person:chris gunness

  • Pourquoi les États-Unis cessent-ils de financer l’agence des Nations unies pour les réfugiés palestiniens ?
    Orient XXI > Isabelle Avran > 10 septembre 2018

    (...) Le directeur de l’Unrwa, Pierre Krähenbühl, a rappelé que l’agence est vitale jusqu’à ce que soit trouvée une solution définitive au conflit israélo-palestinien.

    Avant même la décision américaine, l’agence onusienne, qui dépend des versements volontaires des États, subissait déjà un grave déficit. « Fin septembre, l’Unrwa n’aura plus un sou, y compris pour les écoles et les centres médicaux », a annoncé le porte-parole de l’Unrwa, Chris Gunness. La situation est particulièrement grave dans la bande de Gaza assiégée où la majorité de la population dépend de l’aide internationale.

    Le 30 août, la Jordanie a annoncé l’organisation d’une conférence le 27 septembre à New York en marge de l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies, pour obtenir un soutien financier pérenne de l’Unrwa d’ici la fin de l’année pour combler son déficit. En France, Jean-Yves le Drian, ministre de l’Europe et des affaires étrangères, n’a annoncé une augmentation que de 2 millions d’euros de la contribution française, laquelle passe ainsi à 10 millions annuels.


    Pierre Krähenbühl, Commissaire général de l’#UNRWA
    7 mars 2018 Par Fabienne Sintes
    de 01:00 à 16:20

    Après les réductions drastiques de l’aide américaine, faut-il repenser le système d’aide aux réfugiés palestiniens ?

  • Sur injonction israélienne, les États-Unis tentent de faire disparaître l’UNRWA
    par Ali Abunimah - 17 janvier 2018 – The Electronic Intifada – Traduction : Chronique de Palestine

    « C’est la pire crise financière de l’histoire de l’UNRWA », a déclaré Chris Gunness, porte-parole de l’agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés de Palestine, à The Electronic Intifada ce mercredi.

    Le terrible avertissement de Gunness a été fait au lendemain de l’annonce par l’administration Trump d’une réduction brutale des contributions américaines à l’organisation qui fournit des services de santé, d’éducation et d’aide humanitaire d’urgence à cinq millions de réfugiés palestiniens.

    Mardi, le Département d’Etat a annoncé que les États-Unis retenaient plus de la moitié d’un paiement de 125 millions de dollars dû à l’UNRWA ce mois-ci.

    Alors que 60 millions de dollars seraient versés immédiatement, la porte-parole du département d’État, Heather Nauert, a déclaré que le reste était « gelé » et « retenu pour futur examen ».

    Les États-Unis ont été le plus important donateur de l’UNRWA, fournissant près de 370 millions de dollars du budget de 1,2 milliard de dollars de l’agence en 2016.

    Le président Donald Trump et son ambassadeur Nikki Haley ont menacé ces dernières semaines les Palestiniens de couper leurs financements en représailles à l’opposition de l’Autorité palestinienne à la reconnaissance par les États-Unis de Jérusalem comme capitale d’Israël, et suite à son refus du parrainage américain d’une paix par d’inexistantes négociations.

    Haley aurait plaidé pour que le financement américain soit complètement supprimé, malgré son soutien public au travail de l’agence, y compris une photo-op avec des enfants réfugiés en juin dernier.

    Dans un article sur Twitter, Haley déclarait à l’époque que sa visite dans une école de l’UNRWA lui avait donné « l’occasion de parler avec des filles et des femmes de leurs vies, de leurs espoirs et de leurs rêves ».

    Mais selon le Washington Post, le secrétaire d’État Rex Tillerson aurait prévalu sur Haley dans la bataille interne sur le financement.

    Tillerson aurait soulevé l’affaire « personnellement avec Trump et obtenu l’accord du président pour soutenir la position du département d’État » que tout le financement ne devait pas être coupé.

    Israël avait appelé au démantèlement de l’UNRWA, dans le cadre de sa volonté de faire disparaître tout soutien soutien aux droits des réfugiés palestiniens, lesquels restent en exil en raison du refus d’Israël de leur permettre de rentrer chez eux uniquement parce qu’ils ne sont pas juifs.

  • L’UNRWA annonce une forte réduction de ses effectifs pour combler son déficit budgétaire

    L’Office de secours et de travaux des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés de Palestine dans le Proche-Orient (UNRWA) a annoncé lundi une réduction de 85% de son personnel international recruté à court terme d’ici la fin septembre 2015.

    Dans un communiqué de presse rendu public à Jérusalem, le porte-parole de l’agence, Chris Gunness, a annoncé que 85% des 137 membres du personnel international de l’UNRWA dont les contrats temporaires sont supposés se terminer d’ici la fin septembre ne seront pas renouvelés.

    « En l’état actuel des choses, avec les mesures d’austérité strictes déjà en place parallèlement à l’annonce d’aujourd’hui, l’agence devrait être en mesure de continuer à fournir une assistance vitale jusqu’à la fin de l’année », a-t-il ajouté.

    Cette assistance comprend notamment des programmes de santé, des services sociaux et de secours et des projets d’assainissement des eaux, a précisé le porte-parole.

    « Le système scolaire de l’UNRWA dont bénéficient un demi-million d’enfants à travers le Moyen-Orient, y compris en Jordanie, au Liban, dans les territoires palestiniens occupés et en Syrie, est essentiel, mais des décisions difficiles seront peut être nécessaires dans les prochaines semaines si le déficit n’est pas comblé », a par ailleurs signalé M. Gunness.

  • L’EI s’empare de l’essentiel du camp de Yarmouk aux portes de Damas

    Les Nations unies se disent extrêmement préoccupées pour la sécurité et la protection des quelque 18 000 civils, syriens et palestiniens, qui y vivent encore. « La situation à Yarmouk est un affront à notre humanité à tous, une source de honte universelle », a déclaré Chris Gunness, porte-parole de l’Office de secours et de travaux des Nations unies pour les réfugiés de Palestine dans le Proche-Orient (UNRWA).

    #Syrie #EI #Palestiniens #Yarmouk

  • Israël se précipite vers la prochaine guerre à Gaza
    par Gideon Levy - traduction

    La situation de Gaza est désastreuse, épouvantable. Aucune mention n’en est faite dans le discours israélien, et certainement pas dans la campagne électorale la plus minable, la plus creuse qui se soit jamais tenue ici. Il est difficile de le croire, mais les Israéliens ont inventé une réalité parallèle, coupée du monde réel, une réalité cynique, insensible, enfouie dans le déni, alors que tous ces malheurs, la plus grande partie étant de leur propre fait, se déroulent à une courte distance de leurs maisons. Les nourrissons gèlent à mort sous les décombres de leurs maisons, les jeunes risquent leur vie et franchissent la clôture frontalière juste pour obtenir une portion de nourriture dans une cellule israélienne. Quelqu’un a-t-il entendu parler de cela ? Est-ce que quiconque s’en préoccupe ? Quelqu’un comprend-il que cela conduit à la prochaine guerre ?

    Salma n’a vécu que 40 jours, comme l’éternité d’un papillon. C’était un bébé de Beit Hanoun, au nord-est de la bande de Gaza, qui est décédé le mois dernier d’hypothermie, après que son corps frêle ait gelé sous le vent et la pluie qui ont pénétré dans la hutte de contreplaqué et de plastique où elle vivait avec sa famille, depuis que leur maison a été bombardée.

    « Elle a été gelée comme de la crème glacée », a déclaré sa mère au sujet de la dernière nuit de la vie de son nourrisson. Le porte-parole de l’UNRWA, Chris Gunness, a raconté l’histoire de Salma la semaine dernière dans le journal britannique The Guardian. Mirwat, sa mère, lui a dit que quand elle est née, elle pesait 3,1 kg. Sa sœur Ma’ez, âgée de trois ans, est hospitalisée pour des gelures.

    Ibrahim Awarda, 15 ans, qui a perdu son père dans un bombardement israélien en 2002, fut plus chanceux. Il a décidé de traverser la barrière entre Gaza et Israël. « Je savais que je serais arrêté », a-t-il déclaré au journaliste du New York Times à Gaza la semaine dernière. « Je me suis dit, peut-être que je vais trouver une vie meilleure. Ils m’ont donné de la nourriture décente et m’ont renvoyé à Gaza. »

    Ibrahim a été détenu pendant environ un mois dans deux prisons en Israël avant d’être rejeté vers la destruction, la misère, la faim et la mort. Trois cents habitants de Gaza se sont noyés dans la mer en Septembre dernier, dans une tentative désespérée de quitter la prison de Gaza. Quatre-vingt-quatre habitants de Gaza ont été arrêtés par les Forces de défense israéliennes dans les six derniers mois après avoir tenté d’entrer en Israël, la plupart d’entre eux seulement pour fuir l’enfer dans lequel ils vivaient. Neuf autres ont été arrêtés ce mois-ci.

    Atiya al-Navhin, 15 ans, a également tenté d’entrer en Israël en Novembre, juste pour échapper à son sort. Des soldats de Tsahal ont ouvert le feu sur lui, il a été traité dans deux hôpitaux israéliens et est retourné à Gaza en Janvier. Maintenant, il est couché dans son domicile, paralysé et incapable de parler.

    Quelques 150 000 personnes sans-abris vivent dans la bande de Gaza et environ 10 000 réfugiés sont dans les abris de l’UNRWA. Le budget de l’organisation a été dépensé après que le monde ait totalement ignoré son engagement à contribuer à hauteur de 5,4 milliards de dollars à la reconstruction de Gaza. L’engagement à négocier la levée du blocus sur Gaza – la seule façon d’éviter la prochaine guerre et celle d’après – a également été rompu. Personne n’en parle. Ce n’est pas intéressant. Il y a eu une guerre, des Israéliens et des Palestiniens y ont été tués pour rien, passons donc à la prochaine guerre.

    Israël fera de nouveau semblant d’être surpris et offensé – les cruels Arabes l’attaquent à nouveau avec des roquettes, sans raison.


    Israel is galloping to the next war in Gaza - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz

    Israel is heading to the next violent eruption with the Palestinians as though it is some sort of natural disaster that can’t be avoided.
    By Gideon Levy | Feb. 26, 2015

    The next war will break out in the summer. Israel will give it another childish name and it will take place in Gaza. There’s already a plan to evacuate the communities along the Gaza Strip border.

    Israel knows this war will break out, it also knows why – and it’s galloping toward it blindfolded, as though it were a cyclic ritual, a periodical ceremony or a natural disaster that cannot be avoided. Here and there one even perceives enthusiasm.

    It doesn’t matter who the prime minister is and who the defense minister is – there’s no difference between the candidates as far as Gaza is concerned. Isaac Herzog and Amos Yadlin are saying nothing of course, and Tzipi Livni is boasting that thanks to her no port was opened in Gaza. The rest of the Israelis aren’t interested in Gaza’s fate either and soon it will be forced to remind them again of its disaster in the only way left to it, the rockets.

    Gaza’s disaster is dreadful. No mention of it is made in the Israeli discourse and certainly not in the most dumbed down, hollow election campaign there’s ever been here. It’s hard to believe, but Israelis have invented a parallel reality, cut off from the real one, a callous, unfeeling, denying reality, while all this adversity, most of it of their own making, is taking place a short distance from their homes. Babies are freezing to death under the debris of their homes, youths risk their lives and cross the border fence just to get a food portion in an Israeli lock up. Has anyone heard of this? Does anyone care? Does anyone understand that this is leading to the next war?

    Salma lived only 40 days, like the eternity of a butterfly. She was a baby from Beit Hanoun on the northeast of the Gaza Strip, who died last month of hypothermia, after her tiny body froze in the wind and rain that penetrated into the plywood-and-plastic hut she has been living in with her family, since their house was bombed.

    “She was frozen like ice cream,” her mother said of the last night of her infant’s life. UNWRA Spokesman Chris Gunness wrote about Salma last in week in the British newspaper the Guardian. Mirwat, her mother, told him that when she was born she weighed 3.1 kilograms. Her three–year– old sister, Ma’ez, is hospitalized due to frostbite.

    Ibrahim Awarda, 15, who lost his father in an Israeli bombardment in 2002, was more fortunate. He decided to cross the fence between Gaza and Israel. “I knew I’d be arrested,” he told the New York Times reporter in Gaza last week. “I told myself, maybe I’ll find a better life. They gave me good food and then threw me back.”

    Ibrahim was held for about a month in two prisons in Israel before being tossed back to the destruction, squalor, hunger and death. Three hundred Gazans drowned in the sea last September, in a desperate attempt to leave the prison Strip. Eighty-four Gazans were arrested by the Israel Defense Forces in the last six months after trying to enter Israel, most of them just to flee from the hell they live in. Nine more were arrested this month.

    Atiya al-Navhin, 15, also tried to enter Israel in November, just to escape his fate. He was shot by IDF soldiers, treated in two Israeli hospitals and returned to Gaza in January. Now he’s lying paralyzed and unable to speak in his home.

    Some 150,000 homeless people live in Gaza and about 10,000 refugees in UNRWA shelters. The organization’s budget was spent after the world totally ignored its commitment to contribute $5.4 billion to rebuild Gaza. The commitment to negotiate lifting the blockade on Gaza – the only way to avoid the next war and the one after it – has also been broken. Nobody talks about it. It’s not interesting. There was a war, Israelis and Palestinians were killed in it for nothing, let’s move on to the next war.

    Israel will again pretend to be surprised and offended – the cruel Arabs are attacking it with rockets again, for no reason.

  • #Gaza crisis: a closer look at Israeli strikes on #UNRWA schools | World | The Guardian

    Maghazi Prep School A & B
    Date: 21 July 2014

    Dead: 0 reported casualties

    Wounded: 1 child

    Sheltering: Approximately 1,000 internally displaced people prior to the first attack

    What happened: At approximately 4.55pm, the school was struck by explosive ordnance “believed to have been fired by Israeli forces.” – UNRWA statement

    Comment: “UNRWA condemns in the strongest possible terms the shelling of one of its schools in the central area of Gaza.” – UNRWA statement

    IDF comment: “We are carefully reviewing all of these incidents.”

    Maghazi Prep School A & B
    Date: 22 July 2014

    Dead: 0

    Wounded: 0

    Sheltering: Approximately 1,000 internally displaced people prior to the first attack

    What happened: At about 10.30am, as UNRWA officials at the school investigated the 21 July incident, “there was further shelling of the school, seriously endangering the lives of UN humanitarian workers and displaced civilians.” – UNRWA statement

    Comment: “This is a serious violation of United Nations’ premises that could have had far-reaching human consequences.” – Pierre Krähenbühl, commissioner-general of UNRWA

    IDF comment: “We are carefully reviewing all of these incidents.”

    Deir al-Balah Preparatory Girls School C
    Date: 23 July 2014

    Dead: 0

    Wounded: 5

    Sheltering: Approximately 1,500 internally displaced people

    What happened: the school was reportedly struck at 7.45am

    Comment: “This is the second time in three days that an UNRWA school has taken a direct hit from Israeli shelling and we again condemn this in the strongest possible terms.” – UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness

    IDF comment: “We are carefully reviewing all of these incidents.”

    Beit Hanoun Elementary Co-ed School A & D
    Date: 24 July 2014

    Dead: 15*

    Wounded: 200, mostly women and children

    Sheltering: Approximately 1,500 internally displaced people

    What happened: According to survivors, at about 2.50pm, as the playground was crowded with families waiting to be ferried to safety, one shell landed in the schoolyard, followed by several more rounds that hit the upper storeys of the building.

    Comment: “Today’s attack underscores the imperative for the killing to stop and to stop now.” – UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon

    IDF comment: The Israeli military first claimed, in a text sent to journalists, that the school could have been hit by Hamas missiles that fell short, reported the Guardian’s Peter Beaumont.

    IDF spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lerner later said in an email to the Guardian: “In the matter of the Beit Hanoun school, the IDF encountered heavy fire in vicinity of the school, including anti-tank missile. We later determined that an errant mortar did indeed land in the empty courtyard of the school, backing this up with video evidence.”

    Additional: The Guardian’s Peter Beaumont reported from the scene: “There was no visible evidence of debris from broken Palestinian rockets in the school. The injuries and the number of fatalities were consistent with a powerful explosion that sent shrapnel tearing through the air, in some cases causing traumatic amputations. The surrounding neighbourhood bore evidence of multiple Israeli attacks, including smoke from numerous artillery rounds and air strikes. One building was entirely engulfed by flames.”

    We chose to use the number from the Guardian report, as the numbers of reported dead varied between 11 and 15.

    Zaitoun Preparatory Girls School B
    Date: 29 July 2014

    Dead: 0

    Wounded: 8

    Sheltering: Approximately 2,200 internally displaced people

    What happened: the school was reportedly struck

    IDF comment: “We are carefully reviewing all of these incidents.”

    Jabaliya Elementary Girls School A & B
    Date: 30 July 2014

    Dead: 21**

    Wounded: more than 100, including women and children

    Sheltering: Approximately 3,200 internally displaced people

    What happened: School in Jabaliya refugee camp was hit by five shells during a night of relentless bombardment across Gaza.


    “Nothing is more shameful than attacking sleeping children. I condemn this attack in the strongest possible terms.” – UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon

    “The shelling of a UN facility, that is housing innocent civilians who are fleeing violence, is totally unacceptable and totally indefensible.” – White House spokesman Josh Earnest

    “The world stands disgraced” – Pierre Krähenbühl, commissioner-general of UNRWA

    IDF Comment: “Regarding the UNRWA facility in Jabaliya, we have determined that an exchange of fire, including mortar fire, did indeed take place in the vicinity of the school.”


    “All available evidence points to Israeli artillery as the cause – Ban Ki-moon

    Damage “likely to have come from heavy artillery not designed for precision use … [the IDF] provided no evidence of [militant] activity and no explanation for the strike beyond saying that Palestinian militants were firing about 200 yards away.” – New York Times investigation.

    This New York Times investigation published several days after the strike occurred found the number of dead to be greater than that previously reported. We elected to use this number.

    Rafah Boys Preparatory School A
    Date: 3 August 2014

    Dead: 11, “five were children between 3 and 15 years old”

    Wounded: 27

    Sheltering almost 3,000 internally displaced people

    What happened: A projectile struck the ground 8-10 metres from open school gates at about 10.50am. Witnesses at the scene less than an hour after the explosion claimed it had been fired from one of the many unmanned Israeli drones. UN officials in Gaza described a “shelling incident” or an air strike.


    “The attack is yet another gross violation of international humanitarian law, which clearly requires protection by both parties of Palestinian civilians, UN staff and UN premises, among other civilian facilities. United Nations shelters must be safe zones not combat zones. The Israel Defence Forces have been repeatedly informed of the location of these sites. This attack, along with other breaches of international law, must be swiftly investigated and those responsible held accountable. It is a moral outrage and a criminal act.” – UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon

    IDF comment: “In the Rafah School incident, the IDF targeted three Palestinian Islamic Jihad militants on a motorbike outside of the school. The targeted strike did indeed neutralise the militants on the targeted motorbike.”

    #Israël #Israel #Crimes #victimes_civiles

  • Gaza : au moins 10 Palestiniens tués dans une frappe sur une école de l’ONU

    Gaza (Territoires palestiniens) - Au moins dix Palestiniens ont été tués dimanche dans une frappe ayant touché une école de l’ONU qui accueille des réfugiés à Rafah, dans le sud de la bande de Gaza, ont annoncé les secours locaux.

    Selon les premières informations, il y a de nombreux morts et blessés dans l’école de l’UNWRA à Rafah après un bombardement, a de son côté indiqué le porte-parole de l’Agence onusienne pour les réfugiés palestiniens, Chris Gunness.

    Il n’a pas imputé la responsabilité des tirs à l’un ou l’autre des belligérants, Israël et le Hamas.

    Une trentaine de Palestiniens avaient déjà été tués dans des frappes sur des écoles de l’ONU, à Beit Hanoun le 24 juillet et à Jabaliya (nord) le 31 juillet, suscitant une vive émotion internationale et la condamnation de l’ONU.

    L’UNRWA avait ouvertement accusé Israël d’être à l’origine du drame de Jabaliya.

    Le secrétaire-général de l’ONU Ban Ki-Moon avait qualifié l’attaque contre l’école à Jabaliya d’injustifiable. Les responsabilités doivent être déterminées et justice doit être rendue, avait-il insisté. Washington avait également condamné le bombardement et appelé Israël à faire plus d’efforts pour protéger la population de Gaza.

    #Gaza #Palestine #genocide_progressif

    • Fresh Israeli shelling kills 10 in UN shelter for displaced in Rafah
      Published today (updated) 03/08/2014 12:12

      GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — 10 Palestinians were killed on Sunday after Israeli shells hit a UN school in Rafah where thousands of people were sheltering from the ongoing Israeli offensive.

      At least 30 were injured in the strike, according to Ministry of Health spokesman Ashraf al-Qidra.

      Chris Gunness, spokesman for the UN agency for Palestinian refugees UNRWA, said the school had been housing thousands of internally displaced people who had been forced to flee their homes by the ongoing violence in Gaza.

      “Shelling incident in vicinity of UNRWA school in Rafah sheltering almost 3,000 IDP. Initial reports say multiple deaths and injury,” he wrote on his Twitter feed.

      The strikes brought Sunday morning’s death toll in Gaza to 47, as Israeli forces have pounded the besieged coastal enclave relentlessly by land, sea, and air. More than 1,749 Palestinians have been killed since Israel launched its assault.

      Israel has shelled UN shelters for the displaced at least six times so far since the conflict began four weeks ago, killing dozens.

      The UN has condemned the strikes repeatedly, highlighting that they have given the exact coordinates of each shelter to Israeli officials repeatedly in order to ensure that civilians taking shelter are kept safe.

  • Gaza : neuf morts dans une école de l’ONU après un tir israélien

    Gaza (Territoires palestiniens) - Neuf Palestiniens, dont un enfant d’un an et sa mère, ont été tués jeudi après-midi dans une école de l’ONU à Beit Hanoun, dans le nord de la bande de Gaza, où avaient trouvé refuge des Palestiniens, selon le décompte d’un photographe de l’AFP.

    Les corps ont été conduits à la morgue de l’hôpital de Jabaliya, près de Beit Hanoun, selon le photographe de l’AFP. Le porte-parole de l’Agence de l’ONU pour l’aide aux réfugiés palestiniens (UNRWA), Chris Gunness a confirmé sur son compte Twitter qu’il y avait un certain nombre de tués et blessés dans ce bâtiment.

    Le porte-parole des services de secours palestiniens, Achraf al-Qoudra, a de son côté fait état d’un bilan de 15 morts et de plus de 200 blessés. Les blessés ont été conduits à l’hôpital Chifa de Gaza.

    Les coordonnées précises de cet abri à Beit Hanoun avaient été formellement fournies à l’armée israélienne, a souligné Chris Gunness.

    • Dozens feared dead as Israel shells UN shelter in Beit Hanoun

      (...) A local radio station quoted an eyewitness as saying that immediately before the shelling, a man who introduced himself as a Red Cross official had asked displaced people taking shelter at the school to gather in the yard because they would be evacuated to another shelter.

      An UNRWA official intervened when he saw people gathering and argued that there had been no coordination with UNRWA, telling them to go back to their rooms. During the argument, Israeli artillery shells started to hit the school.

      UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness tweeted in response to the attack that the “Precise co-ordinates of the UNRWA shelter in Beit Hanoun had been formally given to the Israeli army.”

      He added: “Over the course of the day, UNRWA tried 2 coordinate with the Israeli Army a window for civilians 2 leave & it was never granted.”

      Spokesman for the Ministry of Health Ashraf al-Qidra said that ambulances have started to evacuated victims to three hospitals in the northern Gaza Strip in addition to al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City.

      He confirmed that so far 13 deaths have been counted, but more were expected.

      An Israeli military spokeswoman did not immediately comment on the attack.

      An eyewitness said that displaced people were sitting in the front yard when Israeli artillery shells started to hit them. Another eyewitness said they saw five shells hitting the school.

      Earlier in the day, Gunness said on Twitter that three teachers for the UN agency had been killed, marking the first deaths among UNRWA workers.

      “The 1st UNRWA fatalities in #Gaza; 3 teachers. 2 women, 1 man killed along with family members by incoming fire. 2 women while in residences,” Gunness tweeted.

      “Losing a colleague is hard to bear. Losing a colleague in these circumstances is unbearable.”

      During Israel’s 2008-9 offensive on Gaza, Israeli tanks shelled an area outside an UNRWA school in Jabaliya refugee camp, killing 42 people, all but one of them civilians.

      ’Stop bombing civilians’

      The attacks brought Thursday’s total number of deaths to at least 80, as dozens of Palestinians have been killed as Israel continued its bombardment from land, air, and sea.

      More than 760 Palestinians have been killed since Israel launched its attack on the Gaza Strip 17 days ago, the majority since the ground began last week.

      Gaza-based rights groups have said that the vast majority of those killed are civilians, including nearly 200 children.

      International medical organization Doctors without Borders called on Israel to “stop bombing civilians trapped in the sealed-off Gaza Strip, and to respect the safety of medical workers and health facilities” on Monday, as it said that the majority of those arriving in emergency rooms where its doctors were working were women and children.

      “While official claims that the objective of the ground offensive is to destroy tunnels into Israel, what we see on the ground is that bombing is indiscriminate and that those who die are civilians,” said Nicolas Palarus a field coordinator for the group in Gaza.

      The group also said that Israel had directly targeted an ambulance with an air strike, despite the fact that they had been guaranteed movement.

      A recent airstrike hit a residential block in al-Zahraa in the central Gaza Strip and a house belonging to Nofal family in the Al-Nasr neighborhood in Gaza City.

      23-year-old Isam Faysal and 13-year-old Amir Adel Siyam were also killed by an Israeli raid on Rafah.

      Meanwhile, 21-year-old Abdul-Aziz Nur Addin was killed by an airstrike on a market in Shujaiyya. The Ministry of Health announced earlier that 19-year-old Saer Audah Shamali was killed in Shujaiyya.

      Earlier on Thursday, four bodies were pulled from the rubble of buildings in Khuzaa, where dozens were killed in heavy Israeli shelling over night.

      The bodies were later identified as Rasmi Abu Reida, Muhammad Abu Yousif, Ahmad Qudeih and Rami Qudeih .

      Israeli airstrikes also killed seven Palestinians in western Kkhan Younis. Gaza Ministry of Health spokesman Al-Qidra said that an airstrike killed Ahmad Abdul-Karim, Ahmad Hasan and Muhammad Ismail Khader there.

      He added that Ahmad al-Mashhadi and Ahmad Khadir were killed in another raid on Khan Younis.

      Earlier, he announced that bodies of Anas Akram Skafi , 18, and his twin brother Saad were removed from rubble in Shujaiyya, the site of the killing of nearly 70 Palestinians in one day over the weekend.

      Emergency teams on Thursday also managed to remove the body of a dead woman, identified as Alal Khalil Abu Ayda , and three injured people from the rubble of a home belonging to the al-Bardini family which Israeli missiles demolished earlier in the city of al-Zahraa in the central Gaza Strip.

      Al-Qidra said earlier that five Palestinian men were killed by two separate Israeli airstrikes on a motorcycle and a tuk-tuk (auto-rickshaw) in Abasan al-Kabira east of Khan Younis.

      Medical sources identified four of the victims as Nabil Shihdah Qudeih, Nadir Suleiman Qudeih, Bakir Fathi Qudeih, and Ismail Hasan Abu Rjeila .

    • Gaza : 15 Palestiniens réfugiés dans une école de l’ONU tués par un tir

      Selon un porte-parole de l’armée israélienne, des combats sont en cours dans la zone de Beit Hanoun avec le Hamas accusé de se servir des infrastructures civiles et de symboles internationaux comme boucliers humains.

      L’armée a aussi évoqué la possibilité d’un carnage causé par une roquette tirée par le Hamas : Durant l’après-midi, plusieurs roquettes lancées par le Hamas depuis la bande de Gaza sont tombés dans le secteur de Beit Hanoun, ajouté cette source.

      Il faut donc comprendre que les résistants palestiniens se cachent parmi la population civile et ensuite ils se tirent dessus.

    • Israeli strike on Gaza school kills 15 and leaves 200 wounded

      UN condemns shelling of UNRWA school, saying it asked IDF for time to evacuate civilians, which was not given


      Chris Gunness, spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Works agency said there had earlier been “firing around the compound” and his organisation had asked the Israeli army for time to evacuate civilians. “We spent much of the day trying to negotiate or to coordinate a window so that civilians, including our staff, could leave. That was never granted … and the consequences of that appear to be tragic.”

    • La version des assassins : le Hamas a empêché l’UNRWA d’évacuer les civils,

      “Last night, we told Red Cross to evacuate civilians from UNRWA’s shelter in Beit Hanoun btw 10am & 2pm. UNRWA & Red Cross got the message. Hamas prevented civilians from evacuating the area during the window that we gave them.”

  • UN delivers food to besieged #Yarmouk camp

    A food convoy gained entry Thursday to #syria's besieged Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp, where dozens have died from shortages of food and medicines, the UN and Syrian state media said. UN Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) spokesman Chris Gunness said 1,028 food rations had been delivered to the camp south of Damascus, in a “modest” launch of the rescue operation. Each ration is enough to keep a family of eight going for 10 days, he told AFP. read more

    #Siege #Top_News #UNRWA

  • UNRWA nomme Gaza « zone sinistrée » et plaide pour la fin du blocus israélien

    UNRWA calls Gaza ’disaster area,’ pleads for end to Israeli blockade | Maan News Agency

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — UNRWA spokesperson Chris Gunness said that large regions of the Gaza Strip are a “disaster area” and called on the world community to lift the Israeli blockade in order to allow recovery efforts to proceed, in a statement sent to Ma’an.

    “Large swathes of northern Gaza are a disaster area with water as far as the eye can see. Areas around Jabalia have become a massive lake with two meter high waters engulfing homes and stranding thousands,” the statement read.

    “Four thousand UNRWA workers are battling the floods and have evacuated hundreds of families to UNRWA facilities. Our sanitation, manintenance workers, social workers and medical staff have been working through the night and round the clock to assist the most vulnerable, the old, the sick, children and women,” the statement continued.

    #israël #palestine #occupation #colonisation

  • UNRWA employee among 3 killed in Israel raid | Maan News Agency

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — One of the three Palestinians killed in an Israeli raid in the occupied West Bank early Monday was an employee of the UN’s Palestine refugee agency, a spokesman said.

    Chris Gunness said that the employee, who he did not identify by name, was shot dead by Israeli forces and killed instantly in an operation in Qalandia refugee camp at about 7 a.m.

    He cited reports that the 34-year-old father of four was on his way to work and not involved in violent activity.

    “UNRWA condemns the killing of its staff member and calls on all sides, at this delicate time, to exercise maximum restraint and to act in accordance with obligations under international law,” Gunness said.

    He said the agency was conducting an investigation into the killing.

    • UN agency urges restraint after staff member is shot dead by Israeli forces

      26 August 2013 – The UN agency tasked with assisting Palestinian refugees today called for restraint from all parties after receiving confirmation that one of its staff members was shot and killed by Israeli forces this morning.

      In a statement, the UN relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) said the staff member was killed instantly in an operation in the Kalandia refugee camp in the Occupied West Bank.

      “Credible reports say that he was on his way to work and was not engaged in any violent activity. He was shot in the chest,” UNRWA spokesperson Chris Gunness said of the 34-year-old staff member who lost his life.

      “Another UNRWA staff member, a sanitation labourer, was shot in the leg during the same operation and is in a stable condition. An UNRWA investigation is ongoing.”

      Three people in total were killed during the operation, and about 20 injured, some of them seriously.

      UNRWA condemned the killing and called on all sides to “exercise maximum restraint and to act in accordance with obligations under international law.”

    • "UNRWA condemned the killing and called on all sides to “exercise maximum restraint"

      Il faudrait que l’UNRWA nous explique comment un de ses employés , mort , fera preuve de retenue.

    • Après les Israéliens qui tuent, le communiqué qui tue : Le même que ci-dessus mais en en français

      Selon l’UNRWA, l’homme se rendait sur son lieu de travail et ne s’était pas rendu coupable d’une action violente. Il a été touché à la poitrine. Un autre membre du personnel de l’UNRWA, un ouvrier spécialisé dans l’assainissement, a été blessé à la jambe au cours de la même opération et est dans un état stable. Une enquête UNRWA est en cours.

      L’UNRWA appelle à la « retenue de toutes les partie », expression assez scandaleuse dans ces circonstances, mais cela dit, l’UNRWA utilise aussi le mot « meurtre » dans son communiqué officiel, ce qui n’est pas du tout habituel. Un meurtre st un homicide volontaire, il suppose une volonté de tuer. Quand on sait comment l’ONU écrit ses communiqué, en choisissant très soigneusement son vocabulaire, l’utilisation de ce terme n’est pas un hasard malencontreux.

      Qui dit « meurtre » dit « assassins ». Que l’UNWRA traitent les Israéliens d’assassins n’est pas tout à fait dans la normalité du discours des agences onusiennes.

  • IMEU: UNRWA facing shortages due to Israel blockade

    Figures released by UNRWA on Thursday reveal that the organization is facing severe shortages in construction materials needed for ongoing projects in the Gaza Strip.

    “We been allowed to take in to Gaza a tiny fraction of the construction materials needed,” UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness said.

    Around 3,291 trucks have been allowed into the Gaza Strip, accounting for under four percent of the overall $660 million UNRWA construction plan to take place over the next three years.

    "The 3,921 trucks represent just 16 percent of the materials we need for the projects approved so far by the Israeli authorities. To complete these projects we need to get in to Gaza 17,383 trucks.

    #israël #gaza