person:david adom

  • Les Ethiopiens d’Israël manifestent après le « meurtre » d’un des leurs par la police
    Par Le Figaro avec AFP Publié le 02/07/2019 à 21:57

    Des Israéliens d’origine éthiopienne manifestaient mardi leur colère après la mort d’un membre de leur communauté, tué par un policier qui n’était pas en service et dans des circonstances encore troubles.

    La mort dimanche soir de Solomon Teka, âgé de 18 ou 19 ans, a ravivé parmi les Ethiopiens d’Israël les accusations de racisme policier à son encontre. Depuis lundi soir, ces Israéliens manifestent à Kiryat Haim, près de Haïfa (nord), lieu où a été abattu Solomon Teka. Mardi, jour de son enterrement, la contestation a repris. La mort de Solomon Teka n’est rien d’autre qu’un « meurtre », a accusé sur les ondes de la radio israélienne Amir Teka, cousin de la victime. Les manifestants ont bloqué plusieurs routes et une quinzaine de carrefours, brûlant des pneus et attaquant parfois les véhicules qui tentaient de passer leurs barrages improvisés. Au moins 19 contestataires ont été interpellés, selon la police.

    « Nous devons faire tout notre possible pour nous assurer que la police cesse de tuer des gens à cause de leur couleur de peau », a déclaré à l’AFP l’un des manifestants, Mengisto, 26 ans. « Nous avons besoin d’obtenir des garanties de la part de l’Etat ou de la police que cela ne se reproduira plus », a-t-il exigé.

    Israël : des manifestations dégénèrent après la mort d’un Israélien d’origine éthiopienne (VIDEOS)
    3 juil. 2019, 16:02

    A la suite de la disparition de Solomon Tekah, probablement tué par un policier, la communauté éthiopienne d’Israël a manifesté sa colère. Différentes villes ont connu des affrontements au cours desquels manifestants et policiers ont été blessés. (...)


    • Family of Ethiopian Israeli Shot Dead by Police Urges Halt to Protests

      Major Tel Aviv junction blocked in third day of unrest ■ Dozens of demonstrators arrested
      Yaniv Kubovich, Almog Ben Zikri, Josh Breiner , Bar Peleg, Noa Shpigel and Aaron Rabinowitz Jul 03, 2019 7:45 PM

      The family of an Ethiopian Israeli teen whose shooting death by an off-duty police officer sparked a wave of prortests across the country called Wednesday for demonstrations to be put on hold, as they enter their third day.

      A friend of the 18-year-old Solomon Teka’s family said his father asked for protests to halt until the seven days of Jewish mourning, known as shiva, are over.

      Although police warned earlier on Wednesday they would not allow roads blockages, demonstrators were attempting to disrupt traffic in a number of locations across Israel.

      Seven people who were trying to block a road south of Tel Aviv, were forcibly removed by police and detained. One protester has been arrested in the northern city of Kiryat Ata, where about 100 people have gathered and begun marching toward the Zevulun police station. Five more people were detained for attempting to block access to a police station in Yavne.

      Speaking at a meeting of ministers tasked with advancing the integration of the Ethiopian Israeli community Wednesday evening, Prime Minister Netanyahu called on lawmakers to “exert their influence” and stop the violence immediately. “The death of Solomon Teka is a big tragedy, but we cannot tolerate this violence,” he said.

      Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan said that police forces were bracing for heightened tensions after Tuesday night’s protest against police brutality and racism toward Jews of Ethiopian descent turned violent, with 136 arrests and 111 injured policemen. The arrests were for allegedly attacking policemen, vandalism, and gross disturbance of public order.

      One protester’s remand was extended until Friday, for allegedly setting a car on fire in Tel Aviv. Another protester’s remand has been extended until 8:00 P.M. Wednesday for attempting to run over a police officer. A 24-year-old was arrested in Ashdod after he was caught on video lighting a border policeman’s uniform on fire. Police identified him and arrested him Wednesday.

      Erdan also noted that police had information that some protesters were planning to arm themselves and try to shoot policemen during the upcoming protests.

      The police announced that it will not allow protesters to block main roads on Wednesday, after roads were blocked throughout Israel on Tuesday evening, causing mass traffic jams. Magen David Adom stated that in the protests the night before, beyond the 111 officers who were hurt, 26 protesters were also injured, nine passers-by, and one firefighter. MDA also said that seven of its ambulances and four emergency first-aid motorbikes were damaged by rock-throwers.

      Police employed means of riot control Tuesday, including tear gas and stun grenades, as protesters closed down main city arteries, burning tires and vandalizing cars. Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan told Army Radio that while he understands the frustration and suffering of tens of thousands, the police did what they had to do. Erdan also vowed that the violence would not recur, and that if necessary, police would defend themselves.

      People were incited through social media, he said, boosting the violence to levels previously unknown, such as the throwing of a firebomb at a police station. He reiterated intense regret and sorrow over Teka’s death but added that the incident is not representative of change in the Israeli police in recent years.

      Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday that the “Ethiopian community is dear to us,” however the state is not prepared to tolerate blocking of roads or violence “including firebombs thrown toward our forces, the burning of cars or any other civilian property. We are a law-abiding nation. We demand that everyone respect the law.”

      Netanyahu convened a committee of ministers Wednesday night to advance the integration of the Ethiopian community and discuss “excessive policing and the patterns of behavior toward of those of Ethiopian descent.” Netanyahu added, “we’ve already seen improvement in this area and it seems that we need to make many more improvements.”

      In the northern city of Kiryat Ata, over a thousand marched on the Zevulun police station and smoke grenades were thrown into the station. Around 200 demonstrators in Afula blocked traffic on one of the northern city’s main streets. Meanwhile, major roads in several cities, including Tel Aviv and Haifa, were blocked by demonstrators burning tires.

      President Reuven Rivlin called for restraint and dialogue: “The rage must not be expressed in violence,” he tweeted. “The handful who chose violence are not the face of the protest and must not become the face of the protest, which we very much understand.” Rivlin called for a meeting together with representatives of all the parties involved in public safety: “Only through open conversation, difficult as it is, can change be achieved.”

      On Monday the police said that Teka may have been hit by a bullet ricocheting off the ground.

    • Rage Against the Police: 13 Photos From Ethiopian Israelis’ Protest

      Escalating demonstrations over the death of 18-year-old Ethiopian Israeli teen Solomon Teka are entering the third day
      By Haaretz Jul 03, 2019

      Israelis of Ethiopian origin are demonstrating throughout Israel following the death Sunday of 18-year old Solomon Teka, who was shot by police.

      Some of the protests quickly became violent when demonstrators blocked main roads and set on fire a car of a passerby who tried to drive through the blockade.

      A protester is throwing a scooter at a burning car during the Ethiopian Israeli protest in Tel Aviv. Credit : Tomer Appelbaum

      Protesters show photos of 18-year old Solomon Teka of Ethiopian descent, who died after he was shot by police, in Tel Aviv. Credit : Tomer Appelbaum

      A protester stands opposite to a policeman during the protest of Ethiopian Israelis, in Tel Aviv. Credit \ CORINNA KERN/ REUTERS

    • Nouvelle journée de manifestations après la mort d’un Israélien d’origine éthiopienne
      3 juillet 2019

      (Belga) Des manifestations ont eu lieu mercredi à Tel-Aviv et dans le nord d’Israël pour la troisième journée consécutive, après le décès d’un jeune Israélien d’origine éthiopienne, tué par un policier, la communauté éthiopienne dénonçant un crime raciste.
      Solomon Teka, âgé de 19 ans, a été tué dimanche soir par un policier qui n’était pas en service au moment des faits, à Kiryat Haim, une ville proche du port de Haïfa, dans le nord d’Israël. Des dizaines de policiers ont été déployés mercredi dans la ville de Kiryat Ata, non loin de Kiryat Haim. Des manifestants tentant de bloquer une route ont été dispersés par la police. Malgré des appels au calme lancés par les autorités, des jeunes se sont aussi à nouveau rassemblés à Tel-Aviv. Une centaine de personnes ont défié la police en bloquant une route avant d’être dispersées. En trois jours, 140 personnes ont été arrêtées et 111 policiers blessés par des jets de pierres, bouteilles et bombes incendiaires lors des manifestations dans le pays, selon un nouveau bilan de la police. Les embouteillages et les images de voitures en feu ont fait la une des médias. Le Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu et le président israélien Reuven Rivlin ont appelé au calme, tout en reconnaissant que les problèmes auxquels était confrontée la communauté israélo-éthiopienne devaient être traités. « La mort de Solomon Teka est une immense tragédie », a dit le Premier ministre. « Des leçons seront tirées. Mais une chose est claire : nous ne pouvons tolérer les violences que nous avons connues hier », a-t-il déclaré mercredi lors d’une réunion du comité ministériel sur l’intégration de la communauté éthiopienne. « Nous ne pouvons pas voir de routes bloquées, ni de cocktails Molotov, ni d’attaques contre des policiers, des citoyens et des propriétés privées », a-t-il ajouté. (...)

    • Les Israéliens éthiopiens s’interrogent : « Nos vies ont-elles moins de prix ? »
      Selon les manifestants, c’est un racisme systématique qui s’exprime derrière les violences policières répétées contre les jeunes noirs en Israël - et qui ont pu entraîner la mort
      Par Simona Weinglass 3 juillet 2019, 14:41

      Pour ces jeunes Israéliens d’origine éthiopienne qui manifestent, mardi, pour dénoncer le meurtre d’un membre de leur communauté par un policier, ce n’est pas seulement l’expression d’une colère contre ce qu’ils considèrent comme un racisme systématique profondément ancré du côté des forces de l’ordre.

      C’est aussi un cri exprimant une frustration entraînée par des promesses de changement, maintes fois répétées et qui n’ont rien changé.

      Dans tout le pays, ce sont des milliers de manifestants issus de la communauté et leurs soutiens qui ont bloqué les routes pour faire part de leur fureur après la mort de Solomon Tekah, qui a été abattu cette semaine par un agent de police qui n’était pas en service à ce moment-là.
      Une jeune femme d’une vingtaine d’années, vêtue d’une robe d’été et originaire de Ness Ziona, dans le centre d’Israël, confie : « Je suis complètement bouleversée. D’abord, on se dit : OK, c’est arrivé une fois mais ça n’arrivera plus. La fois suivante, on se dit : d’accord, peut-être qu’ils vont enfin régler ça ».

      « Mais quand ça devient systématique, alors là vous vous demandez si effectivement votre vie a moins de prix qu’une autre ? », lance-t-elle.

      « Ce jeune », ajoute-t-elle en évoquant Tekah, « ses parents lui ont donné tout ce qu’ils avaient. Ils l’ont élevé pendant toutes ces années. Et un jour, quelqu’un a décidé qu’il était autorisé à l’abattre ».

      Tekah est mort au cours d’une altercation survenue dimanche à Haïfa, dans le quartier Kiryat Haim.

      Un témoin de la fusillade aurait indiqué au département des enquêtes internes de la police, qui dépend du ministère de la Défense, que contrairement à ce qu’a pu affirmer le policier incriminé, ce dernier ne semblait pas être en danger quand il a ouvert le feu.

      L’agent a été brièvement placé en détention avant d’être assigné à domicile, attisant la colère au sein de la communauté.(...)

    • Solomon Tekah : Sa famille recevra 1,8 million de shekels
      14 janvier 2022 - The Times of Israël

      La famille d’un adolescent israélien d’origine éthiopienne tué lors d’une fusillade mortelle avec la police en 2019 devrait recevoir 1,8 million de shekels dans le cadre du règlement d’un procès civil contre la police israélienne, selon e site d’information Ynet.

      La famille de Solomon Tekah, 19 ans, avait porté plainte et réclamé 2,5 millions shekels de dommages et intérêts contre la police après qu’un officier a causé sa mort lors d’une fusillade.

      L’événement avait entraîné de nombreuses protestations contre la brutalité policière, dont certaines ont tourné à la violence.

  • Between Fences

    Avi Mograbi, 2016, FR-IL, video, VO ST FR, 84’

    Israël, petit pays de 8 millions d’habitants, compte 50.000 demandeurs d’asile africains qui ont commencé à affluer dans la seconde moitié des années 2000. Face à cette vague migratoire venant du Soudan, ravagé par la guerre du Darfour, et d’Érythrée, en proie à un régime dictatorial, le gouvernement israélien n’a fait aucun effort pour accueillir ces exilés de manière décente. L’État cherche au contraire à « éliminer le problème » de façon inhumaine, refusant d’octroyer aux demandeurs d’asile non juifs le statut que la Convention de 1951 relative aux réfugiés devrait pourtant leur offrir. Le camp de réfugiés de Holot, une prison qui ne dit pas son nom située en plein désert du Néguev, est la concrétisation physique de cette politique. C’est là qu’Avi (...)

    • Israel Une députée noire privée de don du sang AFP - Décembre 2013 - Le Figaro

      Le refus du Magen David Adom, l’équivalent de la Croix Rouge israélienne, d’accepter le don de sang de la députée noire d’origine éthiopienne Pnina Tamano-Shata a provoqué aujourd’hui en Israël un scandale relayé par les médias.

      La députée a voulu offrir son sang à l’occasion d’une opération de don organisée par le Magen David Adom dans l’enceinte du Parlement à Jérusalem. Mais une responsable de cet organisme, filmée et enregistrée par une caméra vidéo, lui a expliqué que « selon les directives du ministère de la Santé, il n’est pas possible d’accepter le #sang spécial d’origine juive éthiopienne ». Selon les médias, le ministère de la Santé estime que le sang des juifs d’origine éthiopienne qui ne sont pas nés en Israël est susceptible de propager des maladies notamment le sida.

      . . . . . . . .

  • 8-year-old Palestinian girl dies after being struck by Israeli settler car in Nablus
    Aug. 26, 2017 1:45 P.M. (Updated: Aug. 26, 2017 5:39 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — An 8-year-old Palestinian girl was killed on Saturday after being struck by an Israeli vehicle in the Nablus district of the nerthern occupied West Bank, according to Israeli sources.

    According to Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri, the child was hit around noon on Route 90 in the Jordan Valley area of the West Bank, while Palestinian medical sources said that the girl was run over by an Israeli settler’s vehicle near the Furush Beit Dajan village in the Nablus district.

    A crew from Israel’s Magen David Adom national emergency service arrived at the scene and evacuated the girl to the hospital, according to al-Samri. However, the girl was pronounced dead on arrival.

    Palestinian medical sources later identified the child as Asil Tariq Abu Oun from the village of Jaba in the northern West Bank Jenin district.

    It remained unknown whether the driver had fled or remained at the scene.


    • Aseel Abu Oun, 8 ans, assassinée par un colon israélien…
      par Linah Alsaafin - 27 août 2017 – Al-Jazeera – Traduction : Chronique de Palestine

      Les parents doutent que la police israélienne enquête sérieusement sur le meurtre de la fillette de huit ans, dont la maison familiale était sur le point d’être confisquée.

      Une fillette palestinienne âgée de huit ans et qui a été écrasée par la voiture d’un colon israélien en Cisjordanie occupée, a été enterrée dimanche.

      Aseel Abu Oun a été tuée un jour plus tôt par un colon en voiture, près du village de Foroush Beit Dajan, dans le district de Naplouse.

      Elle a été renversée par la voiture alors qu’elle quittait un supermarché vers midi avec une amie.

      Le quotidien israélien Haaretz a signalé que la police a arrêté le conducteur du véhicule pour un interrogatoire. Toujours selon Haaretz, la police a déclaré avoir ouvert une enquête mais sans préciser si le colon avait été relâché ou non.

      Mais es membres de la famille d’Aseel ont déclaré que l’annonce d’une enquête policière était simplement une tentative du gouvernement israélien de détourner la colère des habitants.

      « Nous sommes habitués aux manigances la police israélienne lors des agressions ou attaques de colons contre des Palestiniens », a déclaré à Al Jazeera Jawdat Abu Oun, un parent d’Aseel.

      « Nous avons demandé que ce soit un organisme indépendant qui supervise l’enquête, mais nous ne pensons pas que cela aboutisse », a-t-il dit, ajoutant qu’il croyait que le colon avait déjà été libéré.

      Tareq Abu Oun, le père de la fillette, a été témoin du moment où Aseel a été renversée et avec l’aide d’autres personnes présentes, il a réussi à empêcher la voiture de s’enfuir.

      « Le colon était armé et nous avons confisqué son arme jusqu’à ce que la police israélienne soit arrivée », a déclaré Jawdat.

      Alors que les colons sont autorisés à porter des armes en Cisjordanie occupée, les Palestiniens n’ont pas le droit d’être armés. (...)

  • Palestinian teen shot dead at Israeli military checkpoint in stabbing attempt
    Aug. 19, 2017 6:15 P.M. (Updated: Aug. 19, 2017 9:13 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israeli border police shot and killed a Palestinian teenager at Israel’s Zaatara military checkpoint in the northern occupied West Bank on Saturday afternoon, with Israeli authorities alleging the youth attempted to carry out a knife attack on Israeli forces when he was shot.

    While initial reports suggested that an Israeli soldier was lightly injured after being stabbed by the Palestinian, it was later revealed that the border police officer was in fact wounded by friendly fire.

    Israel’s emergency medical service Magen David Adom reported that the MDA and Israeli army medics treated the Israeli soldier, an 18-year-old male, who was in a mild condition.

    Al-Samri said that the alleged assailant, a 17-year-old Palestinian, had approached border guard forces stationed at the Nablus-area checkpoint, “and when they saw he was carrying a bag in his hand, they started undertake procedures to arrest him.”

    The youth then allegedly brandished a knife “and started to battle an officer before other officers fired at him and neutralized him, and he was announced dead on the scene.” She released a statement shortly after saying the Palestinian was still alive but in a critical condition. Minutes later, a further statement confirmed he had succumbed to his injuries.

    The Israeli police spokeswoman also provided a photo of the knife allegedly found on the youth, who was identified by local sources as Qutayba Ziad Zahran from Illar village in the Tulkarem district.

    “A border guard police officer was taken to a hospital after he was hit by shrapnel in the foot,” al-Samri said in the statement, presumably referring to Israeli friendly fire.

    An eyewitness told Ma’an that a large number of Israeli soldiers arrived to the scene and closed Zaatara checkpoint, denying passage to Palestinians in either direction.

    A photo of the slain youth later circulated on social media.

    17-year-old Qutayba Ziad Zahran

  • Palestinian shot dead after carrying out alleged vehicular attack on Israeli soldiers
    July 10, 2017 12:55 P.M. (Updated: July 10, 2017 4:06 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A Palestinian was shot and killed after he carried out an alleged vehicular attack on Israeli soldiers, lightly injuring one, at a junction near the village of Tuqu and the illegal Israeli settlement Maale Amos in the southern occupied West Bank district of Bethlehem.

    An Israeli army spokesperson claimed that the alleged assailant rammed his car at Israeli forces stationed at the junction, leaving one Israeli soldier lightly wounded. The driver then allegedly exited his vehicle armed with a knife and attempted to stab the soldier, when another soldier fatally shot the Palestinian.

    Israel’s emergency medical service Magen David Adom said it evacuated the 20-year-old Israeli soldier in a moderate condition to Israel’s Shaare Zedek hospital in Jerusalem for treatment, while the Palestinian driver was “neutralized” and treated by the Israeli army at the scene before being declared dead.

    An eyewitness told Ma’an that he saw the Palestinian, who was wearing a red shirt, lying motionless on the ground, and claimed that he saw two wounded Israeli soldiers — one suffering from a serious injury and unable to move, and another with a minor injury. However, the Israeli army spokespersonsaid just one soldier had been wounded.

    Another witness said that an Israeli ambulance later evacuated the body, after Israeli forces preventing Palestinian Red Crescent ambulances from approaching the scene.

    Locals sources in Tuqu identified the slain man to Ma’an as 24-year-old Muhammad Ibrahim Jibril , from Tuqu. Palestinian security sources had said he was 25, while other local media outlets said he was 23.


    • Funeral held in Bethlehem for Palestinian shot to death by Israeli forces
      July 11, 2017 9:14 P.M. (Updated: July 11, 2017 9:14 P.M.)

      BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Thousands of Palestinians marched in the funeral of slain Palestinian Muhammad Ibrahim Jibril in the village of Tuqu in the southern occupied West Bank district of Bethlehem on Tuesday, after the 24-year-old was shot to death by Israeli forces on Monday after allegedly committing an vehicular attack against Israeli soldiers.

      The funeral procession set off from the Beit Jala Governmental Hospital, as mourners waved Palestinian flags and condemned the killing of Jibril, while demanding accountability for his death.

      Earlier on Tuesday, Israeli authorities had decided to return Jibril’s body after raiding the village and warning locals that the body would only be returned if the town “remained quiet.”

    • Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (06– 12 July 2017)

      In a new crime of excessive use of force, Israeli forces killed a Palestinian from Taqou’ village, east of Bethlehem. They claimed that he attempted to carry out a run-over and stab attack against Israeli soldiers, who were present in the bypass street (60) near Taqou’ settlement.

      According to PCHR’s investigations, at approximately 12:47 on the same day, Israeli forces opened fire at Mohammed Ibrahim Jabrin (23) from Taqou’ village, east of Bethlehem. They claimed that Mohammed attempted to carry out stab and run-over attack against Israeli soldiers, who were present in Street (60) near “Taqou” settlement, south of the city. As a result, Mohammed sustained several live bullet wounds and died immediately. Following that, the spokesperson of the Israeli forces said in a statement: “A run-over attack happened near Taqou’ village, causing the injury of an Israeli soldier with minor wounds. The attacker stepped out of the car and attempted to stab soldiers, so he was shot dead.” Jabrin family refused the Israeli claims regarding their son’s attempt to carry out a stab attack. They instead considered what happened as a car accident. They added that the Israeli soldiers immediately opened fire at Mohammed. PCHR’s investigations in previous shooting incidents show that the Israeli forces used to open fire against Palestinian civilians once they have suspicions on their attempt to carry out run-over attacks against their soldiers. On the same day evening, 17 military jeeps moved into Taqou’ village and surrounded Jabrin house. A number of the soldiers raided and searched the house. They then interrogated dozens of civilians in the village before they withdrew on Tuesday dawn, 11 July 2017.

  • Palestinian motorcyclist dies, reportedly after being run over by Israeli settler

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A 37-year-old Palestinian man was killed early Friday morning, reportedly after being run-over by an Israeli settler west of Bethlehem city in the southern occupied West Bank

    Locals later identified the victim as Omar Ahmad Issa from the Bethlehem-area town of al-Khader, with Palestinian security sources saying he was run over at around 4 a.m. while riding his motorcycle near the “tunnels” checkpoint on Route 60 west of Bethlehem that leads to occupied East Jerusalem. Sources said that Issa sold coffee and tea on Route 60 for a living.

    In a statement, Israeli police spokesperson Luba Samri described the incident as a “road accident” between a private vehicle and a Palestinian motorbike, in which Issa was critically injured and pronounced dead at the hospital. She said Issa was 33 years old and from Beit Sahour, not al-Khader.

    Sources at the Palestinian Red Crescent told Ma’an that “he was believed to be run over by an Israeli settler,” though the reports could not be confirmed.

    Some reports in local media said that Red Crescent ambulances had refused to receive Issa’s body after arriving to the scene, because they were unclear on the circumstances surrounding the incident and would not be able to inform the family the cause of death.

    As a result, Issa’s remains were evacuated by Israel’s emergency medical services Magen David Adom to Israel’s Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem. Local sources said that the hospital requested an autopsy of Issa, but his family refused.


  • 16-year-old Palestinian girl succumbs to wounds day after being shot by Israeli forces

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A 16-year-old Palestinian girl who was shot and critically injured on Thursday by Israeli forces, succumbed to her wounds Friday morning, according to the hospital where the girl was being treated.

    The teen, identified as Nuf Uqab Abd al-Jabbar Infiaat from the Jenin-area village of Yaabad, was shot after she stabbed and lightly injured an Israeli soldier near the entrance of the illegal Mevo Dotan settlement in the Jenin district of the northern occupied West Bank.

    The Hillel Yaffe medical center in the Israeli city of Hadera released a statement Friday saying the girl had succumbed to her wounds.

    Following the stabbing on Thursday, Israeli emergency medical service Magen David Adom said in a statement on social media that the soldier was in “light condition,” while the Palestinian had been “neutralized” — the term used in Israel to refer indifferently to when a Palestinian has been injured or killed.

    Security camera footage shared by Israeli media allegedly showed the young Palestinian passing the gate of Mevo Dotan, out of the camera’s sight, shortly before fleeing, pursued by Israeli security forces.

    Meanwhile, AJ shared a video showing Israeli settlers insulting the young Palestinian as she lay wounded on the ground, calling her a “bitch” and telling her she deserved to die.


    • Crève ! Souffre ! Sale pute !
      Par Gideon Levy, le 4 juin 2017

      La vidéo nous montre une jeune Palestinienne qui avance lentement vers le checkpoint. Peut-être quelqu’un l’appelle-t-elle pour lui demander de s’arrêter mais on ne peut l’entendre sur l’enregistrement. On ne voit pas ni lame ni coup de couteau non plus. Puis on voit la jeune fille s’enfuir, deux Israéliens, apparemment des soldats la poursuivant à toute vitesse. Ce n’est que le préambule.

      « Neutraliser » (c’est-à-dire tuer en hébreu) des jeunes, garçons ou filles, qui cherchent à blesser des soldats - qui savent que le plus souvent c’est au prix de leur propre vie – est devenu une sorte de routine. Dans la plupart des cas c’est ni plus ni moins qu’une exécution alors qu’il est le plus souvent possible d’arrêter les assaillants sans les tuer. Mais l’armée est héroïque quand elle est face à des jeunes filles et ses soldats savent tuer. Les militaires tirent alors pour abattre l’écolière, ce qui était attendu de leur part.

      Et maintenant : la jeune fille est étendue sur la route ; les hommes armés l’entourent comme dans un rite païen, lui aboyant un flot d’injures. La vidéo ne montre que leurs corps, pas leurs visages. Parmi eux, il y a au moins un homme armé en short, portant des sandales, probablement un colon. La fille pousse des plaintes, se retourne, se tord, gémit pendant que les soldats disent : "J’espère que tu meurs, fille de pute", "Fuck you", "Crève, souffre, toi kahba (putain en arabe)". Ils ne se comporteraient même pas comme ça auprès d’un chien mourant. Au milieu de cette folie on peut entendre quelqu’un demander "Où est le couteau ?", "Ne la touchez pas", "Vous êtes génial" et, d’un téléphone, "Où êtes-vous ? à la maison ?".

      Elle est morte quelques heures plus tard. Elle s’appelait Nouf Iqab Enfeat, elle avait 16 ans et venait du village de Yabad, près de Jénine, en Cisjordanie. Un soldat a été légèrement blessé. Seuls des lâches peuvent tuer une écolière d’une telle façon.

      Toutefois dans ce cas, l’exécution de routine a été accompagnée d’une « cérémonie de requiem ». Il faut l’avoir vu pour le croire. Même pas un soldat avec le moindre fétu de compassion ou d’humanité. On a du mal à imaginer l’ampleur de la haine des soldats de l’armée d’occupation envers la nation qu’ils dominent. Il faut voir à quel point ils ont perdu leur humanité. Comment quelqu’un peut-il être joyeux en voyant une écolière qui se meurt ? Maltraiter de cette façon quelqu’un qui souffre n’est pas moins pernicieux, maléfique que de l‘abattre.

      C’est la leçon qu’on tirée les soldats de Tsahal du procès d’Elor Azaria : au lieu d’achever le « terroriste », laissez-le perdre son sang jusqu’à ce qu’il meure tout en le couvrant d’injures. Et ils l’ont fait, non par vengeance de sa tentative de poignarder un soldat mais parce qu’avant tout c’était une Palestinienne. De toutes évidences, ils ne se seraient jamais comportés ainsi si c’était une fille de colon qui avait essayé de les attaquer.

  • Several injured, 4 feared dead in suspected car ramming attack near Jerusalem
    Jan. 8, 2017 1:51 P.M. (Updated : Jan. 8, 2017 3:23 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A Palestinian was shot dead after driving a truck into a group of uniformed Israeli soldiers, killing four soldiers and injuring at least 13 other people Saturday afternoon, at a bus stop in the illegal Israeli settlement of East Talpiyyot in the Jerusalem district of the occupied West Bank.

    An Israeli police spokesperson confirmed in a statement that the “terrorist” was shot and killed after carrying what she called a deliberate attack.

    Sources identified the slain driver as 28-year-old Fadi Ahmad Hamdan al-Qunbar from the Palestinian neighborhood of Jabal al-Mukabbir, located just east of East Talpiyyot.

    Israel’s emergency medical service Magen David Adom (MDA) said that the slain Israeli soldiers were in their 20s. According to Israeli media, three were women and the fourth was a man.

    MDA added that 13 others were wounded — three severely, one moderately-to-severely, and nine lightly. They were all evacuated to Israel’s Shaare Zedek hospital in Jerusalem. It remained unconfirmed if any civilians were among the injured.

    Israeli police said a truck with Israeli license plates veered from its course and rammed into people getting off of a bus — later revealed to be a group uniformed Israeli soldiers — at a promenade in the settlement, which overlooks the Old City of occupied East Jerusalem.

    A number of people were initially trapped under the truck, and three of the wounded had to be extracted from under the track using a crane.

    Israeli police reported imposing heightened security measures in the Jerusalem area, and that investigations were ongoing. Israeli police chief Roni Alsheich told reporters that there was no advance warning for the attack.

    The illegal East Talpiyyot settlement is also known as Armon Hanatziv, and is located just west of the Palestinian neighborhood of Jabal al-Mukabbir.

    UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov quickly reacted to the “terror attack,” in a Tweet, saying: “My thoughts go out to victims of shocking #terror attack in #Jerusalem. Must be condemned by all. Absolutely no excuses, no justifications!”

    Since a wave of unrest began in October last year — largely marked by small-scale attacks by Palestinians targeting uniformed Israeli soldiers and police with knives or similar weapons — a number of deliberate car ramming attacks have occurred.

    However, Israeli authorities’ version of events have been challenged in a number of incidents, with officials in some cases later admitting so-called “terror attacks” were actually traffic accidents.

    However, Israeli news site Ynet quoted a witness as saying that after the truck rammed into the group of soldiers, Israeli forces fired at the driver who then reversed the truck and ran over the soldiers again. A video later released on Israeli media purported to show the moment the truck rammed into the soldiers.

    traduction en français: : Chronique de Palestine

    Al-Qods : 4 soldats tués dans une attaque contre les troupes d’occupation
    dimanche 8 janvier 2017 / 5h:10

    Ma’an News – Un Palestinien a été abattu par les forces israéliennes d’occupation après avoir conduit un camion dans un groupe de soldats israéliens, tuant quatre soldats et blessant au moins 13 autres personnes ce samedi après-midi à un arrêt d’autobus dans la colonie israélienne et illégale de Talpiyyot-Est.

    Un porte-parole de la police israélienne a confirmé dans une déclaration que le « terroriste » a été abattu après avoir exécuté ce qu’elle a qualifié d’attaque délibérée.

    Des sources ont identifié le conducteur assassiné comme étant Fadi Ahmad Hamdan al-Qunbar, âgé de 28 ans du quartier voisin de Jérusalem-Est de Jabal al-Mukabbir.

    Le service médical d’urgence d’Israël (MDA), a déclaré que les soldats israéliens tués étaient dans la vingtaine. Selon les médias israéliens, trois étaient des femmes et le quatrième était un homme.

    Le MDA a ajouté que 13 autres ont été blessés, dont trois sont dans un état critique. Ils ont tous été évacués vers l’hôpital israélien de Shaare Zedek à Jérusalem. On ne sait pas s’il se trouvait des civils parmi les blessés.

    La police israélienne a déclaré qu’un camion avec des plaques d’immatriculation israéliennes est sorti de sa voie et a renversé les gens qui descendaient d’un bus – plus tard révélé être un groupe de soldats israéliens en uniforme – à proximité d’une colonie qui surplombe la vieille ville de Jérusalem-Est. Un certain nombre de personnes sont restées bloquées sous le camion et trois des blessés ont dû en être extraits par l’utilisation d’une grue.

    • The illegal East Talpiyyot settlement is also known as Armon Hanatziv, and is located just west of the Palestinian neighborhood of Jabal al-Mukabbir.

      « Traduit » par Le Monde, ça donne

      Plusieurs morts dans une attaque au camion à Jérusalem

      Au moins quatre personnes ont été tuées dimanche 8 janvier à Jérusalem lors d’une attaque menée par un camion le long d’une promenade publique populaire surplombant les murs de la vieille ville. Un groupe de militaires a été percuté, une quinzaine de personnes ont été blessées.

    • Jan. 8, 2017 1:51 P.M. (Updated : Jan. 8, 2017 6:07 P.M.)

      Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement that the slain Palestinian attacker was “by all indications a supporter of the Islamic State,” without specifying the evidence leading to this assessment.

      Meanwhile, the Hamas movement released a statement in Arabic on social media, in which it hailed the “heroic and brave truck attack in Jerusalem which comes as natural reaction to the Israeli occupation’s crimes.”

      Jan. 8, 2017 1:51 P.M. (Updated : Jan. 9, 2017 11:05 A.M.)

      Israeli police later announced a gag-order for Israeli media on all further details of the case, including the identities of suspects. The four slain soldiers were identified in Israeli media as 20-year-old Yael Yekutiel from the Israeli city of Givataiym, 22-year-old Shir Hajaj from the illegal Israeli settlement of Maale Adumim, 20-year-old Shira Tzur from Haifa in northern Israel, and 20-year-old Erez Orbach from the illegal Alon Shvut settlement.

    • Quatre soldats israéliens tués dans une attaque au camion à Jérusalem
      AFP / 08 janvier 2017 19h38

      Jérusalem - Quatre soldats israéliens ont été tués dimanche lorsqu’un Palestinien, présenté par Israël comme un sympathisant du groupe Etat islamique (EI), a lancé son camion contre un groupe de militaires en excursion à Jérusalem.

      Il s’agit de l’une des attaques les plus meurtrières depuis le début d’une vague de violence entre Israéliens et Palestiniens à l’automne 2015.

      Les quatre victimes sont le sous-lieutenant Yaël Yekoutiel (20 ans) et les soldats Shir Hadjaj (22 ans), Shira Tzour (20 ans) et Erez Auerbach (20 ans).

      Le chauffeur du camion a été identifié par les médias palestiniens comme étant Fadi al-Qanbar, un habitant de Jérusalem-Est, partie palestinienne de la ville occupée et annexée par Israël depuis 1967.

      Il a été tué par balles, a rapporté la police. Dix-sept soldats ont été blessés, selon l’armée.

      Le Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu a affirmé que l’assaillant, selon toutes les indications, soutient l’EI.

      Il n’a pas précisé de quels éléments il disposait pour évoquer le groupe extrémiste qui n’a pas revendiqué d’attaques d’ampleur en Israël.

      M. Netanyahu tente souvent de dresser un parallèle entre Israël confronté à des attaques palestiniennes et d’autres pays visés par des attaques jihadistes.

      Mais la vague de violences qui a frappé Israël depuis l’automne 2015 est liée au conflit israélo-palestinien, centré principalement autour de disputes sur le territoire, les Palestiniens revendiquant un Etat indépendant sur leurs terres occupées par Israël depuis près d’un demi-siècle.

      Les soldats visés dimanche participaient avec des centaines d’autres à une sortie sur l’un des sites d’où l’on a l’une des vues les plus spectaculaires sur Jérusalem et sa vieille ville.

      Les soldats sont fréquemment emmenés sur cette promenade pour les sensibiliser à l’histoire de cette ville qui est au coeur du conflit entre Israël et les Palestiniens, chaque camp revendiquant notamment la souveraineté sur sa partie orientale.(...)

    • Israeli forces detain 5 relatives of Palestinian killed carrying out deadly truck attack
      Jan. 8, 2017 8:41 P.M. (Updated: Jan. 8, 2017 10:10 P.M.)

      Al-Qunbar’s sister Shadia told Ma’an that Israeli forces raided the Palestinian’s home, as well as his brothers’ and parents’ houses, holding the family members for more than three hours.

      She said that Israeli forces had detained al-Qunbar’s wife Tahani, his parents Ahmad and Minwa, and two of his brothers, Muhammad and Munther.

      Shadia noted that Israeli forces initially detained Munther al-Qunbar’s wife because her husband was not at home.

      Israeli troops ransacked family’s homes and interrogated al-Qunbar’s 12 sisters in their courtyard before summoning them for further interrogation at the Russian compound police station in Jerusalem, Shadia added.

      Al-Qunbar’s sister expressed surprise at the actions of her brother, a father of four, emphasizing that he had never been affiliated with a political party, and claiming that he had never been detained by Israel — although some media reports indicated that he had previously spent time in Israeli custody.

      “We don’t know what happened with Fadi. He called his wife (before the attack) and told her to prepare lunch,” Shadia said, adding that the family only found out about al-Qunbar’s involvement upon seeing footage of his truck running over soldiers.

      Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri confirmed in a statement on Sunday evening that Israeli forces had raided al-Qunbar’s home and detained nine “suspects,” including five of his relatives.

      Al-Samri added that Israeli police would remain heavily deployed in Jabal al-Mukabbir “until further notice.”

      Meanwhile, The Jerusalem Post reported that the Israeli security cabinet had convened in the wake of the attack and decided to withhold his body, reject family reunification requests of some of his relatives in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, and carry out a punitive demolition on al-Qunbar’s home as soon as possible.

    • Attaque parfaitement légitime de soldats israéliens occupants illégalement Jérusalem Est qui est Palestinien.

      Ces soldats auraient pu être objecteurs de conscience, ils participent à un crime, l’occupation de la Palestine.

    • Les autorités israéliennes décident d’enterrer deux martyrs dans les cimetières des nombres

      Ramallah, le 31 octobre 2019, WAFA- Le bureau du procureur général israélien a informé jeudi, l’avocat de la commission des affaires des prisonniers et ex-prisonniers, Mohammad Mahmoud, de son intention d’enterrer les corps des deux martyrs Mesbah Abu Sbeih et Fadi Qanbar dans les cimetières des nombres ces prochains jours.

      La Commission a condamné avec la plus grande fermeté cette politique barbare la qualifiant de raciste, extrémiste, génératrice de terrorisme et de haine, qui permet de détenir les corps des martyrs, en violation du droit international et des droits de l’homme.

  • Palestinian shot dead after alleged stab attack in Hebron’s Old City
    Sept. 16, 2016 5:48 P.M. (Updated: Sept. 17, 2016 11:45 A.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A 15-year-old was shot dead after stabbing and lightly injuring an Israeli solider near the Tel Rumeida area of Hebron’s Old City in the southern occupied West Bank Friday afternoon. He was the third Palestinian to be killed by Israeli forces in less than 24 hours, while a Jordanian national was also shot dead on Friday by Israeli police.

    Local sources idenfied the 15-year-old as Muhammad Thalji Kayid Thalji al-Rajabi .

    An Israeli army spokesperson told Ma’an that the Palestinian arrived to the Gilbert military checkpoint near Tel Rumeida armed with a knife and stabbed an Israeli army soldier who was reportedly 19 years old.

    “Responding to the threat, Israeli soldiers shot towards the assailant, resulting in his death,” the spokesperson added.

    The spokesperson could not confirm the Israeli soldier’s condition, though Israeli newspaper Times of Israeli reported he had been “lightly” injured by a knife wound to the face, and was evacuated by Israel’s emergency medical services Magen David Adom for treatment at Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem.

    Local sources said Israeli forces prevented an ambulance from reaching the Palestinian after he was shot.


  • 3 Palestinians shot dead after multiple attacks kill tourist, wound 12
    March 8, 2016 5:31 P.M. (Updated: March 8, 2016 9:25 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Three Palestinians were shot dead after they allegedly carried out separate attacks in Israel and occupied East Jerusalem, killing one American tourist and wounding at least 12 Israelis, on Tuesday afternoon and evening.

    In the first deadly encounter, shortly before 5 p.m., Israeli police spokesperson Luba al-Samri said a Palestinian man was shot dead after he allegedly stabbed and wounded an Israeli man near Petah Tikva, around seven miles east of Tel Aviv.

    Al-Samri said that an “Arab terrorist” stabbed a Jewish Israeli in his mid-30s “in the upper part of his body,” leaving him with light to moderate injuries.

    Israeli police forces arrived on the scene and shot dead the Palestinian, she said, adding that Israeli forces closed the area for investigation.

    Later, Israeli daily Haaretz identified the Palestinian as Abd Al-Rahman Radad , 17, from the Auja village in the eastern occupied West Bank district of Jericho.

    Minutes later, another Palestinian was shot dead after allegedly firing gunshots at Israeli police forces near Salah al-Din Street in occupied East Jerusalem, injuring two Israeli officers.

    Israeli police spokesperson Micky Rosenfeld said two Israeli policemen were wounded when a Palestinian shot them with an automatic weapon.

    A spokesperson for Hadassah hospital later said both Israeli officers had been hit in the head. One of them, aged 47, was in critical condition, fighting for his life, while the other, 31, was in moderate condition.

    Shortly after 6 p.m., Israeli police reported a third attack near the port in the Israeli city of Jaffa, with a Palestinian shot dead after he stabbed to death an American tourist and wounded at least nine Israelis.

    Israeli emergency services Magen David Adom (MDA) said five people were seriously injured and four moderately.

    A spokesperson said the Palestinian attacker had stabbed the Israelis while running along a path near the port.

    Israeli police later identified the Palestinian as a 22-year-old from the city of Qalqiliya in the occupied West Bank.

    However Haaretz reported that the 22-year-old had been identified as Bashar Masalha from the village of al-Zawiya in the Jenin district.

    The incidents followed a fourth deadly encounter on Tuesday, when a Palestinian woman was shot dead by Israeli border police officers after she allegedly attempted to stab them in Jerusalem’s Old City.


  • Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (18- 24 February 2016) | Palestinian Center for Human Rights

    (...) Killings committed by Israeli forces in the West Bank were as follows:

    On 19 February 2016, in employment of lethal force, Israeli forces killed Mohammed Abu Khalaf (20), from Kufor Aqeb village, north of occupied Jerusalem. The aforementioned person was killed at al-Amoud Gate, the northern entrance to the Old City, when Israeli Border Guard officers fired over 50 bullets at him. Even according to the Israeli story, Israeli forces could have used less force and arrested him. The Israeli police stated that a Palestinian young man hurried towards a police officer and stabbed him in the head, but to the wound was minor. While the young man was fighting with another police officer, Israeli soldiers shot him dead.

    On the same day, Israeli forces killed Khaled Taqatqah (21) while participating in a protest in solidarity with journalist Mohammed al-Qeeq, who is on a hunger strike. The protest was organized at the western entrance to Beit Fajjar village, south of Bethlehem. Taqatqah was hit with 2 live bullets to the chest, after which Israeli forces beat him up, dragged and handcuffed him. In addition, they prevented the Palestinian medical crews from offering him first aid. The aforementioned person was left like that for half an hour until a Magen David Adom’s (MDA) ambulance arrived and took him to Hadassa-Ein Karem Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 17:30.

    Also on the same day, Israeli forces killed Abed Hamed (19), from Silwad village, northeast of Ramallah. They opened fire at him after he ran over a number of Israeli soldiers, who were opening fire at Palestinian protestors at the western entrance to the village. An eyewitness said to PCHR’s fieldworker that Israeli MDA crew arrived at the scene and offered medical assistance to the soldiers, but left the Palestinian wounded person bleeding for about an hour, after which he passed away.

    On 21 February 2016, in employment of lethal force, Israeli forces stationed in their military site at the intersection of Beita village, south of Nablus, killed Qusai Abu al-Rub (16), from Qabatya village, southeast of Jenin. They claimed that he was holding a knife and heading towards Israeli soldiers that shot him dead even before he approached them. PCHR’s investigations highlights that Israeli forces could have used less force and arrested him, especially as the military site is fortified with cement cubes.

    In the Gaza Strip, Israeli forces wounded 3 Palestinian civilians, including a child, during their participation in protests organized adjacent to the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel, northwest of Beit Hanoun, north of the Gaza Strip.

    In the context of targeting border areas along the Gaza Strip, on 20 February 2016, Israeli forces stationed at the said fence, east of al-Maghazi refugee camp, in the central Gaza Strip, opened fire at Palestinian farmers on their lands. Similar attack recurred on 23 February 2016, but no casualties were reported among farmers.(...)

  • Le scénario cauchemar pour Netanyahu : un policier palestinien retourne son arme contre l’occupant !
    Maureen Clare Murphy - 1 février 2016- The Electronic Intifada - Traduction : - MJB

    (...) Un agent de l’AP ouvre le feu sur des soldats

    Des témoins ont décrit l’attaque de dimanche à Ma’an News Agency, disant qu’ « un véhicule palestinien s’est approché d’un poste de contrôle israélien et s’est arrêté pour inspection. Lorsqu’un soldat israélien s’est approché de la vitre du conducteur, celui-ci a ouvert le feu, tirant aussitôt sur le soldat. »

    Deux des trois soldats blessés seraient dans un état grave, tandis que le troisième n’a été que légèrement blessé, d’après le service des urgences médicales israéliennes, Magen David Adom.

    L’agent palestinien abattu a été identifié comme Amjad Sukkar, 34 ans et père de quatre enfants, vivant dans le secteur de Naplouse au nord de la Cisjordanie.

    Le poste militaire israélien où Amjad Sukkar aurait tiré sur des soldats avant d’être tué est connu des Palestiniens comme le poste de contrôle des VIP, étant donné que seules des personnes autorisées peuvent le franchir. Sukkar, chauffeur et garde du corps du procureur général de l’AP, aurait été en possession d’un laisser-passer lui permettant d’emprunter ce poste.

    Il n’est pas le premier membre des forces de sécurité de l’AP – qui sont entraînées et armées sous l’égide des EU et de l’Union Européenne, et ont collaboré avec Israël lors d’exécutions extrajudiciaires de dirigeants politiques et de la résistance armée à Gaza – à avoir été abattu lors d’une attaque présumée de soldats ces dernières semaines.

    Comme l’a rapporté Defense News le mois dernier, Mazen Oraibi, « agent sous le commandement de Faraj, a été tué par des soldats israéliens après qu’il aurait ouvert le feu à un poste de contrôle avec son arme légale blessant deux personnes. » La publication a ajouté qu’Oraibi était un membre de la famille de Saeb Erekat, négociateur en chef avec Israël pour l’AP.

    Haaretz a souligné dimanche que MM. Sukkar et Oraibi « occupaient tous deux des fonctions nécessitant une accréditation des services de renseignement de l’AP. »

    Le Centre Palestinien pour les Droits de l’Homme a rapporté qu’après qu’Oraibi était mort des soldats lui ont tiré dans la tête à bout portant.(...)

  • Palestinian shot dead, 3 Israeli soldiers injured in shooting attack
    Jan. 31, 2016

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A Palestinian was shot dead after shooting and injuring three Israeli soldiers at an Israeli military checkpoint around the illegal Israeli settlement of Beit El in the central occupied West Bank district of Ramallah, witnesses told Ma’an.

    Witnesses said a Palestinian vehicle approached the Israeli checkpoint and stopped for inspection. When an Israeli soldier approached the driver’s window, the driver opened fire, immediately shooting the soldier.

    The driver then shot another two Israeli soldiers, one of which witnesses believed was hit in his flak jacket.

    Israeli forces then opened fire, shooting the Palestinian driver dead.

    Of the three injured, two are in severe condition, while one was mildly injured, a spokesperson with Israel’s emergency medical service, Magen David Adom, said.

    The Palestinian driver was latter identified as Amjad Jaser Sukkar , 34 and a Palestinian Authority staff sergeant from Nablus. Hours after the shooting, his body was returned to PA forces and is expected to be buried later that day.


  • 3 Palestinians shot dead after alleged Gush Etzion stabbing attempt
    an. 7, 2016 8:26 P.M. (Updated: Jan. 7, 2016 10:05 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israeli forces shot dead three Palestinian cousins on Thursday night after they allegedly attempted to stab Israeli soldiers at the Gush Etzion junction in the southern occupied West Bank, Israeli and Palestinian sources said.

    An Israeli army spokesperson alleged that all three Palestinians were “armed with knives” and had attempted to “attack Israeli soldiers guarding the Gush Etzion junction.”

    She said Israeli forces “thwarted” the attack and “responded to the imminent danger” by opening fire on the Palestinians.

    While two of them were immediately confirmed dead, the Israeli army initially said that the third was being treated on site. However, an army spokesperson later confirmed he had succumbed to his wounds.

    A spokesperson for Magen David Adom confirmed that no Israelis were injured in the attack.

    Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the Palestinian Red Crescent said that their ambulance crews “were not allowed to get close to the scene.”

    The three Palestinians were later identified as cousins Ahmad Salim Abd al-Majid Kawazba, Alaa Abed Muhammad Kawazba, and Muhannad Ziyad Kawazba, all from the town of Sair northeast of Hebron.


    • 4 Palestinians shot dead after alleged stabbing attempts in West Bank
      Jan. 7, 2016 8:26 P.M. (Updated: Jan. 7, 2016 11:02 P.M.)

      Shortly after the incident, another Palestinian from the same town, identified as 16-year-old Khalil Muhammad al-Shalaldah , was shot dead by Israeli forces after he allegedly attempted to carry out a stabbing attack at the Beit Einun junction northeast of Hebron.

      An Israeli army spokesperson said the teenager was “armed with a knife,” but that Israeli soldiers “thwarted the attack, and shot the assailant, resulting in his death.” There were no Israeli injuries reported.

      Since October, around 145 Palestinians have been shot dead by Israelis, the majority in the occupied West Bank.

    • Quatre Palestiniens tentent de poignarder des soldats israéliens avant d’être abattus

      Jérusalem - Quatre Palestiniens ont été abattus jeudi par les forces israéliennes après avoir tenté d’attaquer des soldats dans deux incidents séparés en Cisjordanie occupée, a indiqué l’armée.

      Trois assaillants, armés de couteaux, ont tenté de poignarder des soldats qui gardaient le carrefour de Gush Etzion, a indiqué un communiqué militaire, ajoutant que les troupes avaient répondu à l’attaque en tirant sur les assaillants.

      Une source militaire a affirmé à l’AFP qu’ils étaient tous morts.

      Le carrefour du Gush Etzion, sur la route entre Bethléem et Hébron dans le sud de la Cisjordanie occupée, a été le théâtre de plusieurs attaques anti-israéliennes ces dernières semaines.

      Un peu plus tard, un Palestinien armé d’un couteau a tenté de poignarder des soldats israéliens au nord-est de Hébron, a indiqué un communiqué militaire. Les forces ont déjoué l’attaque et tiré sur l’assaillant, qui est mort.

      Les trois assaillants présumés de Gush Etzion ont été identifiés par les médias palestiniens comme Muhanad Kawazbeh, 20 ans, Ahmed Kawazbeh, 21 ans et Alaa Kawazbeh, 20 ans , tous originaires du village de Saïr au nord-est de Hébron.

      Ils seraient des membres de la famille de Ahmed Kawazbeh, 18 ans, tué mardi après avoir poignardé un soldat au carrefour de Gush Etzion également.

    • Killings of Palestinians in West Bank hit 10-year high
      Ali Abunimah Rights and Accountability 8 January 2016

      On Thursday evening, Israeli forces shot dead four Palestinians from the village of Sair, near Hebron in the occupied West Bank.

      Three cousins, Ahmad Salim Abd al-Majid Kawazba, 21, Alaa Abed Muhammad Kawazba, 17, and Muhannad Ziyad Kawazba, 20, were fatally shot near the Gush Etzion bloc of Israeli settlements north of Hebron.

      An Israeli army spokesperson alleged that all three were “armed with knives” and attempted to “attack Israeli soldiers guarding the Gush Etzion junction,” Ma’an News Agency reported.

      The Palestinian news site Quds quoted local sources who said the three young men all worked as laborers inside present-day Israel.

      A short time later, 16-year-old Khalil Muhammad al-Shalalda was shot dead by Israeli forces after he allegedly attempted to stab a soldier at the Beit Einoun junction near Hebron, according to Ma’an News Agency.

      No Israelis were reported injured.

      Khalil al-Shalada’s brother, Mahmoud, was fatally shot by Israeli occupation forces during confrontations near Beit Einoun junction on 13 November.

      As news of the killings spread, residents of Sair gathered at the family homes of the dead youths and confrontations broke out with Israeli occupation forces.

      Sair villagers have witnessed intense violence by Israeli forces in recent months. At least 10 villagers have been killed since the start of October, including the November execution in a Hebron hospital room of Abdallah Azzam al-Shalalda and the killing of a disabled father of a young baby in December.

      On New Year’s Eve, Israeli occupation forces seized a plot of land belonging to Sair villager Ismail Abed Rabbu al-Shalalda in order to set up a military post, a provocation likely only to further inflame tension.

      On Wednesday this week, thousands of people in Sair attended the funeral of Ahmad Younis Ahmad Kawazba.

  • Violence sparks medical ethics fight in Israel | +972 Magazine

    With the current escalation in violence throughout Israel-Palestine showing no signs of abating, the issue of medical ethics has found itself at the center of public debate in Israel. The small storm erupted following a recent decision by the Israel Medical Association to implement the internationally accepted standard of medical neutrality at the scene of a terror attacks, a standard that mandates the non-discriminatory treatment of the sick and injured even in times of conflict. Under this principle, medics are tasked with saving as many lives as possible, no matter the background, identity and actions of the patient.
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    The public debate began with an argument that erupted recently on Israeli radio between the head of Magen David Adom, Eli Bein, and Yehuda Meshi Zahav, the chairman of ZAKA — an organization of community medical volunteers — over who should be treated first at the scene of an attack.

    Bein argued for medical neutrality, saying that MDA’s rule is to “treat the most seriously wounded person who is in life-threatening danger,” no matter who is the attacker and who is the victim. Zahav retorted that if it’s a terrorist, he shouldn’t be helped at all, let alone before others.

  • Palestinian killed in Hebron after 2 Israelis stabbed, injured
    Dec. 9, 2015 2:04 P.M. (Updated: Dec. 9, 2015 2:46 P.M.)

    HEBRON (Ma’an) — A Palestinian was shot and killed Wednesday after reportedly stabbing two Israelis in Hebron’s Old City, locals and the Israeli army said.

    An Israeli army spokesperson told Ma’an that “an assailant stabbed two Israelis” before being shot on scene.

    Israeli emergency service Magen David Adom confirmed that paramedics treated two Israelis, one who sustained moderate wounds, the other left with “mild” injuries.

    A Hebron local, Mufid al-Sharabati, told Ma’an that he saw Israeli soldiers putting the body of the killed Palestinian in a plastic bag following the attack.

    Al-Sharabati said that at least one of those injured in the attack was an Israeli soldier, and he believed the other to be an Israeli settler.

    Large numbers of Israeli soldiers arrived to the area following the incident, raiding and searching several Palestinian homes while assaulting residents, al-Sharabati added.

    The Palestinian who reportedly carried out the attack was identified as Abd al-Rahman Yusri Maswada .

    Abd was the cousin of Ihab Zakariya Maswada , 21, who was killed by Israeli forces on Monday after he stabbed an Israeli near Hebron’s Ibrahimi Mosque.

    Wednesday’s incident marks the fourth Palestinian to be killed while carrying out attacks in Hebron’s Old City during the last week alone.


  • 2 Palestinians shot dead near Ramallah after alleged attacks
    Dec. 4, 2015 2:07 P.M. (Updated: Dec. 4, 2015 7:28 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Two Palestinians were shot dead near Ramallah on Friday after separate alleged attacks targeting Israeli military forces in the occupied West Bank, Israel’s army and Palestinian officials said.

    A Palestinian was shot and killed near the illegal Ofra settlement north of Ramallah after ramming his car into a group of Israeli soldiers, according to the Israeli army.

    The army confirmed that two soldiers were injured in the incident. Israeli emergency service Magen David Adom said that paramedics treated two Israelis around 20 years of age who sustained minor injuries.

    The Palestinian Ministry of Health identified the Palestinian as Anas Bassam Hammad .

    An hour earlier, a Palestinian man was shot and killed after stabbing an Israeli soldier near the Ramallah-area village of Abud, Palestinian officials said.

    The Palestinian Authority Ministry of Health confirmed that a Palestinian man had been shot dead by Israeli military forces near the village, which is located adjacent to the illegal Israeli settlement of Halamish.

    The man was identified as Abed al-Rahman al-Barghouthi , 27. He died from gunshot wounds to the neck and arm, the ministry added.


  • Palestinian killed after alleged shooting attack at Hizma checkpoint
    Dec. 3, 2015 12:33 P.M. (Updated: Dec. 3, 2015 2:28 P.M.)

    JERUSALEM (Ma’an ) — A Palestinian was shot and killed after opening fire on Israeli soldiers stationed at the Hizma military checkpoint north of Jerusalem in the occupied West Bank that left two injured, the Israeli army and emergency services said.

    An Israeli army spokesperson told Ma’an that forces opened fire on a Palestinian man after he exited his vehicle and opened fire on the forces.

    The spokesperson confirmed the suspect’s death and said an Israeli soldier was shot in the upper body, adding that one bystander was injured.

    The Palestinian liaison department identified the Palestinian as Mazin Hasan Ureiba from Abu Dis.

    Ureiba was an officer in the Palestinian Authority general intelligence service and a father of four, sources told Ma’an.

    Israeli emergency service Magen David Adom said that paramedics arrived to the scene and treated one victim who was in severe condition.

    Israeli media reported that the bystander was a 47-year-old Israeli man left with critical injuries, while the soldier received a gunshot wound to the hand.

    Photos released following the incident suggest the attack may have taken place down the road from the checkpoint.


  • Palestinian man shot dead after alleged attack in East Jerusalem
    Nov. 29, 2015 9:41 A.M. (Updated: Nov. 29, 2015 3:42 P.M.)

    JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — Israeli forces shot dead a Palestinian man on Sunday after he allegedly stabbed and injured an Israeli police officer near Damascus Gate in occupied East Jerusalem, an Israeli police spokesperson said.

    Micky Rosenfeld said the alleged attacker was a 38-year-old Palestinian from Nablus district in the northern occupied West Bank. Local sources named him as Baseem Abdul-Rahman Mustafa Salah .

    The Israeli police officer who was injured during the attack is reportedly in light to moderate condition, a Magen David Adom medical service spokesperson said.

    Witnesses near the scene told Ma’an that Israeli police shot the Palestinian man at least 11 times during the incident, adding that Israeli forces did not allow medics to reach him.


  • Palestinian teen shot in clashes 2 weeks ago dies from wounds
    Nov. 25, 2015 7:43 P.M. (Updated: Nov. 25, 2015 7:43 P.M.)

    RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — A 16-year-old Palestinian shot by Israeli forces during clashes two weeks ago succumbed to his wounds on Wednesday, the Palestinian Ministry of Health said.

    The ministry said doctors failed to save the life of Ibrahim Abdul-Halim Dawood , 16, after the teen was shot in his heart during Ramallah clashes two weeks previously.

    Dawood, from the village of Deer Ghassan in the central occupied West Bank village of Ramallah, is the second Palestinian teen to lose their life on Wednesday.

    Earlier, Israeli forces shot and killed Muhammad Ismail Shubaki , a 19-year-old student, after the teen stabbed an Israeli soldier near al-Fawwar refugee camp in the southern occupied West Bank district of Hebron.

    The Palestinian Ministry of Health told Ma’an that Shubaki was shot on scene and evacuated to Hadassah hospital in Jerusalem in critical condition, where he later died.

    Israeli emergency service Magen David Adom said the Israeli, 20, was left in severe condition and transferred to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem.


  • Palestinian shot dead after stabbing Israeli near Gush Etzion
    Nov. 22, 2015 3:55 P.M. (Updated: Nov. 22, 2015 5:31 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A Palestinian man was shot dead by Israeli forces after he stabbed and wounded a 20-year-old Israeli woman near the illegal Israeli settlement bloc of Gush Etzion, Israeli sources said, in the third Palestinian death on Sunday.

    An Israeli army spokesperson told Ma’an that a “Palestinian stabbed a civilian” at the Gush Etzion junction, and “forces on site responded to the imminent threat and shot the attacker, resulting in his death.”

    The Palestinian was later identified as 34-year-old Issa Thawabta from Beit Fajjar in Bethlehem district, just south of Gush Etzion.

    The army spokesperson said the Israeli victim was evacuated for emergency care, and Israeli emergency services Magen David Adom told Ma’an that she was a 20-year-old woman “currently in severe condition.”

    A Ma’an reporter who was present in the area said that he witnessed dozens of Israeli soldiers rushing to the hitchhiking station at the Gush Etzion junction, firing gunshots.

    The soldiers then shut down the main bypass road known as Route 60.

    Thawabta was the third Palestinian to be killed on Sunday, after another two Palestinians were shot dead by Israeli settlers after allegedly attempting to attack Israelis.

    Israeli Woman Hurt in West Bank Stabbing Attack Succumbs to Wounds

    21-year-old Hadar Buchris from Safed sustained knife wounds to her upper body; assailant, a 34-year-old Palestinian, was shot dead.
    read more:

  • 2 Israelis, 1 Palestinian killed in Gush Etzion shooting attack
    Nov. 19, 2015 5:09 P.M. (Updated : Nov. 19, 2015 6:08 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Two Israelis and a Palestinian were killed and at least seven injured in a shooting attack in the Gush Etzion settlement bloc on Thursday, hours after two Israelis were killed in a stabbing attack in Tel Aviv, Israeli police said.

    A Palestinian suspect reportedly opened fire from a vehicle, injuring at least 10 Israelis, including two seriously, Israeli police said.

    Police later reported that two Israelis had died and a Palestinian bystander was also killed.

    Israeli media said that after the initial shooting the suspect continued driving and rammed into another vehicle, opening fire again before being shot.

    Initial reports said the suspect was killed at the scene, with later reports confirming two suspects were arrested by Israeli forces.

    A spokesperson from the Israeli emergency services, Magen David Adom, said medics were responding at the scene of the “shooting incident,” without providing further details.

    Just hours before the incident, two Israelis were killed and two others injured in a stabbing attack in southern Tel Aviv.


    (Updated : Nov. 20, 2015 3:02 P.M.)

    The two Israelis who were shot dead have been identified only as an 18-year-old American citizen and 49-year-oldYaakov Don,according to Israeli media.

    The Palestinian bystander has been identified by Israel’s civil administration as Shadi Zuhdi Ratib Arafa , from a village in Hebron. Israeli authorities are currently coordinating with Palestinian officials on transferring the body to the family, the spokesperson for the civil administration said.

    • Un Américain tué dans une attaque en Cisjordanie
      AFP / 19 novembre 2015 22h27

      Washington - Un Américain a été tué jeudi dans une attaque en Cisjordanie qui a fait au total trois morts et plusieurs blessés près de colonies israéliennes, a indiqué le département d’Etat.

      Nous pouvons confirmer la mort d’un citoyen américain aujourd’hui en Cisjordanie, a déclaré un porte-parole de la diplomatie américaine, en allusion à une attaque près du bloc de colonies israéliennes du Goush Etsion menée, selon l’armée israélienne, par un Palestinien à bord d’une voiture qui a ouvert le feu sur un groupe de civils à une intersection.

      Le ministère américain des Affaires étrangères a, comme à l’accoutumé dans ce genre d’affaires, refusé de donner plus de détails sur la victime, invoquant les règles draconiennes en matière de protection de la vie privée aux Etats-Unis.

      Le département d’Etat a simplement laissé entendre dans son communiqué de condoléances que l’Américain tué était un homme.

      Au total, cinq personnes, dont un Américain, ont été tuées jeudi à Tel-Aviv et en Cisjordanie occupée dans deux attaques anti-israéliennes menées par des Palestiniens. Il s’agit de l’une des journées les plus meurtrières pour les Israéliens depuis le début, le 1er octobre, d’une escalade de violences ayant fait plus de 100 morts.

    • Israël/Territoires palestiniens - Attentats (19 novembre 2015)

      La France condamne les attentats perpétrés le 19 novembre à Tel-Aviv et en Cisjordanie, qui ont fait cinq morts et plusieurs blessés.

      La France présente ses condoléances aux familles des victimes et les assure de sa solidarité.

      La France condamne les attentats en Israël
      nov 21, 2015 - 18 h 38

      L’ambassadeur de France en Israël, Patrick Maisonnave a condamné les attentats palestiniens de jeudi dernier, qui ont fait cinq victimes, 3 Israéliens, un juif américain et un Palestinien.

      « La France a condamné avec la plus grande fermeté les effroyables attentats d’hier à Tel-Aviv et dans le Gush Etzion. Mes pensées vont tout d’abord aux familles des victimes. Elles vont aux blessés, auxquels je souhaite un rétablissement rapide », a affirmé l’ambassadeur dans un communiqué.

      « Elles vont également à l’ensemble du peuple israélien qui subit depuis près de deux mois une recrudescence d’actes terroristes, et qui a par ailleurs exprimé à la France une solidarité exemplaire au lendemain des attentats de Paris. C’est cette même solidarité que je souhaite aujourd’hui exprimer en retour à Israël », poursuit le communiqué.

      « Le terrorisme est le terrorisme, où qu’il frappe et quelles que soient les raisons qu’il invoque. Nous continuerons à le condamner et à le combattre », conclut M. Maisonnave.

  • Hillary Clinton Is No Friend of Israel - Opinion - Israel News -
    The Democratic presidential candidate’s love letter to Israel last week was simply embarrassing, and proves she is an obstacle to what is best for the Israeli state.

    Gideon Levy 08.11.2015

    Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail in South Carolina, October 31, 2015. The Palestinians know she’s not fighting for them. Reuters

    Hillary Clinton’s election as U.S. president would ensure Israel’s continued decline and degeneration. And so she is not a friend, but an enemy. She must not be allowed to deceive and present herself as a friend of Israel, as she tried so ingratiatingly to do in an article published in The Forward (“How I would reaffirm unbreakable bond with Israel — and Benjamin Netanyahu”) last week. The tear ducts were targeted as she wrote of how she assisted Magen David Adom in being accepted to the International Red Cross. But she and those like her – false friends of Israel – have been one of the curses on this country for years. Because of them, Israel can continue to act as wildly as it likes, thumbing its nose at the world and paying no price. Because of them, it can destroy itself unhindered.

    Whether Clinton believes what she wrote or simply wanted once again to sell her soul for a fistful of dollars from Haim Saban and other Jewish donors, the result is extremely embarrassing. A love letter to Israel, the likes of which no U.S. statesman would ever write to another country. Americans believe “Israel is more than a country – it’s a dream,” she states. Most of the world calls it a nightmare, yet Clinton says a dream. What dream exactly? The dream of tyrannical control over another people? Racism? Nationalism? The killing of women and children in Gaza?

    What happened to the Hillary Rodham Clinton who in her youth fought for civil rights and against the Vietnam War, and as a lawyer specialized in children’s rights? Did she not hear what her dream state is doing to Palestinian children? What happened to the glorious career woman who was considered liberal and justice-seeking on her way up? Did she forget it all? Does money buy everything? Or, when it comes to Israel, do all principles suddenly change?

    Did the former secretary of state not hear about the Israeli occupation? After all, she didn’t mention it once in her article. This is not the time or place to anger Saban. To Clinton, Israel is a “thriving democracy” and to hell with the violent and totalitarian regime in its backyard. And so Clinton is also an enemy of peace and justice. She doesn’t believe there has been the slightest damage to Palestinian rights. Israelis being stabbed in Jerusalem “appalls” Clinton. Palestinians being unjustifiably shot to death, meanwhile, fails to register with her. They will love her for that on Fifth Avenue. Religious figures who encourage killing are, of course, only Muslim; only Israeli security must be vouchsafed. The synagogues of Manhattan will love that, too. Clinton pledges to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during her first month in office. Also, that she will send a delegation of the U.S. Army’s Joint Chiefs of Staff to Israel. What for, exactly?

    For Clinton, this isn’t “just about policy,” it is “a personal commitment to the friendship … and our vision for peace and security.” One could, of course, explain away this sorry, honey-dripped statement with the need to raise more money from Jews. But one cannot ignore the content. Clinton is a leading candidate to become the next president of the United States, and her commitment to the continued Israeli occupation and its funding has been proven in the past. The Palestinians are also reading her words. What are they supposed to think in the face of this one-sided extremism? What can they expect in light of such outright disregard for their fate? Hope for change, which has already taken a beating during President Barack Obama’s time in office, will not be able to rise if Clinton is president.

    Most American Jews will support her, some because they think she is good for Israel. Well, dear brethren, she is not. A person who supports the continued occupation is like a person who continues to buy drugs for an addicted relative. This is neither concern nor friendship; it is destruction. Perhaps some ignorant Republican would be preferable in the White House after all. But, on second thoughts, he would surely be funded by Sheldon Adelson.

  • Palestinian killed, 2 Israelis injured in suspected vehicular attack
    Nov. 4, 2015 4:58 P.M. (Updated: Nov. 4, 2015 5:22 P.M.)

    HEBRON (Ma’an) — Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian Wednesday after he carried out a suspected vehicular attack that left two Israelis injured near the Halhul junction in Hebron, emergency services and witnesses said.

    A witness told Ma’an that he “saw two Israeli soldiers on the ground bleeding after they were apparently run over by a Palestinian vehicle,” adding that “one bullet was fired at the Palestinian vehicle by a soldier.”

    The Palestinian Ministry of Health confirmed to Ma’an that the Palestinian in the vehicle was shot dead.

    Israeli media identified the Palestinian shot by Israeli soldiers following the incident as a 22-year-old male from the Tulkarum area.

    A Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance was reportedly prevented from approaching the site, witnesses said.

    An Israeli army spokesperson told Ma’an that those injured in the hit-and-run were Israeli border police, but had no further information on the incident.

    Israeli emergency service Magen David Adom said that a 20-year-old Israeli was severely injured and another left with moderate injuries.

    Clashes erupted in the area between Palestinian youth and Israeli forces following the incident. and a local resident of Halhul, Mohammed Rabah, told Ma’an that all entrances of Halhul had been closed.

    Israeli forces also closed the nearby Nabi Younis street following the incident and prevented traffic from crossing through to Bethlehem.


    • Nov. 4, 2015 4:58 P.M. (Updated : Nov. 4, 2015 9:56 P.M.)

      The Palestinian Ministry of Health confirmed to Ma’an that the Palestinian in the vehicle was shot dead and identified him as Ibrahim Skafi , 22.

  • Palestinian shot, injured after Israeli, 70, injured in Netanya attack
    Nov. 2, 2015 7:03 P.M. (Updated: Nov. 2, 2015 7:58 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israeli police on Monday shot and wounded a Palestinian man after he allegedly stabbed and seriously injured a 70-year-old Israeli man in the northern Israeli city of Netanya, north of Tel Aviv, Israeli sources said.

    A spokesperson for Israel’s emergency services Magen David Adom (MDA) said that the Israeli was in a serious condition and had been taken to Laniado hospital in Netanya.

    He said MDA had also treated the injured Palestinian but had no immediate information on his condition.

    The Palestinian has been identified as Ziyad Ridha, 22, from Balaa village east of Tulkarem in the northern occupied West Bank, the head of the village local council told Ma’an.

    Israeli army spokesperson Peter Lerner said that the Palestinian “terrorist” was shot by police in Netanya, while the 70-year-old was “severely wounded.”

    Just hours before the incident, at least three Israelis were injured in a stabbing attack outside a bus station in Rishon Lezion south of Tel Aviv, including an 80-year-old woman left in serious condition.

    Initial reports indicated that the attacker was a Palestinian from the southern West Bank city of Hebron and had been injured and detained.

    An Israeli police spokesperson could not be reached for comment on either incident.
