators break the rules three times within three months, YouTube terminates the account.

    #Fake_news #Modération #Hébergeurs

  • En Floride, Trump, pris à partie, accuse le FBI de n’avoir pas su empêcher la tuerie

    Donald Trump repasse à l’offensive. Accusé samedi par des lycéens de ne pas en faire assez sur le contrôle des armes à feu après la tuerie dans leur établissement scolaire, le président américain a répliqué, dimanche 18 février. Et s’en est pris à son meilleur ennemi du moment : le FBI.

    Le massacre de 17 personnes dans un lycée de Floride, mercredi 14 février, a fourni l’occasion au président des Etats-Unis de s’attaquer à nouveau à la police fédérale. M. Trump a accusé cette dernière de n’avoir pas su empêcher cette tuerie, jugeant qu’elle passait « trop de temps » à enquêter sur les interférences russes dans l’élection de 2016.

    « Vraiment dommage que le FBI ait manqué tous les signaux envoyés par le tireur de l’école de Floride. Ce n’est pas acceptable », a tweeté le président américain. « Ils passent trop de temps à essayer de prouver la collusion russe avec la campagne Trump. Il n’y a pas de collusion. Revenez-en aux bases et rendez-nous tous fiers de vous ! », a-t-il ajouté.
    Lors d’un rassemblement samedi soir à Fort Lauderdale, en Floride, une survivante du massacre a dénoncé avec force les liens du président avec la NRA. « A tous les hommes politiques ayant reçu des dons de la NRA, honte à vous ! », a crié Emma Gonzalez, après avoir fustigé M. Trump pour avoir reçu le soutien financier du puissant groupe pendant la campagne présidentielle de 2016. « Honte à vous ! », a repris en chœur la foule.

    « Si le président me dit en face que c’était une terrible tragédie (…) et qu’on ne peut rien y faire, je lui demanderai combien il a touché de la National Rifle Association. Je le sais : 30 millions de dollars », a dit rageusement la jeune fille de 18 ans aux cheveux rasés. « C’est ce que valent ces gens pour vous, M. Trump ? », a-t-elle lancé en comparant cette somme au nombre de victimes des fusillades qui ont ensanglanté le pays depuis le début de l’année.

    Nikolas Cruz était suivi psychologiquement pour des problèmes de comportement mais il a profité d’une législation laxiste en Floride pour acheter légalement son arme l’année dernière. Au lendemain de la fusillade, M. Trump avait essentiellement insisté sur les problèmes mentaux du tueur, ne disant rien sur le droit de posséder une arme garanti par le deuxième amendement de la Constitution, ni sur les armes semi-automatiques comme l’AR-15 utilisé par le tireur.

  • Pour Robert Reich il ne se pose aucun problème pour convaincre ses lecteurs, que le comportement du POTUS en vue des événements du 11 et 12 Août à Charlottesville n’est pas à considérer comme un jugement malheureux, mais est évidemment à voir dans une ligne avec des affirmations, lesquelles il a déjà épanchées pendant sa campagne présidentielle.
    D’un autre côté Reich - comme membre de la Partie Démocratique - ne se montre pas capable de se détacher de cette idée fixe d’une Russie méchante, qui aurait eu la finesse de manipulé cette campagne.


    Trump’s unwillingness to denounce hateful violence has been part of his political strategy from the start.

    Robert Reich : Making America Hate Again | 2017-08-14


    Weeks after he began his campaign by alleging that Mexican immigrants were criminals and rapists, two brothers in Boston beat up and urinated on a 58-year-old homeless Mexican national, subsequently telling police “Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported.”
    Instead of condemning the brutality, Trump excused it by saying “people who are following me are very passionate. They love this country and they want this country to be great again.”
    During campaign rallies Trump repeatedly excused brutality toward protesters. “You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks.”
    After white supporters punched and attempted to choke a Black Lives Matter protester, Trump said “maybe he should have been roughed up.”
    Trump was even reluctant to distance himself from David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan. 
    Since becoming president, Trump’s instigations have continued. As Representative Mark Sanford, a Republican from South Carolina, told the Washington Post, “the president has unearthed some demons.”
    In May, Trump congratulated body-slamming businessman Greg Gianforte on his special election win in Montana, making no mention of the victor’s attack on a reporter the night before.
    Weeks ago Trump even tweeted a video clip of himself in a WWE professional wrestling match slamming a CNN avatar to the ground and pounding him with punches and elbows to the head.
    Hateful violence is hardly new to America. But never before has a president licensed it as a political strategy or considered haters part of his political base.
    In his second week as president, Trump called Wayne LaPierre, CEO of the National Rifle Association to the White House.
    Soon thereafter, LaPierre told gun owners they should fear “leftists” and the “national media machine” that were “an enemy utterly dedicated to destroy not just our country, but also Western civilization.”
    Since then the NRA has run ads with the same theme, concluding “the only way we stop this, the only way we save our country and our freedom, is to fight this violence of lies with a clenched fist of truth.”
    It’s almost as if someone had declared a new civil war. But who? And for what purpose?
    One clue came earlier last week in a memo from Rich Higgins, who had been director for strategic planning in Trump’s National Security Council.
    Entitled “POTUS & Political Warfare,” Higgins wrote the seven-page document in May, which was recently leaked to Foreign Policy Magazine.
    In it Higgins charges that a cabal of leftist “deep state” government workers, “globalists,” bankers, adherents to Islamic fundamentalism and establishment Republicans want to impose cultural Marxism in the United States. “Recognizing in candidate Trump an existential threat to cultural Marxist memes that dominate the prevailing cultural narrative, those that benefit recognize the threat he poses and seek his destruction.”
    There you have it. Trump’s goal has never been to promote guns or white supremacy or to fuel attacks on the press and the left. These may be means, but the goal has been to build and fortify his power. And keep him in power even if it’s found that he colluded with Russia to get power.
    Trump and his consigliere Steve Bannon have been quietly encouraging a civil war between Trump’s base of support – mostly white and worried – and everyone who’s not.
    It’s built on economic stresses and racial resentments. It’s fueled by paranoia. And it’s conveyed by Trump’s winks and nods haters, and his deafening silence in the face of their violence.
    A smaller version of the civil war extends even into the White House, where Bannon and his protégés are doing battle with leveler heads.


    trouvé ici :

    #vocabulaire #minimisation #rhétorique #Trump #KKK #Ku_Klux_Klan
    #violence #néonazisme #Charlottesville #fundamentalisme #Islam
    #migrations #Mexique

  • Gun lobby diluting new EU gun control law | Germany | DW.COM | 21.10.2016

    Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union is among the parties diluting the EU’s new gun control law, devised in the aftermath of the 2015 Paris terrorist attacks. Semi-automatic weapons are likely to remain legal.

    The European Commission’s attempts to ban the most dangerous semi-automatic weapons, such as AK-47 assault rifles, are being watered down thanks to pressure from a pan-European alliance of gun associations, according to documents leaked to “Der Spiegel” magazine.

    The Commission’s proposal, drawn up in the wake of last year’s terrorist attacks at the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris, is due to be finalized over the coming weeks by the European Parliament, the Commission, and the European Council. But France, Italy, and some Eastern European states are against re-categorizing semi-automatic guns from “license required” to “banned,” according to “Der Spiegel.”

    Similarly, the proposed limit on the number of rounds allowed in a semi-automatic magazine was raised from six to 21 when the draft was revised in April, the magazine reported.

    Major European gun-makers like Germany’s Sig Sauer and Heckler & Koch (who did not respond to a DW request for comment), Austria’s Glock, and Italy’s Beretta, are all said to be involved in lobbying parliamentarians to water down the proposals, as are gun clubs in various countries.
    Frankreich Satirezeitschrift Charlie Hebdo (picture-alliance/dpa/G. Roth)

    Guns bought on the black market were used in the Charlie Hebdo massacre

    Legal market feeding illegal market

    They appear to have been successful: among political parties apparently won over by the gun lobby is Germany’s governing conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU), one of whose European parliamentarians, Hermann Winkler, wrote to the German Shooting and Archery Federation (DSB) in June this year to reassure them that “legal gun-owners would not be punished for their social engagement by the directive.”

    Asked to respond by DW, the EU Commission would not condemn the lobbying directly, but urged legislators to pass the proposal quickly “and support the Commission’s high level of ambition ... in particular with regard to the assault weapons ban.”

    The proposal is “imperative” for “ensuring the security of our citizens,” industry policy spokesperson Lucia Caudet told DW in an email. “Once agreed, our proposal will make it harder to acquire firearms in the European Union, allow better tracking of legally held firearms, thus reducing the risk of diversion into illegal markets, and strengthen cooperation between Member States.”

    But pro-gun associations, such as the DSB and the Austrian IWÖ, argue that new regulation will only burden legal gun-owners and do nothing to hinder terrorists, who buy their guns on the black market anyway.

    And CDU politicians agree with them. “From our point of view, the biggest problem in the spread of weapons is the still-uncontrollable spread of illegal weapons,” CDU MEP Andreas Schwab told DW. “And the Commission hasn’t made any suggestions on that. The idea that we can ban all the semi-automatic weapons and the world would be a better place, that’s not an idea that’s close to reality.”

    But as far as German peace activist Jürgen Grässlin is concerned, this oversimplifies the problem. “If you look at different shootings, they always get their guns from completely different sources,” he told DW.

    The Islamist attackers in Paris, both at the Charlie Hebdo offices in January 2015 and later in November that year, did indeed get their assault rifles on the black market. But Anders Breivik, the far-right extremist who killed 77 people in Norway in 2011, had a gun license and bought a semi-automatic rifle and a handgun legally.

    Germany has comparatively tight gun laws, in part because of restrictions brought in following school shootings in Erfurt in 2002 and Winnenden in 2009 - in both cases, the guns used were licensed and used in sports clubs. “Sports shooters, who have the necessary technical knowledge and reliability, they now have to make sure that only they have access to them,” Schwab explained. “That’s why we tightened the storage responsibilities.”
    Norwegen Anders Behring Breivik im Gericht (picture-alliance/dpa/I. Aserud)

    Breivik bought his semi-automatic weapons legally

    But regulations could still be tightened further - for instance, by not allowing ammunition to be stored in private homes, or by introducing biometrically secured “smart” guns, which can only be unlocked with the thumbprint of their legal owners.

    Sluggish politicians

    “But these are only measures that treat the symptoms, not the root of the problem,” said Grässlin. “There’s this unbelievably phony pseudo-concern that breaks out after every shooting. The politicians say, ’Right, now we’re going to tighten the laws.’ ... And then a few months go by ... It’s been a year since the massacre in Paris and the politicians have turned to other issues, and suddenly they’re open to the pressure from the gun associations and shooting clubs.”

    Schwab was loathed to accept that the gun associations had “lobbied” him. “The sports clubs explained that they want to practice their sports and accepted the regulations about the storage of weapons,” he said. “For us it was important that the clubs that look after their weapons carefully don’t fall under a general suspicion.”

    “There’s no doubt that the approach taken by the EU Commission was going in the right direction,” said Grässlin. “But if the pressure of the ’weapons lobby,’ ... is suddenly brought to bear, then we have a comparable situation to the one in the US, where the National Rifle Association defines what politics can do. And that’s unacceptable, when you see what’s going on around the world with school-shootings and terrorism.”

  • NRA : Share the Safety

    These days, the most endangered species is the law-abiding American citizen—especially the one who lives in a poor urban center. As profiling and institutional prejudice endanger the urban poor, politicians work to restrain their ability to protect themselves. It’s more important than ever to defend our rights and stand our ground. Won’t you help those who can’t afford to?

    The National Rifle Association is proud to partner with Smith & Wesson to Share the Safety, a revolutionary “buy one, give one” program that serves to protect your loved ones plus an at-risk family in one of our country’s most vulnerable neighborhoods. Sign up now to be notified when the program launches this Fourth of July. For each stylish gun purchased, an appropriate gun will be donated to an at-risk, low-income, documented citizen in the urban center of your choice. Your purchase will not only reinforce your own security, but it will forever transform the lives of the law-abiding urbanites who will for the first time be able to defend themselves against those who prey on the urban poor.

  • Enquête. La montée du lobby des armes en #Europe

    Bien moins puissants que la National Rifle Association des Etats-Unis, les mouvements européens proarmes se mobilisent contre les nouveaux contrôles sur les ventes d’armes automatiques après les attentats de Paris et Bruxelles.

    #armes #armement #lobby
    cc @reka @marty @albertocampiphoto @daphne

  • AIPAC Is Destroying Israel, Not Safeguarding It
    AIPAC corrupted Israel, teaching it that everything is permissible: The day AIPAC weakens, Israel will grow stronger, forced to stand on its own two feet and be more moral.

    Gideon Levy (Washington DC) Mar 19, 2016

    WASHINGTON – The enemies of Israel will gather here Sunday for their annual conference. Almost 20,000 people will flock to the city’s Walter E. Washington Convention Center. Almost all are Jews, and almost all are not friends of Israel, despite their organization’s name and pretensions.
    The American Israel Public Affairs Committee may be the organization that has caused the greatest damage to Israel. It corrupted Israel, taught it that everything is permissible to it. It made sure America would cover up and restrain itself over everything. That it would never demand anything in exchange. That Uncle Sam would pay – and keep mum. That the supply of intoxicating drugs would continue. America is the dealer, and AIPAC the pusher.
    America’s second most powerful lobby, after the National Rifle Association, is considered pro-Israel. But it is pro an evil, aggressive, occupying, right-wing and nationalist Israel. With friends like these, Israel doesn’t need enemies in the United States. The day AIPAC weakens, Israel will grow stronger. It will be forced to stand on its own two feet and be more moral.
    This is an annual parade of toadying to Israel. Only the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces is a more embarrassing and ridiculous organization (there, they also put disabled IDF veterans on the dais to expose their stumps and beg for donations). And in an election year, this embarrassing toadying reaches its peak.
    There’s no rational explanation for it. I’ve never met anyone who could provide a comprehensive explanation for the enormous and destructive power AIPAC has accumulated. I’ve never met anyone who could explain America’s blind, automatic policy toward Israel, for which AIPAC is to a large extent responsible, and which contradicts both America’s interests and its declared values.
    A belated snowfall is expected to hit the city on Sunday. The cherry trees actually flowered early this year, and this isn’t the only contradiction. At the conference center, presidential candidates will vie over who can be more fawning.
    This isn’t a good situation for Israel. Behind this fawning, which more and more Americans are beginning to try to get to the root of, hides suppressed thoughts that will eventually burst forth. Not all of those who fawn over Israel in the Senate and House of Representatives do so willingly. The fear of AIPAC silences them. It also silences the media. This can’t go on forever. It’s also liable to spark anti-Semitic sentiment.
    An organization whose achievements include getting Congress to pass a resolution congratulating Israel on the 40th anniversary of the Six-Day War can’t continue to congratulate Israel on the 50th anniversary of that cursed war without more Americans starting to ask why. They’re already beginning to ask where their money is going, and for what purpose. Why to Israel, of all places? Why so much for Israel?
    After all, residents of the world’s most financially supported state, which is also the best at whining and playing the victim, live in a country that is ranked 11th in the UN’s World Happiness Report – four places above the country of its funders. Is Israel the neediest country in the world? After all, it’s also a military power, in a region where there are virtually no real armies left, so why should all that weaponry go to Israel, of all countries? And what does it do with it: bomb children in their sleep in Beit Lahia? Kill knife-wielding children of the same age at the Damascus Gate?
    Conference participants will wallow in a great deal of self-satisfaction: Look how strong we are. Only Bernie Sanders dared not to come. And if he hadn’t been Jewish, he never would have dared. Qassam rockets, cherry tomatoes and the “gay-friendly” slogan will once again star here to the applause and tears of the masses, together with praise for the Mideast’s only democracy.
    Very few will cast doubt on it, even though the cracks on its facade are already gaping and apartheid lies in its backyard. Look at Syria, the Israeli propagandists who will arrive here en masse from Ben-Gurion International Airport will say. And nobody will respond that America doesn’t fund Syria, that nobody says Syria is America’s greatest ally.
    Therefore, thank you very much, dear brothers from AIPAC, for bringing us to this point. Without your efforts, we would be in a different and much better place today.

  • 10 Pro-Gun Myths, Shot Down

    By cutting off federal funding for research and stymieing data collection and sharing, the National Rifle Association has tried to do to the study of gun violence what climate deniers have done to the science of global warming. No wonder: When it comes to hard numbers, some of the gun lobby’s favorite arguments are full of holes.
    #infographie #armement #statistiques #chiffres

  • Quand les #enseignants américains s’arment

    Quatre mois après la tragédie de #Sandy_Hook, le #lobby des #armes a déposé un rapport de 225 pages concluant que toutes les #écoles devraient faire la même chose. « Le seul moyen de stopper un sale type avec un fusil, c’est un bon gars avec un fusil », a alors déclaré Wayne LaPierre, leader de la #National_Rifle_Association, à laquelle appartiennent non seulement les tireurs, mais aussi les marchands d’armes, les instructeurs de tir, etc.

    Leur appel a été entendu : en 2013, 33 #États ont déposé 80 projets de #loi en ce sens, parmi lesquels une dizaine ont rapidement été adoptés.

  • Constitution et lobby : Fusillade en Californie : Deux policiers tués, deux blessés, le suspect arrêté - Une fusillade mortelle dans un lycée près de Seattle - Deuxième amendement de la Constitution des États-Unis - Le lobby : NRA (National Rifle Association). Où sont les assassins ; dont ces parents offrant des armes...
    #californie #seattle #nra #usa #constitution #lobby

  • « Le reportage le plus sûr du monde » - Making-of

    L’AFP a reçu une accréditation pour couvrir l’immense salon annuel des armes à feu de la National Rifle Association (NRA), le plus grand lobby des armes à feu aux Etats-Unis. L’événement se déroule à Indianapolis fin avril. Mais « accrédité » n’est pas synonyme de « bienvenu », en tout cas par les grands chefs du lobby.

    #USA #NRA #armes

  • NRA adds African American as spokesperson

    For the average African American, the National Rifle Association is as dreaded as the Republican Party. This is especially true for African Americans who live in urban areas. As a card-carrying member of the NRA, it is nice to see that they have just announced the Colion Noir is going to be their newest contributor to NRA News.

    If you’re not an avid reality TV fan or “Scandal addict,” or President Barack Obama, then you probably don’t know who Noir is. Well, you don’t know what you’ve been missing.

  • Bras de fer entre la NRA et l’administration Obama sur la législation sur les armes à feu

    Le vice-président américain, Joe Biden, a annoncé, jeudi, le jour même où éclatait une nouvelle fusillade dans un lycée de Californie, qu’il remettrait à Barack Obama ses propositions sur la législation sur les armes à feu d’ici à mardi. Joe Biden a rencontré des membres d’associations de chasseurs et de tir sportif, mais aussi des représentants de la National Rifle Association (NRA), le puissant lobby pro-armes à feu américain.

    Shame on NRA and all lobby

    #USA #NRA #Obama #lobby

  • Séries de tueries aux Etats-Unis, mais « ce sont les gens qui tuent, pas les armes » (Des bassines et du zèle),-mais-"ce-sont-les-gens-qui"

    « People kill, not guns » : c’est le leitmotiv des responsables de la NRA (National Rifle Association) et que répètent à l’envi les partisans de la « liberté de posséder des armes à feu ». Tout cela en vertu du deuxième amendement de la Constitution des États-Unis d’Amérique qui dit qu’"une milice bien organisée étant nécessaire à la sécurité d’un État libre, le droit qu’a le peuple de détenir et de porter des armes ne sera pas transgressé", et garantit, donc, à tout citoyen américain le droit de posséder une arme, du moins tel que l’interprète la NRA. Source : Des bassines et du zèle