
  • View from Nowhere. Is it the press’s job to create a community that transcends borders?

    A few years ago, on a plane somewhere between Singapore and Dubai, I read Benedict Anderson’s Imagined Communities (1983). I was traveling to report on the global market for passports—how the ultrawealthy can legally buy citizenship or residence virtually anywhere they like, even as 10 million stateless people languish, unrecognized by any country. In the process, I was trying to wrap my head around why national identity meant so much to so many, yet so little to my passport-peddling sources. Their world was the very image of Steve Bannon’s globalist nightmare: where you can never be too rich, too thin, or have too many passports.

    Anderson didn’t address the sale of citizenship, which only took off in earnest in the past decade; he did argue that nations, nationalism, and nationality are about as organic as Cheez Whiz. The idea of a nation, he writes, is a capitalist chimera. It is a collective sense of identity processed, shelf-stabilized, and packaged before being disseminated, for a considerable profit, to a mass audience in the form of printed books, news, and stories. He calls this “print-capitalism.”

    Per Anderson, after the printing press was invented, nearly 600 years ago, enterprising booksellers began publishing the Bible in local vernacular languages (as opposed to the elitist Latin), “set[ting] the stage for the modern nation” by allowing ordinary citizens to participate in the same conversations as the upper classes. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the proliferation (and popularity) of daily newspapers further collapsed time and space, creating an “extraordinary mass ceremony” of reading the same things at the same moment.

    “An American will never meet, or even know the names of more than a handful of his 240,000,000–odd fellow Americans,” Anderson wrote. “He has no idea of what they are up to at any one time.” But with the knowledge that others are reading the same news, “he has complete confidence in their steady, anonymous, simultaneous activity.”

    Should the press be playing a role in shaping not national identities, but transnational ones—a sense that we’re all in it together?

    Of course, national presses enabled more explicit efforts by the state itself to shape identity. After the US entered World War I, for instance, President Woodrow Wilson set out to make Americans more patriotic through his US Committee on Public Information. Its efforts included roping influential mainstream journalists into advocating American-style democracy by presenting US involvement in the war in a positive light, or simply by referring to Germans as “Huns.” The committee also monitored papers produced by minorities to make sure they supported the war effort not as Indians, Italians, or Greeks, but as Americans. Five Irish-American papers were banned, and the German-American press, reacting to negative stereotypes, encouraged readers to buy US bonds to support the war effort.

    The US media played an analogous role in selling the public on the 2003 invasion of Iraq. But ever since then, in the digital economy, its influence on the national consciousness has waned. Imagined Communities was published seven years before the fall of the Berlin Wall, twenty-two years before Thomas Friedman’s The World Is Flat, and a couple of decades before the internet upended print-capitalism as the world knew it (one of Anderson’s footnotes is telling, if quaint: “We still have no giant multinationals in the world of publishing”).

    Since Trump—a self-described nationalist—became a real contender for the US presidency, many news organizations have taken to looking inward: consider the running obsession with the president’s tweets, for instance, or the nonstop White House palace intrigue (which the president invites readily).

    Meanwhile, the unprofitability of local and regional papers has contributed to the erosion of civics, which, down the line, makes it easier for billionaires to opt out of old “imagined communities” and join new ones based on class and wealth, not citizenship. And given the challenges humanity faces—climate change, mass migration, corporate hegemony, and our relationships to new technologies—even if national papers did make everyone feel like they shared the same narrative, a renewed sense of national pride would prove impotent in fighting world-historic threats that know no borders.

    Should the press, then, be playing an analogous role in shaping not national identities, but transnational ones—a sense that we’re all in it together? If it was so important in shaping national identity, can it do so on a global scale?

    Like my passport-buying subjects, I am what Theresa May, the former British prime minister, might call a “citizen of nowhere.” I was born in one place to parents from another, grew up in a third, and have lived and traveled all over. That informs my perspective: I want deeply for there to be a truly cosmopolitan press corps, untethered from national allegiances, regional biases, class divisions, and the remnants of colonial exploitation. I know that’s utopian; the international working class is hardly a lucrative demographic against which publishers can sell ads. But we seem to be living in a time of considerable upheaval and opportunity. Just as the decline of religiously and imperially organized societies paved the way for national alternatives, then perhaps today there is a chance to transcend countries’ boundaries, too.

    Does the US media help create a sense of national identity? If nationalism means putting the interests of one nation—and what its citizens are interested in—before more universal concerns, then yes. Most journalists working for American papers, websites, and TV write in English with a national audience (or regional time zone) in mind, which affects how we pitch, source, frame, and illustrate a story—which, in turn, influences our readers, their country’s politics, and, down the line, the world. But a news peg isn’t an ideological form of nationalism so much as a practical or methodological one. The US press feeds off of more pernicious nationalisms, too: Donald Trump’s false theory about Barack Obama being “secretly” Kenyan, disseminated by the likes of Fox and The Daily Caller, comes to mind.

    That isn’t to say that global news outlets don’t exist in the US. When coaxing subscribers, the Financial Times, whose front page often includes references to a dozen different countries, openly appeals to their cosmopolitanism. “Be a global citizen. Become an FT Subscriber,” read a recent banner ad, alongside a collage featuring the American, Chinese, Japanese, Australian, and European Union flags (though stories like the recent “beginner’s guide to buying a private island” might tell us something about what kind of global citizen they’re appealing to).

    “I don’t think we try to shape anyone’s identity at all,” Gillian Tett, the paper’s managing editor for the US, says. “We recognize two things: that the world is more interconnected today than it’s ever been, and that these connections are complex and quite opaque. We think it’s critical to try to illuminate them.”

    For Tett, who has a PhD in social anthropology, money serves as a “neutral, technocratic” starting point through which to understand—and tie together—the world. “Most newspapers today tend to start with an interest in politics or events, and that inevitably leads you to succumb to tribalism, however hard you try [not to],” Tett explains. “If you look at the world through money—how is money going around the world, who’s making and losing it and why?—out of that you lead to political, cultural, foreign-policy stories.”

    Tett’s comments again brought to mind Imagined Communities: Anderson notes that, in 18th-century Caracas, newspapers “began essentially as appendages of the market,” providing commercial news about ships coming in, commodity prices, and colonial appointments, as well as a proto–Vows section for the upper crust to hate-read in their carriages. “The newspaper of Caracas quite naturally, and even apolitically, created an imagined community among a specific assemblage of fellow-readers, to whom these ships, brides, bishops, and prices belonged,” he wrote. “In time, of course, it was only to be expected that political elements would enter in.”

    Yesterday’s aristocracy is today’s passport-buying, globe-trotting one percent. The passport brokers I got to know also pitched clients with the very same promise of “global citizenship” (it sounds less louche than “buy a new passport”)—by taking out ads in the Financial Times. Theirs is exactly the kind of neoliberal “globalism” that nationalist politicians like Trump have won elections denouncing (often hypocritically) as wanting “the globe to do well, frankly, not caring about our country so much.” Isn’t upper-crust glibness about borders, boundaries, and the value of national citizenship part of what helped give us this reactionary nativism in the first place?

    “I suspect what’s been going on with Brexit and maybe Trump and other populist movements [is that] people. . . see ‘global’ as a threat to local communities and businesses rather than something to be welcomed,” Tett says. “But if you’re an FT reader, you see it as benign or descriptive.”

    Among the largest news organizations in the world is Reuters, with more than 3,000 journalists and photographers in 120 countries. It is part of Thomson Reuters, a truly global firm. Reuters does not take its mandate lightly: a friend who works there recently sent me a job posting for an editor in Gdynia, which, Google clarified for me, is a city in the Pomeranian Voivodeship of Poland.

    Reuters journalists cover everything from club sports to international tax evasion. They’re outsourcing quick hits about corporate earnings to Bangalore, assembling teams on multiple continents to tackle a big investigation, shedding or shuffling staff under corporate reorganizations. Perhaps unsurprisingly, “more than half our business is serving financial customers,” Stephen Adler, the editor in chief, tells me. “That has little to do with what country you’re from. It’s about information: a central-bank action in Europe or Japan may be just as important as everything else.”

    Institutionally, “it’s really important and useful that we don’t have one national HQ,” Adler adds. “That’s the difference between a global news organization and one with a foreign desk. For us, nothing is foreign.” That approach won Reuters this year’s international Pulitzer Prize for uncovering the mass murder of the Rohingya in Myanmar (two of the reporters were imprisoned as a result, and since freed); it also comes through especially sharply in daily financial stories: comprehensive, if dry, compendiums of who-what-where-when-why that recognize the global impact of national stories, and vice versa. A recent roundup of stock movements included references to the US Fed, China trade talks, Brexit, monetary policy around the world, and the price of gold.

    Adler has led the newsroom since 2011, and a lot has changed in the world. (I worked at Reuters between 2011 and 2013, first as Adler’s researcher and later as a reporter; Adler is the chair of CJR’s board.) Shortly after Trump’s election, Adler wrote a memo affirming the organization’s commitment to being fair, honest, and resourceful. He now feels more strongly than ever about judiciously avoiding biases—including national ones. “Our ideology and discipline around putting personal feelings and nationality aside has been really helpful, because when you think about how powerful local feelings are—revolutions, the Arab Spring—we want you writing objectively and dispassionately.”

    The delivery of stories in a casual, illustrated, highly readable form is in some ways more crucial to developing an audience than subject matter.

    Whether global stories can push communities to develop transnationally in a meaningful way is a harder question to answer; it seems to impugn our collective aptitude for reacting to problems of a global nature in a rational way. Reuters’s decision not to fetishize Trump hasn’t led to a drop-off in US coverage—its reporters have been especially strong on immigration and trade policy, not to mention the effects of the new administration on the global economy—but its stories aren’t exactly clickbait, which means ordinary Americans might not encounter them at the top of their feed. In other words, having a global perspective doesn’t necessarily translate to more eyeballs.

    What’s more, Reuters doesn’t solve the audience-class problem: whether readers are getting dispatches in partner newspapers like The New York Times or through the organization’s Eikon terminal, they tend to be the sort of person “who does transnational business, travels a good deal, is connected through work and media, has friends in different places, cares about what’s going on in different places,” Adler says. “That’s a pretty large cohort of people who have reason to care what’s going on in other places.”

    There are ways to unite readers without centering coverage on money or the markets. For a generation of readers around the world, the common ground is technology: the internet. “We didn’t pick our audience,” Ben Smith, the editor in chief of BuzzFeed, tells me over the phone. “Our audience picked us.” He defines his readers as a cohort aged 18–35 “who are on the internet and who broadly care about human rights, global politics, and feminism and gay rights in particular.”

    To serve them, BuzzFeed recently published a damning investigative report into the World Wildlife Fund’s arming of militias in natural reserves; a (not uncontroversial) series on Trump’s business dealings abroad; early exposés of China’s detention of Uighur citizens; and reports on child abuse in Australia. Climate—“the central challenge for every newsroom in the world”—has been harder to pin down. “We don’t feel anyone has cracked it. But the shift from abstract scientific [stories] to coverage of fires in California, it’s a huge change—it makes it more concrete,” Smith says. (My husband is a reporter for BuzzFeed.)

    The delivery of these stories in a casual, illustrated, highly readable form is in some ways more crucial to developing an audience than subject matter. “The global political financial elites have had a common language ever since it was French,” Smith says. “There is now a universal language of internet culture, [and] that. . . is how our stuff translates so well between cultures and audiences.” This isn’t a form of digital Esperanto, Smith insists; the point isn’t to flatten the differences between countries or regions so much as to serve as a “container” in which people from different regions, interest groups, and cultures can consume media through references they all understand.

    BuzzFeed might not be setting out to shape its readers’ identities (I certainly can’t claim to feel a special bond with other people who found out they were Phoebes from the quiz “Your Sushi Order Will Reveal Which ‘Friends’ Character You’re Most Like”). An audience defined by its youth and its media consumption habits can be difficult to keep up with: platforms come and go, and young people don’t stay young forever. But if Anderson’s thesis still carries water, there must be something to speaking this language across cultures, space, and time. Call it “Web vernacular.”

    In 2013, during one of the many recent and lengthy US government shutdowns, Joshua Keating, a journalist at Slate, began a series, “If It Happened There,” that imagined how the American media would view the shutdown if it were occurring in another country. “The typical signs of state failure aren’t evident on the streets of this sleepy capital city,” Keating opens. “Beret-wearing colonels have not yet taken to the airwaves to declare martial law. . . .But the pleasant autumn weather disguises a government teetering on the brink.”

    It goes on; you get the idea. Keating’s series, which was inspired by his having to read “many, many headlines from around the world” while working at Foreign Policy, is a clever journalistic illustration of what sociologists call “methodological nationalism”: the bias that gets inadvertently baked into work and words. In the Middle East, it’s sectarian or ethnic strife; in the Midwest, it’s a trigger-happy cop and a kid in a hoodie.

    His send-ups hit a nerve. “It was huge—it was by far the most popular thing I’ve done at Slate,” Keating says. “I don’t think that it was a shocking realization to anyone that this kind of language can be a problem, but sometimes pointing it out can be helpful. If the series did anything, it made people stop and be conscious of how. . . our inherent biases and perspectives will inform how we cover the world.”

    Curiously, living under an openly nationalist administration has changed the way America—or at the very least, a significant part of the American press corps—sees itself. The press is a de facto opposition party, not because it tries to be, but because the administration paints it that way. And that gives reporters the experience of working in a place much more hostile than the US without setting foot outside the country.

    Keating has “semi-retired” the series as a result of the broad awareness among American reporters that it is, in fact, happening here. “It didn’t feel too novel to say [Trump was] acting like a foreign dictator,” he says. “That was what the real news coverage was doing.”

    Keating, who traveled to Somaliland, Kurdistan, and Abkhazia to report his book Invisible Countries (2018), still thinks the fastest and most effective way to form an international perspective is to live abroad. At the same time, not being bound to a strong national identity “can make it hard to understand particular concerns of the people you’re writing about,” he says. It might be obvious, but there is no one perfect way to be internationally minded.

    Alan Rusbridger—the former editor of The Guardian who oversaw the paper’s Edward Snowden coverage and is now the principal at Lady Margaret Hall, a college at Oxford University—recognizes the journalistic and even moral merits of approaching news in a non-national way: “I think of journalism as a public service, and I do think there’s a link between journalism at its best and the betterment of individual lives and societies,” he says. But he doesn’t have an easy formula for how to do that, because truly cosmopolitan journalism requires both top-down editorial philosophies—not using certain phrasings or framings that position foreigners as “others”—and bottom-up efforts by individual writers to read widely and be continuously aware of how their work might be read by people thousands of miles away.

    Yes, the starting point is a nationally defined press, not a decentralized network, but working jointly helps pool scarce resources and challenge national or local biases.

    Rusbridger sees potential in collaborations across newsrooms, countries, and continents. Yes, the starting point is a nationally defined press, not a decentralized network; but working jointly helps pool scarce resources and challenge national or local biases. It also wields power. “One of the reasons we reported Snowden with the Times in New York was to use global protections of human rights and free speech and be able to appeal to a global audience of readers and lawyers,” Rusbridger recalls. “We thought, ‘We’re pretty sure nation-states will come at us over this, and the only way to do it is harness ourselves to the US First Amendment not available to us anywhere else.’”

    In employing these tactics, the press positions itself in opposition to the nation-state. The same strategy could be seen behind the rollout of the Panama and Paradise Papers (not to mention the aggressive tax dodging detailed therein). “I think journalists and activists and citizens on the progressive wing of politics are thinking creatively about how global forces can work to their advantage,” Rusbridger says.

    But he thinks it all starts locally, with correspondents who have fluency in the language, culture, and politics of the places they cover, people who are members of the communities they write about. That isn’t a traditional foreign-correspondent experience (nor indeed that of UN employees, NGO workers, or other expats). The silver lining of publishing companies’ shrinking budgets might be that cost cutting pushes newsrooms to draw from local talent, rather than send established writers around. What you gain—a cosmopolitanism that works from the bottom up—can help dispel accusations of media elitism. That’s the first step to creating new imagined communities.

    Anderson’s work has inspired many an academic, but media executives? Not so much. Rob Wijnberg is an exception: he founded the (now beleaguered) Correspondent in the Netherlands in 2013 with Anderson’s ideas in mind. In fact, when we speak, he brings the name up unprompted.

    “You have to transcend this notion that you can understand the world through the national point of view,” he says. “The question is, What replacement do we have for it? Simply saying we have to transcend borders or have an international view isn’t enough, because you have to replace the imagined community you’re leaving behind with another one.”

    For Wijnberg, who was a philosophy student before he became a journalist, this meant radically reinventing the very structures of the news business: avoiding covering “current events” just because they happened, and thinking instead of what we might call eventful currents—the political, social, and economic developments that affect us all. It meant decoupling reporting from national news cycles, and getting readers to become paying “members” instead of relying on advertisements.

    This, he hoped, would help create a readership not based on wealth, class, nationality, or location, but on borderless, universal concerns. “We try to see our members. . . as part of a group or knowledge community, where the thing they share is the knowledge they have about a specific structural subject matter,” be it climate, inequality, or migration, Wijnberg says. “I think democracy and politics answers more to media than the other way around, so if you change the way media covers the world you change a lot.”

    That approach worked well in the Netherlands: his team raised 1.7 million euros in 2013, and grew to include 60,000 members. A few years later, Wijnberg and his colleagues decided to expand into the US, and with the help of NYU’s Jay Rosen, an early supporter, they made it onto Trevor Noah’s Daily Show to pitch their idea.

    The Correspondent raised more than $2.5 million from nearly 50,000 members—a great success, by any measure. But in March, things started to get hairy, with the publication abruptly pulling the plug on opening a US newsroom and announcing that staff would edit stories reported from the US from the original Amsterdam office instead. Many of the reasons behind this are mundane: visas, high rent, relocation costs. And reporters would still be reporting from, and on, the States. But supporters felt blindsided, calling the operation a scam.

    Today, Wijnberg reflects that he should have controlled the messaging better, and not promised to hire and operate from New York until he was certain that he could. He also wonders why it matters.

    “It’s not saying people who think it matters are wrong,” he explains. “But if the whole idea of this kind of geography and why it’s there is a construct, and you’re trying to think about transcending it, the very notion of Where are you based? is secondary. The whole point is not to be based anywhere.”

    Still: “The view from everywhere—the natural opposite—is just as real,” Wijnberg concedes. “You can’t be everywhere. You have to be somewhere.”

    And that’s the rub: for all of nationalism’s ills, it does instill in its subjects what Anderson calls a “deep, horizontal comradeship” that, while imagined, blossoms thanks to a confluence of forces. It can’t be replicated supranationally overnight. The challenge for a cosmopolitan journalism, then, is to dream up new forms of belonging that look forward, not backward—without discarding the imagined communities we have.

    That’s hard; so hard that it more frequently provokes a retrenchment, not an expansion, of solidarity. But it’s not impossible. And our collective futures almost certainly depend on it.
    #journalisme #nationalisme #Etat-nation #communauté_nationale #communauté_internationale #frontières #presse #médias

  • Encore des victoires de BDS aux Etats-Unis :

    BDS universitaire à la New-York University :

    Le département d’analyse sociale et culturelle de l’université de New York (#NYU) met fin à toute relation officielle avec le campus de Tel Aviv
    Jenni Fink, Newsweek, le 2 mai 2019

    Une conférence prévue à la fac à côté de Boston, avec #Linda_Sarsour et #Roger_Waters, était menacée d’annulation. Un juge l’a autorisée :

    Judge OKs pro-Palestinian event on UMass Amherst campus
    Rick Sobey, Boston Herald, le 2 mai 2019

    A mettre avec l’évolution de la situation aux États-Unis vis à vis de la Palestine :

    #Palestine #USA #BDS #Boycott_universitaire

  • Brown University Students Pass BDS Referendum – The Forward

    Students at Brown University voted Thursday to call on the school to divest from companies that allegedly violate human rights through their work in Israel.

    Some 69% voted for the measure in a campus referendum, with 31% opposed. Students were asked whether the university should ““divest all stocks, funds, endowment and other monetary instruments from companies complicit in human rights abuses in Palestine.” Around 44% of the student body participated in the vote, which also included student government elections.

    Many Jewish students expressed their disappointment in the result. “This referendum is a defeat for all students who believe there is a better way to pursue peace between Israelis and Palestinians, who seek intellectually honest discourse about Israel and the conflict, and who prioritize a safe and inclusive community at Brown,” the group Brown Students for Israel said on their Facebook page.

    But the group Brown Divest, which also included some Jewish supporters, was jubilant. “Today is a historic day for Brown as we take an emboldened and clear stand against the university’s complicity in human rights abuses in #Palestine and in similar systems of oppression around the world,” the coalition said in a statement.

    #BDS #universités #etats-unis

    • Les étudiants de Brown University votent pour BDS
      Brown Divest, le 21 mars 2019

      C’est avec un immense honneur et enthousiasme que nous annonçons le succès remporté dans le référendum Brown Divest (Brown désinvestit) d’aujourd’hui, 21 mars 2019. Le oui a été voté à 69% et la participation d’aujourd’hui a été une des plus fortes dans l’histoire des élections organisées par le Conseil étudiant de premier cycle : 3 076 étudiants ont voté. Aujourd’hui est un jour historique pour Brown puisque nous prenons une position hardie et claire contre la complicité de l’université avec les violations des droits humains en Palestine et dans des systèmes d’oppression similaires dans le monde.

      Aujourd’hui, nous rejoignons d’autres universités telles que Swarthmore, NYU, UCLA, l’Université George Washington et d’autres qui ont mené des campagnes avec le même succès. Nous devenons aussi la première université Ivy League à lancer un référendum de désinvestissement sur la Palestine et nous avons hâte d’en voir d’autres suivre notre exemple.

      Ce référendum représente non seulement un pas décisif sur cette question, mais un travail de mobilisation et d’unification de plusieurs années d’une coalition diversifiée de groupes d’étudiants du campus. Cette campagne n’aurait pas été possible si nous ne nous étions pas unis en une communauté.

      Les membres de Brown Divest ne voient ce référendum ni comme un début ni comme une fin de notre lutte pour la justice. Nous continuerons sur notre lancée et nous nous rassemblerons en communauté pour tenir l’administration responsable de l’application du résultat de ce référendum.

      A mettre avec l’évolution de la situation aux États-Unis vis à vis de la Palestine :

      #Palestine #USA #Université #BDS #Boycott_universitaire

  • Delete your account : leaving Facebook can make you happier, study finds

    New study from Stanford and NYU finds logging off causes ‘small but significant improvements in wellbeing’ Despite all the scandals of the past year, here we are, still on Facebook, a couple of billion of us spending about an hour a day in its iron grip. Now a new study suggests it’s making us feel bad. That’s in part because we may be addicted. Want to feel better ? Delete Facebook. As some experts have said, the system of rewards set up by Facebook and other social media platforms is akin (...)

    #Facebook #addiction

  • Une affaire relativement petite et technique, mais qui démontre le recul des anti-BDS aux États-Unis, pourtant pays leader en la matière :

    Les sénateurs américains rejettent la loi anti-BDS et pro-Israël
    Maannews, le 10 janvier 2019

    Traduction de :

    US Senators vote down anti-BDS, pro-Israeli bill
    Maannews, le 10 janvier 2019

    A regrouper avec un autre recul aux Etats-Unis :

    Former legislator in Maryland sues state over anti-BDS law
    Middle East Eye, le 9 janvier 2019

    #BDS #USA #Palestine

  • Traffic Sign Classification

    Having just finished the semester at NYU, I thought I’d share the results of one of the more interesting homework assignments that I had. As the title suggests, this will be another post about the traffic sign classification competition found at some background, I am currently studying for my master’s degree at NYU. Like many of the other students there, I jumped at the chance to take the computer vision class taught by the renowned professor Rob Fergus.Cool, but what makes this assignment more interesting than any other assignment from any other professor? This homework assignment was given in the form of a #kaggle competition. The higher your rank on the private leaderboard the higher your grade.For those that don’t know what the private leaderboard is on (...)

    #image-classification #convolutional-network #machine-learning #computer-vision

  • Queer attitude et incrimination.

    L’affaire Ronell/Reitman fait symptôme d’une difficulté à faire tenir ensemble police des mœurs et subversion de l’ordre patriarcal. Car la question du fameux Title IX, de son usage et mésusage, est aussi celle de sa dérive. En 1972, il s’agit de lutter contre des discriminations dues au sexe, à savoir l’interdiction faite aux femmes de pouvoir avoir les mêmes activités physiques, sportives, intellectuelles que les hommes. Aujourd’hui il semble être le point d’appui des plaintes pour abus de pouvoir (...)


    / #Avital_Ronell

    • Je regroupe mes réaction aux 3 textes sur l’affaire Ronell proposé par vacarme ici :


      Dans le cas présent, il faut mettre en balance une femme de cœur, unanimement reconnue pour sa force et sa générosité, et un étudiant qui n’a pas réussi à obtenir la place qu’il souhaitait – à tort ou à raison – dans le monde redoutablement concurrent des chercheurs américains.

      Ca fait mal au coeur de voire le #victime_blaming utilisé par Nathalie Koble (même si je sais pas qui elle est, elle semble se revendiqué féministe).

      En l’occurrence, confondre sans discernement harcèlement – dans un cadre professionnel – et vie privée – hors de ce cadre - relève à la fois du lynchage et de l’atteinte aux droits de l’homme et de la femme : ira-t-on reprocher à une femme libre toute une vie intime, librement consentie, et ses affinités intellectuelles comme une opprobre, parce qu’elle est en procès avec un étudiant ? N’est-on pas là en train de confondre la liberté du consentement et le harcèlement pour verser dans un faux moralisme, puisqu’il ne prend les visages du puritanisme que pour n’être au fond que le prétexte à l’exposition la plus dégradante possible de l’intégrité d’une femme ?

      Elle est peut être féministe mais elle semble avoir raté l’idée que le privé est politique. Ce discours me semble malhonnete. Elle utilise exactement les technique de protection des dominant·es.
      – l’agresseur·e présumé est quelqu’un de respectable.
      – la personne qui dénonce l’agression est blamé (accusé de mentir pour chantage, vengeance, cupidité, ou par regrets pudibonds...)
      – C’est de la séduction mal comprise - drague un peu lourde
      – C’est une affaire privé -
      – C’est pas du vrai harcelement car la victime un homme et l’accusée une femme.

      Sinon sur ce texte, il est ecrit au masculin, avec l’expression « La femme » et « l’homme » qui témoigne d’une vision essentialiste. Du coup Nathalie Koble elle me semble modérément féministe mais ca me rassure pas pour autant. J’ai pas encor lu les autres textes de vacarme sur ce sujet mais j’espère qu’il n’y a pas que ce type de discours nauséabond.


      Car le projet d’une femme queer est d’agir en refusant les assignations normatives et les rapports de domination. Or chacun sait que quand un être domine, il n’est plus libre, et que la liberté ne consiste pas à dominer mais bien à refuser tout rapport de domination, qu’on soit dominant ou dominé socialement. D’où cette difficulté structurelle pour la liberté humaine du consentement des dominés ou de leur servitude volontaire ou de leur capacité à récupérer un statut victimaire, quand ils ont simplement renoncé à leur liberté. Pour un étudiant est-ce si impossible de dire non à son professeur ?

      Celui là est plus tordu. J’ai l’impression que là l’idée c’est qu’elle fesait de la poésie surréaliste ou une expérience BDSM queer et du coup c’est pas que agression. Elle est queer alors elle peu pas harcelé. Et la victime n’avait qu’a se défendre -

      Le final c’est le ponpon :

      Non l’affaire Ronell/Reitman n’est pas symétrique des affaires #MeToo. Et l’on peut s’étonner malgré tout de la célérité à sanctionner une femme quand tant d’hommes ne sont jamais inquiétés.

      Je suis pas d’accord sur ce deux poids deux mesures. Les harceleuses, agresseuses, violeuses... doivent etre dénoncé autant que les hommes qui commettent ces actes. Ni plus ni moins.

      #metoo dénonce le harcelement sexuel sur le lieu de travail. Entre collègues, dans la hiérarchie, vis à vis de client·es... Dès le début il y a eu des hommes victimes. Dans le travail les discriminations font que la position de pouvoir est plutot aux hommes, mais il y a des femmes qui ont du pouvoir et peuvent l’utiliser pour harceler. c’est pas possible de donner une autorisation de harcelé aux dominé·es (ni à personne !).

      Simone de Beauvoir avait été renvoyé de son poste d’enseignante pour avoir couché avec des élèves, ca lui vaut le titre de #grand_homme dans mes archives.


      Le dernier :

      À titre personnel, mais peut-être parce que je suis viriliste, j’aurais tendance à penser que les femmes professeurs sont davantage en droit que les hommes professeurs à se sentir a priori protégées d’accusations de harcèlement sexuel et de contact sexuel : même en position d’autorité, elles ne bénéficient pas de cette menace constante de pouvoir pénétrer l’autre ou de le faire bander sans son consentement — à moins d’être sacrément équipée de prothèses technologiques et de breuvages magiques, ce qui est assez rare et compliqué (en d’autres termes, il me semble qu’il faudrait toujours tenir compte d’une inégalité de genre irréductible dans les affaires de harcèlement sexuel).

      Lui c’est le grand portnawak, le penis est donc un « genre » à ses yeux et il y a pas moyen pour une femme de commettre des violences sexuelles. Le vrai viol c’est avec un penis et sans penis pas de violence sexuelle possible.
      Les agressions sexuelles commises par des femmes ne sont pas de bourdes. Et parlé de bourde au sujet d’une femme ca me semble connoté sexiste. Ca me rappel les attaques sexistes contre S.Royal.

      Je trouve tout ca malhonnete. Ces 3 textes utilisent quantité d’arguments qui sont justement ceux utilisé habituellement par les masculinistes. En fait ces trois personnes sont surtout 3 universitaires de pouvoir qui veulent garder leur droit à harceler les étudant·es et qui défendent ce droit à travers cette affaire.

    • J’avais raté celui là ! merci @marielle

      Voilà deux personnes qui flirtent (on efface ici toutes attributions de genre, toujours douteuses et modifiables). Deux adultes, en pleine possession de leurs droits et de leurs consciences. L’un est le professeur de l’autre et l’autre, par conséquent, son étudiant. Ils flirtent c’est-à-dire s’amadouent, se donnent de gentils noms, en paroles et en mails, se caressent un peu. Sur le plan du sexe et du sentiment ça ne va pas plus loin.

      C’etait pas un flirt puisque l’une des deux parties a porter plainte. On retrouve la thèse complotiste, la mise en cause de la victime, la négation du rapport hierarchique. C’est un peu moins bourrin que les autres car il y a un peu de contexte et de perspective dans celui là. Je vais pas y passer la journée, les profs qui flirts avec leurs etudiant·es sont en faute et celleux qui les harcelent sont bien sur encore plus et cela qu’illes soient queer ou pas.

    • Bien d’accord sur le manque de contexte. Le figaro à l’air d’en parlé sous #paywall :

      Non, c’est pas les mêmes relations, c’est pas la même violence, sauf à multiplier les rapports de domination pour renverser le handicap fondamental d’être une meuf qui n’a pas appris à dire non avec autant d’assurance qu’un gars : race, âge, position sociale, rapport hiérarchique. Ce qui est peut-être le cas ici, j’en sais rien.

      Ici on sais que c’était sa directrice de thèse et cette position de domination est évacué et niée par tou·tes les universitaires pro Ronell publié par Vacarme.

    • Plusieurs texte là dessus dans libé aujourd’hui dont un qui donne un peu le contexte.

      Selon le New York Times, qui a sorti l’affaire mi-août, Nimrod Reitman, aujourd’hui âgé de 34 ans quand Ronell en a 66, lui reproche de lui avoir envoyé pendant trois ans des mails déplacés, mais aussi d’avoir eu des gestes à connotation sexuelle à plusieurs reprises. Reitman raconte ainsi une journée de 2012, à Paris, où la philosophe l’avait invité à l’accompagner. Elle lui aurait demandé de lui lire des poésies, dans sa chambre, pendant qu’elle faisait la sieste. Puis l’aurait invité dans son lit, lui aurait touché la poitrine, l’aurait embrassé. Reitman explique ne pas avoir osé réagir par peur de représailles sur son avenir universitaire. Dès le lendemain, il lui aurait pourtant dit son désaccord et sa gêne. Mais la situation se serait répétée à plusieurs reprises. Avital Ronell, elle, dément catégoriquement tout contact sexuel. Quant à ses mails : « Nos communications étaient entre deux adultes, un homme gay et une femme queer, qui partagent un héritage israélien, aussi bien qu’un penchant pour une communication imagée et familière, née de sensibilités et d’un contexte académique communs », a-t-elle déclaré au New York Times.

      Au terme d’une enquête de onze mois, l’université a conclu que Ronell s’était bien livrée à du harcèlement sexuel et que son comportement avait été « suffisamment envahissant pour altérer les termes et les conditions de l’environnement d’apprentissage de M. Reitman ». Elle a en revanche rejeté les accusations d’agression sexuelle, estimant qu’elle n’avait pas de preuve.

      Au printemps, plusieurs dizaines d’intellectuels et de professeurs d’université avaient signé un texte de soutien, initié par Judith Butler, la grande figure des études de genre, destiné à l’Université de New York, pour plaider la cause de la philosophe lors de l’enquête interne de la fac. Le courrier confidentiel a fuité sur un blog - sans doute était-ce aussi l’occasion de porter un coup aux études de genre et au poststructuralisme. Très malhabile, le texte reprenait les arguments classiques de la défense des hommes harceleurs…


      Le véritable « abus fait du Title IX » n’est pas là pour l’historienne Joan Scott, qui a signé elle aussi la lettre de soutien à Ronell : « Le Title IX est récemment devenu uniquement centré sur le harcèlement sexuel, a-t-elle expliqué dans un mail à Libération. Depuis 1972, les universités confrontées à une plainte dans le cadre du Title IX ont répondu de manière diverse au fil des ans : elles ont protégé leurs éminents universitaires, choisissant d’ignorer les plaintes d’étudiants ; elles ont protégé leurs athlètes et tous ceux qu’elles considéraient comme vitaux pour leurs programmes ; elles ont parfois puni les accusés après une prudente investigation. Mais plus récemment, la réponse la plus typique est de considérer une plainte comme prouvée, sans trop d’efforts pour examiner les faits afin d’agir vite et de punir l’accusé. […] Au lieu d’un jury composé de ses pairs, l’accusé fait face à des équipes d’avocats décidés à protéger l’université de coûteuses poursuites en justice ou de la perte de fonds fédéraux. […] C’est ce qui s’est passé dans le cas Ronell. » Ce qui ne suffira peut-être pas : Nimrod Reitman réfléchit à porter plainte, cette fois en justice, contre Avital Ronell et l’Université de New York.

    • Aux Etats-Unis, l’affaire de la professeure Avital Ronell questionne #MeToo

      Le pouvoir. Pour Corey Robin, figure de la gauche intellectuelle américaine, voilà bien la question centrale. « La question qui hante tous ces échanges est celle du pouvoir, écrit-il. Voilà un doctorant qui essaie de faire son chemin dans une institution où tout dépend d’un bon, ou d’un mauvais mot, de son superviseur. (...) Je ne doute pas que Ronell ait pu croire, parfois, que le langage qu’elle utilisait était partagé. Ceux qui sont en position de pouvoir, et qui abusent de ce pouvoir, le croient souvent. »

      « Ce qui me frappe dans cette histoire, c’est moins la dimension sexuelle que cette demande incessante, et fatigante, que Ronell exigeait de son élève, juge Claire Potter, professeur d’histoire à la New School de New York. Lorsque vous êtes professeur, vous devez penser aux barrières. Des amitiés fortes ne sont pas exclues. Mais il doit y avoir des barrières claires dans l’intimité. »

      Professeur à l’institut de French Studies de NYU, le sociologue Frédéric Viguier est frappé par la dimension générationnelle de la polémique, qui révèle les profondes disparités de condition dans l’université américaine, système hyperconcurrentiel et privé où des « stars » très bien payées dans les meilleures universités, souvent des centaines de milliers de dollars par an, disposent d’un pouvoir exorbitant sur des doctorants dont elles peuvent accélérer, ou entraver, les carrières.

  • Facebook Aims To Make MRI Scans 10x Faster With NYU

    Si même l’Université de New York a besoin de Facebook pour faire des recherches... mais tout est clean hein, peut être même open source.

    Zitnick added that partnering with NYU could help the social media giant get the technology into practice if it proves to be successful. “If we do show success, we have an avenue to get this out into clinical practice, test it out, put it in front of real radiologists, and make sure that what we’re doing is actually going to be impactful,” he said.

    But when asked if Facebook plans to release and build medical products in the future, Zitnick didn’t give much away. Instead, he said that “FAIR’s mission is to push the science of AI forward,” before going on to say that FAIR is looking for problems where AI can have a positive impact on the world.

    Facebook and NYU have a long-standing relationship, with several people working for both organizations including Yann LeCun, who was the director of FAIR before he became Facebook’s chief AI scientist. “This all got started with a connection by someone working both for NYU and in collaboration with FAIR. They suggested it’d be good for us to start talking, which we did,” said Sodickson.

    Facebook and NYU plan to open source their work so that other researchers can build on their developments. As the project unfolds, Facebook said it will publish AI models, baselines, and evaluation metrics associated with the research, while NYU will open source the image dataset.

    Facebook isn’t the only tech company exploring how AI can be used to assist radiologists. For example, DeepMind, an AI lab owned by Google, has developed deep learning software that can detect over 50 eye diseases from scans.

    DeepMind has a number of other healthcare projects but Facebook (who was reportedly interested in buying DeepMind at one stage) claims this project is the first of its kind, as it aims to change the way medical images are created in the first place, as opposed to using existing medical images to see what can be achieved.

    #Facebook #Résonance_magnétique #Neuromarketing #Intelligence_artificielle #Université #Partenariats

  • Facebook and NYU School of Medicine launch research collaboration to improve MRI – Facebook Code

    C’est bô le langage fleuri des experts en public relation...

    Using AI, it may be possible to capture less data and therefore scan faster, while preserving or even enhancing the rich information content of magnetic resonance images. The key is to train artificial neural networks to recognize the underlying structure of the images in order to fill in views omitted from the accelerated scan. This approach is similar to how humans process sensory information. When we experience the world, our brains often receive an incomplete picture — as in the case of obscured or dimly lit objects — that we need to turn into actionable information. Early work performed at NYU School of Medicine shows that artificial neural networks can accomplish a similar task, generating high-quality images from far less data than was previously thought to be necessary.

    In practice, reconstructing images from partial information poses an exceedingly hard problem. Neural networks must be able to effectively bridge the gaps in scanning data without sacrificing accuracy. A few missing or incorrectly modeled pixels could mean the difference between an all-clear scan and one in which radiologists find a torn ligament or a possible tumor. Conversely, capturing previously inaccessible information in an image can quite literally save lives.

    Advancing the AI and medical communities
    Unlike other AI-related projects, which use medical images as a starting point and then attempt to derive anatomical or diagnostic information from them (in emulation of human observers), this collaboration focuses on applying the strengths of machine learning to reconstruct the most high-value images in entirely new ways. With the goal of radically changing the way medical images are acquired in the first place, our aim is not simply enhanced data mining with AI, but rather the generation of fundamentally new capabilities for medical visualization to benefit human health.

    In the interest of advancing the state of the art in medical imaging as quickly as possible, we plan to open-source this work to allow the wider research community to build on our developments. As the project progresses, Facebook will share the AI models, baselines, and evaluation metrics associated with this research, and NYU School of Medicine will open-source the image data set. This will help ensure the work’s reproducibility and accelerate adoption of resulting methods in clinical practice.

    What’s next
    Though this project will initially focus on MRI technology, its long-term impact could extend to many other medical imaging applications. For example, the improvements afforded by AI have the potential to revolutionize CT scans as well. Advanced image reconstruction might enable ultra-low-dose CT scans suitable for vulnerable populations, such as pediatric patients. Such improvements would not only help transform the experience and effectiveness of medical imaging, but they’d also help equalize access to an indispensable element of medical care.

    We believe the fastMRI project will demonstrate how domain-specific experts from different fields and industries can work together to produce the kind of open research that will make a far-reaching and lasting positive impact in the world.

    #Resonance_magnetique #Intelligence_artificielle #Facebook #Neuromarketing

  • How Facebook — yes, Facebook — might make MRIs faster

    Impeccable pour le neuromarketing...

    Doctors use MRI — shorthand for magnetic resonance imaging — to get a closer look at organs, tissues and bones without exposing patients to harmful radiation. The image quality makes them especially helpful in spotting soft tissue damage, too. The problem is, tests can take as long as an hour. Anyone with even a hint of claustrophobia can struggle to remain perfectly still in the tube-like machine that long. Tying up a machine for that long also drives up costs by limiting the number of exams a hospital can perform each day.

    Computer scientists at Facebook (FB) think they can use machine learning to make things a lot faster. To that end, NYU is providing an anonymous dataset of 10,000 MRI exams, a trove that will include as many as three million images of knees, brains and livers.

    Related: What happens when automation comes for highly paid doctors

    Researchers will use the data to train an algorithm, using a method called deep learning, to recognize the arrangement of bones, muscles, ligaments, and other things that make up the human body. Building this knowledge into the software that powers an MRI machine will allow the AI to create a portion of the image, saving time.

    #Résonance_magnetique #Neuromarketing #Facebook

  • The Creative Ways Your Boss Is Spying on You | WIRED

    The most common snooping techniques are relatively subtle. A system called #Teramind —which lists #BNP_Paribas and the telecom giant #Orange as customers on its website—sends pop-up warnings if it suspects employees are about to slack off or share confidential documents. Other companies rely on tools like Hubstaff to record the websites that workers are visiting and how much they’re typing.

    Such software “solutions” pitch themselves as ways to enhance productivity. But trouble emerges, critics say, when employers invest too much significance in these metrics.

    That’s because data has never been able to capture the finer points of creativity and the idiosyncratic nature of work. Where one account manager might do her best thinking behind a desk, another knows he’s sharpest on an afternoon stroll—a behavior that algorithms could blithely declare deviant. This then creates “a hidden layer of management,” says Jason Schultz, director of the NYU School of Law’s Technology Law & Policy Clinic. Those midday walkers might never find out why they’ve been passed over for a promotion. Once established, the image of the “ideal” employee sticks.

    Try to hide from this all-seeing eye of corporate America—and you might make matters worse. Even the cleverest spoofing hacks can backfire. “The more workers try to be invisible, the more managers have a hard time figuring out what’s happening, and that justifies more #surveillance,” says Michel Anteby, an associate professor of organizational behavior at Boston University. He calls it the “cycle of coercive surveillance.” Translation: lose/lose.

  • #hacking the Whole #body Approach to #health

    Eastern and Western approaches to medical practice have often been seen as complete opposites. In fact, many studies have show this view to be folly, and Eastern, also known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), practices are proven to help alleviate ailments ranging from arthritis, gynecological pain, and migraines to cancer treatment side effects. It has been a mystery why exactly the implementation of acupuncture, yoga, and other TCM practices seem to work, but a new scientific discovery is clearing up the Eastern medicine phenomena that has puzzled Western practitioners.This past March, a team of doctors led by researcher and doctor of pathology Neil Theise of NYU’s Langone School of Medicine discovered what they are referring to as a new organ.It’s name―the interstitium.Using pCLE, (...)

    #healthcare #tech

  • Rollin’ With the Dragon: Opioids Are Gaining Popularity in the Club Scene | Alternet

    The EDM scene has long been known for drug use, but the researchers warn that the turn to opioids is a dangerous trend that should not be ignored.

    “We’ve always known that electronic dance music party attendees are at high risk for use of club drugs such as ecstasy or Molly, but we wanted to know the extent of opioid use in this population,” said Palamar, the study’s lead author and an associate professor of population health at NYU School of Medicine.

    The most popular prescription opioid reported in this scene was Oxycontin, which, like many prescription opioids, is used to relieve pain, but also produces euphoric effects, inducing relaxation and happiness. Following close behind were Vicodin, Percocet, codeine, and Purple Drank. About 15 percent of opioid users reported snorting them, while 11 percent reported injecting them, both forms of ingestion more likely to result in dependence.

    People who had already used opioids reported a much higher propensity for using them again than did people who had never used them. Among previous users, nearly three-quarters (73.4 percent) said they would do them again, while only about 6 percent of non-users said they would try them if offered.

    #Opioides #Dance_music

  • Reputation inflation explains why Uber’s five-star driver ratings system became useless — Quartz

    Das Bewertungssystem von Uber und anderen Internet-Plattformen funktioniert nicht. Technisch betrachtet ist alles O.K. aber weder "gute"noch „schlechte“ oder „durchschnittliche“ Bewertung haben die nahe liegende Bedeutung. Auf der einen Seite vergeben Kunden systematisch ein Maximum an Punkten, weil sie auch miesen Fahrern nichts Böses antun wollen, auf der anderen Seit wird manipuliert und betrogen, was das Zeug hält, wie die bekannte Geschichte mit dem „besten Restaurant Londons“ zeigt, das in Wirklichkeit nicht existierte.

    In der Praxis ist es wie in einer Schule, wo nur Einsen vergeben werden und jede Zwei zum Nichtbestehen führt.

    Dieser Artikel und die unten verlinkte Studie zeigen genauer, was dahinter steckt und was man für Schlüssen aus den Beobachtungen ziehen kann.

    Have you ever given an Uber driver five stars who didn’t deserve it? If you’ve ever taken any ride-hailing service, the answer is probably yes.

    Uber asks riders to give their drivers a rating of one to five stars at the end of each trip. But very few people make use of this full scale. That’s because it’s common knowledge among Uber’s users that drivers need to maintain a certain minimum rating to work, and that leaving anything less than five stars could jeopardize their status.

    Drivers are so concerned about their ratings that one Lyft driver in California last year posted a translation of the five-star system in his car, to educate less savvy passengers. Next to four stars he wrote: “This driver sucks, fire him slowly; it does not mean ‘average’ or above ‘average.’” In a tacit acknowledgement of this, Uber said in July that it would make riders add an explanation when they awarded a driver less than five stars.

    How did Uber’s ratings become more inflated than grades at Harvard? That’s the topic of a new paper, “Reputation Inflation,” from NYU’s John Horton and Apostolos Filippas, and CEO Joseph Golden. The paper argues that online platforms, especially peer-to-peer ones like Uber and Airbnb, are highly susceptible to ratings inflation because, well, it’s uncomfortable for one person to leave another a bad review.

    The somewhat more technical way to say this is that there’s a “cost” to leaving negative feedback. That cost can take different forms: It might be that the reviewer fears retaliation, or that he feels guilty doing something that might harm the underperforming worker. If this “cost” increases over time—i.e., the fear or guilt associated with leaving a bad review increases—then the platform is likely to experience ratings inflation.

    The paper focuses on an unnamed gig economy platform where people (“employers”) can hire other people (“workers”) to do specific tasks. After a job is completed, employers can leave two different kinds of feedback: “public” feedback that the worker sees, and “private” reviews and ratings that aren’t shown to the worker or other people on the platform. Over the history of the platform, 82% of people have chosen to leave reviews, including a numerical rating on a scale from one to five stars.

    In the early days of the platform in 2007, the average worker score was pretty, well, average at 3.74 stars. Over time that changed. The average score rose by 0.53 stars over the course 2007. By May 2016, it had climbed to 4.85 stars.

    People were more candid in private. The platform introduced its option to leave private feedback in April 2013. From June 2014 to May 2016, the period studied in the paper, about 15% of employers left “unambiguously bad private feedback” but only 4% gave a public rating of three stars or less. They were also more candid in written comments, possibly because written comments are less directly harmful to the worker than a low numerical score.

    Then, in March 2015, the platform decided to release private ratings in batches to workers. In other words, a private review wasn’t totally private anymore, and leaving a negative one could cause harm. The result was immediate: Bad feedback became scarce and imperfect scores were reserved for truly poor experiences. If the trend continued, the authors estimated that the average private rating would be the highest possible score in seven years.

    This, again, is similar to what has happened on Uber and other ride-hailing platforms. In the early days, riders left a range of reviews, but it didn’t take long for the default to become five stars, with anything else reserved for extreme cases of hostile conduct or reckless driving. “I took a ride in a car as grimy and musty-smelling as a typical yellow cab,” Jeff Bercovici recalled for Forbes in August 2014. “I only gave the driver three out of five stars. Just kidding. I gave him five stars, of course. What do you think I am, a psychopath?”

    Services are different from products. Someone who feels guilty leaving a bad review for another person probably won’t share those concerns about posting a negative review of a toaster. It’s the personal element that gives us pause. A separate, forthcoming study on online reputations found that the number of users leaving negative feedback on a travel review website decreased after hotels started replying to the critiques, despite no change in hotel quality.

    The problem is particularly acute on “sharing” economy platforms because companies like Uber, which regard their workers as independent contractors instead of employees, use ratings riders provide to manage their workforces at arm’s length. These ratings systems ask customers to make tough decisions about whether workers are fit to be on the platform, and live with the guilt if they’re not. Put another way: On-demand platforms are offloading their guilt onto you. Five stars for all!

    Hintergrund und Details

    #Uber #ranking #gig_economy #Arbeit

  • NYU faculty ends ties with UAE over sectarianism claims | News | Al Jazeera

    New York University’s journalism department has voted to end its relationship with its campus in the United Arab Emirates following allegations two professors were denied visas because of their religious affiliation.

    NYU’s Arthur L Carter Journalism Institute said it would discontinue its relationship with NYU Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) amid claims journalism professor Mohamad Bazzi, a Lebanese-born Shia, and Arang Keshavarzian, an Iranian-born politics professor, were denied visas because of their “Shia origins”.

    #sectarisme #E.A.U

  • Psychedelics work by violating our models of self and the world | Aeon Essays

    Psychedelic drugs are making a psychiatric comeback. After a lull of half a century, researchers are once again investigating the therapeutic benefits of psilocybin (‘magic mushrooms’) and LSD. It turns out that the hippies were on to something. There’s mounting evidence that psychedelic experiences can be genuinely transformative, especially for people suffering from intractable anxiety, depression and addiction. ‘It is simply unprecedented in psychiatry that a single dose of a medicine produces these kinds of dramatic and enduring results,’ Stephen Ross, the clinical director of the NYU Langone Center of Excellence on Addiction, told Scientific American in 2016.

    Just what do these drugs do? Psychedelics reliably induce an altered state of consciousness known as ‘ego dissolution’. The term was invented, well before the tools of contemporary neuroscience became available, to describe sensations of self-transcendence: a feeling in which the mind is put in touch more directly and intensely with the world, producing a profound sense of connection and boundlessness.

    How does all this help those with long-term psychiatric disorders? The truth is that no one quite knows how psychedelic therapy works.

    Today there are neuroBuddhists, neuroCartesians and neuroHumeans all over the world, filling PowerPoint screens with images of fMRI scans supposedly congenial to their theory. Abnormal cognitive conditions, pathological or otherwise, serve as a crucial source of evidence in these debates, because they offer the chance to look at the self when it is not working ‘properly’. Data floods in but consensus remains elusive. However, the emerging neuroscience of psychedelics may help resolve this impasse. For the first time ever, scientists are in a position to watch the sense of self disintegrate and reintegrate – reliably, repeatedly and safely, in the neuroimaging scanner.

    #Psychédéliques #conception_du_moi

  • JplProg Electronique - MrmrAts Project

    Project MrmrAts
    Le projet MrmrAts consiste en un logiciel de "scripting" permettant d’utiliser le iPad, iPhone ou le iTouch comme unité de commande pour des tests automatisés.

    Le logiciel MrmrAts ou "Murmure" est un logiciel qui permet d’utiliser le iPad, le iPhone ou le iTouch comme contrôleur tactile avec des systèmes externes via le port de communication série ou le wifi (communication OSC).

    Mrmr d’origine est un projet continu de recherche de mettre au point un ensemble normalisé de protocoles et de conventions de syntaxe de contrôle d’installations et de vivre des performances multimédia via des appareils mobiles. Le projet est actuellement dirigé par Eric Redlinger, chercheur en résidence à l’Institut Polytechnique Expérimental NYU Media Center.

    Autrement dit, Mrmr est une technologie qui vous permet d’utiliser des téléphones cellulaires et les assistants numériques personnels comme contrôleurs audio-visuel de spectacles, ou à participer à des pièces de musée interactif, ou d’utiliser votre appareil mobile à la place de la souris ou le trackpad de votre ordinateur en utilisant le protocole de communication OSC.

    Les éléments clés de Mrmr projet sont les suivants :

    • créez vos propres interfaces en utilisant seulement un simple éditeur de texte (iFile)
    • par la conception / client peer-to-peer ou client-serveur modèles appuyé
    • normes ouvertes (zeroconfig / bonjour / mDNS, de la CVMO)
    • dynamique des interfaces : widgets peut être reconfiguré « à la volée ».

    Si quelqu’un l’utilise, merci de faire des retours :)

  • NYU Graduate Student Union Adopts BDS Resolution - Israel News - Haaretz

    Resolution passes with 66.5 percent in favor, additional 57 percent pledging to boycott Israeli academic institutions; vote is ’at odds with the principles of academic freedom and the free exchange of ideas,’ NYU says.

    A graduate student union at New York University passed a motion supporting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel on Friday.
    The resolution was backed by two-thirds of voters with over 600 union members participating in the vote, the Graduate Student Organizing Committee, which represents more than 2,000 graduate teaching and research assistants at NYU, said. 
    According to the resolution, the union will continue to support the boycott until “Israel complies with international law and ends the military occupation, dismantles the wall, recognizes the rights of Palestinian citizens to full equality, and respects the right of return of Palestinian refugees and exiles,” a statement on the union’s website read.
    The resolution called for the union and its parent, the United Auto Workers, to divest from Israeli companies and for NYU to close its program in Tel Aviv University, which it said violates the university’s non-discrimination policy. 
    In addition, 57 percent of union members took a personal pledge to boycott Israeli government and academic institutions “complicit in Israeli violation of Palestinian rights.”

  • Why You Shouldn’t Swipe Left Too Quickly - Facts So Romantic

    Henrik Sorensen/Getty ImagesWhen Eric Klinenberg, an NYU sociologist, was waiting at Penn Station with an armful of groceries, he got a call from a publisher at Penguin. “Hey,” said the publisher, “I have a random question for you: Have you ever heard of a comedian named Aziz Ansari?” “I was like, Yea,” said Klinenberg, “Aziz Ansari is my hero!” At first, he thought Penguin wanted to just do a humor book. But on meeting with Ansari, it became clear that he really wanted to do a research project. Thus, Modern Romance was born. The book is a hilarious and illuminating take on the sorts of challenges our phones and computers pose for flirting, falling in love, and finding a soul mate, with scientific research to support it. Ansari also readily shares stories of his own romantic escapades gone (...)

  • Cops are asking and 23andMe for their customers’ DNA | Fusion

    When companies like and 23andMe first invited people to send in their DNA for genealogy tracing and medical diagnostic tests, privacy advocates warned about the creation of giant genetic databases that might one day be used against participants by law enforcement. DNA, after all, can be a key to solving crimes. It “has serious information about you and your family,” genetic privacy advocate Jeremy Gruber told me back in 2010 when such services were just getting popular.

    Now, five years later, when 23andMe and Ancestry both have over a million customers, those warnings are looking prescient. “Your relative’s DNA could turn you into a suspect,” warns Wired, writing about a case from earlier this year, in which New Orleans filmmaker Michael Usry became a suspect in an unsolved murder case after cops did a familial genetic search using semen collected in 1996. The cops searched an database and got a familial match to a saliva sample Usry’s father had given years earlier. Usry was ultimately determined to be innocent and the Electronic Frontier Foundation called it a “wild goose chase” that demonstrated “the very real threats to privacy and civil liberties posed by law enforcement access to private genetic databases.”

    The FBI maintains a national genetic database with samples from convicts and arrestees, but this was the most public example of cops turning to private genetic databases to find a suspect. But it’s not the only time it’s happened, and it means that people who submitted genetic samples for reasons of health, curiosity, or to advance science could now end up in a genetic line-up of criminal suspects.

    Both and 23andMe stipulate in their privacy policies that they will turn information over to law enforcement if served with a court order. 23andMe says it’s received a couple of requests from both state law enforcement and the FBI, but that it has “successfully resisted them.”

    23andMe’s first privacy officer Kate Black, who joined the company in February, says 23andMe plans to launch a transparency report, like those published by Google, Facebook and Twitter, within the next month or so. The report, she says, will reveal how many government requests for information the company has received, and presumably, how many it complies with. (Update: The company released the report a week later.)

    “In the event we are required by law to make a disclosure, we will notify the affected customer through the contact information provided to us, unless doing so would violate the law or a court order,” said Black by email. would not say specifically how many requests it’s gotten from law enforcement. It wanted to clarify that in the Usry case, the particular database searched was a publicly available one that Ancestry has since taken offline with a message about the site being “used for purposes other than that which it was intended.” Police came to with a warrant to get the name that matched the DNA.

    “On occasion when required by law to do so, and in this instance we were, we have cooperated with law enforcement and the courts to provide only the specific information requested but we don’t comment on the specifics of cases,” said a spokesperson.

    As NYU law professor Erin Murphy told the New Orleans Advocate regarding the Usry case, gathering DNA information is “a series of totally reasonable steps by law enforcement.” If you’re a cop trying to solve a crime, and you have DNA at your disposal, you’re going to want to use it to further your investigation. But the fact that your signing up for 23andMe or means that you and all of your current and future family members could become genetic criminal suspects is not something most users probably have in mind when trying to find out where their ancestors came from.

    “It has this really Orwellian state feeling to it,” Murphy said to the Advocate.

    If the idea of investigators poking through your DNA freaks you out, both and 23andMe have options to delete your information with the sites. 23andMe says it will delete information within 30 days upon request.

  • How Can Microscopic Yeast Draw the Nautilus Logo? The New Art of Bio-Pointillism - Facts So Romantic

    Behold this magazine’s logo in glorious living color! Each dot of pigment is a cluster of yeast cells growing on the “canvas” of a Petri dish.This organic painting was created by Michael Shen, who’s currently working on his PhD in the NYU synthetic biology lab run by Jef Boeke*. It’s the latest work in a new artistic style the lab has dubbed “bio-pointillism,” which makes use of yeast cells that have been genetically modified to produce certain pigments. Shen says they have at least 10 colors on their palette so far. “If you count different shades of color, it’s closer to 20,” he says.The lab members didn’t start with a burning desire to make art. The synthetic biologists began creating brightly colored strains of yeast to prove that they could pull off a sophisticated kind of genetic (...)

  • Controversy Swirls Around NYU Law Professor Involved in Obama’s Drone Program

    While working for the Obama administration, Koh was the most public legal defender of the president’s drone strike program. Last month, a petition was circulated at NYU Law—one of the top law schools in the country—that called Koh’s teaching of international human rights law for the 2014-1015 academic year “unacceptable.”

  • Alain Bertaud | The study of urban spatial structures

    Alain Bertaud ( 阿兰·柏图 ) is an urbanist and, since 2012, a senior research scholar at the NYU Stern Urbanization Project. At the moment, he is writing a book about urban planning that is tentatively titled Order Without Design. Bertaud previously held the position of principal urban planner at the World Bank. After retiring from the Bank in 1999, he worked as an independent consultant. Prior to joining the World Bank he worked as a resident urban planner in a number of cities around the world: Bangkok, San Salvador (El Salvador), Port au Prince (Haiti), Sana’a (Yemen), New York, Paris, Tlemcen (Algeria), and Chandigarh (India).
    Bertaud’s research, conducted in collaboration with his wife Marie-Agnès, aims to bridge the gap between operational urban planning and urban economics. Their work focuses primarily on the interaction between urban forms, real estate markets and regulations.

    As an urban planner, my goal is to translate the theories (and sometime the jargon) and equations of urban economists into approaches and methods which can lead to concrete decision making in the everyday world of an urban planning office. The following reports and papers, always produced at the request of a municipality or of an urban investor (mostly the World Bank), illustrate these new approaches and methods. I have written these reports and papers over a long period. I am updating this site regularly with new work. However, I am keeping the older reports available on this website because it is always interesting to know how priorities and strategies have changed over the years.

    #urbanisme #urban_planning #urban_matter #cartographie #visualisation #ville #structure_spatiale_de_la_ville