person:john brennan

  • Brennan, Riyad et 9/11

    Brennan, Riyad et 9/11

    Le 15 août 2018, Ray McGovern, ancien officier et analyste de la CIA et membre du groupe VIPS (Veterans Intelligence Professional for Sanity), publiait sur ConsortiumNews un article sur le révocation de l’autorisation d’accès aux informations classifiées (clearance) dont disposait John Brennan, comme ancien directeur de la CIA. Cette affaire fait actuellement grand bruit aux USA, mais ce qui nous intéresse particulièrement ici, c’est un commentaire de lecteur à l’article de McGovern. Il s’agit d’un anonyme utilisant le pseudo “Sgt-doom”, qui a posté son message le 19 août 2018 à 03:16 p.m.

    « Two Questions for John Brennan

     » [Formal Disclaimer : Never voted for, nor liked, Donald Trump — never voted for any republiCON for that matter.]

     » Mikey Morrell, lame loser, CBS analyst and (...)

  • En direct de Langley

    En direct de Langley

    Cela nous apparaît comme une surprise moyenne dans l’atmosphère qui prévaut à “D.C.-la-folle“, mais une surprise tout de même, et surtout un extraordinaire symbole de la confusion des genres, de l’âpreté extraordinaire de l’antagonisme, de la haine et de l’invective régnant en maître extraordinaire à Washington D.C... Il s’agit de l’engagement, certainement pour un salaire plantureux, de John Brennan, directeur de la CIA jusqu’en janvier 2017 et l’un des principaux “comploteurs“ (à ciel ouvert) anti-Trump, comme “commentateur politique„ des chaînes NBC et MSNBC.

    Mais d’abord, présentation succincte de l’événement par RT, réseau particulièrement bien placé pour le faire puisque sans cesse accusé par Brennan & Cie (& MSNBC, sans nul doute) d’être une “officine de propagande“ agissant aux (...)

  • 15-Year-Old Schoolboy Posed as CIA Chief to Hack Highly Sensitive Information

    A notorious pro-Palestinian hacking group behind a series of embarrassing hacks against United States intelligence officials and leaked the personal details of 20,000 FBI agents, 9,000 Department of Homeland Security officers, and some number of DoJ staffers in 2015.

    Believe or not, the leader of this hacking group was just 15-years-old when he used “social engineering” to impersonate CIA director and unauthorisedly access highly sensitive information from his Leicestershire home, revealed during a court hearing on Tuesday.

    Kane Gamble, now 18-year-old, the British teenager hacker targeted then CIA director John Brennan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, FBI deputy director Mark Giuliano, as well as other senior FBI figures.

    Between June 2015 and February 2016, Gamble posed as Brennan and tricked call centre and helpline staff into giving away broadband and cable passwords, using which the team also gained access to plans for intelligence operations in Afghanistan and Iran.

    Gamble said he targeted the US government because he was “getting more and more annoyed about how corrupt and cold-blooded the US Government” was and “decided to do something about it.”

  • Un acte historique de la CIA

    Un acte historique de la CIA

    26 juillet 2017 – On sait que la CIA reste un foyer de résistance active au président Trump. Mike Pompeo, le nouveau directeur, n’a qu’une influence mineure sur l’agence et il n’entend d’ailleurs rien modifier de fondamental par rapport à son prédécesseur John Brennan, l’un des adversaires les plus acharnés de Trump. (Qui nous expliquera par quelle étonnante inconscience, ou ignorance, Trump a-t-il nommé Pompeo, sinon par l’habituelle explication de l’impunité complète du ci-devant Deep State pour décider des nominations qui lui importent ?) Cela implique que, lorsque Brennan parle, c’est la CIA qui s’exprime, – et il ne se prive pas de parler.

    En décembre dernier, Brennan, alors encore directeur actif de la CIA avait mis en doute la légitimité de Trump comme président des USA. (...)

  • Vault 7 : CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

    Today, Tuesday 7 March 2017, WikiLeaks begins its new series of leaks on the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Code-named “Vault 7” by WikiLeaks, it is the largest ever publication of confidential documents on the agency.

    The first full part of the series, “Year Zero”, comprises 8,761 documents and files from an isolated, high-security network situated inside the CIA’s Center for Cyber Intelligence in Langley, Virgina. It follows an introductory disclosure last month of CIA targeting French political parties and candidates in the lead up to the 2012 presidential election.

    Recently, the CIA lost control of the majority of its hacking arsenal including malware, viruses, trojans, weaponized “zero day” exploits, malware remote control systems and associated documentation. This extraordinary collection, which amounts to more than several hundred million lines of code, gives its possessor the entire hacking capacity of the CIA. The archive appears to have been circulated among former U.S. government hackers and contractors in an unauthorized manner, one of whom has provided WikiLeaks with portions of the archive.

    “Year Zero” introduces the scope and direction of the CIA’s global covert hacking program, its malware arsenal and dozens of “zero day” weaponized exploits against a wide range of U.S. and European company products, include Apple’s iPhone, Google’s Android and Microsoft’s Windows and even Samsung TVs, which are turned into covert microphones.

    Since 2001 the CIA has gained political and budgetary preeminence over the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA). The CIA found itself building not just its now infamous drone fleet, but a very different type of covert, globe-spanning force — its own substantial fleet of hackers. The agency’s hacking division freed it from having to disclose its often controversial operations to the NSA (its primary bureaucratic rival) in order to draw on the NSA’s hacking capacities.

  • CIA head John Brennan warns Trump to watch his tongue - BBC News

    Outgoing CIA Director John Brennan has warned US President-elect Donald Trump to avoid off-the-cuff remarks once he takes office.

    He said spontaneity was not in the interests of national security.

    Mr Trump is known for regularly making broad pronouncements on issues of national importance on his Twitter feed.

    Mr Brennan also said that Mr Trump did not fully appreciate Russia’s capabilities or intentions.

    I think Mr Trump has to understand that absolving Russia of various actions that it’s taken in the past number of years is a road that he, I think, needs to be very, very careful about moving down,” he said.

  • Report : CIA set up task-force in 2016 to investigate possible Russian funding of Trump’s campaign

    A US counterintelligence task force was established by the CIA in 2016 to investigate possible Russian funding of President-elect Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, the BBC reported on Friday.

    The task force included the FBI, the Treasury and Justice Departments, the CIA, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the National Security Agency (NSA).

    It was set up after the director of the CIA, John Brennan, received a recording of a conversation about money from the Kremlin going into Trump’s campaign coffers, the BBC’s Paul Wood reported. The recording was apparently passed to the CIA by the intelligence agency of one of the Baltic States.
    The Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, released a statement last Wednesday reiterating that, while the intelligence community had "not made any judgment that the information in this document is reliable, “part of our obligation is to ensure that policymakers are provided with the fullest possible picture of any matters that might affect national security.

    Cette dernière phrase est incroyable : on ne sait pas si c’est juste une rumeur, mais on diffuse aux décideurs…

    L’article de la BBC dont sont extraites les informations ci-dessus comprend une première moitié sur le kompromat de 2013.

    Trump ’compromising’ claims : How and why did we get here ? - BBC News

    Donald Trump has described as “fake news” allegations published in some media that his election team colluded with Russia - and that Russia held compromising material about his private life. The BBC’s Paul Wood saw the allegations before the election, and reports on the fallout now they have come to light.

    • Ils vont nous faire le même topo que pour l’Irak ? Faire mine pendant des années de se faire imposer une partition à l’insu de leur plein gré (alors même que le Congrès américain a voté cette partition…), et surjouer l’étonnement face à cette « possibilité » d’une partition tous les six mois.

      Pour la Syrie, c’est un des thèmes constants depuis 2011, mais je vois que tout juste vendredi, un des usuals suspects de la rébellitude syrienne aborde ce thème sur Orient XXI : Quatre régions, quatre autorités en Syrie,1416
      (Nous aussi, surjouons la surprise quand un article aborde spontanément la même problématique, au même moment, que la patron de la CIA.)

  • Les scientifiques vont un jour faire pousser les humains comme les roses : une équipe de 130 des plus grands généticiens du monde ont annoncé dans la revue Science qu’ils espèrent construire un génome humain entièrement synthétique

    * CIA Director John Brennan claims that advances in genome editing pose a threat to national security and may be used to create biological weapons Ils justifient ce...

  • Kurds, ISIS, test US moral legitimacy as leader and ally | Christina Lin

    On April 8 Jeremy Binnie from IHS Jane’s reported Washington continued to ship weapons to Al Qaeda affiliates in Syria during the ceasefire agreement, corroborated by the jiahdi groups themselves that the ceasefire purpose was to break the Russian and Syrian army momentum and buy time to rearm for the next offensive.

    Adam Entous from the Wall Street Journal also revealed that Cold War warriors such as Defense Secretary Ash Carter, chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford, and CIA director John Brennan were not focused on ISIS but rather fixated on “inflicting real pain on the Russians,” and proposed a Plan B to supply Al Qaeda groups with anti-aircraft missiles that also threaten civilian airliners.

    • #option_Stinger
      Intéressant mais un peu trop proche par certains points d’une certaine ligne israélienne ("vive le Kurdistan indépendant"), critique des USA et de leur manque de fidélité à leurs alliés, et prête à admettre un accommodement avec la Russie.
      De la même Christina Lin, pas inintéressant non plus, cet article récent sur Asia Times onLine :
      Remarque : qu’une même plume puisse écrire à la fois dans Times of Israel et Asia Times sera peut-être un de ces jours expliqué par Pepe Escobar (longtemps une des stars d’Asia Times avant de se retourner vers RT et maintenant de monter un projet de média indépendant avec la whistleblower Sibel Edmonds).
      Dans un appel vidéo pour du crowdfunding pour ce nouveau média, Escobar a promis d’expliquer ce qu’il s’était passé au sein d’AToL quand Spengler/David Goldman ( en a pris le contrôle...

  • 2 articles récents renforcent le sentiment que l’on assiste à un rapprochement russo-américain sur le dossier syrien.

    Interview de Balanche dans l’OLJ :
    « Les Américains ne veulent pas risquer d’exclure Assad au stade actuel »

    Dans quel contexte intervient cette déclaration ? [de Bassma Kodmani critiquant les USA pour leur rapprochement avec les Russes - écho aux mêmes critiques de Ryad Hijab] :

    Je pense que l’opposition se sent abandonnée par les États-Unis. Le secrétaire d’État américain a dû expliquer à Bassma Kodmani que le maintien d’Assad au pouvoir pendant la période de transition est acceptable pour les États-Unis. Les Américains au nom de la Realpolitik ne veulent pas risquer d’exclure le président syrien avant le rétablissement de la paix et de la sécurité sur le terrain. Ils ont également conscience aujourd’hui que l’Europe est au bord de l’implosion principalement en raison de sa gestion de la crise syrienne. On assiste à la montée de partis de droite prorusses, les opinions publiques européennes adhèrent de plus en plus à l’approche des Russes, dont le succès dans la lutte contre le groupe État islamique (EI) est tangible face à l’efficacité limitée de la coalition constituée par les États-Unis.

    Les États-Unis ont-ils la maîtrise de l’évolution du calendrier diplomatique sur la question du sort de Bachar et les moyens de négocier l’option d’un départ du président syrien ?

    Les États-Unis ne souhaitent pas le départ de Bachar el-Assad à n’importe quel prix et au risque de voir s’installer le chaos en Syrie. Ils considèrent que le pouvoir est beaucoup trop personnalisé, et la dernière chose qu’ils souhaitent c’est de voir des groupes comme l’EI ou le Front al-Nosra profiter du vide pour s’imposer. Même à supposer qu’ils se rallient à cette option, qu’auraient-ils à proposer aux Russes en échange du départ d’Assad ?
    Que peuvent-ils imposer aux groupes d’opposition ?
    Ont-ils les moyens de suspendre le soutien de leurs alliés turcs et saoudiens aux groupes jihadistes ? Quelles garanties peuvent donner les Américains ? Je ne le pense pas.

    Article dans le Guardian qui laisse entendre qu’il y aura une entente dans la #course_vers_Raqqa :
    US and Russia planning military coordination against ISIS in Syria

    Signs of wider military cooperation in Syria have emerged as Russia revealed that discussions have taken place about coordinating the liberation of the Islamic State stronghold of Raqqa in conjunction with the US.

    Russia and the US have slowly been working more closely in the wake of the partial Russian withdrawal of its aircraft from Syria, including an agreement last week to press President Bashar al-Assad to hold talks with the opposition about a political transition once peace talks recommence after 9 April in Geneva.

    Russia and the US are discussing “concrete” military coordination to liberate the Isis stronghold of Raqqa, Interfax news agency cited the Russian deputy foreign minister, Oleg Syromolotov, as saying on Wednesday. The revelation follows visits to Moscow this month by the US secretary of state, John Kerry, and CIA head John Brennan.

  • CIA head in Moscow this month, discussed Assad leaving power - RIA

    The director of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency raised the issue of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad leaving power when he visited Moscow at the start of March, RIA news agency said on Monday, citing the U.S. Embassy in Russia.

    CIA Director John Brennan also discussed the observance of the ceasefire in Syria, the news agency said.

    Dean Boyd, the CIA’s chief spokesman, confirmed to Reuters that Brennan had visited Moscow in early March and that Syrian issues were on the agenda. It is unusual for the CIA publicly to discuss its chief’s travels or the subjects of his discussions with foreign officials.

  • Les attentats de Paris sont « un échec des renseignements » pour le patron de la CIA
    le 15/02/2016

    Lors de cette interview, John Brennan rappelle que « tous les terroristes, exceptés un, étaient des citoyens français, entraînés par l’organisation Etat islamique en Syrie. Ils sont revenus [sur le sol français] sans se faire remarquer et ont attaqué six lieux différents, tuant 130 personnes ». Si le patron de la CIA pointe ici une défaillance, il a toutefois souligné que « les services de renseignements ont aussi empêché de nombreux agents [de l’EI] d’entrer en Europe ».

  • Pour le directeur de la CIA, les attentats de Paris révèlent un échec des services de renseignements — RT en français

    Trois mois après les attentats de Paris qui ont tué 130 personnes, le directeur de la CIA John Brennan a accordé une interview à la chaîne CBS News dans laquelle il évoque une faille des renseignements français.

    « Paris a été un échec des services de renseignement. Tous sauf un des huit terroristes étaient des citoyens français, formés par Daesh en Syrie. Ils sont revenus, inaperçus, et ont attaqué six endroits tuant 130 personnes », déplore le directeur de la CIA John Brennan. Ce dernier affirme même que les renseignements américains savaient que l’organisation terroriste projetait de commettre un attentat dans la capitale française. Mais l’utilisation par le commando de « moyens de communication inaccessibles aux forces de sécurité », a empêché d’éviter le drame.

  • Hacker Publishes Personal Info of 20,000 FBI Agents | Motherboard

    Michael Adams, an information security expert who served more than two decades in the US Special Operations Command, criticized the US government for its failure to protect data, especially in the aftermath of the embarrassing and damaging hack on OPM, the government agency that handles employee information.

    “What has anybody in the United States government learned?” Adams told Motherboard in a phone interview. “They’re not doing information security fundamentals, obviously. It’s just fucking unacceptable.”

    This latest data dump comes on the heels of a long series of attacks on US government employees. In October, a group of hackers calling itself “Crackas With Attitude” (CWA) broke into the AOL email of CIA director John Brennan. The hacktivists then targeted several other high-profile government employees, including the US spy chief James Clapper, a White House official, and others.

    Last year the hacktivists were also able to break into a US law enforcement portal, gaining access to a series of information sharing tools. This hack allegedly allowed them to download one or more databases of US government employees. In November, the CWA hackers released two lists of law enforcement agents from several departments, one containing around 2,300 names, and another containing almost 1,500 names. Both lists seemed incomplete, given that they were in alphabetical order and only included names starting with the first letters of the alphabet.

    The CWA hackers appear to have shared the databases stolen last year with others. In January, another group of cybercriminals released a list of 80 police officers from Miami, Florida.

    #USA #sécurité #surveillance #hacker #CIA #FBI

  • Can we define terror, or should we let terrorism define us?

    The labeling of terrorism, therefore, is a political accusation of the state against which it is aimed: this authority isn’t legitimate and is oppressive. Considering Mandela a terrorist, at the time, meant supporting the apartheid regime of South Africa against an insurgency hell-bent on destroying the status quo.

    Yet, despite this acknowledgement that crimes of occupation, crimes of aggression, and state corruption are causes of political violence, international bodies of law, by treaty or doctrine, never define terrorism.

    Do you want… John Brennan to define terrorism? (Reuters)

    Do you want… Tony Abbott to define terrorism? (TheAustralian)
    Do you want… James Clapper to (unwittingly) define terrorism?


  • Après les attentats du 13 novembre, Jeb Bush demande le rétablissement des pouvoirs de la NSA

    D’autres responsables politiques en profitent pour accuser l’ancien espion américain Edward #Snowden d’avoir aidé les terroristes quand il a dévoilé en 2013 les programmes secrets de surveillance de la NSA américaine et du CGHQ britannique. Le directeur de la CIA, John Brennan, estime que d’autres attentats sont sans doute en préparation contre des pays occidentaux. Mais, selon lui, il est devenu plus difficile de les déjouer, car les groupes militants ont amélioré la sécurité de leurs communications à la suite de « révélations non autorisées ».

    En Grande-Bretagne, le maire de Londres, Boris Johnson, très influent au sein du Parti conservateur, a déclaré dans un article publié par le quotidien Daily Telegraph : « Pour certains, le lanceur d’alerte Edward Snowden est un héros – pas pour moi. Il est tout à fait clair que ses révélations ont permis aux pires gens vivant sur cette planète d’apprendre à éviter de se faire prendre. Quand l’affaire des massacres de #Paris sera élucidée, j’aimerais comprendre comment tant d’agents clandestins ont pu comploter et attaquer différents lieux, sans que leurs discussions électroniques soient interceptées par la police. Je veux que ces gens soient efficacement espionnés, ou surveillés. Et je parie que vous aussi, vous voulez la même chose. »

    Metadata Surveillance Didn’t Stop the Paris Attacks

    Et elles (les #métadonnées) ne l’auraient pas pu, dit l’auteure,

    The United States and United Kingdom’s metadata collection that focuses on the Middle East and Europe is far more extensive than the phone dragnet being shut down later this month, and its use has far more permissive rules. This dragnet is mostly limited by technology, not law. And France—which rewrote its surveillance laws after the Charlie Hebdo attack earlier this year—has its own surveillance system. Both are in place, yet neither detected the Nov. 13 plot. This means they failed to alert authorities to the people they should more closely target via both electronic and physical #surveillance. In significant part, this system appears to have failed before it even got to the stage at which investigators would need to worry about terrorists’ use of encryption.

  • WikiLeaks - CIA Director John Brennan emails

    Today, 21 October 2015 and over the coming days WikiLeaks is releasing documents from one of CIA chief John Brennan’s non-government email accounts. Brennan used the account occasionally for several intelligence related projects.

    John Brennan became the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency in March 2013, replacing General David Petraeus who was forced to step down after becoming embroiled in a classified information mishandling scandal. Brennan was made Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism on the commencement of the Obama presidency in 2009—a position he held until taking up his role as CIA chief.

    According to the CIA Brennan previously worked for the agency for a 25 year stretch, from 1980 to 2005.

    Brennan went private in 2005-2008, founding an intelligence and analysis firm The Analysis Corp (TAC). In 2008 Brennan became a donor to Obama. The same year TAC, led by Brennan, became a security advisor to the Obama campaign and later that year to the Obama-Biden Transition Project. It is during this period many of the Obama administration’s key strategic policies to China, Iran and “Af-Pak” were formulated. When Obama and Biden entered into power, Brennan was lifted up on high, resulting in his subsequent high-level national security appointments.

    If you have similar official documents that have not been published yet

  • 10月22日のツイート

    Top story: Quantum Theory Experiment Said to Prove ‘Spooky’ Interactions…, see more posted at 10:22:22

    Papier is out!… Stories via @Donjipez @carlagastal @_blondeblueeyes posted at 09:15:01

    Top story: WikiLeaks - CIA Director John Brennan emails, see more posted at 06:36:44

    Top story: Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes Goes on Stage at WSJDLive 2015 — Live ……, see more posted at 04:34:20

    Top story: Fujifilm Unveils a Weather Resistant 35mm f/2 and a 1.4x Teleconvert……, see more posted at 02:28:32

    La vie de tous les jours dans un camp (...)

  • #Etats-Unis. Comment un adolescent a piraté la messagerie du directeur de la #CIA

    Le 18 octobre, le New York Post révélait qu’un adolescent avait hacké la messagerie électronique privée de John Brennan, le directeur de la CIA. Trois jours plus tard, Wired en dit plus sur la façon dont le jeune homme a procédé.
    #internet #sécurité #piratage

  • Politics, Power, and Preventive Action » Does U.S. Foreign Policy Spur National Security Threats?

    Yesterday on “Face the Nation,” CIA Director John Brennan made an unnoticed but significant acknowledgement about the conduct and consequences of U.S. foreign policy and the ongoing war on terrorism. Asked whether President Obama “seems to be just trying to buy time here, that he’s not ready to make a full commitment here in this war on terrorism and basically is just trying to keep things together well enough that he can leave it to the next president to resolve it. Do you see that?” Brennan responded:

    I don’t see anything like that. I’ve been involved in this administration in different capacities for the last six and a half years and there has been a full court effort to try to keep this country safe. Dealing with some of these problems in the Middle East, whether you’re talking about Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Libya, others, these are some of the most complex and complicated issues that I’ve seen in my thirty-five years, working on national security issues. So there are no easy solutions.

    I think the president has tried to make sure that we’re able to push the envelope when we can to protect this country. But we have to recognize that sometimes our engagement and direct involvement will stimulate and spur additional threats to our national security interests.

    What makes this concluding sentence so extraordinary is that it is—to my knowledge—an unprecedented recognition by a senior official about how U.S. counterterrorism activities can increase direct threats to the United States and its “national security interests.”

  • Politics, Power, and Preventive Action » CIA Director: We’re Winning the War on Terror, But It Will Never End

    Last night, Director of Central Intelligence John Brennan participated in a question-and-answer session at Harvard Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics. The first thirty-seven minutes consisted of an unusually probing exchange between Brennan and Harvard professor Graham Allison (full disclosure: Graham is a former boss of mine). Most notably, between 19:07 and 29:25 in the video, Allison pressed Brennan repeatedly about whether the United States is winning the war on terrorism and why the number of al-Qaeda-affiliated groups has only increased since 9/11: “There seem to be more of them than when we started…How are we doing?”

    Brennan replied:

    If I look across the board in terms of since 9/11 at terrorist organizations, and if the United States in all of its various forms. In intelligence, military, homeland security, law enforcement, diplomacy. If we were not as engaged against the terrorists, I think we would be facing a horrendous, horrendous environment. Because they would have taken full advantage of the opportunities that they have had across the region…

    We have worked collectively as a government but also with our international partners very hard to try and root many of them out. Might some of these actions be stimulants to others joining their ranks? Sure, that’s a possibility. I think, though it has taken off of the battlefield a lot more terrorists, than it has put on.

  • Will France Repeat US Mistakes after 9/11? | Consortiumnews

    Here’s the revealing exchange between Thomas and John Brennan, who was then White House counterterrorism adviser and is now CIA director:

    Thomas: “And what is the motivation? We never hear what you find out on why.”

    Brennan: “Al Qaeda is an organization that is dedicated to murder and wanton slaughter of innocents… They attract individuals like Mr. Abdulmutallab and use them for these types of attacks. He was motivated by a sense of religious sort of drive. Unfortunately, al Qaeda has perverted Islam, and has corrupted the concept of Islam, so that he’s (sic) able to attract these individuals. But al Qaeda has the agenda of destruction and death.”

    Thomas: “And you’re saying it’s because of religion?”

    Brennan: “I’m saying it’s because of an al Qaeda organization that used the banner of religion in a very perverse and corrupt way.”

    Thomas: “Why?”

    Brennan: “I think this is a — long issue, but al Qaeda is just determined to carry out attacks here against the homeland.”

    Thomas: “But you haven’t explained why.”


  • Sommé de révéler ses sources sur la #CIA, un journaliste du « New York Times » va « continuer à se battre »

    Les procureurs poursuivent M. #Risen depuis 2006, réclamant qu’il confirme le nom d’un homme qu’ils estiment être sa source dans son livre State of War, sur la CIA et l’administration Bush. M. Risen refuse notamment sa convocation pour témoigner au procès d’un ancien responsable de la CIA, Jeffrey Sterling, accusé d’avoir rendu publiques des informations confidentielles. Au début de juin, la Cour suprême des Etats-Unis avait refusé de se saisir de l’affaire, maintenant donc l’injonction faite au journaliste.

    C’est bien pire en fait,

    Where’s the Justice at Justice ? -

    Attorney General Eric Holder wants to force Risen to testify and reveal the identity of his confidential source on a story he had in his 2006 book concerning a bungled C.I.A. operation during the Clinton administration in which agents might have inadvertently helped Iran develop its nuclear weapon program. The tale made the C.I.A. look silly, which may have been more of a sore point than a threat to national security.

    But Bush officials, no doubt still smarting from Risen’s revelation of their illegal wiretapping, zeroed in on a disillusioned former C.I.A. agent named Jeffrey Sterling as the source of the Iran story.

    The subpoena forcing Risen’s testimony expired in 2009 , and to the surprise of just about everybody, the constitutional law professor’s administration renewed it — kicking off its strange and awful aggression against reporters and whistle-blowers.

    Holder said in May that “no reporter who is doing his job is going to go to jail,” trying to show some leg and signal that his intention is benign, merely to put pressure on Sterling so that he will plead guilty before his trial.

    The president and the attorney general both spoke nobly about the First Amendment after two reporters were arrested in Ferguson, Mo., while covering the racial protests in the wake of Michael Brown’s death.

    Obama said that “here, in the United States of America, police should not be bullying or arresting journalists who are just trying to do their jobs and report to the American people on what they see on the ground.”

    Holder seconded the sentiment, saying that “journalists must not be harassed or prevented from covering a story that needs to be told.”

    So why don’t they back off Risen? It’s hard to fathom how the president who started with the press fluffing his pillows has ended up trying to suffocate the press with those pillows.

    How can he use the Espionage Act to throw reporters and whistle-blowers in jail even as he defends the intelligence operatives who “tortured some folks,” and coddles his C.I.A. chief, John Brennan, who spied on the Senate and then lied to the senators he spied on about it?

    “It’s hypocritical,” Risen said. “A lot of people still think this is some kind of game or signal or spin. They don’t want to believe that #Obama wants to crack down on the press and whistle-blowers. But he does. He’s the greatest enemy to press freedom in a generation .”
