person:kevin maney

  • How to fuck up America :
    #Trump has a brilliant plan to turn Silicon Valley into a desert.
    (by a sarcastic Kevin Maney)

    1. Humble the Technology Industry

    Well, apparently we need to stop immigrants from coming here so there’s more room for Americans to start tech companies. That’s how it works, right? Why would we want people with good ideas from India or Ireland or Israel coming over to build tech companies? Let them do it at home.

    2. Dismiss Alternative Energy

    In the new regime, oil is better. So is coal. There’s no global warming. No carbon-burning problem. That’s why it’s brilliant to make Rex Tillerson the secretary of state, so he can negotiate better oil deals for us, and give the Department of Energy to Rick Perry, who would like to kill it. You can’t spell America without carbon—or at least some of it.

    3. Derail Health Care

    New artificial intelligence technology can help doctors sift through millions of pages of medical research and match it to data about a patient to diagnose diseases way better than ever. If U.S. companies get this stuff right and lead such tech advances, they will drive the economy for years.

    But that seems to weird out the new regime. Better to preserve traditions: the swamped family doctor, the half-day sitting in waiting rooms reading old copies of O magazine, the prostate exam.
    If millennials want to stay healthy, the new regime is singling, they can abandon the uninsured path of entrepreneurship and instead work at a company that offers health benefits

    4. Ignore Russian Hacking

    the Russians are now our friends. They wouldn’t steal our data or harm our systems. And other countries like North Korea or Iran can’t possibly be smart enough to follow Russia’s lead and do damage. So there’s no data security threat to address. We’ll be fine.

    5. Shift Resources From Cities to Small Towns and Rural Areas

    Cities have a lot of wealthy folks and artists and people who were born in other countries. The trend is toward moving to cities
    But the new regime doesn’t want the future. It won by promising the past.

    So too bad, cities. Rural and small town America kicked your butts this time. Cities can bend over and kiss their federal resources goodbye.

  • Faut-il vraiment apprendre à coder ? - New Yorker

    Devons-nous soumettre tous les élèves de chaque école au nouvel impératif du code ?, s’interrogent le psychologue Gary Marcus et l’informaticien Ernest Davis pour le New Yorker. Et bien pas si l’on pense que la #programmation va disparaître, comme l’évoque le journaliste Kevin Maney dans Newsweek. D’ici 2030, il ne servira plus à rien de programmer… Il suffira de dire à nos machines ce que nous voulons qu’elles fassent, comme l’imagine le projet MUSE, de la Darpa. La programmation sera devenue aussi essentielle que l’écriture cursive… Mais l’auto-programmation a-t-elle une réelle avenir ? Nul n’entend plus parler du projet de programmation intentionnelle de Charles Simonyi, et les informaticiens rêvent de programmation automatique depuis des décennies. L’informatique n’a cessé de chercher à se simplifier, (...)
