person:derek powazek

  • Derek Powazek - How To Spot A Liar

    Like most people, I’ve been lied to a few times in my life. I’ve even told a few (though, as my wife will attest, perhaps not as many as I should). No one likes being lied to.

    That’s one of the reasons I was attracted to journalism and photography – they’re about telling the truth. It may be a personal, subjective truth, but it’s a truth nonetheless.

    Je ne connais pas la personne dont il parle dans le reste de son article, mais j’aime bien son postulat. En lisant le premier paragraphe j’étais tenté de dire « mais la photo ne dit pas la vérité, c’est subjectif », et paf, contre-kems. Il est fort.

  • Derek Powazek - Your right to comment ends at my front door.

    I turned off comments in the last redesign of because I needed a place online that was just for me. With comments on, when I sat down to write, I’d preemptively hear the comments I’d inevitably get. It made writing a chore, and eventually I stopped writing altogether. Turning comments off was like taking a weight off my shoulders. It freed me to write again.

  • Derek Powazek - “Nobody Uses Their Real Name” and Other Outdated Notions

    I think we’re witnessing a fascinating shift in online culture. The era of hacker handles is over. We’ve grown out of it the same way I grew out of Pink Floyd. (Even though I still listen to Animals occasionally. It’s the sheep.) The internet is not a second life anymore, it’s your first one. You don’t slip into a pseudonym when you use the phone, why should you be someone else online? Hacker handles were training wheels, and they’re off the bike now whether you like it or not.

    This doesn’t mean that there will be no anonymous or pseudonymous conversation on the internet. There will always be a need for anonymous speech, just as there’ll always be a need to pay in cash. It’s just not up to giant multinational corporations to provide that for us, nor should we trust them to do so.

    #privacy #googleplus #anonymity (et euh, les mêmes en français)